The ability to write a competitive and strong tender submission requires preparation, planning and time. A bid/tender apprenticeship can enable you to plan and prepare effectively to increase your success rates.
The role of bid and proposal professionals is integral to how businesses win work. A key part of the sales and business development function, is that a bid and proposal professional works across various business teams to bring together compelling, customer focused proposals and tender submissions to win business.
Apprenticeships are proven to be a cost effective way for employers to develop their own talent and to ensure the sustainability of their workforce.
Here are some of the many business benefits of taking on an apprentice:
- A more engaged workforce - 92%of companies who employ an apprentice believe apprenticeships lead to a more motivated and satisfied workforce• Increased competitiveness - 80% of companies employing apprentices agree they make the workplace more productive• A better image; improved customer satisfaction - 81% of consumers favour a company that employs apprentices • Lower staff turnover, fewer skills-related vacancies and reduced recruitment costs - 83% of companies who employ apprentices rely on their apprenticeship programme to provide the skilled workers they need for the future.