Charles Grosstephan, our Bid Training and Consultancy Manager, muses on the oft-asked question....
To be honest, this is a genuine question, although perhaps asked by those who are not directly involved in writing a bid. The next comment, usually made by the same person asking the question: “It’s just like the last ones you’ve done”. Normally then followed up with “You’ll be able to get it done this afternoon. I can look at it in the morning and we’ll submit it”, accompanied by a smile/wink/smirk/quick exit.Sound familiar to anyone?
It’s a very common thought, or, more realistically, misconception. Forget, for a moment, the bid pipeline work, the pre-bid work and the (usually based on gut feeling) bid/no bid process – writing a bid takes a serious amount of time and effort, which someone has to invest! There are a number of factors that come into play when writing a bid and most certainly, todays bid is NOT the same as yesterday’s bid.- Chances are, the buyer will be different and will, therefore, want slightly different things. Here’s an analogy – you and another person both go to a restaurant as you are both hungry. What are the chances of you both ordering exactly the same food and drink? You have the same goal to satisfy hunger; achieved with a different approach.
- Today’s bid will have a different word count to yesterday’s bid, which will impact on how much information you need to provide and write about (making sure everything adds value and is credible!).
- The current bid is a hard copy submission (although becoming rare), wheras yesterday’s bid was an email submission. The one before was a portal submission.
- You were the incumbent on yesterday’s bid but not on this new one (think defence and attack).
- Today’s bid has 15 specific questions; yesterday’s had 10, meaning the need for more work and time.
- This bid is a 60/40 technical/commercial split; yesterday’s was 70/30.
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