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Bolton homeless bag drop 2017

Nov 07, 2017

It's no secret that the number of people sleeping rough in the UK is rising. It becomes more and more obvious if you spend time walking through the countries towns and cities. MD of Thornton & Lowe Dave Thornton noticed the same as he spent time heading through the town centre at lunch or running the odd errand. With this visible increase in the number of people living homeless on the streets of Bolton, he decided, now it is coming into winter and the temperature dropping fairly rapidly he wanted to do something to help. The idea of a bag of supplies came to his mind. Dave and wife Cassie then spent a number of weeks thinking about the right things to add to the bag. The list included a warm jumper, warm socks, biscuits, dog food (if they had a canine companion), energy bars etc and £10 towards anything they needed. Dave invited the team to head out and look round the town centre of Bolton to help. It didn't take long enough to find the first person who was living in the archway across from the Wilko's store. Matt Tomkin, Director of Tao Digital Marketing part of the Thornton & Lowe group was the first to hand out his bag. "It feels good to be able to do even a tiny amount to help people within our community!" The image below shows Emily, left and Jenny, right from the team at Thornton & Lowe heading out to hand out their bags. Homeless Bag Drop 2017

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