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CCS Procurement Bid Writing for Frameworks

Chris turner

Written by Chris Turner


Jan 11, 2023

If you’re looking to join the Framework game in 2023, then look no further than the Crown Commercial Service (CCS). CCS is the largest public procurement service in the UK, currently listing 2,561 suppliers over 115 agreements totalling an enormous £2.8 billion per year. This work is spread over 17,000 customer organisations, meaning more opportunities for contract awards than you could otherwise dream of tendering for!

Created to help buyers procure goods and services from the central government, this framework for public procurement is a stable and regulated option that draws upon national buying power. With opportunities for sole traders through to multinational corporations, CCS provides a vast amount of opportunity for suppliers of any size.

Ensuring high-quality service delivery, CCS uses competition among suppliers to increase quality and value for buyers. This means that you need to be the best in the game and have done your research on your competitors. However, once you’ve put the work in and gained framework placement if awarded contracts these can be extremely lucrative.

Don’t be disheartened from applying for the CCS framework award if you don’t win the first time around: By offering up to unlimited contract extension and opportunities for the direct award (buyers choosing you as their supplier without having to go through the tender process for contracts), competition for the award is fierce as the rewards of successful tendering for CCS framework can be huge. The important thing to remember is that competition is tough for a reason. For help before and during the tendering process, get in touch to speak with a member of our Bid Writing team.

Putting your company in the best place for contract award, first understand what CCS is trying to achieve

A hotly debated topic, public procurement at its core is interested in cost-efficient procurement for taxpayers. This means getting the most value for money out of public taxes to spend on public services.

Whittling potential suppliers down to an approved list, CCS produces a ‘ready to go’ list of suppliers who have proven themselves to be the best value for money and compliant with strict regulations. Immediately reducing costs through fewer administrative procedures, the way to approach tendering for this framework is to demonstrate why your company should be awarded, based on the principles of being the ‘Most Economically Advantageous Tender’ (MEAT). This doesn’t necessarily mean being the cheapest option but proving throughout your responses how your costs are justified by your service delivery. This can be proven through methods such as:

  • Innovative service offerings
  • Qualifications that set you apart from the competition
  • Service delivery that goes beyond the requirements and can be proven to add value (perhaps by solving issues that may otherwise cost them more money to fix)

One thing to consider when tendering for a CCS framework award is how pricing works in relation to the number of goods/services procured. Buyers get competitive prices because suppliers can sell large volumes of their products and services to UK public sector organisations as though they were supplying a single customer. Working with this in mind, increase your chance of contract award by ensuring that you can realistically provide the scale of services required for lots you tender for.

“But I’m just a Small Medium Enterprise (SME), how can I compete against multinational organisations?”, I hear you ask.

The UK Government is committed to procuring 33% of its services from SMEs annually. This means that 1 in 3 contracts will be awarded to an SME just like yours. Pitching odds such as these alongside the SME's ability to meet the needs of buyers more flexibly, the Framework and its contracts is more accessible than you might think!

Why should I sell my services through CCS?

Selling on average £2.8 billion pounds of goods and services to the public sector per year, an award on the CCS framework comes with the prestige of reliability and contract security.

Unlike private sector contracts, the public sector is strictly regulated and protects suppliers against issues such as buyer’s companies dissolving or cancelling contracts midway through. A public contract award is a secure way to maintain revenue for the duration of the contract, and the least risky form of contract to hold.

With many opportunities for a contract extension (with some having no caps), providing a great service and keeping your buyer happy could mean guaranteed income without the stress of continuous retendering.

As part of its strict regulation, CCS ensures payment to suppliers within 30 days. Adding a layer of transparency around contract dealings, and having agreed terms protected by the Framework body prevents issues such as breaking contractual agreements and delayed payments, making the process easier and more appealing for SMEs to take part in.

By abolishing Pre-Qualification Questionnaires (PQQs) for low-value contracts (contracts under £100,000), CCS allows SMEs to focus their efforts on the Invitation To Tender stage (ITT) with less disruption to their everyday workload. Relieving you of the burden of PQQs, you can focus your efforts on proving why and how you can deliver your service without worrying about pre-determined selection criteria. In plain speak, this means that you can tender for the opportunities you want under £100,000 without having to first be approved. This will save you time and resources.

A further feather in the cap of SMEs, public sector procurers often see SMEs as flexible, quick to react and offer better prices. Sending this message through your responses by highlighting examples of where you have met certain specification requirements and how you will meet the requests of the buyer, flexible service delivery may help charm your way onto the framework.

This all sounds well and good, but what actually is a Framework?

Frameworks can range from small and sector or regionally specific to large and multinational in reach. However, all frameworks are the same in essence.

Thinking of frameworks as member-only shopping lists, they are collections of tender opportunities (shopping aisles) with pre-approved suppliers (products) for buyers to choose from. Like Tesco selling a set selection of products, suppliers are pre-selected by the Framework Authority to make finding the right service easy for buyers.

Kind of like Costco where members get special rates on products that aren’t available elsewhere, the benefit to buyers purchasing through frameworks is that they are automatically presented with the best value, and all the haggling has been done for them.

CCS provides information on upcoming, present and past opportunities, allowing suppliers to research their competitors, the kinds of service delivery required, and upcoming opportunities that they may like to tender for. A list of these upcoming opportunities can be found here.

To demonstrate the vast scope of sectors represented on CCS, below are a few examples of the kinds of works that can be tendered at any particular time. Note: You will see a reference to ‘lots’ mentioned in the descriptions. This means that the opportunity for contract award is open to more than 1 buyer and covers more than 1 scope. Whilst successful suppliers will have to apply to the lots they wish to win, choosing lots with more opportunities for contract awards boosts your chances of success.

Framework title

Brief description



G Cloud 13

Agreement number: RM1557.13

Split into 3 lots, this framework is used to procure a diverse range of cloud-based computing services. 40% of the total spend thus far has been with SMEs.

5,006 suppliers have been awarded a place on this framework, with over 40,000 services available for customers.

Over the lifetime of the G Cloud framework, £1.5 billion worth of services has been bought through this framework. To date, the biggest spend area is Professional Services.

This framework is due for renewal on 08/11/2023 for G Cloud 14.

More information on G Cloud 13 can be found here and tips for framework win here.

Around £150 million per year

G Cloud 13

Digital Outcomes 6

Agreement number: RM1043.8

A 24-month agreement, Digital Outcomes 6 lists user-centred digital design services. These services are not limited to UK-based suppliers, and suppliers keep the intellectual property rights for all bespoke developments.

Services can be provided by sole traders through large corporations, with a specific focus on meeting the UK Government’s aim to commit 33% of procured services from SMEs.

This framework supports subcontracted services and is split into 3 lots. Agreements are made for a maximum of 2 years with an optional extension of 25%.

Digital Outcomes 6 next renews on 27/06/2024.

£813 million

Digital Outcomes 6

Facilities Management Marketplace (FM)

Agreement ID: RM3830

Used to procure services such as maintenance, cleaning and security, this framework lists 40 suppliers that deliver 15 services over 3 lots.

FM helps SMEs quickly gain contract award based on providing the lowest price for contracts up to £1.5 million, with further non-direct awards placed on contracts with no maximum value.

Suppliers are awarded partially on geographical coverage (1 successful supplier per region of the UK as defined by the Nomenclature of Territorial Statistics) meaning that competition may be tough for framework award, but that no direct competition will be experienced for the duration of the framework, once awarded.

This framework is next due to renew on 09/04/2023.

Around £9 million

Facilities Management Marketplace

Media Services

Agreement ID: RM6123

Replacing RM6003 Media Buying, the Media Services Framework runs for 4 years and lists 10 suppliers to deliver services over 5 lots.

The types of services delivered on this contract include, but are not limited to:

  • Advertising space
  • Partnerships
  • Out-of-home advertising
  • Agency audit services
  • Monetising advertising estates

Whilst there are no opportunities for extension, opportunities for direct award are available to suppliers under lots 1 and 3.

This framework next renews on 13/12/2025.

£16 million

Media Services

Occupational Health, Employee Assistance Programmes and Eye Care Services

Agreement ID: RM6182

Providing solutions to a range of occupational health services, 16 suppliers over 11 lots deliver services that reflect the needs and requirements of the modern and diverse workforce.

Lot 4 is regional, meaning that suppliers will have to demonstrate the ability to provide lots within at least 1 of 7 sub-lots. These regions are:

  1. London
  2. South
  3. Midlands and East of England
  4. Northern England
  5. Wales
  6. Northern Ireland
  7. Scotland

Replacing the Occupational Health, Employee Assistance Programmes and Eye Care (RM3795), this framework runs for 4 years.

Whilst there is no formal opportunity to extend, happy buyers can extend call-off agreements past the framework expiry date without limitation. This means that you could, in theory, win a continuous contract.

This framework allows direct award by buyers and is specifically accessible to SMEs given the regional award criteria.

This framework is next due to renew on 22/03/2025.

£220 million (excluding VAT)

Occupational Health, Employee Assistance Programmes and Eye Care Services

Office Supplies

Agreement ID: RM6059

This agreement is split into 3 lots shared between 11 suppliers for the provision of office supplies. This includes some PPE but is not designed for close contact with confirmed or suspected Covid-19 patients.

The direct award is available for lots 1 and 3, and all lots are bound to the same 2-year agreement with 2 optional extensions of 12 months each.

Some suppliers for this agreement have agreed to share Carbon Reduction Plans in line with the Policy Procurement Notice (06/21).

This framework is next due for renewal on 05/04/2024.

£1.3 million

Office Supplies

Payment Acceptance

Agreement ID: RM6118

This framework provides a range of payment acceptance services including:

  • Card acquiring and gateway services
  • Payment equipment
  • Alternative payment methods (APMs)
  • Payment initiation services (PISP)
  • Specialist payment consultancy services

Split into 6 lots shared between 15 suppliers, this is a 3-year contract with an optional 1-year extension.

The framework next renews on 02/02/2024.

£309 million

Payment Acceptance

CCS Bid Writing Top Tips

Writing winning tenders since 2009, we have compiled some of our top tips for securing placement on the CCS framework.

  1. Proofread your Selection Questionnaire (SQ): A mix of self-declared statements, the SQ requires suppliers to self-assess their professional, financial and technical (amongst others) ability to perform the contracted works. Whilst this can appear at first a minefield of technical jargon, it is important to get right as many of the required fields are pass/fail. For help completing these documents, speak to our Bid Writers.
  2. Provide evidence throughout your bid: CCS representatives will want proof that your company will be of value to their buyers through references and examples. Make sure that your examples are correct and legitimate, as falsifications can result in immediate disqualification.
  3. Read the specification and familiarise yourself with the framework agreement: To prove you can provide the greatest value for money, you will want to explain how you will meet the requirements of the specification for each lot. This may take some time, so make sure you set aside enough time before you begin the writing process to avoid rushing and to give you enough time to conduct any research.
  4. Apply separately for each lot: You may find that you are wanting to apply for multiple lots from the same buyer. To do so, you will have to apply for each lot individually. This will mean writing responses for each lot that are bespoke to the differences of lot requirements. To save time, you can reuse relevant information in responses, but make sure that at every stage you tailor this info to the requirements and question asked.
  1. Give yourself the best chance of being selected: For some companies, it may take several years before framework placement is awarded. Given that CCS agreements tend to last between 2-10 years, missing out can lead to long periods of waiting and frustration. To put yourself in the best position to win, familiarise yourself with Contracts Finder (where all UK tender opportunities are published) and keep up to date with upcoming CCS opportunities. For more personalised opportunities, check out Tender Pipeline. Many SMEs find it easier and less stressful to hire a Bid Writer to handle the tendering process. Alternatively, they may like to invest in Bid Writing training to provide them with the skills and knowledge to produce strong and competitive bids.

Common requirements for CCS

As part of your bid for the CCS framework, you will be required to complete a mandatory Standard Selection Questionnaire document which is split into three parts:

Part number


Part 1

This covers basic information about you, including:

  • Your contact details
  • Trade memberships
  • Details of any parent companies
  • Details of any group bidding

Part 2

This covers a self-declaration to confirm whether any exclusion grounds apply, for example:

  • Fraud
  • Corruption

Part 3

This covers a delf-declaration to confirm that you meet the selection criteria in respect of financial standing and technical capacity. This includes:

  • Economic and financial standing: CCS will ask for evidence to demonstrate your financial stability. This is usually in the form of accounts
  • Technical and professional availability: You’ll need to provide Case Studies of your experience in providing the required services/products. Any information around KPIs, testimonials and volumes of work you currently deliver will be in this section
  • Insurance levels: These are usually set out at £5 million, as a minimum, for Employers’, Public and Professional Liability

From what we know about CCS Frameworks, holding a valid and current Cyber Essentials Certificate is also an essential requirement. This must be either a Cyber Essentials Basic Certificate or the Cyber Essentials Plus Certificate. From the previous iteration, suppliers on Lot 4 for Information Assured Products are also required to be List X accredited.

Using Thornton and Lowe for CCS tender support

We know that our clients have what it takes to win, and we champion the SMEs that make it happen. With a framework success rate in excess of 90% and 95% client retention, get in touch and let us be the voice that helps you to secure your CCS framework award today.

We have found working with the team at Thornton & Lowe to be excellent - their patience, attention to detail and professionalism throughout the entire process was greatly appreciated. We would highly recommend Thornton & Lowe to any company looking to secure more business." - Cantium Business Solutions

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NHS2265 - IESO Digital Health 24-25
UK PL31 2QN, UK Cornwall Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

The Authority intends to award a contract to an existing provider following Direct Award Process C under the Provider Selection Regime (PSR).The publication of this notice marks the start of the standstill period. Representations by providers must be made to decision makers by 12 midnight on 29/01/25 via email to: This was a competitive selection process through the Crown Commercial Service- G Cloud 14, Lot 2, Agreement number: RM1557.14 Start date: 29/10/2024 End date: 28/04/2026 The contract is for the provision of online typed and video cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). Delivering a 1:1 service with BABCP accredited therapist. Contract start date: December 2024 Contract end date: December 2025 Estimated Total contract value: £66,360 Decision maker: Service Clinical Lead No Conflicts of interest were declared

Published: 2025-01-17
GB-Gosport: OPA/T670 - CCS Framework RM6187/Lot 6 - Supply of Consultancy Services To Provide End-to-End Procurement Consultancy Services
British Oversea Territories UK Oil and Pipelines Agency

The OPA are looking for HR Consultancy Services to advise the Executive Team and Improve our End-to-End Procurement processAdditional information: The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement.

Value: 25000
Published: 2024-06-19T00:00:00Z
25000 2024-06-19T00:00:00Z
Supply Chain Mechanism for Carbon Capture and Storage on the Seabed
UK Edinburgh Crown Estate Scotland

This Invitation to Tender ("ITT") initiates a call to appoint a consultancy to provide advice to Crown Estate Scotland (“CES”) on a supply chain requirement to be incorporated to seabed agreements for Carbon Capture and Storage (“CCS”). This work will be delivered by a written report, preceded by a workshop during which the findings will be presented. Three deliverables will be achieved in these estimated timescales:(1) Draft report: 8 weeks after kick-off meeting(2) Report presented to CES: 2 weeks after (1)(3) Final Report: 2 week after (2)

Value: 57500
Published: 2024-04-26
Deadline: 2024-05-28
57500 2024-04-26 2024-05-28
Energy Hub Phase 2 Scope 6 Port Infrastructure and CCS Integration
UK Aberdeen Net Zero Technology Centre Limited

Energy Hub Phase 2 Scope 6 Port Infrastructure and CCS Integration

Published: 2024-01-25
Deadline: 2024-02-16
2024-01-25 2024-02-16
Open Banking (Data, Digital Payments & Confirmation of Payee Services) DPS
UK Liverpool The Minister for the Cabinet Office acting through Crown Commercial Service

CCS is launching a DPS as a vehicle to facilitate central government and public sector access to Open Banking and related services.

Value: 800000000
Published: 2023-12-10
Deadline: 2032-01-07
800000000 2023-12-10 2032-01-07
IT Services Outsource Tender Via CCS Framework RM6100 Lot 4
UK Lewes East Sussex Fire Authority

East Sussex Fire Authority, of which East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service (ESFRS) are part, provides prevention, protection and response services to more than 800,000 people within the area of East Sussex and the City of Brighton & Hove. Our purpose is to make our communities safer.ESFRS' technology estate covers Head Office & Training Centre locations, plus 24 fire stations across East Sussex. It also includes operational mobilising technology, data centre presence in Guildford & Salfords, but excluding 999 control room services, which are provided by Surrey Joint Fire Control.We have published a PIN for 5 reasons:1 Early Notification2 Market Engagement3 Transparency4 Information Dissemination5 SME ParticipationThe contract is expected to last for 5 years, with an option to extend for up to 2 years. As an IT Service tender, potential suppliers will be required to show they can support and deliver a wide range of technology services. To encourage bids from SMEs we will allow consortium bids.ESFRS has defined three key stages under a new contract that are required to establish the service and then maintain the service in the medium to long term.1 Day one services – 8 categories, 72 services2 Transition of IT Services to new contract3 Transformation - including cloud migrationThe following lifecycle of the contract will be covered through the tender. Further details will be developed over the course of the procurement process.- Investigation- Transition- Establishment- Maintain- Transformation- Continual Service Improvement- Technology Leadership- Industry KnowledgeESFRS expects the winning bidder to be an integral part of the organisation, working in partnership with the IT Governance team, and other key business stakeholders, to ensure the delivery of effective IT & technology services.Current services fall into 8 categories.1 Application Support (Troubleshooting; Maintenance; Monitoring; Configuration; Security & Compliance; Bug Fixes; Backup & Recovery)2 Cloud Support (Technical Assistance; Configuration & Optimisation; Security & Compliance; Monitoring; Migration & Integration; Backup & Recovery)3 Datacentre Support (Infrastructure Management & Maintenance; Software Support; Security & Compliance; Monitoring & Troubleshooting; Backup & Recovery)4 IT Security Support (Risk Assessment; Infrastructure Setup; Incident Response; Monitoring; Awareness; Compliance & Governance; Vulnerability Management)5 Network Support (Setup & Configuration; Monitoring & Maintenance; Issue Resolution; Security; Upgrades)6 Operational Fire Support (Maintenance & Monitoring; Integration & Upgrades; Security; Risk Assessment & Compliance; Fault Diagnosis & Resolution; Data Management)7 Service Delivery (Strategy; Service Design; Service development; End User Devices; Service Transition; Service Levels; CRM)8 Service Management (Service Design & Transition; Service Operation; CSI; Change, Incident, Problem & IT Asset Management; SLA Management; Reporting)Some of the key principles that ESFRS would expect to underpin working in partnership would include:- A reduction in IT & technology costs in real terms over the medium to long term- Maximising the value from existing and new IT investment- Delivery of measurable improvements in technology performance & availability- Avoidance of the need to change on a "cost per unit" basis for services- Improving the service to operational & business stakeholders- Providing thought leadership in opportunities from emerging technologies- Encouraging technology cooperation & collaboration across fire & rescue services- Engagement with other emergency services and local authority stakeholders- Providing opportunities to enhance community fire safety thought public engagementWe are a community focused service and expect our suppliers to demonstrate their how they will deliver to sustainability, social res

Published: 2023-12-09
Target 190plus Synthetic Environment for the Design & Test of Signalling Solutions (Phase 2 & 3)
UK London Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd

The railway faces a major industry challenge, where the cost and volume of future signalling renewals is unsustainable. Over the next 15 years there is a need to deliver an increase of over 50% of the signalling renewals work at half the current price to achieve a sustainable, affordable railway that can meet customer needs and expectations.Britain must have a reliable, high performing railway that’s fit for the future, delivers financial value and provides operational performance in a safe and sustainable way. To reduce costs and increase access on the railway we are creating new ways of working and introducing new technology. The use of digital technology will improve the services to freight and passenger customers, causing less delays due to signalling failure and track closures for access to complete repairs and providing the opportunity for more trains to run where needed.We’re working across Industry to build a new approach for balancing research and development and engineering solutions with the needs of end users and customers.Target 190plus is a Network Rail Research & Development (R&D) programme that looks at the sustainability of the signalling systems on the network and the challenges these bring to the rail industry. It has the aim to reduce the current whole life cost of signalling from a unit rate of £419,000 to the required £190,000 by 2029 to enable the ETCS Long Term Deployment Plan to be achieved.Synthetic Environment is 1 of 29 projects, the programme will use to reduce costs, improve services for passengers and increase safety by automating signalling design processes, standardising system architectures, implementing faster renewals planning and introducing offsite testing and validation processes.Synthetic Environment Phase 1: concerned the development of detailed requirements for the SE, completed.This procurement event will seek a suitable supplier to deliver Phase 2 and 3 of theSynthetic Environment Project:Phase 2: Development of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for SE and shadow mode runningPhase 3: Full SE capable of delivering all the foreseen technologyand scope options for F-CCS projectsDetailed requirements within the published tender documents.

Value: 10000000
Published: 2023-09-19
Deadline: 2023-10-16
10000000 2023-09-19 2023-10-16
LBWF Neighbourhood & Environment IT System Replacement (CCS RM6259)
UK Walthamstow London Borough of Waltham Forest

The Procurement is being run under the further competition procedure of the Framework Agreement for CCS RM6259 Vertical Application Solutions, which is a formal bidding procedure, under which the contract is advertised, and all eligible organisations/consortium can bid. The ITT provides further details of the proposal and process for submitting Bids.

Published: 2023-08-30
Deadline: 2023-10-12
2023-08-30 2023-10-12
Couriers and Specialist Movements Services
UK Glasgow Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service

COPFS and Scottish Government have a joint procurement requirement for a courier and specialist movements services. This is being tendered against CCS Framework RM6171 lots 1 and 6. All contractors on these lots have ben contacted via electronic mail Friday 4th Aug 23.

Value: 1900000
Published: 2023-08-15
Deadline: 2023-09-04
1900000 2023-08-15 2023-09-04
Buying Better Food and Drink
UK Liverpool The Minister for the Cabinet Office acting through Crown Commercial Service

CCS are looking to procure a Food & Drink commercial solution: Free to use for all customers - Be simple, quick and easy to use for customers Support all food producers (including SMEs) in accessing public sector food opportunitiesSupport public sector food buyers in buying better quality, safer, sustainable food that meets The Government Buying Standards for FoodSupport public sector customers in meeting carbon net zero goals, by supporting sustainable food production and reducing carbon footprint.Support investment in local communities, equality and diversity, reduction in Modern Slavery risks, resource efficiencyOffer regional supply and local distribution networks This is a new agreement for CCS. There is no customer mandate for this agreement to be used.

Value: 100000000
Published: 2023-08-02
Deadline: 2023-09-11
100000000 2023-08-02 2023-09-11
Oracle Fusion Support
UK Swansea City & County of Swansea

Swansea Council (CCS) has recently implemented Oracle Fusion after using EBS for 17 years. As well as having an in-house Oracle support team, Swansea has a support partner providing technical and functional support for Level 2 and Level 3 for Oracle Fusion including patch management and testing, enhancement changes and fault fixes. This support is delivered primarily remotely.The internal Oracle Support team will be responsible for Level 1 support to the user communities. Providing a single point of contact for the reporting of all queries or issues. The in-house team will categorise issues and where necessary request additional support from the support partner for Level 2 & 3 support.

Published: 2023-07-11
Deadline: 2023-08-11
2023-07-11 2023-08-11
Telephony Contact Centre System Replacement - South Norfolk District Council and Broadland District Council
UK Norwich South Norfolk District Council

You are invited to tender for the provision, maintenance and support of our contact centre telephone system for South Norfolk Council and Broadland District Council ("The Councils) Procurement Ref: 165/SN/22. The tender will be in the form of a further competition in accordance with Crown Commercial Service’s (CCS) procurement framework RM3808 Lot 4. The contract will be awarded in accordance with the framework documentation.

Value: 397000
Published: 2023-06-14
Deadline: 2023-06-30
397000 2023-06-14 2023-06-30
Mini Competition -CCS RM6187 - Professional Services Support- EPF Initial Digital Resources
UK Glasgow Scottish Police Authority

ONLY APPOINTED CONTRACTORS UNDER THE CCS MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCY THREE RM6187 (MCF 3) Framework (Lot 1) MAY BID. As an appointed Contractor under the Framework Agreement Mini Competition under CCS Management Consultancy Three RM6187 (MCF 3) Framework (Lot 1) , you are invited by the Scottish Police Authority (known as “the Authority” of SPA hereafter) to participate in the Mini-Competition for Professional Services Support – EPF Initial Digital Resources.

Value: 1950000
Published: 2023-05-22
Deadline: 2023-06-08
1950000 2023-05-22 2023-06-08
TfGM PSTN Network Services
UK MANCHESTER Transport for Greater Manchester

TfGM is looking to award a contract for the various PSTN connections used at head office, bus stations and traffic signals via Crown Commercial Service Framework RM3808.

Published: 2023-03-28
Deadline: 2023-03-28
2023-03-28 2023-03-28
Technology Products and Associated Services 2
UK Liverpool The Minister for the Cabinet Office acting through Crown Commercial Service

Lot 1 may be more complex or larger in scale and/or a mixture of requirements that may include a combination of hardware, software and associated services.A framework contract will be awarded to a maximum of 15 bidders for Lot .The maximum number of bidders may increase where 2 or more bidders have tied scores in last position for the lot. Additionally, CCS reserves the right to award to any bidder whose final score is within 1% of the last position of the lot.

Value: 12000000000
Published: 2023-03-04
Deadline: 2023-04-04
12000000000 2023-03-04 2023-04-04
Quantity Surveying Framework Agreement
UK Edinburgh University Of Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh wishes to establish a four year Framework Agreement for the provision of Quantity Surveying Services. Projects types and services will include a mixture (but not limited to) of:- Project types: Alterations and refurbishment associated with new occupation, changes of and upgrade of facilities; Adaptations and extensions of existing buildings; Maintenance works and New build works (including demolition of existing buildings).- Services: Contract administration and employer’s representative services; Peer reviews and due diligence services; Facilitation of value engineering and risk workshops and supporting in the preparation of funding bids and supplying information for rating assessors and the like.This includes the provision of infrastructure works either when associated to the main project scope or as a standalone infrastructure project.The QS services shall include the preparation of a Bill of Quantities or a Contract Sum Analysis, Employer’s Requirements or a Schedule of Works, as appropriate dependent on procurement approach and University’s instruction/preference. The appointed QS consultant needs to have a thorough working knowledge of works contracts, for example but not limited to NEC, JCT and ICE and support the University in the use of a variety of procurement arrangements including collaborative working and framework arrangements, for example mini competitions using SCAPE and CCS framework agreements. The University may utilise Design Team and Contractor Framework Agreements and the service provider will need to familiarise themselves with the ethos and operational details of these Framework Agreements. In addition, the appointed QS should allow for regular and frequent project team meetings throughout the project, necessary for full co-ordination of the project.The procurement will utilise the 2 stage Restricted Procedure.Stage 1 - Single Procurement Document SPD (Scotland). The shortlisting decision shall be based on the requirement to pass any minimum standards (pass/fail) sections of the SPD as well as on the results of the scored questions listed in the PCS-T technical envelope. In addition, each supplier will require to undergo a financial turnover test specific to each Lot and have a minimum annual turnover for the last three years (to be detailed in the PCS contract notice and tender documents).Stage 2 - Invitation to Tender (ITT). The ITT will evaluate both the technical and cost elements. The cost and quality score will be combined to calculate the overall MEAT (most economically advantageous) score for each supplier.Objective Criteria for Shortlisting - SPD Section 4C scoring method:0 – Unacceptable. Nil or inadequate response. Fails to demonstrate previous experience/capacity/capability relevant to this criterion.1 – Poor. Response is partially relevant but generally poor. The response shows some elements of relevance to the criterion but contains insufficient/limited detail or explanation to demonstrate previous relevant experience/ capacity/capability.2 – Acceptable. Response is relevant and acceptable. The response demonstrates broad previous experience, knowledge and skills/capacity/capability but may lack in some aspects of similarity e.g. previous experience, knowledge or skills may not be of a similar nature.3 – Good. Response is relevant and good. The response is sufficiently detailed to demonstrate a good amount of experience, knowledge or skills/capacity/capability relevant to providing similar services to similar clients.4 – Excellent. Response is completely relevant and excellent overall. The response is comprehensive, unambiguous and demonstrates thorough experience, knowledge or skills/capacity/capability relevant to providing similar services to similar clients.Scored SPD Section 4C question weighting: 4C.1. Experience (60%), Quality and Accuracy (30%) Workfo

Value: 2700000
Published: 2023-02-11
Deadline: 2023-03-16
2700000 2023-02-11 2023-03-16
Quantity Surveying Framework Agreement
UK Edinburgh University Of Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh wishes to establish a four year Framework Agreement for the provision of Quantity Surveying Services.The framework agreement shall be tendered on behalf of the University of Edinburgh and all University of Edinburgh Subsidiary Companies. All of the University of Edinburgh’s Subsidiary Companies may access and utilise the framework agreement at any time during the life of the framework period.Projects types and services will include a mixture (but not limited to) of:- Project types: Alterations and refurbishment associated with new occupation, changes of and upgrade of facilities; Adaptations and extensions of existing buildings; Maintenance works and New build works (including demolition of existing buildings).- Services: Contract administration and employer’s representative services; Peer reviews and due diligence services; Facilitation of value engineering and risk workshops and supporting in the preparation of funding bids and supplying information for rating assessors and the like.This includes the provision of infrastructure works either when associated to the main project scope or as a standalone infrastructure project.The Quantity Surveying services shall include the preparation of a Bill of Quantities or a Contract Sum Analysis, Employer’s Requirements or a Schedule of Works, as appropriate dependent on procurement approach and University’s instruction/preference.The service providers (appointed QS consultant) needs to have a thorough working knowledge of works contracts, for example but not limited to NEC, JCT and ICE and support the University in the use of a variety of procurement arrangements including collaborative working and framework arrangements i.e. mini competitions using SCAPE and CCS framework agreements.The University may utilise Design Team and Contractor Framework Agreements and the service provider will need to familiarise themselves with the ethos and operational details of these Framework Agreements.The service provider should allow for regular and frequent project team meetings throughout the project, necessary for full co-ordination of the project as well as framework performance reviews in relation to agreed key performance indicators and service level agreements.The framework will be divided into three Lots in accordance with value bands as detailed below.Bidders will be allowed to bid for one or more Lots:-Lot 1 Maintenance/Small Works Projects up to a contract value of GBP 2.5M-Lot 2 New Build/Refurbishment Projects with a value over GBP 2.5M and up to GBP 10M-Lot 3 New Build/Refurbishment Projects with a value over GBP 10MThe University intends to invite the top scoring suppliers, who have met all pre-conditions, on to the framework, as per:Lot 1: 6 service providers;Lot 2: 3 service providers;Lot 3: 3 service providers.For each Lot, there will be the option to award contracts either by direct award on a rotational basis or mini competition.

Value: 2700000
Published: 2023-02-10
Deadline: 2023-03-16
2700000 2023-02-10 2023-03-16
Health and Social Care Network (HSCN) Access Services.
UK Liverpool Crown Commercial Service

Crown Commercial Service (the Authority) has put in place a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the provision of data access to the Health and Social Care Network compliant with the HSCN Compliance Document Set hosted on This DPS provides Services and associated services from HSCN Compliant suppliers, which are comprised of the Core Component and any Supplementary Component(s). The Core Component must include HSCN Connectivity Services as defined in the HSCN Obligations Framework that forms part of the HSCN Compliance Document Set as available at Continued in III 1.2.

Value: 500000000
Published: 2023-01-13
Deadline: 2028-05-23
500000000 2023-01-13 2028-05-23
Facilities Management and Workplace Services DPS
UK Liverpool The Minister for the Cabinet Office acting through Crown Commercial Service

Crown Commercial Service (CCS) as the Authority intends to put in place a dynamic purchasing system for the provision of Facilities Management and Workplace related Services.The DPS will offer an alternative route to market for lower value and / or less complex contracts and will look to attract SME suppliers. This DPS complements the existing Facilities Management Marketplace framework (RM6232) and provides customers with a range of procurement solutions. It offers a wide range of works and services for public sector estates, such as maintenance, response repairs, supply and installation works. This agreement will also include services such as CAFM, help-desk services, and waste. This DPS will be available to be utilised by Central Government Departments and all other UK Public Sector Bodies, including but not limited to, Local Authorities, Health, Police, Fire and Rescue, Education, Housing, Charities, Not for Profit, Nuclear and Devolved Administrations and International.The Facilities Management and Workplace Services DPS will be organised into distinct categories to enable Suppliers to select all elements relevant to their service offering.Customers can filter the elements to produce a shortlist of Suppliers to invite to a competition.The four (4) distinct categories comprise of: ● Services● Building Type● Location● Annual Contract Value

Value: 500000000
Published: 2022-12-15
Deadline: 2027-02-09
500000000 2022-12-15 2027-02-09
Fund Administration & Disbursement Services DPS
UK Liverpool The Minister for the Cabinet Office acting through Crown Commercial Service

Crown Commercial Service (CCS) is introducing a procurement vehicle for fund administration and disbursement services. Following an extensive period of market engagement with customers and suppliers, CCS are introducing a commercial agreement offering various administration and disbursement services for various fund types. The commercial vehicle for this agreement will be a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS).

Value: 280000000
Published: 2022-12-01
Deadline: 2030-11-27
280000000 2022-12-01 2030-11-27
e-Disclosure and Review Services
UK Liverpool Crown Commercial Service

Crown Commercial Service are designing this agreement to enable all central government, public and third sector organisations to easily access eDisclosure and associated services, including reviewers. The services required are based upon the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) and requirements of part 31 of the Civil Procedure Rules (CPR).

Value: 50000000
Published: 2022-11-22
Deadline: 2022-12-20
50000000 2022-11-22 2022-12-20
Carbon and Climate Study
UK Milton Keynes Milton Keynes Council

Carbon & Climate StudyAt its core, the purpose of this Carbon and Climate Study (CCS) is to provide the Council with an up-to-date methodology, assessment, and recommendations on the most appropriate spatial development options, from the perspective of reducing carbon emissions and increasing climate resilience within the urban environment. It should also support certain other work, not necessarily linked to the planning process, undertaken by the Council to mitigate and adapt to climate change. It is our intention that this study will set a benchmark for how innovative the evidence base for plan-making can be.

Value: 200000
Published: 2022-11-15
Deadline: 2022-12-16
200000 2022-11-15 2022-12-16
The Provision of Residential Placements for Children and Young People with Complex Needs and Behaviours
UK COVENTRY Coventry City Council

Providers are deemed to understand fully the processes that the Council is required to follow under relevant European and UK legislation, particularly in relation to The Public Contracts Regulations 2015. This procurement is for Social Care Services which are considered Light Touch Regime (LTR) services under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, as specified in Schedule 3 of the Regulations ("Regulations").Accordingly, the Council is only bound by those parts of the Regulations detailed in Chapter 3 'Particular Procurement Regimes Section 7, Social and Other Specific Services' 74 to 76 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. The Council is not voluntarily following any other part of the Regulations. The procedure that the Council is following is set out within this ITT.The Local Authority will create a "pseudo framework agreement" (based on CCS guidance) and have set out clearly how we intend to operate the framework agreement from the outset through the FAT notice, Tender Document, and Schedules, which also details the timeline for when it will be reopened. This meets the duty of transparency and equal treatment, which are the main guidelines to follow when setting up an LTR procurement.Each Call-off from the framework would be for the delivery of a residential placement. All parties participating in this tender exercise including those preferred bidders awarded a place on the framework should at all times note that the Council provides no guarantee (express or implied) as to the minimum level of work offered to framework partners pursuant to the framework.The project aim is to have sustainable providers with the requisite sufficiency to support the framework, and deliver quality, choice, and market viability. The intention is to re-open the framework annually. If, however during the Framework Agreement Term, a provider is removed or withdraws from the framework; other external Providers, including those that have previously applied and/or failed to become a Framework Provider, will be given a further opportunity to obtain a place on this Framework Agreement. The Council will advertise this opportunity as and when required and will place the advertisements on the Find a Tender Service and the Council's E-tendering portal If a Provider fails to be admitted onto the Framework, they may reapply for re-consideration during the designated Framework reopening term(s) to demonstrate that framework requirements can be met. At the point of annual or bespoke framework refresh, incumbent framework providers who are able to commit to and deliver the mandated minimum required two placements, need not reapply.

Value: 39000000
Published: 2022-10-22
Deadline: 2022-11-22
39000000 2022-10-22 2022-11-22
Digital and Legacy Application Services (DALAS)
UK Liverpool The Minister for the Cabinet Office acting through Crown Commercial Service

As part of this contract notice the following documents can be accessed at: 1) Contract notice transparency information for the agreement; 2) Contract notice authorised customer list; 3) Rights reserved for CCS framework. 4) Tender documents The procurement is being delivered using one restricted procedure split into two phases. Phase 1 includes Lots 2a, 2b, 3 and 5. Phase 2 includes Lots 1, 4a and 4b. Both Phase 1 and Phase 2 will each have a selection stage and an ITT stage. The deadline set out at IV.2.2, applies to Phase 1 (Lot 2a, Lot 2b, Lot 3 and Lot 5) selection stage responses. The ITT for Phase 1 is expected to be released in February 2023. The Phase 2 Selection Stage bid pack is expected to be published in May 2023 and this will include the Phase 2 timetable. Bidders must monitor the Contract Notice for this competition (published on Find a Tender service and the CCS upcoming deals page ( for updates on Phase 2. We will notify the market when the selection stage for Phase 2 is launched by publishing a corrigendum to this Contract Notice and via a notification on the CCS upcoming deals page. Lots in Phase 1 will be awarded before lots in Phase 2. However, ALL lots will expire at the same time (i.e. the term of the Framework Agreement (all lots) will be 4 years from the award of the Phase 1 lots) irrespective of when Phase 2 lots are awarded. In Lot 1, Lot 2a, Lot 3, Lot 4a, Lot 4b and Lot 5, 5 Bidders will be awarded a framework following the applicable ITT stage. In Lot 2b, 8 Bidders will be awarded a framework following the applicable ITT stage. At the ITT stage for both Phase 1 and Phase 2, CCS reserves the right, in each Lot, to award a framework to any Bidder whose final score is within 1% of the last awarded position. In both Phase 1 and Phase 2, the required bid validity period for the ITT stage will be set out in the ITT documents for each Phase. Registering for access: This procurement will be managed electronically via the eSourcing suite. This will be the route for sharing all information and communicating with bidders. If you have recently registered on the eSourcing suite for another CCS procurement you can use the same account for this new procurement. If not, you will first need to register your organisation on the portal. Use the following link for information on how register and use the eSourcing tool: For assistance please contact the eSourcing Help desk operated by email at or call 0345 410 2222. Some purchases under this Framework Agreement may have requirements that can be met under this Framework Agreement but the purchase of which may be exempt from the Procurement Regulations (as defined in Attachment 1 – About the Framework within the selection stage bid pack). In such cases, Call-offs from this Framework will be unregulated purchases for the purposes of the Procurement Regulations, and the buyers may, at their discretion, modify the terms of the Framework and any Call-off Contracts to reflect that buyer’s specific needs.

Published: 2022-10-05
Independent Valuation of the OE, C&P and CCS/CCUS Portfolios
UK Edinburgh Crown Estate Scotland

Crown Estate Scotland is seeking to appoint a RICS qualified valuer to undertake the annual Independent Valuation of the Crown Estate Scotland Ocean Energy (OE), Cables and Pipelines (C&P) and Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS/CCUS) Portfolios. These will be provided as individual, standalone valuations. The initial appointment will be for the FY2022/23 valuation, with the option to extend by three more years, one year at a time.

Value: 52000
Published: 2022-09-29
Deadline: 2022-10-28
52000 2022-09-29 2022-10-28
Demand Management and Renewables
UK Liverpool Crown Commercial Service

Crown Commercial Service (CCS) as the Authority intends to put in place a collaborative agreement for the provision of goods and services relating to Demand Management and Renewables. This DPS has been established to support Public Sector (both Central Government and Wider Public Sector) decarbonisation and Carbon Net Zero targets. The new agreement will support a number of routes to market for a wide range of industries from solar to heat pumps. The level of services offered will include: Design and Feasibility study Installation services Maintenance and Servicing Purchase only Decommissioning services Full end to end service If you are successfully appointed to the DPS following your submission you will be invited by customers (buyers) to submit tenders for relevant services through a call for competition. This DPS remains open for any supplier to request to participate throughout the duration of the DPS. CCS reserves the right to reduce, extend or terminate the DPS period at any time during its lifetime in accordance with the terms set out in the DPS contract.

Value: 800000000
Published: 2022-09-28
Deadline: 2026-11-27
800000000 2022-09-28 2026-11-27
Financial advisor services for the development of a Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) facility at the Edmonton EcoPark and integration with a potential future CO2 transport and permanent storage solution
UK London North London Waste Authority

The Authority is a statutory authority whose principal responsibility is the disposal of waste collected by the seven north London boroughs of Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Hackney, Haringey, Islington and Waltham Forest. The Authority is developing a new Energy Recovery Facility at the Edmonton EcoPark pursuant to a Development Consent Order granted to the Authority on 24 February 2017. The Authority is now investigating the possibility of developing a CCS facility at the Edmonton EcoPark site and integration with a potential future CO2 transport and permanent storage solution. This procurement is for financial advisor services in relation to the development of the CCS facility at the Edmonton EcoPark and integration with a potential future CO2 transport and permanent storage solution. Further details of this can be found in the introductory text to the procurement documentation.

Value: 1368000
Published: 2022-09-27
Deadline: 2022-10-26
1368000 2022-09-27 2022-10-26
Planning services for the development of a Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) facility at the Edmonton EcoPark and integration with a potential future CO2 transport and permanent storage solution
UK London North London Waste Authority

The Authority is a statutory authority whose principal responsibility is the disposal of waste collected by the seven north London boroughs of Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Hackney, Haringey, Islington and Waltham Forest. The Authority is developing a new Energy Recovery Facility at the Edmonton EcoPark pursuant to a Development Consent Order granted to the Authority on 24 February 2017. The Authority is now investigating the possibility of developing a CCS facility at the Edmonton EcoPark site and integration with a potential future CO2 transport and permanent storage solution. This procurement is for planning services in relation to the development of the CCS facility at the Edmonton EcoPark and integration with a potential future CO2 transport and permanent storage solution. Further details of this can be found in the introductory text to the procurement documentation.

Value: 2357000
Published: 2022-09-27
Deadline: 2022-10-26
2357000 2022-09-27 2022-10-26
Technical advisor services for the development of a Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) facility at the Edmonton EcoPark and integration with a potential future CO2 transport and permanent storage solution
UK London North London Waste Authority

The Authority is a statutory authority whose principal responsibility is the disposal of waste collected by the seven north London boroughs of Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Hackney, Haringey, Islington and Waltham Forest. The Authority is developing a new Energy Recovery Facility at the Edmonton EcoPark pursuant to a Development Consent Order granted to the Authority on 24 February 2017. The Authority is now investigating the possibility of developing a CCS facility at the Edmonton EcoPark site and integration with a potential future CO2 transport and permanent storage solution. This procurement is for technical advisor services in relation to the development of the CCS facility at the Edmonton EcoPark and integration with a potential future CO2 transport and permanent storage solution. Further details of this can be found in the introductory text to the procurement documentation.

Value: 4026000
Published: 2022-09-27
Deadline: 2022-10-26
4026000 2022-09-27 2022-10-26
Supply of Energy 2
UK Liverpool The Minister for the Cabinet Office acting through Crown Commercial Service (CCS)

Crown Commercial Service (CCS), as the Contracting Authority, intends to put in place a framework agreement for the supply of approximately 13 TWh of electricity to meet requirements of 990 customers across c.53,000 meters managed via an aggregated, flexible, risk managed approach. The requirement covers all electricity meters.Growth in customer numbers could cause a rise in demand. Conversely, any energy demand destruction/ efficiency initiatives could reduce the figure over the life of the relationship. Existing volumes will be expected to transfer in stages as supply delivery periods (under the existing arrangement) expire and therefore initial delivery volumes may be significantly lower. Provision of goods, works and services in addition to the provision of electricity and gas supplies may also be required. It is envisaged that this will include, but not be limited to a wide range of procurement options and which allow for the greatest degree of control and transparency of pricing; direct access to trading service and access to Financial Services Authority regulated advisors; price to market options; flexible and electronic billing systems; sourcing of longer term price mechanisms (potentially acting as Agent); customer administration and query management, including site registrations, objection handling and ongoing maintenance of customer contracts; bespoke report generation; transparent balancing and settlement charges; new connections and site-works; metering; demand side management and innovations delivering energy savings; Automatic Meter Reading; Energy/Carbon reduction/management advice and guidance and implementation of recommendations (which may include sourcing of third- party services/technology); Export Agreements and Balancing Services, peer to peer (P2P) energy trading platform.

Value: 51000000000
Published: 2022-09-22
Deadline: 2022-10-21
51000000000 2022-09-22 2022-10-21
Highlight Leisure Centre
UK Hartlepool Hartlepool Borough Council

The Contracting Entity is seeking to appoint a Principal Contractor to work with in order to deliver the construction of Highlight Leisure Centre (the Works).The Works will be procured on a Traditional basis utilising the JCT Standard Building Contract 2016 Edition with Quantities (SBC/Q) with Special Conditions, of which further information will be provided within the procurement documentation.The Contractor will be responsible for the design of a number of components including the piled foundations.The first stage of the procurement will consist of the following:- Standard Qualification Instruction to Suppliers (SQIS) document;- Annexure A - Standard Selection Questionnaire (SSQ)The SSQ (Annexure A) is based upon the Crown Commercial Service standard template, and will be marked by an assessment panel using the process detailed in the SQIS.A maximum of 5 Suppliers will be selected to proceed to the Tender stage, and will be issued the full and final Invitation to Tender (ITT) document.The Tender stage of procurement will be a competitive procedure with prior call for competition, to be conducted with the top 5 scoring Suppliers selected by the assessment panel and based upon the Suppliers SSQ response.The suppliers selected to tender will each be issued with the full and final Invitation to Tender (ITT) document.All completed Tenders must be submitted by the Tender Return Date stipulated in the procurement documents.Once received and validated, compliant tenders will be evaluated in order to ascertain a Preferred Contractor.The ITT will be evaluated on the basis of a 40% Quality and 60% Price weighting.The Preferred Contractor, once appointed, shall be responsible for the Procurement, Delivery to Site, Off-Loading, Construction, Installation and Commissioning (including all testing) relating to his delivery of the Works.

Value: 22000000
Published: 2022-09-22
Deadline: 2022-10-28
22000000 2022-09-22 2022-10-28
RES/Bristol Apprenticeship Service DPS
UK BRISTOL Bristol City Council

Bristol City Council reserve the right to consider application to be admitted to the DPS periodically and not upon request as with DPS operating within the Public Contracts Regulations (34).Additional lots may be added throughout the life time of the DPS where additional or new frameworks or standards become available or applicable - those participating in the DPS will be notified of any changes of this nature.This DPS will run for one year initially with the option to be extended twice, for up to but not beyond March 2020, this will allow for review of the use of the DPS as this new approach to delivering apprenticeships evolves.In addition to the arrangements set out above it is our intent to undertake selection (using the Crown Commercial Service or equivalent recognised by the EU Procurement Regulations and UK Public Contracts Regulations) and quality evaluation criteria when establishing the DPS and in further requests to participate.The ESFA maximum funding 'bands' per framework/standard will not be exceeded in contracting with providers.For the avoidance of doubt Bristol Apprenticeship Service is responsible for the timely and effective identification, commissioning and delivery of apprenticeship training activities on behalf of Bristol City Council, organisations for whom Bristol City Council process payroll and other employers in the local area.

Value: 3500000
Published: 2022-05-24
Deadline: 2025-08-31
3500000 2022-05-24 2025-08-31
Public Sector Legal Services
UK Liverpool Crown Commercial Service

Lots 1a, 1b and 1c (Full Service Provision). Suppliers will deliver all of the mandatory requirements as detailed in Framework Schedule 1 (Specification) of this Framework Contract including the sixteen (16) Mandatory Legal Specialisms that specifically relate to lot 1:Administrative and Public LawNon-Complex Finance and InvestmentContractsCompetition LawCorporate Law DataProtection and Information LawEmploymentInformation TechnologyInfrastructureIntellectual PropertyLitigation and Dispute ResolutionPartnershipsPensionsPublic ProcurementProperty, Real Estate and ConstructionEnergy, Natural Resources and Climate ChangeThe jurisdictional area applicable:Lot 1a - England and WalesLot 1b - Scotland Lot 1c - Northern IrelandThere are also 24 Optional Legal Specialisms Suppliers may provide, if qualified to do so, as detailed in Framework Schedule 1(Specification) A Framework Contract will be awarded to a maximum of 22 bidders for Lot 1a, 18 bidders for Lot 1b and 15 bidders for Lot 1c. For all lots, the maximum number of bidders may increase where 2 or more bidders have tied scores in last position for the lot. Additionally, CCS reserves the right to award to any bidder whose final score is within 1% of the last position of the lot

Value: 200000000
Published: 2022-03-04
Deadline: 2022-03-28
200000000 2022-03-04 2022-03-28
Supply Teachers and Temporary Staff (STaTS)
UK Liverpool Crown Commercial Service

The supplier will provide recruitment services for the provision of supply teachers, education support staff and other temporary staffing services from both: — Employment businesses for temporary assignments, and — Employment agencies for fixed term employment. The supplier will be required to be aware of and ensure compliance to all changes in practise in the recruitment market and changes in policy and legislation. The Supplier must hold and maintain certification from an approved Accreditation Body.The Supplier will ensure that such changes are communicated in a timely manner to the buyer and where necessary, appropriate changes made to processes and procedures (i.e. AWR, IR35, and Minimum Wage). To support Buyers in utilising Lot 1 CCS will establish an Agency Selection Tool using details of all suppliers’ branches/offices.

Value: 400000000
Published: 2022-02-17
Deadline: 2022-03-18
400000000 2022-02-17 2022-03-18
Digital Outcomes 6
UK Liverpool The Minister for the Cabinet Office acting through Crown Commercial Service

Digital outcomes suppliers can help research, test, design, build, release, iterate, support or retire a digital service. Digital outcomes suppliers must work according to:● the Technology Code of Practice:● and understand what it means to work on one of the Discovery, Beta, Live or Retirement phases described in the Service Manual:● support Buyers to comply with the above through successful Service Standard assessments:● to develop Services based on Open Standards Principles and accessible data protocols, to ensure they are interoperable:● to comply with any adopted open standards that are compulsory in government: of recent digital outcomes include: — a discovery phase to create an information systems vision for the business functions of an NHS department, — development of online resources to support medieval history teaching in secondary schools, — the build of an online, front-end billing application to replace a paper-based system for Ministry of Justice. —Services must be exclusively delivered by the supplier personnel (where supplier personnel is defined as employees or subcontractors). —Any supplier wishing to provide services through an agency model should be aware that other CCS agreements are available to offer services as an agency. Digital outcomes suppliers must provide at least one of the following capabilities: Performance analysis and data Security Service delivery Software development Support and operations Testing and auditing User experience and design User research

Value: 813000000
Published: 2022-01-14
Deadline: 2022-02-24
813000000 2022-01-14 2022-02-24
Research & Insights DPS
UK Liverpool The Minister for the Cabinet Office acting through Crown Commercial Service

The RM6126 Research & Insights agreement will be organised into distinct categories so:● bidders can indicate all elements relevant to their service offering● customers can filter the elements to produce a shortlist of appointed suppliers to invite to a competitionCrown Commercial Services (CCS) key priorities are to support visibility and control of research services whole life costs and to influence efficiencies through: ● offering valued research solutions to meet customers individual requirements● build and increase capacity of high quality research and insights services outputs● develop a dynamic commercial model for access to research and insights servicesThe four (4) distinct categories comprise of:● Subject area● Research methods● Target participants● Research locationFull details of the four (4) distinct categories and the sub-categories can be found at Annex A of the Buyer Needs document, and at DPS Schedule 1 (Specification) of the RM6126 Research & Insights DPS agreement terms and conditions, and also as Attachment 2 (Service Filter Matrix) in the bid pack.

Value: 350000000
Published: 2021-11-03
Deadline: 2027-11-01
350000000 2021-11-03 2027-11-01
Facilities Management & Workplace Services
UK Liverpool The Minister for the Cabinet Office acting through Crown Commercial Service

Crown Commercial Service, as the Authority, intends to put in place an agreement for the provision of Facilities Management and Workplace Services for use by Central Government and UK public sector bodies. Lot 1a is for Total Facilities Management with a per annum contract value of £0.00 to £1.5mFor further information concerning the scope of the services please refer to Framework Schedule 1 (Specification) of the Terms and Conditions.

Value: 35000000000
Published: 2021-10-30
Deadline: 2022-01-04
35000000000 2021-10-30 2022-01-04
Restructuring and Insolvency
UK Liverpool The Minister for the Cabinet Office acting through Crown Commercial Service

RM6269 - Restructuring and Insolvency is a framework agreement for the Provision of objective advice in relation to corporate restructuring and insolvency. It will be available for use by UK public sector bodies and future successor organisations, which includes Central Government Departments and their arm’s length bodies and agencies, the wider public sector and third sector including, but not limited to, local government, health, education, police, fire and rescue, housing associations and charities. This framework agreement is a new offering from CCS and it is intended that this commercial agreement will be the recommended vehicle for all restructuring and insolvency services required by UK Central Government Departments. Services will be delivered primarily within the United Kingdom, with some limited requirements overseas.

Value: 120000000
Published: 2021-10-07
Deadline: 2021-11-12
120000000 2021-10-07 2021-11-12
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough - Nutrition Supply Services
NUTS: UKH12 UK East of England NHS Collaborative Procurement Hub on behalf of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clini

This competitive procurement exercise relates to the provision of enteral feeds, pumps, consumables and clinical support for both adults and children under the care of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough System Transformation Partnership (comprised of Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group (C&P CCG), Cambridge University Hospital Foundation Trust (CUHFT), North West Anglia Foundation Trust (NWAFT), Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Foundation Trust (CPFT), Royal Papworth Hospital Foundation Trust (RPH), Cambridgeshire Community Services (CCS))

Value: 1500000
Published: 2021-09-23
Deadline: 2021-10-25
1500000 2021-09-23 2021-10-25
Leasing and Loans Finance DPS
UK Liverpool The Minister for the Cabinet Office acting through Crown Commercial Service

Crown Commercial Service (CCS) as the Authority intends to put in place a Dynamic Purchasing Agreement (DPS) for services to acquire funding for the assets that public sector organisations require. The types of funding available are: Finance Leases, Operating Leases, Hire Purchase and Sale and Leaseback, the DPS also offers asset secured loans. The DPS will be available for all UK central government bodies, wider public sector organisations and charities and Specialist Leasing Advisors who are appointed through a call-off from the Leasing Advisory Services framework (RM6146).The Leasing and Loans Finance DPS will be organised into distinct categories to enable Suppliers to select all elements relevant to their service offering.Customers can filter the elements to produce a shortlist of Suppliers to invite to a competition.The four (4) distinct categories comprise of: Funding TypeCustomer TypeAsset ClassEngagement Size

Value: 20000000000
Published: 2021-09-02
Deadline: 2025-09-30
20000000000 2021-09-02 2025-09-30
Debt Resolution Services
UK Liverpool Crown Commercial Service

The provision of Managed Collection Services. Suppliers are required to to provide a managed service of DCA Subcontractors to ensure all aspects of the Service Specification are delivered securely and to time and quality requirements, as well as in line with the Standards specified in the Framework Contract. Supplier’s receiving all cases from Buyers will distribute them to DCA Subcontractors. Suppliers shall provide a case management system and will add value to debt collection services through the effective use of data and analytics, and maintaining effective supplier, contract, and relationship management. Suppliers will deliver all the mandatory requirements as detailed in Framework Schedule 1 Specification. CCS will award a Framework Contract to two (2) suppliers.This competition will result in the award of this Lot 1 Framework Contract by CCS, and a Lot 1 Call-Off Contract by HMRC as detailed in the ITT documents. HMRC seeks to award its Call-Off Contract for Lot 1 (Managed Collection Services) to the highest ranking supplier awarded a Framework Contract for Lot 1 (Managed Collection Services).The award of HMRC’s Lot 1 Call-Off Contract cannot be made unless and until the Lot 1 Framework Contract has been executed and the Conditions Precedent, set out in the Framework Contract and HMRC’s Call-Off Contract, have been complied with by the Supplier.All Lot 1 Bidders will acknowledge and accept that in submitting a tender for CCS’ Lot 1 Framework Contract and HMRC’s Lot 1 Call-Off Contract, that CCS must first award and execute the Framework Contracts before HMRC’s Call-Off ContractHMRC’s Lot 1 Call-Off Contract may be awarded and executed, under and in accordance with Framework Schedule 7 (Call-Off Award Procedure). All Lot 1 Bidders therefore agree that their tenders for HMRC’s Lot 1 Call-Off Contract shall remain open for acceptance by HMRC until 90 days after the execution of the Lot 1 Framework Contracts by CCS and the Supplier.

Value: 645000000
Published: 2021-07-22
Deadline: 2021-08-20
645000000 2021-07-22 2021-08-20
Turing Scheme Administration Services
UK London Department for Education

The Turing Scheme is a grant funding scheme which eligible organisations bid into on a competitive basis. From February 2022, the Contractor will deliver the remainder of the AY2021/22 programme and commence delivery of Cohort 2. The Contractor must be able to accept bids for funding no later than February 2022 to ensure that providers across the education sector will be funded to deliver mobilities from 1st September 2022 onwards.The funding and scheme design for AY 22/23 is subject to the Spending Review (SR) which is scheduled to be settled in the Autumn. The Authority will require a single legal entity to enter into the contract with it. Sub-contractors are permissible, but the Authority will not accept bids from consortia proposing joint and several liability for delivery.More information Links text The Contract will be for delivery of Services relating to Turing 1 from April 2022 until 31 December 2022, which will be Cohort 1, and delivery of the Services, to a Cohort which will be Cohort 2.The estimated value of the Contract is £6.9 million.This Contract will be between the successful Supplier(s) and the Buyer (not the Crown Commercial Service (CCS), the Agent). The Contract is being offered under the Crown Commercial Service RM 6172 Grant Administration Services Dynamic Purchasing System (DOS).The Agent is managing this Procurement in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. This is a call off contract and as such the Buyer cannot guarantee volumes of work.The Turing Scheme is a grant funding scheme which eligible organisations bid into on a competitive basis. From April 2022, the Supplier will deliver the remainder of the Academic Year (AY) 2021/22 programme until December 2023 and, if funding is granted at SR 2021, commence delivery the programme for AY 2022/2023. The Supplier must be able to accept bids for funding no later than February 2022, to ensure that providers across the education sector will be funded to deliver mobilities from 1 September 2022.

Value: 6900000
Published: 2021-07-22
Deadline: 2021-08-20
6900000 2021-07-22 2021-08-20
UK St Helier, Jersey Able Humber Ports Limited

The Contracting Entity is seeking to appoint a Principal Contractor to work with in order to deliver the design and construction of Able Marine Energy Park - Area K Monopile Facility (the Works).The Works will be procured on a Design and Construct basis utilising the JCT Design and Build Standard Form 2016 Edition (DB 2016) with Particular Amendments to the standard clauses, of which further information will be provided within the procurement documentation.The first stage of the procurement will consist of the following:- Standard Qualification Instruction to Suppliers (SQIS) document;- Annexure A - Standard Selection Questionnaire (SSQ); and- Annexure B - Draft Invitation to Negotiate (dITN).The SSQ (Annexure A) is based upon the Crown Commercial Service standard template, and will be marked by an assessment panel using the process detailed in the SQIS.A maximum of 5 Suppliers will be selected to proceed to the Tender stage, and will be issued the full and final Invitation to Negotiate (ITN) document, of which a draft version is annexedto the SSQ for information and reference purposes.The Tender stage of procurement will be a negotiated procedure with prior call for competition, to be conducted with the top 5 scoring Suppliers selected by the assessment panel and based upon the Suppliers SSQ response.The 5 Suppliers selected to tender will each be issued with the full and final Invitation to Negotiate (ITN) document.All completed Tenders must be submitted by the Tender Return Date stipulated in the procurement documents.Once received and validated, compliant tenders will be evaluated in order to ascertain a Preferred Contractor.The ITN will be evaluated on the basis of a 60% Quality and 40% Price weighting.The Preferred Contractor, once appointed, shall be responsible for the Design, Procurement, Delivery to Site, Off-Loading, Construction, Installation and Commissioning (including alltesting) relating to his delivery of the Works.

Value: 125000000
Published: 2021-07-20
Deadline: 2021-08-19
125000000 2021-07-20 2021-08-19
Network Services 2 CCs Framework RM3808 Lots 5,10 & 13

The University of Cumbria is looking to engage a supplier to migrate all existing fixed line telephony to a fully cloud hosted solution using Microsoft Teams Voice including an integrated Contact Centre. Supplier also to provide a support agreement covering all elements of the proposed solution on an annual basis over the contract period.

Value: 0
Published: 2020-12-18T00:00:00Z
0 2020-12-18T00:00:00Z
Network Reseller Services
UK West Malling Cantium Business Solutions Ltd

Cantium is looking to partner as a reseller with multiple UK telecommunication and network/internet service providers. The aim of this partnership is to complement our offer on the CCS NS2 framework. This partnership is also intended to include service delivery requirements outside of this framework but under the same terms.Any contractual offer made will be against a zero-value agreement as any sales will be based on best value for our customers.

Published: 2020-12-04
Deadline: 2021-01-15
2020-12-04 2021-01-15
Digital Outcomes and Specialists 5
UK Liverpool Crown Commercial Service

Digital outcomes suppliers can help research, test, design, build, release, iterate, support or retire a digital service.Digital outcomes suppliers must:— comply with the technology code of practice (;— work according to the government service design manual (;— understand what it means to work on one of the discovery, alpha, beta, live or retirement phases outlined in the government service design manual ( of recent digital outcomes include:— a discovery phase to create an information systems vision for the business functions of an NHS Department;— development of online resources to support medieval history teaching in secondary schools;— the build of an online, front-end billing application to replace a paper-based system for Ministry of Justice;— services must be exclusively delivered by the supplier personnel (where supplier personnel is defined as employees or subcontractors);—any supplier wishing to provide services through an agency model should be aware that other CCS agreements are available to offer services as an agency.Digital outcomes suppliers must provide at least one of the following:• performance analysis and data,• security,• service delivery,• software development,• support and operations,• testing and auditing,• user experience and design,• user research.

Value: 2000000000
Published: 2020-10-13
Deadline: 2020-11-02
2000000000 2020-10-13 2020-11-02
Digital Capability for Health
UK Liverpool The Minister for the Cabinet Office acting through Crown Commercial Service

Crown Commercial Service, as the authority, intends to put in place an agreement for the provision of digital capability for health for use by NHS Digital and other public sector health and social care bodies for the provision of digital outcomes and supporting services. The agreement is being developed with NHS Digital as the Operator, who requires digital capability to meet specific needs of the health and social care sector. NHS Digital requires suppliers to invest in understanding their specific organisational needs and to bespoke delivery of their services to meet requirements.This framework will have a manageable number of suppliers (approximately 12 suppliers) with whom NHS Digital can develop strategic relationships over a sufficient period of time, to warrant up-front investment in framework level supplier agnostic competition, whilst maintaining effective and efficient competition at call-off. Building of closer strategic relationships will encourage suppliers to improve and innovate on their delivery of services. This will be achieved through ongoing collaborative partnership or supplier relationship management activities based on feedback from call-off contracts and MI reports.Suppliers under the framework are required to provide the following service provisions:DevOps services: support for ongoing live servicesDigital definition services: either separately or combined extended discovery and /or alpha phases.Build and transition services: either separately combining beta phase and/or retirement phases (including transition to Live). It is anticipated that live will be covered by an appropriate competition for DevOps Services.End-to-End Development Services: with the ability to combine the full set of agile phases of discovery through to live.Data management (and similar) services: primarily targeted at building, enhancing and maintaining data assets, migrating data from one system to another and analysis and reporting from such data assets.Call-off competitions under this framework will follow NHS Digital’s standard governance processes for their requirements. There will be no direct award call-off in this agreement.Typical digital development will follow Government Digital Service (GDS) life cycle: discovery, alpha, beta and so on, outlined in the government service design manual ( will deliver work using GDS agile methodologies.The framework is intended to address the evolving technical ‘stacks’ associated within the different pillars of NHS Digital, including:Platforms and infrastructureProduct developmentData servicesSuppliers will be able to apply to the framework using Bravo.

Value: 800000000
Published: 2020-08-21
Deadline: 2020-09-24
800000000 2020-08-21 2020-09-24
Grant Administration Services
UK Liverpool The Minister for the Cabinet Office acting through Crown Commercial Service

Crown Commercial Service (CCS) key priorities are to support visibility and control of grant services whole life costs and to influence efficiencies through:— offering valued grant solutions to meet buyers individual requirements; building and increasing capacity of high-quality grant services outputs;— developing a dynamic commercial model for access to grant services.The core requirement of the grant administration services DPS shall include, but shall not be limited to, provision of either one (or a combination) of services in each of the following six (6) distinct categories:— design and development— market engagement and promotion— application and award services— evaluation services— counter fraud servicesFull programme management.

Value: 50000000
Published: 2020-08-21
Deadline: 2024-08-18
50000000 2020-08-21 2024-08-18
Online Key Management System
UK London Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd

Network Rail intends to carry out a procurement exercise to establish a contract for the delivery of a national online key management system. Your formal expression of Interest will be indicated when a PQQ is completed and issued for Network Rails consideration.The national online key management system (OKMS) will provide the centralised key administration for all ETCS entities operating on the UK railway, using both online and offline distribution methods. Cryptographic keys are required by each European Train Control System (ETCS) Radio Block Centre (RBC) and each ETCS On Board Unit (OBU) to enable them to communicate over the GSM-R network securely.The supplier will be required to provide and implement an efficient and intuitive National Online Key Management System (OKMS) which will generate, store, manage, distribute, archive and delete software cryptographic keys for the UK railway.The system will also support offline key distribution by allowing encrypted keys to be sent via a variety of methods including physical media, email and remote download.The OKMS is broken down into 3 elements to be delivered over two phases.The 3 elements are:1) Key Management Centre (KMC)Provide the software and hardware for a National ETCS Key Management Centre that is compliant with the CCS TSI subsets relevant to Key Management (e.g. SUBSET-137, SUBSET-114, SUBSET-038 etc), including both online and offline distribution.2) Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)Provide public key infrastructure to enable online distribution of authentication keys (KMACs) via GPRS and FTNx retain access to supplier of PKI element so that cyber threats, software updates etc are well managed. Provide the opportunity to use the PKI system for other functionality3) Online Key Remote Access (OK-RA)Provide a secure web-based user interface for remote users to perform key management tasks support and licencing for a 15-year period post implementation is also required.Interested parties are advised that Network Rail do not currently have budget approval for this scope of work, this procurement process will generate a cost which will be presented to the sponsor to secure Investment Panel approval before any contract can be awarded.

Value: 6000000
Published: 2020-05-27
Deadline: 2020-06-22
6000000 2020-05-27 2020-06-22
Coventry Music Service — Music Tutors DPS
UK Coventry Coventry City Council

The key required principles of the procurement model are:• to support local provision for local children;• high-quality whole class tuition in music for children and young people for individuals or in small groups;• progression ensembles for all ages and abilities;• a wide range of music genres and styles to suit all abilities;• inspirational music projects in partnership with other arts organisations, creative individuals or within National programmes;• live performance programmes;• inspirational opportunities for young people to perform in large scale venues, concerts and within local, regional and national projects;• improve sufficiency and choice of service provision for schools and the children and young people of Coventry;• improve market engagement and relationships with tutors;• develop flexible high-quality provision that is able to respond to specialist needs;• encourage innovation and creative solutions;• all providers participate in a legislatively compliant and quality assured process — the procurement process will be transparent, equitable and fair in accordance with the EU procurement directives and the Council’s standing orders on procurement and contracts;• improved key performance indicators to support successful service delivery and effective contract management.This procurement is for education and training services described under ‘Administrative social, educational, healthcare and cultural services’ which are considered Light Touch Regime (LTR) services under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, as specified in Schedule 3 of the Regulations (‘Regulations’).The local authority will create a ‘pseudo Dynamic Purchasing System’ under the Light Touch Regime (based on CCS guidance) and have set out clearly how we intend to operate the DPS from the outset through the OJEU notice and DPS Application. This meets the duty of transparency and equal treatment, which are the main guidelines to follow when setting up an LTR agreement.Suppliers may join the DPS at any point during its validity if they satisfy the selection requirements and none of the grounds for exclusion apply.

Value: 2000000
Published: 2020-04-07
Deadline: 2020-05-11
2000000 2020-04-07 2020-05-11
Energy Trading System
UK Liverpool The Minister for the Cabinet Office acting through Crown Commercial Service

CCS is seeking to replace its current ETS (also commonly referred to as Energy Trading and Risk Management (ETRM) system) by sourcing a replacement, cloud based system.This is an off-the-shelf ready to deploy software procurement, rather than a software development project.The full specification is detailed in Contract Schedule 2 (Specification). For Contract Schedule 2, please reference Attachment 3 RM6212 Energy Trading System Terms and Conditions and Schedules (part of the Bid pack).

Value: 950000
Published: 2020-03-04
Deadline: 2020-03-30
950000 2020-03-04 2020-03-30
UK Bristol University of Bristol

The University of Bristol intends to appoint suitably qualified and experienced consultants to a building surveying framework to support the University in its delivery of high quality estate development, maintenance and management services, for projects with construction values up to 2 500 000 GBP.It is anticipated that the framework agreement will be concluded in June/July 2020.The procurement will follow the restricted procedure, whereby:1) Any economic operator may submit a request to participate in this procurement by responding to the qualitative selection criteria. These criteria are based on the CCS SSQ, plus additional University of Bristol supplementary questions requiring suppliers to demonstrate previous experience of delivering similar projects;2) Following its assessment of the information provided (in line with the criteria set out in the documents), the University will issue an invitation to tender (ITT) to the highest scoring suppliers;3) Responses to the ITT will be evaluated to determine the most economically advantageous tender, based on the award criteria set out in the ITT.The duration of this framework is 2 years, plus extensions to 3 or 4 years at the discretion of the University.

Published: 2020-02-18
Deadline: 2020-03-16
2020-02-18 2020-03-16
Print Marketplace
UK Liverpool The Minister for the Cabinet Office acting through Crown Commercial Service (CCS)

Crown Commercial Service (CCS) is seeking to establish a framework contract with a single supplier to provide, host and manage a system known as print marketplace. The print marketplace shall:— service the high-volume, low-spend print requirements across the public sector,— enable public sector Buyers with access to a pre-qualified, dynamic and local supplier base, and— offer real-time instant pricing across the print landscape.The supplier shall provide a full end-to-end service including the management of: the system, the print supply chain and buyer registrations and support.CCS is partnering with YPO to put this framework contract in place.The full requirements are set out in Attachment 10 — Framework Schedule 5 (Specification), in the ITT.

Value: 200000000
Published: 2020-02-07
Deadline: 2020-03-06
200000000 2020-02-07 2020-03-06
Media Monitoring and Associated Services
UK Liverpool Crown Commercial Service

Crown Commercial Service, as the authority, intends to put in place an agreement for the provision of media monitoring and associated services for use by central government and all other UK public sector bodies.It is intended that this commercial agreement will be the recommended vehicle for all media monitoring and associated services required by UK Central Government Departments.This framework will have a single lot which will cover all media monitoring and associated services either through the mandatory core services provided or non-mandatory optional services, as requested by the buyers.The initial duration of the framework agreement is for 2 years with an option to extend for up to a further 2 periods of 12 months at the authority's discretion.Lot 1: Media Monitoring and Associated ServicesThis Lot 1 is for the provision of press, online, social media and broadcast monitoring, and human-driven evaluation and analysis of the monitored media.Suppliers can also choose to provide the following optional services:— automated evaluation of the monitored media,— forward planning database,— media contact database,— social media monitoring and analysis tool,— parliamentary monitoring.

Value: 10000000
Published: 2020-01-30
Deadline: 2020-02-27
10000000 2020-01-30 2020-02-27
MOD Commercial Delivery Partner
UK London Ministry of Defence, DIO, Enabling Services

Address commercial resourcing needs for transformation and other commercial activity within MOD Commercial functions. These needs take a range of forms:— 1.1.1 Providing professional short-term commercial resources or commercial project teams to address needs however arising – surge demand, cover for hard-to-fill vacancies, supporting or delivering specific projects, specialist (non-core to the Civil Service) skillsets or other ad-hoc capability,— 1.1.2 Working with MOD Commercial functions to identify, assess and, if approved by MOD, deliver innovation, improvement and transformational opportunities that helps MOD to work in a more modern, efficient and effective way.The competition is being run under CCS Framework RM6008 with framework companies able to bid as prime contractors, with opportunities available to support framework companies as part of their supply chain.Cyber Security covered by Clause 9 Cyber Essential Scheme Condition in the tender pack. Full instructions can be found there.Run under Framework RM6008. 12 suppliers from the CCS MCF2 framework, Lot 2, who confirmed their interest via an Expression of Interest issued in October 2019 will receive the tender packs. This procurement will be run by the Crown Commercial Service Assisted Service, utilising the CCS eSourcing system. Subcontracting opportunities are expected to be delivered through this contract, including to appropriate SME’s where relevant to the framework companies who bid.

Value: 201052000
Published: 2020-01-29
Deadline: 2020-02-28
201052000 2020-01-29 2020-02-28
Short Breaks for Disabled Children and Young People
UK Coventry Coventry City Council

This procurement is for social care services which are considered Light Touch Regime (LTR) services under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, as specified in Schedule 3 of the Regulations (‘Regulations’).Accordingly, the Council is only bound by those parts of the Regulations detailed in Chapter 3 ‘Particular Procurement Regimes Section 7, Social and Other Specific Services’ 74 to 76 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. The Council is not voluntarily following any other part of the Regulations. The procedure which the Council is following is set out within this ITT.The agreement is based upon the basic principles of a framework agreement, and although there are some similar aspects, it does not fully operate in the same way as outlined in Regulation 33 of the Public Contracts Regulations (2015).The local authority will create a ‘pseudo framework agreement’ (based on CCS guidance) and have set out clearly how we intend to operate the framework agreement from the outset through the OJEU notice, tender document and call-off schedule, which also details the timeline for when it will be reopened. This meets the duty of transparency and equal treatment, which are the main guidelines to follow when setting up an LTR contract.This flexible framework agreement is designed with the intention to award up to a maximum of 3 successful providers. Where the authority is not in the position to award to 3, it reserves the right to award a lower number i.e 1 or 2. This has been designed to ensure; continued competition, a basis of flexibility and also support the creation of sustainable business opportunities for new market entrants, into the City of Coventry.Each call-off from the framework would be for the delivery of a short break package and/or separate home support package. All parties participating in this tender exercise including those preferred bidders awarded a place on the framework should at all times note that the Council provides no guarantee (express or implied) as to the minimum level of work offered to framework partners pursuant to the contract.All call-offs made against the flexible framework will be delivered via mini competition exercises. All providers accepted onto the framework agreement will be invited to compete for specific requirements at the time of each referral. This is to provide the necessitated flexibility in the process, to allow for service provision to be effectively delivered, at the right time, to meet variable demand.Reopening of the flexible framework – The project aim is to have 3 sustainable providers with the requisite sufficiency to support the framework deliver quality, choice and market viability. If during the framework agreement term, a provider is removed or withdraws from the framework; other external providers, including those that have previously applied and failed to become a framework provider, will be given a further opportunity to obtain a place on this framework agreement. The Council will advertise this opportunity as and when required and will place the advertisements on the Councils e-tendering portal If a provider fails to be admitted onto the framework, they may reapply for re-consideration during the designated framework reopening term(s) to demonstrate that contract requirements can be met.

Value: 1500000
Published: 2020-01-21
Deadline: 2020-02-18
1500000 2020-01-21 2020-02-18
Refresh of Framework Agreement for the Provision of Domiciliary Care and Respite at Home Services
UK Swansea City & County of Swansea

The City and County of Swansea invites Tenders for the purpose of refreshing the established Framework Agreement for the Provision of Domiciliary Care and Respite at Home Services for Older People and Younger Adults with Physical Disabilities and/or Sensory Impairment (CCS/18/132).

Published: 2019-12-13
Deadline: 2020-01-15
2019-12-13 2020-01-15
Communication Performance Audit and Analysis
UK Liverpool The Minister for the Cabinet Office acting through Crown Commercial Service

Key services under this lot include:The supplier shall measure and validate the services provided under the CCS campaign solutions, communication services, research marketplace and media buying framework agreements and any other relevant agreements by assessing the effectiveness of the end-to-end supply chain including but not limited to: creative; production; owned platforms; agency operated data platforms; brand safety; earned media; social and paid media under these agreements in terms of both price, quality and effectiveness. The supplier shall benchmark services provided under the 3 CCS framework agreements and/or any other relevant framework agreement against the relevant market and submit recommendations to CCS and/or Buyers during the lifetime of the framework agreements.The supplier shall audit media channels for both UK domestic and international marketing and communications activity for key central government departments, agencies and public bodies as listed here (i.e. Visit Britain, Home Office and Ministry of Defence) and wider public sector clients under the media buying framework agreement. The media channels which shall be audited are (but not limited to):— audio visual (AV) — TV, video on demand (VOD), cinema,— audio - radio, digital radio, streaming, podcasts,— out of home - including DOOH (route and client specific),— print,— social,— partnerships including commercial,— sponsorships,— digital — programmatic display, search, biddable, PPC,— other — content marketing,— other — online influencers,— other — paid — in app/game, voice,— other – earned,— other – owned.

Value: 6000000
Published: 2019-11-20
Deadline: 2019-12-20
6000000 2019-11-20 2019-12-20
UK SBS PR19065 The Approved Dosimetry Service for UKRI-STFC
UK Swindon UK Research and Innovation

All submissions will be assessed in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, for procurement values that exceed Regulation 5 (threshold amounts). This procurement will be managed electronically via the Crown Commercial Service's e-Sourcing Suite. To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the e-Sourcing Suite. If Bidders have not yet registered on the eSourcing Suite, this can be done online at by following the link 'Supplier eSourcing Registration'. Please note that, to register, Bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract if invited to do so.Note: Registration may take some time please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register. Full instructions for registration and use of the system can be found at you have registered on the eSourcing Suite, a registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement. This is done by emailing email must clearly state:— the name and reference for the procurement you wish to register for,— your organisations full name as a registered supplier,— the name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email.Crown Commercial Service (CCS) will process the email and then enable the bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing Suite. The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. As a user of the e-Sourcing Suite you will have access to Emptoris email messaging service which facilitates all messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event. Please note it is your responsibility to access these emails on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity. For technical assistance on use of the e-Sourcing Suite please contact Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Helpdesk (Not UK SBS Ltd): Freephone: 03450103503 — email: support to respond to a requirement is available to bidders at must be received by the stated deadline date. Responses received outside or concurrently using the eSourcing process will not be accepted or considered further for this opportunity.

Value: 192000
Published: 2019-09-11
Deadline: 2019-10-21
192000 2019-09-11 2019-10-21
UKRI FM19154 — MRC Minor Services
UK Swindon UK Research and Innovation

UK Shared Business Services Ltd (UK SBS), on behalf of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), Medical Research Council (MRC), wishes to engage a suitable and qualified supplier to take responsibility for the minor services works package at the LMB and ARES. As part of the award of this Contract the successful supplier will be issued will call-off task orders for the works as required. UK SBS is managing this procurement process in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (as may be amended from time to time) (the ‘Regulations’). This is a Services contract being procured under the OJEU open procedure regulations.All submissions will be assessed in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, for procurement values that exceed Regulation 5 (Threshold amounts). This procurement will be managed electronically via the Crown Commercial Service's eSourcing Suite. To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the eSourcing Suite, this can be done online at by following the link 'Supplier eSourcing Registration'.Please note that, to register, Bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet)for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract if invited to do so.Note: Registration may take some time please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register. Full instructions for registrations and use of the system can be found at registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement. This is done email must clearly state:— the name and reference for the procurement you wish to register for,— your organisations full name as a registered supplier,— the name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email.Crown Commercial Service (CCS) will process the email and then enable the Bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing Suite. The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. As a user of the e-Sourcing Suite you will have access to Emptoris email messaging service which facilitates all messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event. Please note it is your responsibility to access these emails on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity.For technical assistance on use of the e-Sourcing Suite please contact Crown Commercial Service (CCS)Helpdesk (Not UK SBS Ltd): Freephone: 03450103503 — email: Contracting Authority expressly reserves the right:(i) not to award any contract as a result of the procurement process commenced by publication of this notice; and(ii) to make whatever changes it may see fit to the content and structure of the procurement; and in no circumstances will the Contracting Authority be liable for any costs incurred by any supplier. If the Contracting Authority decides to enter into a contract with the successful supplier, this does not mean that there is any guarantee of subsequent contracts being awarded. Any expenditure, work or effort undertaken prior to contract award is accordingly a matter solely for the commercial judgement of bidders.See Section I.3) for access to procurement documentation.

Value: 1250000
Published: 2019-07-04
Deadline: 2019-08-18
1250000 2019-07-04 2019-08-18
Access Control System at LMB and ARES
UK Swindon UK Research and Innovation

Scope of Service for the Access Control Bundle — LMB and ARES.The access control system maintenance service shall ensure that all maintainable assets, including software, non-fixed plant and equipment within the various premises (identified from the asset list and supplemented where necessary by an initial site survey), are maintained to the required ‘fit for function’ performance level, meeting the manufacturer’s and installer’s recommendations (whilst taking account of any supplementary servicing needs that arise from the as-built environment) and to ensure strict compliance with all statutory/legal and mandatory obligations. Business continuity is imperative as numerous key scientific areas require 24/7 response within 4 hours to FM problems as failures of scientific experiments can put weeks/months of research in jeopardy.All submissions will be assessed in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.This procurement will be managed electronically via the Crown Commercial Service’s e-Sourcing Suite. To participate in this procurement, you must first be registered on the e-Sourcing Suite. If bidders are not yet registered then this can be done online at by following the link ‘Supplier eSourcing Registration’.Please note: To register bidders must have a valid DUNS number for the organisation they are registering.Registration may take some time, please ensure that you allow sufficient time to register.Full instructions for registration and use of the system can be found at registered, you can express an interest for a specific procurement by emailing registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once they have been linked into the requested procurement.As a user of the e-Sourcing Suite you will have access to the Emptoris messaging service, which facilitates all messages sent to you and from you in relation to the RFX event.The Contracting Authority expressly reserves the right:(i) not to award any contract as a result of the procurement process commenced by publication of this notice; and(ii) to make whatever changes it may see fit to the content and structure of the procurement; and in no circumstances, will the Contracting Authority be liable for any costs incurred by any supplier.

Value: 368000
Published: 2019-05-29
Deadline: 2019-07-22
368000 2019-05-29 2019-07-22
Employee Benefits
UK Liverpool Crown Commercial Service

It is intended that this commercial agreement will be the recommended vehicle for all employee benefits required by UK Central Government Departments, including those with locations overseas and the wider public sector.The service will be required to be delivered through an online benefits portal with multi-media access (the security of employee personal data will be subject to assurance by the CCS Senior Information Risk Officer).The service must provide flexibility in the choice of benefits for employers with scope to include additional benefits and to enable personalisation of benefits for employees.Please note the value at II.I.5 is an estimate that includes the face value of the vouchers and other benefits paid for by employees.

Value: 380000000
Published: 2019-05-22
Deadline: 2019-06-19
380000000 2019-05-22 2019-06-19
UK SBS PR18099 — UKRI Fermi Choppers for STFC
UK Swindon UK Research and Innovation

The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), a component Research Council of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), is a world-leading multi-disciplinary science organisation, whose goal is to deliver economic, societal, scientific and international benefits to the UK and its people — and more broadly to the world. ISIS Neutron and Muon Source (ISIS) is a world-leading facility for research into science and materials as part of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. ISIS hosts hundreds of researchers from across the globe on 37 different neutron and muon instruments. Each instrument is arranged uniquely to study a different scientific aspect or discipline, ranging from fundamental materials study to healthcare applications and clean energy. The ISIS Neutron and Muons Source (ISIS) is looking to replace the existing Fermi chopper systems on three of its direct geometry spectrometer instruments. These systems are vital to the running of most of the direct spectrometry neutron instruments at ISIS. The scope of this procurement is for these three systems, and the contractual option to purchase a fourth if STFC elects to do so.To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the e-Sourcing Suite. If bidders have not yet registered on the e-Sourcing Suite, this can be done online at: by following the above link ‘Supplier e-Sourcing Registration’. Please note that, to register, Bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract if invited to do so.Note: Registration may take some time please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register. Full instructions for registration and use of the system can be found at you have registered on the e-Sourcing Suite, a registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement. This is done by emailing email must clearly state: the name and reference for the procurement you wish to register for; Your organisations full name as a registered supplier;the name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email.Crown Commercial Service (CCS) will process the email and then enable the bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing Suite.The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. As a user of the e-Sourcing Suite you will have access to Emptoris email messaging service which facilitates all messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event.Please note it is your responsibility to access these emails on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity.For technical assistance on use of the e-Sourcing Suite please contact Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Helpdesk (Not UK SBS Ltd):Email: support to respond to a requirement is available to bidders at: must be received by the date in IV.2.2). Responses received outside or concurrently using the e-Sourcing process will not be accepted or considered further for this opportunity.

Value: 2000000
Published: 2019-05-21
Deadline: 2019-06-28
2000000 2019-05-21 2019-06-28
Energy Trading System
UK Norwich The Cabinet Office

To provide CCS trading and risk teams with an energy trading system to allow management of customer aggregated basket demands for UK power and gas.

Value: 750000
Published: 2019-05-10
Deadline: 2019-06-03
750000 2019-05-10 2019-06-03
General Hard Services at LMB and ARES
UK Swindon UK Research and Innovation

UK Shared Business services Ltd acting on behalf of the Contracting Authority is putting in place a contract for the supply of general hard services.The full scope of this requirement can be found within the tender documents. Details of how to access this can be seen in Section I.3).All submissions will be assessed in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, for procurement values that exceed Regulation 5 (Threshold amounts). This procurement will be managed electronically via the Crown Commercial Service's eSourcing Suite. To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the eSourcing Suite, this can be done online at by following the link “Supplier eSourcing Registration”.Please note that, to register, bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet)for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract if invited to do so.Note: Registration may take some time please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register.Full instructions for registrations and use of the system can be found at registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement. This is done by emailing email must clearly state: the name and reference for the procurement you wish to register for; Your organisations full name as a registered supplier; the name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email. Crown Commercial Service (CCS) will process the email and then enable the bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing Suite.The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. As a user of the e-Sourcing Suite you will have access to Emptoris email messaging service which facilitates all messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event. Please note it is your responsibility to access these emails on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity. For technical assistance on use of the e-Sourcing Suite please contact Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Helpdesk (Not UK SBS Ltd) 03450103503 — email: Contracting Authority expressly reserves the right:(i) not to award any contract as a result of the procurement process commenced by publication of this notice; and(ii) to make whatever changes it may see fit to the content and structure of the procurement; and in no circumstances will the Contracting Authority be liable for any costs incurred by any supplier.If the Contracting Authority decides to enter into a contract with the successful supplier, this does not mean that there is any guarantee of subsequent contracts being awarded. Any expenditure, work or effort undertaken prior to contract award is accordingly a matter solely for the commercial judgement of bidders.See Section 1.3 for access to procurement documentation.

Value: 1265000
Published: 2019-05-03
Deadline: 2019-06-13
1265000 2019-05-03 2019-06-13
Fleet Hire and Maintenance
UK Redcar South Tees Site Company

South Tees site Company (STSC) require fleet management services to include reliable vehicle fleet, including maintenance, repairs, recovery service, to ensure that ongoing keep safe operations can be carried out on our top tier COMAH (Control of Major Accident Hazards) site, which will allow the STSC business to remove or minimize the risks associated with vehicle investment, improving efficiency, productivity and reducing our overall transportation and site fleet costs, providing 100 % compliance with government legislation.The South Tees Site Company (STSC) site covers an area of approximately 8 square miles directly located on the South side of the River Tees between the towns of Redcar and South Bank. The site is accessible from the National road infrastructure via the A1085 Trunk Road and the A66 arterial thoroughfare. In addition the site is also served by a railway station within its boundary. On the site there are a number of operating ventures including, Redcar Bulk Terminal, South Tees Development Corporation and British Steel. STSC is an interim government body that was established in December 2016 by the Government and is responsible for the safe, secure and cost-effective management of the former SSI steelworks site. STSC plays a pivotal role in the safe redevelopment of the South Tees area by working to a “make it safe/keep it safe” strategy.For full details of the requirement bidders should refer to the tender documents attached to the contracts finder notice where a full scope of works to be completed can be found.All submissions will be assessed in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, for procurement values that exceed Regulation 5 (Threshold amounts). This procurement will be managed electronically via the Crown Commercial Service’s e-Sourcing Suite.To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the e-Sourcing Suite. If Bidders have not yet registered on the eSourcing Suite, this can bed one online at by following the link “Supplier eSourcingRegistration”. Please note that, to register, bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract if invited to do so.Note: Registration may take some time please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register. Full instructions for registration and use of the system can be found at a -crown-commercial-service-supplierOnce you have registered on the eSourcing Suite, a registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement. This is done by emailing email must clearly state: the name and reference for the procurement you wish to register for; Your organisations full name as a registered supplier; the name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email. Crown Commercial Service (CCS) will process the email and then enable the bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing Suite. The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. As a user of the e-Sourcing Suite you will have access to Emptoris email messaging service which facilitates all messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event.The Contracting Authority expressly reserves the right:(i) not to award any contract as a result of the procurement process commenced by publication of this notice; and(ii) to make whatever changes it may see fit to the content and structure of the procurement; and in no circumstances will the Contracting Authority be liable for any costs incurred by any supplier.

Value: 1118000
Published: 2019-04-12
Deadline: 2019-05-17
1118000 2019-04-12 2019-05-17
Water Treatment at the LMB and Ares
UK Swindon UK Research and Innovation

Scope of service for the water services bundle – LMB and AresThe water services bundle maintenance service shall ensure that all maintainable assets, including software, non-fixed plant and equipment within the various premises and supplemented where necessary by an initial site survey, are maintained to the required “fit for function” performance level. Equipment covered by the water services contract include: legionaries control — hot and cold water services, boiler water treatment, water softeners and tanks, chillers, secondary chillers, closed -circuit water treatment and RO water systems.3) To service and maintain systems as defined above in accordance with:(a) manufacturer’s recommendations as set out in the O&M schedules as a minimum or as required to meet the needs of the as-built environment;(b) all relevant PPM requirements as stated in SFG 20 maintenance standards;(c) relevant BS EN standards;(d) current fire regulations and all other applicable legal statutory requirements.All submissions will be assessed in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, for procurement values that exceed Regulation 5 (Threshold amounts). This procurement will be managed electronically via the Crown Commercial Service's eSourcing Suite. To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the eSourcing Suite, this can be done online at by following the link “Supplier eSourcing Registration.” Please note that, to register, bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract if invited to do so. Note: registration may take some time please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register. Full instructions for registrations and use of the system can be found at registered user can express an interest in a specific procurement. This is done by emailing Your email must clearly state: the name and reference for the procurement you wish to register for; your organisations full name as a registered supplier; the name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email Crown Commercial Service (CCS) will process the email and then enable the bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing Suite. The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. As a user of the e-Sourcing suite you will have access to emptoris email messaging service which facilitates all messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event. Please note it is your responsibility to access these emails on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity. For technical assistance on use of the e-Sourcing Suite please contact Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Helpdesk (Not UK SBS Ltd); Freephone: 0345010 3503 email: The Contracting Authority expressly reserves the right:(i) not to award any contract as a result of the procurement process commenced by publication of this notice; and(ii) to make whatever changes it may see fit to the content and structure of the procurement; and in no circumstances will the Contracting Authority be liable for any costs incurred by and supplier.If the Contracting Authority decides to enter into a contract with the successful supplier, this does not mean that there is any guarantee of subsequent contracts being awarded. Any expenditure, work or effort undertaken prior to contract award is accordingly a matter solely for the commercial judgement of bidders.See section I.3 for access to procurement documentation.

Value: 1040000
Published: 2019-04-04
Deadline: 2019-05-24
1040000 2019-04-04 2019-05-24
BGS Hard FM Services
UK Swindon UK Research and Innovation

UK Shared Business Services Ltd acting on behalf of the Contracting Authority is putting in place a contract for the supply of hard facilities management services. The successful supplier is required to provide the services at multiple BGS sites.All submissions will be assessed in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, for procurement values that exceed Regulation 5 (threshold amounts). This procurement will be managed electronically via the Crown Commercial Service's eSourcing Suite, this can be done online at by following the link “Supplier eSourcing Registration”.Please note that, to register, bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract if invited to do so.Note: Registration may take some time please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register. Full instructions for registrations and use of the system can be found at registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement. This is done by emailing email must clearly state:— the name and reference for the procurement you wish to register for,— your organisations full name as a registered supplier,— the name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email. Crown Commercial Service (CCS) will process the email and then enable the bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing Suite.The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. As a user of the e-Sourcing Suite you will have access to Emptoris email messaging service which facilitates all messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event. Please note it is your responsibility to access these emails on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity. For technical assistance on use of the eSourcing Suite please contact Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Helpdesk (Not UK SBS Ltd): Freephone 03450103503 — email: Contracting Authority expressly reserves the right:(i) not to award any contract as a result of the procurement processed commenced by publication of this notice; and(ii) to make whatever changes it may see fit to the content and structure of the procurement; and in no circumstances will the Contracting Authority be liable for any costs incurred by any supplier.If the Contracting Authority decides to enter into a contract with the successful supplier, this does not mean that there is any guarantee of subsequent contracts being awarded. Any expenditure, work or effort undertaken prior to contract award is accordingly a matter solely for the commercial judgement of bidders.See Section I.3) for access to procurement documentation.

Value: 5778000
Published: 2019-03-22
Deadline: 2019-04-29
5778000 2019-03-22 2019-04-29
UK SBS PR19012 UKRI RF Amplifier for STFC
UK Swindon UK Research and Innovation

The proposed RF ion source (and its amplifier) will require pulses of RF centred on a frequency of around 2 MHz and up to 100 kW peak power. To suit accelerator requirements, a pulse repetition rate of 50 Hz and RF pulse width of 1 millisecond is required from the amplifier. Therefore the minimum required duty factor is 5 %.The proposed amplifier unit should use solid-state technology and be enclosed within 1 or more standard 19 inch cabinet footprints. It will perform within the operating parameters listed below. Its “interlocks”, both internal and external, will afford protection to operators, itself and down-stream equipment. Status will be displayed such that its operational mode is clear and fault finding is logically guided. A level of redundancy is to be incorporated that will permit continued operation at reduced power. For example, if an amplifier module fails, the amplifier should be able to continue operating at a lower output power, with the affected module disabled. It would also be beneficial to incorporate “hot-swap” technology, so disabled modules can be removed and replaced whilst the amplifier remains powered.All submissions will be assessed in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, for procurement values that exceed Regulation 5 (Threshold amounts). This procurement will be managed electronically via the Crown Commercial Service’s e-Sourcing Suite. To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the e-Sourcing Suite. If Bidders have not yet registered on the eSourcing Suite, this can be done online at by following the link “Supplier eSourcing Registration”. Please note that, to register, Bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract if invited to do so.Note: Registration may take some time please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register. Full instructions for registration and use of the system can be found at you have registered on the eSourcing Suite, a registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement. This is done by emailing email must clearly state:— the name and Reference II.2.5) Award criteria for the procurement you wish to register for,— your organisations full name as a registered supplier,— the name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email.Crown Commercial Service (CCS) will process the email and then enable the bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing Suite. The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. As a user oft he e-Sourcing Suite you will have access to Emptoris email messaging service which facilitates all messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event. Please note it is your responsibility to access these emails on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity. For technical assistance on use of the e-Sourcing Suite please contact Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Helpdesk (Not UK SBS Ltd). Freephone: 03450103503 — email: support to respond to a requirement is available to bidders at must be received by the date in IV.2.2). Responses received outside or concurrently using the eSourcing process will not be accepted or considered further for this opportunity.

Value: 400000
Published: 2019-03-20
Deadline: 2019-04-24
400000 2019-03-20 2019-04-24
UK SBS PR19002 — UKRI NSTF Data Acquisition System for STFC
UK Swindon UK Research and Innovation

The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), a component Research Council of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), is a world-leading multi-disciplinary science organisation, whose goal is to deliver economic, societal, scientific and international benefits to the UK and its people — and more broadly to the world. The National Satellite Test Facility (NSTF) is a new national facility for the environmental testing of complete satellites (up to 7 tonnes mass). The NSTF will be situated at UKRI’s Rutherford Appleton Laboratory campus in Harwell, Oxfordshire. The Facility will comprise numerous environmental test facilities including for vibration, pyro-shock and acoustic testing.This procurement is for a dynamic test data acquisition system for the NSTF. The system will be the primary method of acquiring data for all satellite and sub-assembly vibration, acoustic and shock tests in the NSTF. It is a critical part of the satellite testing process.To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the e-Sourcing Suite. If bidders have not yet registered on the e-Sourcing Suite, this can be done online at: by following the above link “Supplier e-Sourcing Registration”.Please note that, to register, Bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract if invited to do so.Note: Registration may take some time please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register.Full instructions for registration and use of the system can be found at you have registered on the e-Sourcing Suite, a registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement. This is done by emailing— your email must clearly state: the name and reference for the procurement you wish to register for,— your organisations full name as a registered supplier,— the name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email.Crown Commercial Service (CCS) will process the email and then enable the Bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing Suite.The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. As a user of the e-Sourcing Suite you will have access to Emptoris email messaging service which facilitates.All messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event.Please note it is your responsibility to access these emails on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity.For technical assistance on use of the e-Sourcing Suite please contact Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Helpdesk (Not UK SBS Ltd):Email: support to respond to a requirement is available to bidders at: must be received by the date in IV.2.2). Responses received outside or concurrently using the e-Sourcing process will not be accepted or considered further for this opportunity.

Value: 475000
Published: 2019-03-19
Deadline: 2019-04-24
475000 2019-03-19 2019-04-24
Specialist Mechanical Services at LMB and ARES
UK Swindon UK Research and Innovation

Definition of equipment/systems covered by the Special Mechanical Services Contract:AHU’s, thermal wheels, supply and extract fans, FCU’s, cold-rooms, air compressors/dryers/receivers, dehumidifiers/humidifiers and Back up AC units for specific rooms, standby generators and fuel tanks, kitchen hood/kitchen ductwork cleaning.The full scope of this requirement can be found within the tender documents. Details of how to access this can be seen in section I.3).All submissions will be assessed in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, for procurement values that exceed Regulation 5 (Threshold amounts). This procurement will be managed electronically via the Crown Commercial Service's eSourcing Suite. To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the eSourcing Suite, this can be done online at by following the link “Supplier eSourcing Registration”.Please note that, to register, bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract if invited to do so.Note: registration may take some time, please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register.Full instructions for registrations and use of the system can be found at: registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement. This is done by emailing email must clearly state: the name and reference for the procurement you wish to register for; your organisations full name as a registered supplier; the name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email. CrownCommercialService (CCS) will process the email and then enable the bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing Suite.The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. As a user of the e-Sourcing Suite you will have access to Emptoris email messaging service which facilitates all messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event. Please note it is your responsibility to access these emails on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity. For technical assistance on use of the e-Sourcing Suite please contact Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Helpdesk (Not UK SBS Ltd) 0345010 3503 email: Contracting Authority expressly reserves the right:(i) not to award any contract as a result of the procurement process commenced by publication of this notice; and(ii) to make whatever changes it may see fit to the content and structure of the procurement; and in no circumstances will the Contracting Authority be liable for any costs incurred by any supplier.If the Contracting Authority decides to enter into a Contract with the successful supplier, this does not mean that there is any guarantee of subsequent contracts being awarded. Any expenditure, work or effort undertaken prior to contract award is accordingly a matter solely for the commercial judgement of bidders. See Section I.3) for access to procurement documentation.

Value: 1743000
Published: 2019-03-07
Deadline: 2019-04-18
1743000 2019-03-07 2019-04-18
UK SBS PR19029 - UKRI STC2/3 Shroud Panels for STFC
UK Swindon UK Research and Innovation

The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), a component Research Council of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), is a world-leading multi-disciplinary science organisation, whose goal is to deliver economic, societal, scientific and international benefits to the UK and its people – and more broadly to the world.At its Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL), STFC’s RAL Space has two 5m Diameter Vacuum Chambers, referred to as Space Test Chamber 2 and 3 (STC-2 and STC-3).This procurement is for the design, manufacture, supply and delivery to the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory of two Shroud Panel sets for use in STC-2 and STC-3.It is the Contracting Authority’s intention to place TWO contracts (one for each set of panels) with two different suppliers (the two highest-scored, compliant bids received) as a result of this procurement.The total estimated value listed encompasses both panel sets.To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the e-Sourcing Suite. If Bidders have not yet registered on the e-Sourcing Suite, this can be done online at: by following the above link ‘Supplier e-Sourcing Registration’.Please note that, to register, Bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract ifInvited to do so.Note: registration may take some time please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register.Full instructions for registration and use of the system can be found at you have registered on the e-Sourcing Suite, a registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement. This is done by emailing email must clearly state: the name and reference for the procurement you wish to register for;Your organisations full name as a registered supplier;The name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email.Crown Commercial Service (CCS) will process the email and then enable the Bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing Suite.The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. As a user of the e-Sourcing Suite you will have access to Emptoris email messaging service which facilitatesAll messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event.Please note it is your responsibility to access these emails on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity.For technical assistance on use of the e-Sourcing Suite please contact Crown Commercial Service(CCS) Helpdesk (Not UK SBS Ltd):Email: support to respond to a requirement is available to bidders at: must be received by the date in IV.2.2. Responses received outside or concurrently using the e-Sourcing process will not be accepted or consideredFurther for this opportunity.

Value: 1400000
Published: 2019-03-04
Deadline: 2019-04-10
1400000 2019-03-04 2019-04-10
Flexible Resource Pools — Staff Bank
UK Liverpool Crown Commercial Service

Crown Commercial Service (CCS) is developing a new commercial agreement to replace the existing Workforce Management agreement (RM1072) which expires in 2019. The Framework Contract will focus on the provision of flexible resource pool — staff bank services to NHS Contracting Authority’s but will be open to public sector bodies as outlined in the attached OJEU Customer List. The provisional of flexible resource pool — staff bank service may be described as the management of the flexible workers and providers of contingent labour (employment agencies) to ensure overall organisational efficiency.

Value: 2000000000
Published: 2019-03-04
Deadline: 2019-03-27
2000000000 2019-03-04 2019-03-27
UKSBS PR19004 UKRI Cryogenic Methane Transfer Line for STFC
UK Swindon UK Research and Innovation

The ISIS pulsed neutron and muon source at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) in Oxfordshire, UK is a world-leading centre for research in the physical and life sciences. It is owned and operated by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) for UK Research and Innovation.This tender is for the design, manufacture and supply of a cryogenic, vacuum-insulated-transfer line (approx. 14 m total length), which is suitable to supply liquid methane at 110 K.The transfer line is to be installed into existing infrastructure and is a replacement for an existing transfer line, which has been functioning successfully for over 30 years. Because of the existing infrastructure space and access constraints, we believe there are limited possible solutions in the new transfer line design. Please refer to the full specification and suite of tender documentation for details of the entire requirement.All submissions will be assessed in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, for procurement values that exceed Regulation 5 (Threshold amounts). This procurement will be managed electronically via the Crown Commercial Service’s e-Sourcing Suite. To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the e-Sourcing Suite. If bidders have not yet registered on the eSourcing Suite, this can be done online at by following the link ‘Supplier eSourcing Registration’. Please note that, to register, bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract if invited to do so. Note: registration may take some time please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register. Full instructions for registration and use of the system can be found at you have registered on the eSourcing Suite, a registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement. This is done by emailing email must clearly state:— the name and reference of the procurement you wish to register for,— your organisations full name as a registered supplier,— the name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email.Crown Commercial Service (CCS) will process the email and then enable the bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing Suite. The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. As a user of the e-Sourcing Suite you will have access to Emptoris e-mail messaging service which facilitates all messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event. Please note it is your responsibility to access these emails on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity. For technical assistance on use of the e-Sourcing Suite please contact Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Helpdesk (Not UK SBS Ltd). Freephone: 0345010 3503Email: support to respond to a requirement is available to bidders at must be received by the date in IV.2.2. Responses received outside or concurrently using the eSourcing process will not be accepted or considered further for this opportunity.

Value: 200000
Published: 2019-02-15
Deadline: 2019-03-25
200000 2019-02-15 2019-03-25
External FM Services at the LMB in Cambridge
UK Swindon UK Research and Innovation

Scope of Service for the External FM Services Bundle 4 – LMB, MRS and 3 LMB housesThe External FM Bundle maintenance service shall ensure that all maintainable assets, (as defined herein) are maintained to the required “fit for function” performance level.To undertake the following, winter gritting duties, cleaning external windows/facade systems, annual gutter clearing LMB and MRS and pest control. To undertake Landscaping for LMB, MRS and 3 LMB houses.3) To service and maintain external FM systems as defined above in accordance with:(a) manufacturer’s recommendations as set out in the O&M schedules as a minimum or as required to meet the needs of the as-built environment;(b) relevant BS EN standards;(c) all relevant PPM requirements stated in SFG 20 maintenance standards;(d) current fire regulations and all other applicable legal statutory requirements.All submissions will be assessed in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, for procurement values that exceed Regulation 5 (Threshold amounts). This procurement will be managed electronically via the Crown Commercial Service's eSourcing Suite. To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the eSourcing Suite, this can be done online at following the link “Supplier eSourcing Registration”.Please note that, to register, bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract if invited to do so Note: registration may take some time please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register.Full instructions for registrations and use of the system can be found at registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement.This is done by emailing Your email must clearly state:— the name and reference for the procurement you wish to register for,— your organisations full name as a registered supplier,— the name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email. CrownCommercialService (CCS) will process the email and then enable the bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing Suite.The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. As a user of the e-Sourcing Suite you will have access to Emptoris email messaging service which facilitates all messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event. Please note it is your responsibility to access these emails on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity.For technical assistance on use of the e-Sourcing Suite please contact Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Helpdesk (Not UK SBS Ltd): Freephone: 0345010 3503 email: The Contracting Authority expressly reserves the right:(i) not to award any contract as a result of the procurement process commenced by publication of this notice and(ii) to make whatever changes it may see fit to the content and structure of the procurement and in no circumstances will the Contracting Authority be liable for any costs incurred by any supplier.If the Contracting Authority decides to enter into a contract with the successful supplier, this does not mean that there is any guarantee of subsequent contracts being awarded. Any expenditure, work or effort undertaken prior to contract award is accordingly a matter solely for the commercial judgement of bidders.See Section I.3 for access to procurement documentation.

Value: 293000
Published: 2019-02-06
Deadline: 2019-03-21
293000 2019-02-06 2019-03-21
UK SBS PR18171 - UKRI ASIC Qualification Packaging and Test for STFC
UK Swindon UK Research and Innovation

This procurement is for the packaging and space-qualification of chips for two Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs): a Correlated Double Sampling/Analogue-to-Digital Converter (CDS/ADC), and a Digital-to-Analogue Coverter (DAC). The objectives of the activity are to package the CDS/ADC and DAC ASIC die, qualification, electrical test, and performance characterisation to produce space-qualified ASIC chips. A few samples are to be radiation tested to confirm their suitability for use and operation in space.There is now a requirement to package, test and space-qualify a new batch of ASIC die (i.e. the individual silicon chips) for all future programmes. This work is business-critical, and the long-lead nature of this procurement requires the process to commence now.The objectives of this activity are to package the CDS/ADC and DAC ASIC die, perform qualification, electrical testing, performance characterisation, and radiation evaluation in order to fully space-qualify the ASICs. For both the CDS/ADC and DAC ASICs, the work to be performed is summarised in the full tender documentation.All submissions will be assessed in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, for procurement values that exceed Regulation 5 (Threshold amounts). This procurement will be managed electronically via the Crown Commercial Service’s e-Sourcing Suite. To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the e-Sourcing Suite. If Bidders have not yet registered on the eSourcing Suite, this can be done online at by following the link ‘Supplier eSourcing Registration’. Please note that, to register, Bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract if invited to do so. Note: registration may take some time please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register. Full instructions for registration and use of the system can be found at you have registered on the eSourcing Suite, a registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement. This is done by emailing email must clearly state: the name and reference of the procurement you wish to register for; Your organisations full name as a registered supplier; the name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email. Crown Commercial Service (CCS) will process the email and then enable the Bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing Suite. The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. As a user of the e-Sourcing Suite you will have access to Emptoris e-mail messaging service which facilitates all messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event. Please note it is your responsibility to access these emails on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity. For technical assistance on use of the e-Sourcing Suite please contact Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Helpdesk (Not UK SBS Ltd). Freephone: 0345010 3503Email: support to respond to a requirement is available to bidders at must be received by the date in IV.2.2. Responses received outside or concurrently using the eSourcing process will not be accepted or considered further for this opportunity.

Value: 300000
Published: 2018-12-21
Deadline: 2019-02-14
300000 2018-12-21 2019-02-14
UK SBS PR18175 - UKRI Cryo Free Cooling System for STFC
UK Swindon UK Research and Innovation

The Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC), a component Research Council of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), is a world-leading multi-disciplinary science organisation, whose goal is to deliver economic, societal, scientific and international benefits to the UK and its people – and more broadly to the world.STFC wishes to procure a cryogen free cooling system to stably control the temperature of a laser system amplifier head whilst extracting the heat load generated by the pump lasers. The scope of the contract is a prototype and design for the production unit, with a contractual option to then purchase the production system if the Contracting Authority so wishes. The Contract will cover design, manufacture and delivery of the system.The total estimated value listed encompasses both the confirmed purchase of prototype + production design, and the option of procuring the production system.To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the e-Sourcing Suite. If Bidders have not yet registered on the e-Sourcing Suite, this can be done online at: by following the above link “Supplier e-Sourcing Registration”.Please note that, to register, Bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract if invited to do so.Note: registration may take some time please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register.Full instructions for registration and use of the system can be found at you have registered on the e-Sourcing Suite, a registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement. This is done by emailing email must clearly state: the name and reference for the procurement you wish to register for;Your organisations full name as a registered supplier;The name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email.Crown Commercial Service (CCS) will process the email and then enable the Bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing Suite.The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. As a user of the e-Sourcing Suite you will have access to Emptoris email messaging service which facilitatesAll messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event.Please note it is your responsibility to access these emails on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity.For technical assistance on use of the e-Sourcing Suite please contact Crown Commercial Service(CCS) Helpdesk (Not UK SBS Ltd):Email: support to respond to a requirement is available to bidders at: must be received by the date in IV.2.2. Responses received outside or concurrently using the e-Sourcing process will not be accepted or consideredFurther for this opportunity.

Value: 600000
Published: 2018-12-21
Deadline: 2019-01-28
600000 2018-12-21 2019-01-28
UK SBS PR18161 UKRI Injection Dipole PSU Cable for STFC
UK Swindon UK Research and Innovation

All submissions will be assessed in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, for procurement values that exceed Regulation 5 (Threshold amounts). This procurement will be managed electronically via the crown commercial service’s e-Sourcing Suite. To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the e-Sourcing Suite. If bidders have not yetRegistered on the eSourcing Suite, this can be done online at following the link “Supplier eSourcing Registration”. Please note that, to register, bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract if invited to do so. Note: registration may take some time please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register. Full instructions for registration and use of the system can be found at you have registered on the eSourcing Suite, a registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement. This is done by emailing email must clearly state: the name and reference of the the procurement you wish to register for; your organisations full name as a registered supplier; the name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email. Crown Commercial Service (CCS) will process the email and then enable the bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing Suite. The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. As a user oft he e-Sourcing Suite you will have access to emptoris email messaging service which facilitates all messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event. Please note it is your responsibility to access these emails on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity. For technical assistance on use of the e-Sourcing Suite please contact Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Helpdesk (Not UK SBS Ltd). Freephone: 0345010 3503 email: support to respond to a requirement is available to bidders at must be received by the date in IV.2.2. Responses received outside or concurrently using the eSourcing process will not be accepted or considered further for this opportunity.

Value: 220000
Published: 2018-12-07
Deadline: 2019-01-14
220000 2018-12-07 2019-01-14
FM18157 Suction Services
UK Redcar South Tees Site Company

On 2.10.2015 the SSI steel works in Redcar was placed into compulsory liquidation and an official receiver (OR) was appointed as liquidator.On 12.10.2015, following no buyer for the steel works being found, the decision was taken by the official receiver to set about the hard closure of the site. Since that time the official receiver undertook a protracted liquidation of SSI and, in the absence of a new owner, he has been overseeing the safe and secure closure of the former SSI site whilst maintaining the delivery of services to other site residents.Suction and tanker services are required in a number of areas on site (see Appendix C, Site Map).The requirement is to have a qualified and experienced team, with tanker(s) and appropriate support vehicles, available to provide a prompt, professional and safe service to meet the necessary requirements such as emptying of drains, gully’s and seal pots as they arise and also to carry out planned routine work. (Please note site only vehicles will run on red diesel, provided by STSC subject to internal process of ID pass and Registration number confirmation).Arrangements should be put in place by the contractor to ensure cleaning and maintenance of all vehicles, this is the sole responsibility of the subcontractor for the duration of this contract.If the intention is to use a subcontractor to facilitate any of the works the awarded Supplier must complete Appendix F for approval prior to any works commencing on site and also must ensure no subcontractor attends site without first completing same.Specification:Currently STSC uses the services/equipment listed below to facilitate the requirement:— 1 x 6000 ltr Suction Tanker — max total length 9,75 mtrs, max width 2,44 mtrs, max clearance 4,2 mtrs, max product tank of 10 cubic metres, liquid ring water tank 1,5 cubic metres, jetting water tank up to 6 cubic metres, jetting force up to 190 bar, total tear weight including cab — max 22,6 tonnes.Note: this tanker operates both on and off road areas including steep inclines and restricted height areas therefore this specification is a requirement,— 2 x supervisors,— 3 x driver,— 3 x banksman,— 2 x taxed road van,— 1 x 3 000 ltr ses pit vacuum tanker,— 1 x 2 000 ltr gully sucker and pressure washer tanker.Full specification can be found within the RFP and supporting appendices.All submissions will be assessed in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015.This procurement will be managed electronically via the Crown Commercial Service’s e-Sourcing Suite. To participate in this procurement, you must first be registered on the e-Sourcing Suite. If Bidders are not yet registered then this can be done online at by following the link “Supplier eSourcing Registration”.Please note: To register Bidders must have a valid DUNS number for the organisation they are registering.Registration may take some time, please ensure that you allow sufficient time to register.Full instructions for registration and use of the system can be found at registered, you can express an interest for a specific procurement by emailing a user of the e-Sourcing Suite you will have access to the Emptoris messaging service, which facilitates all messages sent to you and from you in relation to the RFX event.The Contracting Authority expressly reserves the right:(i) not to award any contract as a result of the procurement process commenced by publication of this notice; and(ii) to make whatever changes it may see fit to the content and structure of the procurement.

Value: 1110000
Published: 2018-12-06
Deadline: 2019-01-23
1110000 2018-12-06 2019-01-23
UK Participation in the International Charter “Space and Major Disasters” — Strategic Support
UK Swindon UK Space Agency

The UK is part of the International Charter: space and major disasters (here on in referred to as the Charter). The Charter aims to provide a unified system of space data acquisition and delivery to those affected by natural or man-made disasters. The UK Space Agency wishes to procure specialist strategic support to help enable effective performance, interface efficiently with existing and any potential new stakeholders and ensuring optimal awareness and uptake of the Charter within the UK Government and with selected overseas partners.Closing time for bids is 14.1.2019 14:00. Do not apply directly to the buyer. All submissions will be assessed in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, for procurement values that exceed Regulation 5 (Threshold amounts). This procurement will be managed electronically via the Crown Commercial Service's e-Sourcing Suite. To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the e-Sourcing Suite. If Bidders have not yet registered on the eSourcing Suite, this can be done online at by following the link “Supplier eSourcing Registration”. Please note that, to register, Bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract if invited to do so.Note: registration may take some time please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register. Full instructions for registration and use of the system can be found at g-tool-guidance-for-suppliers Once you have registered on the eSourcing Suite, a registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement. This is done by emailing II.2.5) Award criteria email must clearly state:— the name and reference for the procurement you wish to register for,— your organisations full name as a registered supplier,— the name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email.Crown Commercial Service (CCS) will process the II.2.5) Award criteria II.2.6) Estimated value email and then enable the Bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing Suite. The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. As a user of the e-Sourcing Suite you will have access to Emptoris email messaging service which facilitates all messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event. Please note it is your responsibility to access these emails on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity. For technical assistance on use of the e-Sourcing Suite please contact Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Helpdesk (Not UK SBS Ltd): Freephone: 0345 010 3503 email: support to respond to a requirement is available to bidders at er.aspx Responses must be received by the date in IV.2.2). Responses received outside or concurrently using the eSourcing process will not be accepted or considered further for this opportunity.

Value: 600000
Published: 2018-12-04
Deadline: 2019-01-14
600000 2018-12-04 2019-01-14
UK SBS PR18103 RF Amplifier for STFC
UK Swindon UK Research and Innovation

The proposed RF ion source will require pulses of RF centred on a frequency of 2 MHz and up to 100 kW peak power. The ISIS accelerator currently operates with a pulse repetition rate of 50 Hz and a beam pulse width between 200 μs and 800 μs, in order to maintain compatibility the RF ion source will operate over a similar pulse width and repetition rate.The proposed amplifier unit should be enclosed within standard 19 inch cabinet footprint. It will perform within the operating parameters stated in the full specification. Its “interlocks”, both internal and external will afford protection to operators, itself and down-stream equipment. Status will be displayed such that its operational mode is clear and fault finding is logically guided. A level of redundancy is to be incorporated that will permit continued operation at reduced power.All submissions will be assessed in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, for procurement values that exceed Regulation 5 (Threshold amounts). This procurement will be managed electronically via the Crown Commercial Service’s e-Sourcing Suite. To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the e-Sourcing Suite. If Bidders have not yet registered on the eSourcing Suite, this can be done online at by following the link “Supplier eSourcing Registration”. Please note that, to register, Bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract if invited to do so.Note: Registration may take some time please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register. Full instructions for registration and use of the system can be found at you have registered on the eSourcing Suite, a registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement. This is done by emailing email must clearly state:— the name and reference II.2.5) Award criteria for the procurement you wish to register for,— your organisations full name as a registered supplier,— the name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email.Crown Commercial Service (CCS) will process the email and then enable the Bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing Suite. The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. As a user oft he e-Sourcing Suite you will have access to Emptoris email messaging service which facilitates all messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event. Please note it is your responsibility to access these emails on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity. For technical assistance on use of the e-Sourcing Suite please contact Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Helpdesk (Not UK SBS Ltd). Freephone: 0345 010 3503 email: support to respond to a requirement is available to bidders at must be received by the date in IV.2.2). Responses received outside or concurrently using the eSourcing process will not be accepted or considered further for this opportunity.

Value: 200000
Published: 2018-11-24
Deadline: 2019-01-10
200000 2018-11-24 2019-01-10
UK SBS CS18007 The Purchase of a Fork Lift Truck for Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC
UK Swindon UK Research and Innovation

The Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) is Operated by STFC and located on the Harwell Science and Innovation Campus in Oxfordshire.Outputs/Tasks:The forklift will be used to move large pieces of steel and concrete shielding around the RAL site and in the ISIS experimental areas. It will be used daily.Training required:3x Driver Training: on Site at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.The below service options are required:— 1 years preventative maintenance (a condition of warranty) provides routine service twice per annum, includes labour, call out and travel time but excludes parts and consumables,— 1 years full maintenance. This includes all parts and labour for both breakdowns and servicing, at manufactures recommend intervals, but excludes batteries, misuse, abuse, forks, chains and replacement tyres.INCO term DDP must be delivered to Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell, Didcot, OX11 0QX no later than the 1.7.2019.All submissions will be assessed in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, for procurement values that exceed Regulation 5 (Threshold amounts). This procurement will be managed electronically via the Crown Commercial Service’s e-Sourcing Suite. To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the e-Sourcing Suite. If Bidders have not yet registered on the eSourcing Suite, this can be done online at by following the link “Supplier eSourcing Registration”. Please note that, to register, Bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract if invited to do so.Note: Registration may take some time please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register.Full instructions for registration and use of the system can be found at you have registered on the eSourcing Suite, a registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement. This is done by emailing email must clearly state: the name and reference for the procurement you wish to register for; Your organisations full name as a registered supplier; the name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email. Crown Commercial Service (CCS) will process the email and then enable the Bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing Suite. The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this hasBeen done. As a user of the e-Sourcing Suite you will have access to Emptoris email messaging service which facilitates all messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event.Please note it is your responsibility to access these emails on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity. For technical assistance on use of the e-Sourcing Suite please contact Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Helpdesk (Not UK SBS Ltd): Freephone: 0345 010 3503 — Email: support to respond to a requirement is available to bidders at

Value: 300000
Published: 2018-11-21
Deadline: 2019-01-15
300000 2018-11-21 2019-01-15
Online Tests and Assessment Platform
UK Liverpool Crown Commercial Service

Crown commercial service are acting as an “Agent” and will be conducting this procurement on before of Cabinet Office the “Authority”.The purpose of the contract is to provide Civil Service HR (CSHR) “the Customer”, a test platform responsible for the delivery of online tests and assessments for recruitment across all civil service departments (circa 400 000 staff). The requirement is to provide a platform for authoring, assembling and delivering online tests and assessments.The platform will be provided as software-as-a-service including the support to manage and maintain the platform.The test platform is required to allow independent access to the client’s users instead of this work being handed to the supplier.

Value: 4000000
Published: 2018-11-06
Deadline: 2018-12-03
4000000 2018-11-06 2018-12-03
Chilled Water Services for UKRI MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences (LMS)
UK Swindon UK Research and Innovation

UK Shared Business Services Ltd acting on behalf of the Contracting Authority is putting in place a contract for the supply of Medical chilled water services. The successful supplier is required to provide the chillers as detailed within the tender documentation. A Principal Contractor shall complete the detailed design, manufacture, supply, install and warrant the works associated with this equipment as indicated on the Design Drawings (Appendix C) and criteria stated in the Specification (Appendix B).The contractor will be required to set up the site in close proximity to the building and it will need to fully comply with CDM regulation regardless of whether the work is notifiable or not. All site personnel will be subject to ICHT site induction. Most of the tasks will be subject to RAMS which will need to be approved by ICHT as well as UKRI.The work involved is to provide another chiller identical to the existing one already serving the MRI unit. The new chiller will be connected to the existing CHW system though a diverse route i.e. using existing ventilation riser which will need to be cleared of all redundant services so that space can be created for the diverse route from the new chiller.Full details and specification can be found within Appendix B and the supporting documentation.All submissions will be assessed in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, for procurement values that exceed Regulation 5 (Threshold amounts). This procurement will be managed electronically via the Crown Commercial Service's eSourcing suite. To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the eSourcing suite, this can be done online at by following the link “Supplier eSourcing Registration”.Plesae note that, to register, Bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract if invited to do so.Note: registration may take some time please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register. Full instructions for registrations and use of the system can be found at registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement. This is done by emailing your email must clearly state: the name and reference for the procurement you wish to register for; your organisations full name as a registered supplier; the name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email. Crown Commercial Service (CCS) will process the email and then enable the Bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing suite.The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. As a user of the e-Sourcing suite you will have access to Emptoris email messaging service which facilitates all messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event. Plesae note it is your responsibility to access these emails on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity. For technical assistance on use of the e-Sourcing suite please contact Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Helpdesk (Not UK SBS Ltd): Freephone: 03450103503 email: The Contracting Authority expressly reserves the right:(i) not to award any contract as a result of the procurement process commenced by publication of this notice; and(ii) to make whatever changes it may see fit to the content and structure of the procurement; and in no circumatances will the Contracting Authority be liable for any costs incurred by any supplier.

Value: 270000
Published: 2018-10-06
Deadline: 2018-11-12
270000 2018-10-06 2018-11-12
Residential Accommodation Cleaning Services at the Facilities Information Hub (Telford Campus)
UK Wolverhampton University of Wolverhampton

The scope of this contract is for cleaning of Residential Accommodation in the Facilities Information Hub based at the University’s Telford Campus. The Accommodation comprises 446 ensuite rooms Non term time (June – September), 304 ensuite rooms Term Time (September – June) within blocks RSA to RSM.This contract has not been split into lots as the need to coordinate the different contractors for the lots could seriously risk undermining the proper execution of the contract.The Qualification section will be assessed on a pass/fail basis in accordance with the standard qualification questions implemented by the Crown Commercial Services (CCS)/Cabinet Office.The requirements here include:— the Tenderer must have a minimum annual turnover of 200 000 GBP,— the Tenderer must have a Credit Safe Score of ≥30,— the successful Contractor must have a minimum of 5 000 000 GBP Public Liability Insurance— the successful Contractor must have a minimum of £10M Employers Indemnity Insurance.Additional Qualification elements are as follows:Must hold membership of either or both of the following:— membership of The British Industry of Cleaning Science (BICS),— membership of The British Safety Council (BSC).The top scoring five 5 Tenderers in terms of the marked questions will be automatically taken to the next stage of ITT assessment (“Award Stage”).

Value: 525000
Published: 2018-09-12
Deadline: 2018-10-10
525000 2018-09-12 2018-10-10
FM18156 Development of a Solar Carpark and Associated Works
UK Cambridge UK Research and Innovation

UK Shared Business Services Ltd acting on behalf of the Contracting Authority is putting in place a contract to facilitate the development of a solar car park and associated works. The project will bring forward a spend to save initiative that would enable BAS to reduce carbon emissions by the use of renewable energy systems, would provide for charging points for electrical vehicles visiting the site, would enhance car park for security, provide a new car park surface, and enable a secure bike shed to be provided within the car park perimeter.The project will be delivered in two stages. During phase 1 the Contractor shall design, supply, install, test and commission the solar carports for the 4 double bays of the existing car park area, the electrical vehicle charging points, the exterior lighting system and control for the car park and the swipe control barriers at the entrance and exit of the car park. During phase 2 the Contractor shall remove the current bicycle shed and shall design, supply, install, test and commission a new secure bicycle shed (swipe control) with a solar roof/canopy. In addition, during phase 2, the contractor will remove the existing car park surface and provide a new one.All submissions will be assessed in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, for procurement values that exceed Regulation 5 (Threshold amounts). This procurement will be managed electronically via the Crown Commercial Service's eSourcing Suite. To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the eSourcing Suite, this can be done online at by following the link 'Supplier eSourcing Registration'.Please note that, to register, Bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract if invited to do so. Note: registration may take some time please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register. Full instructions for registrations and use of the system can be found at becomea-crown-commercial-service-supplier registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement. This is done by emailing Your email must clearly state: the name and reference for the procurement you wish to register for; Your organisations full name as a registered supplier; the name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email. Crown Commercial Service (CCS) will process the email and then enable the Bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing Suite.The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. As a user of the e-Sourcing Suite you will have access to Emptoris email messaging service which facilitates all messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event. Please note it is your responsibility to access these emails on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity.For technical assistance on use of the e-Sourcing Suite please contact Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Helpdesk (Not UK SBS Ltd): Freephone: 0345010 3503 email: The Contracting Authority expressly reserves the right (i) not to award any contract as a result of the procurement process commenced by publication of this notice; and (ii) to make whatever changes it may see fit to the content and structure of the procurement; and in no circumstances will the Contracting Authority be liable for any costs incurred by any Supplier. If the Contracting

Value: 464000
Published: 2018-09-07
Deadline: 2018-10-15
464000 2018-09-07 2018-10-15
UK SBS PR18120 Flexible DC Power Cable for Connection between Magnets and Power Supplies
UK Swindon UK Research and Innovation

Flexible DC Power cable is required for the refurbishment and upgrade program on the Riken beamline. This cable will be used to connect the power supplies used to provide the drive current to the various types of magnets used on the accelerator. The power supplies range from 5kW to 100kW with an output current range of 100 Amps DC to 500 Amps DC with the exception of RB2 which has an output of 4200A. Each power supply will use single core or multiple single core high temperature cables.Cable Type: 70mm2 flexible DC Connecting Cable.Amount Required: 400 MetresRequired Packaging: 400 Metre DrumsCable Type: 95mm2 flexible DC Connecting Cable.Amount Required: 3000 MetresRequired Packaging: 500 Metre DrumsCable Type: 150mm2 flexible DC Connecting Cable.Amount Required: 500 MetresRequired Packaging: 500 Metre DrumsCable Type: 240mm2 flexible DC Connecting Cable.Amount Required: 3500 MetresRequired Packaging: 500 Metre DrumsThere is the potential purchase for additional cables (in the sizes as stated above) over 4 year contract with the successful supplier not exceeding the maximum budget of £195,000.To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the e-Sourcing Suite. If Bidders have not yet registered on the e-Sourcing Suite, this can be done online at: by following the above link ‘Supplier e-Sourcing Registration’. Please note that, to register, Bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract if invited to do so.Note: registration may take some time please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register.Full instructions for registration and use of the system can be found at you have registered on the e-Sourcing Suite, a registered user can express an interest for a specificProcurement. This is done by emailing email must clearly state: the name and reference for the procurement you wish to register for; Your organisations full name as a registered supplier; the name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email.Crown Commercial Service (CCS) will process the email and then enable the Bidder to access the procurementOnline via the e-Sourcing Suite. The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. As a user of the e-Sourcing Suite you will have access to Emptoris email messaging service which facilitates all messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event.Please note it is your responsibility to access these emails on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity.For technical assistance on use of the e-Sourcing Suite please contact Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Helpdesk (Not UK SBS Ltd):Email: support to respond to a requirement is available to bidders at: must be received by the date in IV.2.2. Responses received outside or concurrently using the e-Sourcing process will not be accepted or considered further for this opportunity.

Value: 195000
Published: 2018-09-04
Deadline: 2018-10-10
195000 2018-09-04 2018-10-10
UK SBS PR18119 — UKRI Data Acquisition and Control System for STFC
UK Swindon UK Research and Innovation

The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), a component Research Council of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), is a world-leading multi-disciplinary science organisation, whose goal is to deliver economic, societal, scientific and international benefits to the UK and its people – and more broadly to the world.STFC wishes to procure a Data Acquisition and Control (DAQ/C) System to cover the heating and cooling of STC-3 (Space Test Chamber), with a contractual OPTION to purchase a further DAQ/C System for STC-2 if the Contracting Authority so wishes. The Contract will cover design, manufacture, delivery and installation.The total estimated value listed encompasses both the confirmed purchase System, and optional second System.To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the e-Sourcing Suite. If Bidders have not yet registered on the e-Sourcing Suite, this can be done online at: by following the above link ‘Supplier e-Sourcing Registration’.Please note that, to register, Bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract ifInvited to do so.Note: registration may take some time please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register.Full instructions for registration and use of the system can be found at you have registered on the e-Sourcing Suite, a registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement. This is done by emailing email must clearly state: the name and reference for the procurement you wish to register for;Your organisations full name as a registered supplier;The name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email.Crown Commercial Service (CCS) will process the email and then enable the Bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing Suite.The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. As a user of the e-Sourcing Suite you will have access to Emptoris email messaging service which facilitates.All messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event.Please note it is your responsibility to access these emails on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity.For technical assistance on use of the e-Sourcing Suite please contact Crown Commercial Service(CCS) Helpdesk (Not UK SBS Ltd):Email: support to respond to a requirement is available to bidders at: must be received by the date in IV.2.2. Responses received outside or concurrently using the e-Sourcing process will not be accepted or consideredFurther for this opportunity.

Value: 1000000
Published: 2018-09-04
Deadline: 2018-10-16
1000000 2018-09-04 2018-10-16
PR17010 UKRI Outside Manufacturing (OM) Framework
UK Swindon UK Research and Innovation

The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) procure a considerable number of mechanical engineering bespoke and low volume production items during a year. In order to support this activity STFC intend to establish a multi-lot framework agreement divided by supplies covering the categories (or Lots) of manufacture out-lined below;Lot 1. Small/Medium Milling — Machine envelope up to X 2m x Y 800mm x Z 750mm.On average STFC are placing about 3 purchase orders a day across all categories (Lots) of supplies. The average value of purchase orders placed underThis agreement is estimated to be below £3,000.00 GBP excluding VAT. The volumes of work are not guaranteed through the duration of this contract. Bidders may apply for 1 or more lots.The intention is to have up to a maximum of 12 suppliers per lot that will be awarded a place on this Framework. The method of call off under this Framework will be a mini competition where all capable suppliers listed under relevant lot will be invited to tender in a mini competition with criteria that is reflective of the award criteria stipulated within the Terms and Condition of this Framework Agreement. All submissions will be assessed in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, for procurement values that exceed Regulation 5 (Threshold amounts). This procurement will be managed electronically via the Crown Commercial Service’s e-Sourcing Suite. To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the e-Sourcing Suite. If Bidders have not yetRegistered on the eSourcing Suite, this can be done online at by following the link ‘Supplier eSourcing Registration’. Please note that, to register, Bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract if invited to do so. Note: registration may take some time please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register. Full instructions for registration and use of the system can be found at you have registered on the eSourcing Suite, a registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement. This is done by emailing email must clearly state: the name and reference II.2.5) Award criteria for the procurement you wish to register for; Your organisations full name as a registered supplier;The name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email. Crown Commercial Service (CCS) will process the email and then enable the Bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing Suite. The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. As a user of the e-Sourcing Suite you will have access to Emptoris email messaging service which facilitates all messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event. Please note it is your responsibility to access these emails on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity. For technical assistance on use of the e-Sourcing Suite please contact Crown Commercial Service(CCS) Helpdesk (Not UK SBS Ltd): Freephone: 0345 010 3503 email: Training support to respond to a requirement is available to bidders at must be received by the date in IV.2.2. Responses received outside or concurrently using the eSourcing process will not be accepted or consideredFurther for this opportunity.

Value: 9000000
Published: 2018-07-21
Deadline: 2018-09-04
9000000 2018-07-21 2018-09-04
UK SBS CR18083 Climate impacts between 1.5C and 4C of global warming
UK London Department for Business, Innovation & Skills

The overall aim of this research programme is to support the UK’s international climate policy objective of increasing global ambition for mitigation to meet the internationally-agreed long-term global temperature goal of the Paris Agreement of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).It will do this by improving UK and international understanding of the implications of (1) not meeting current nationally-determined contributions and (2) failing to increase current mitigation pledges sufficiently to put the world on a pathway consistent with the long-term temperature goal. Consequently, it is anticipated that the project will identify the benefits and avoided impacts of stronger action.This research programme aims to fill existing knowledge gaps surrounding the impacts of a global temperature increase of between 1,5º C and 4º C in terms of the environmental, economic, and societal impacts of climate change. The analysis will target regions and countries of interest to international climate policy teams, including Brazil, China and India, as well as three others to be determined in consultation with policy teams. In particular, the research will focus on a few key sectors, including food security, water availability and security, health impacts of heat waves and extreme temperatures, and impacts to supply chains and trade choke-points, and imported impacts (for example, impacts to the UK caused by food price shocks elsewhere).All submissions will be assessed in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, for procurement values that exceed Regulation 5 (Threshold amounts). This procurement will be managed electronically via the Crown Commercial Service’s e-Sourcing Suite. To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the eSourcing Suite. If Bidders have not yet registered on the eSourcing Suite, this can be done online at by following the link “Supplier eSourcing Registration”.Please note that, to register, Bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract ifInvited to do so. Note: registration may take some time please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register. Full instructions for registration and use of the system can be found at you have registered on the eSourcing Suite, a registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement. This is done by emailing email must clearly state:— the name and reference for the procurement you wish to register for,— your organisations full name as a registered supplier,— the name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email.Crown Commercial Service (CCS) will process the email and then enable the Bidder to access the procurement online via the eSourcing Suite. The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. As a user of the eSourcing Suite you will have access to Emptoris email messaging service which facilitates all messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event.Please note it is your responsibility to access these emails on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity. For technical assistance on use of the eSourcing Suite please contact Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Helpdesk (Not UK SBS Ltd): Freephone: 0345010 3503 — email: support to respond to a requirement is available to bidders at

Value: 250000
Published: 2018-07-19
Deadline: 2018-08-24
250000 2018-07-19 2018-08-24
Cleaning Services at MRC Harwell
UK Swindon UK Research and Innovation

MRC Harwell is a research facility dedicated to the study of the relationship between genetics and disease, molecular biology, biocomputing and other related research. It is actively involved with large scale, international projects and a respected member of the scientific community worldwide.Cleaning service contract specification.The awarded contractor is required to deliver a cleaning service in line with the provided specification and will be responsible for monitoring the provision of the services on a daily basis. The specification requires the provision of a person for daily point of contact and also an onsite supervisor.For the whole of the contract, routine and supply of labour cleaning (SOL), all cleaning materials will be sourced by the contractor (paid for by the Medical Research Council) and approved by the MRC Contract Manager (MCM) Equipment will be purchased by the Medical Research Council (MRC) who will be responsible for its maintenance including portable appliance testing. All equipment is currently leased from the incumbent supplier.Cleaning shall be carried out Monday to Friday between 05:00 and 15:00 hrs. Special clean times negotiable dependant on business needs.The site consists of 2 main buildings: Mary Lyon Centre & 383 plus a security lodge and 3 much smaller buildings, 2 of which are moth balled and one only part occupied, shown in appendix A.Further, detailed information in relation to this requirement can be found within Appendix B – Harwell Cleaning SpecificationPlease note: you will be required to complete and return the Harwell Non-Disclosure Agreement in order to be able to gain access to Appendix B.All submissions will be assessed in accordance with the public contracts Regulations 2015, for procurement values that exceed Regulation 5 (Threshold amounts). This procurement will be managed electronically via the crown commercial service’s e-Sourcing Suite. To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the e-Sourcing Suite. If bidders have not yet registered on the e-Sourcing Suite, this can be done online at: by following the link “Supplier eSourcing Registration”. Please note that, to register, Bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract if invited to do so. Note: registration may take some time please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register. Full instructions for registration and use of the system can be found at Once you have registered on the e-Sourcing Suite, a registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement. This is done by emailing: Your email must clearly state: the name and reference for the procurement you wish to register for; Your organisations full name as a registered supplier; the name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email. Crown Commercial Service (CCS) will process the email and then enable the Bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing Suite. The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. As a user of the e-Sourcing Suite you will have access to Emptoris email messaging service which facilitates all messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event. The contracting authority expressly reserves the righti) not to award any contract as a result of the procurement process commenced by publication of this notice, andii) to make whatever changes it may see fit to the content and structure of the procurement; and in no circumstances will the contracting authority be liable for any costs incurred by any supplier.

Value: 750000
Published: 2018-07-12
Deadline: 2018-08-21
750000 2018-07-12 2018-08-21
Professional Economist Integrated Degree Apprenticeship
UK Liverpool Crown Commercial Service

Crown Commercial Service as the Authority are working with the Government Economic Service (GES) support team in HM Treasury to establish a single supplier Framework Agreement for Professional Economist Integrated Degree Apprenticeships. As the largest employer of economists in England the GES are committed to employing Professional Economist Apprentices. The Professional Economist Apprenticeship entry route is seen as the important new pillar of the GES Recruitment Strategy and will have parity of esteem with the established Fast Track and Main Stream entry routes. The apprenticeship route is considered a vital part of the GES’s drive to ensure that the economics profession continues to attract the brightest and the best from all backgrounds.Through this Framework Agreement it is the GES intention to form an enduring professional relationship with a single training provider to deliver all of the Professional Economist Integrated Degree Apprenticeship Training for GES member organisations. Current indications are that 75 apprentices will be recruited for August 2019 starts and this may grow in subsequent years.To participate in this procurement potential providers must be registered on the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers (RoATP), must have three years’ experience of delivering an Economics degree programme and currently offer an L100 programme.The scope will include the Apprenticeship Standards as published in the Specification, Attachment 4a, and the Supplier shall retain throughout the Framework period Silver, or Gold Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) outcomes.Tenders submitted by consortia are welcome for this Procurement.The duration of the Framework Agreement set out in II.2.7) is the Initial Framework Period of 2 years. There are also two additional 1 year extension options available in that Framework Agreement.

Published: 2018-07-11
Deadline: 2018-08-06
2018-07-11 2018-08-06
UK SBS PR18111 — UKRI Air Cooled Water Chillers for STFC
UK Swindon UK Research and Innovation

The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), a component Research Council of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), is a world-leading multi-disciplinary science organisation, whose goal is to deliver economic, societal, scientific and international benefits to the UK and its people — and more broadly to the world.STFC are carrying out a phased programme for the replacement of 3 existing Climaveneta TC/SRAT/LN-1202 chillers. The programme will begin in 2018 and expect to be completed by 2020. The anticipated phasing will be to purchase a single 350 kW chiller in 2018 with 2 further chillers purchased before the end of the agreement period.The requirement is for the design, manufacture, testing, delivery and commissioning of up to 3 Nº air cooled water chillers to replace failing units located on the existing R5.1 platform. The assembly forms part of the ISIS Neutron Science Research facility at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL), Chilton, Oxfordshire, part of the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC).To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the e-Sourcing Suite. If Bidders have not yet registered on the e-Sourcing Suite, this can be done online at: by following the above link “Supplier e-Sourcing Registration”.Please note that, to register, Bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract ifInvited to do so.Note: registration may take some time please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register.Full instructions for registration and use of the system can be found at you have registered on the e-Sourcing Suite, a registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement. This is done by emailing— your email must clearly state: the name and reference for the procurement you wish to register for,— your organisations full name as a registered supplier,The name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email.Crown Commercial Service (CCS) will process the email and then enable the Bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing Suite.The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. As a user of the e-Sourcing Suite you will have access to Emptoris email messaging service which facilitates.All messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event.Please note it is your responsibility to access these emails on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity.For technical assistance on use of the e-Sourcing Suite please contact Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Helpdesk (Not UK SBS Ltd):Email: support to respond to a requirement is available to bidders at: must be received by the date in IV.2.2. Responses received outside or concurrently using the e-Sourcing process will not be accepted or considered further for this opportunity.

Value: 260000
Published: 2018-07-11
Deadline: 2018-08-21
260000 2018-07-11 2018-08-21
UK SBS IT 18163 Delivering the UK Component of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
UK London Department for Business, Innovation & Skills

BEIS is looking for a supplier to undertake Management of the UK element of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Data Distribution Centre (DDC) which provides access to modelling and scenario data used by the IPCC. The contractor will take responsibility for managing the UK aspects of the existing DDC site, including hosting a website through which the DDC data is accessed.All submissions will be assessed in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, for procurement values that exceed Regulation 5 (Threshold amounts). This procurement will be managed electronically via the Crown Commercial Service’s e-Sourcing Suite. To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the e-Sourcing Suite. If Bidders have not yet registered on the eSourcing Suite, this can be done online at by following the link ‘Supplier eSourcing Registration’. Please note that, to register, Bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract if invited to do so. Note: registration may take some time please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register.Full instructions for registration and use of the system can be found at g-tool-guidance-for-suppliersOnce you have registered on the eSourcing Suite, a registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement. This is done by emailing Your email must clearly state: the name and reference for the procurement you wish to register for; Your organisations full name as a registered supplier; the name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email.Crown Commercial Service (CCS) will process the email and then enable the Bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing Suite. The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done.As a user of the e-Sourcing Suite you will have access to Emptoris email messaging service which facilitates all messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event.Please note it is your responsibility to access these emails on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity. For technical assistance on use of the e-Sourcing Suite please contact Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Helpdesk (Not UK SBS Ltd): Freephone: 0345 010 3503email: support to respond to a requirement is available to bidders at

Value: 150000
Published: 2018-07-10
Deadline: 2018-08-15
150000 2018-07-10 2018-08-15
Security Services for Harwell and LMB
UK Swindon UK Research and Innovation

The main area in which the Contract services are to be undertaken is on the Medical Research Council’s Harwell site. This site is used for administration & medical research laboratories. The contract will include for supplying fully manned, round the clock security. Including duties, but not limited to, general reception duties, gate, traffic control, plant checks including checking for fire, floods and clear walkways in case of an emergency and routine patrols.The MRC own / operates a fully equipped security office with CCTV, access control, remote barrier control, intercom, lone worker alarm and various alarm monitoring systems. Security officers are required to be proficient in the operation and monitoring of these systems so that appropriate management procedures can be followed.Further, detailed information in relation to this requirement can be found within Appendix B – Lot 1 – Harwell Security attached to the contracts finder notice.Please Note; you will be required to complete and return the Lot 1 – Harwell Non-Disclosure Agreement in order to be able to gain access to Appendix BAll submissions will be assessed in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, for procurement values that exceed Regulation 5 (Threshold amounts). This procurement will be managed electronically via the Crown Commercial Service’s e-Sourcing Suite. To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the e-Sourcing Suite. If Bidders have not yet registered on the eSourcing Suite, this can be done online at by following the link ‘Supplier eSourcing Registration’. Please note that, to register, Bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract if invited to do so. Note: registration may take some time please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register. Full instructions for registration and use of the system can be found at -crown-commercial-service-supplier Once you have registered on the eSourcing Suite, a registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement. This is done by Your email must clearly state: the name and reference for the procurement you wish to register for; Your organisations full name as a registered supplier; the name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email. Crown Commercial Service (CCS) will process the email and then enable the Bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing Suite. The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. As a user of the e-Sourcing Suite you will have access to Emptoris email messaging service which facilitates all messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event. The Contracting Authority expressly reserves the right(i) not to award any contract as a result of the procurement process commenced by publication of this notice; and(ii) to make whatever changes it may see fit to the content and structure of the procurement; and in no circumstances will the Contracting Authority be liable for any costs incurred by any Supplier.

Value: 1875000
Published: 2018-06-23
Deadline: 2018-07-31
1875000 2018-06-23 2018-07-31
UK SBS FM18043 Provision of Static Security Guarding at the British Geological Survey (BGS)
UK Nottingham UK Research and Innovation

Please note; This OJEU notice is being published to cover a deadline extension of notice 2018/S 091 — 206381. Due to technical difficulties with our incumbent suppliers system we are unable to create a Corrigendum notice to the original notice ahead of the closing date and time.The successful contractor will be responsible for providing security cover 24 hours per day and 365 days per year.BGS are looking to enter into a 3 year contract, with an option to extend for 1 further year. The estimated value of the contract is 441 600 GBP (110 400,00 GBP p/a). Estimated start date is September 2018.All submissions will be assessed in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, for procurement values that exceed Regulation 5 (Threshold Amounts). This procurement will be managed electronically via the Crown commercial service's e-Sourcing suite. To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the e-Sourcing suite, this can be done online at by following the link ‘Supplier eSourcing Registration’.Please note that, to register, Bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract if invited to do so. Note: registration may take some time please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register. Full instructions for registration and use of the system can be found at you have registered on the eSourcing Suite, a registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement. This is done by emailing Your email must clearly state:— the name and reference for the procurement you wish to register for,— your organisations full name as a registered supplier,— the name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email.Crown commercial service (CCS) will process the email and then enable the Bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing suite. The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. As a user of the e-Sourcing Suite you will have access to Emptoris email messaging service which facilitates all messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event. Please note it is your responsibility to access these emails on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity.For technical assistance on use of the e-Sourcing suite please contact Crown commercial service (CCS) Helpdesk (Not UK SBS Ltd): Freephone: 0345010 3503 email: The Contracting Authority expressly reserves the right (i) not to award any contract as a result of the procurement process commenced by publication of this notice; and (ii) to make whatever changes it may see fit to the content and structure of the procurement; and in no circumstances will the Contracting Authority be liable for any costs incurred by any Supplier. If the Contracting Authority decides to enter into a Contract with the successful supplier, this does not mean that there is any guarantee of subsequent contracts being awarded. Any expenditure, work or effort undertaken prior to contract award is accordingly a matter solely for the commercial judgement of Bidders.See Section I.3 for access to procurement documentation

Value: 441600
Published: 2018-06-22
Deadline: 2018-07-02
441600 2018-06-22 2018-07-02
UK SBS FM18043 Provision of Static Security Guarding at the British Geological Survey (BGS)
UK Nottingham UK Research and Innovation

The successful contractor will be responsible for providing security cover 24 hours per day and 365 days per year.BGS are looking to enter into a 3 year contract, with an option to extend for 1 further year. The estimated value of the contract is 441 600 GBP (110 400,00 GBP p/a).Estimated start date is August 2018.All submissions will be assessed in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, for procurement values that exceed Regulation 5 (Threshold amounts). This procurement will be managed electronically via the Crown commercial service's e-Sourcing suite. To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the e-Sourcing suite, this can be done online at by following the link ‘Supplier eSourcing Registration’.Please note that, to register, Bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract if invited to do so. Note: registration may take some time please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register. Full instructions for registration and use of the system can be found at you have registered on the eSourcing Suite, a registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement. This is done by emailing Your email must clearly state: the name and reference for the procurement you wish to register for; Your organisations full name as a registered supplier; the name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email. Crown commercial service (CCS) will process the email and then enable the Bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing suite. The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. As a user of the e-Sourcing suite you will have access to Emptoris email messaging service which facilitates all messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event.Please note it is your responsibility to access these Emails on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity for technical assistance on use of the e-Sourcing Suite please contact Crown commercial service (CCS) Helpdesk (Not UK SBS Ltd): Freephone: 0345010 3503Email: Contracting Authority expressly reserves the right (i) not to award any contract as a result of the procurement process commenced by publication of this notice; and (ii) to make whatever changes it may see fit to the content and structure of the procurement; and in no circumstances will the Contracting Authority be liable for any costs incurred by any Supplier. If the Contracting Authority decides to enter into a Contract with the successful supplier, this does not mean that there is any guarantee of subsequent contracts being awarded any expenditure, work or effort undertaken prior to Contract award is accordingly a matter solely for the Commercial judgement of Bidders. See Section I.3 for access to procurement documentation.

Value: 441600
Published: 2018-05-16
Deadline: 2018-06-18
441600 2018-05-16 2018-06-18
FM18075 Security Service and Medical Rescue and Security Cameras
UK Clevland South Tees Site Company

South Tees Site Company (STSC) are seeking a manned guarding service provision to include all manned security, medical rescue response, front of.House, and site induction processes.The site boundary is approximately 13,5 miles (including River Tees border) in circumference and consists of a mixture of wooden bars, palisade, chain link fencing – all in various states of repair and degradation. There are lengths of perimeter where no fence line or demarcation exists typical duties are as follows:— to conform with all SIA and BSIA regulations, including as a minimum, ACS status,— control access and egress to site,— carry out vehicle searches and identity checks,— control manual and automatic security barriers,— control and issue keys, access cards,— deliver visitor, HGV and contractor inductions,— conduct physical security patrols by both foot and vehicle.— carry out routine vehicle searches and perimeter fence line patrols.— attend reported crimes and investigate accordingly taking guidance and direction from the STSC Head of security.— perform road safety duties including speed monitoring.— lock and alarm vehicles and buildings on site.— escort the emergency services (Fire, Police and Ambulance) to emergency incidents on site.The list of service duties is indicative and by no means comprehensive a further list of duties can be found in the procurement documentation.Please note it is your responsibility to access these emails on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity.For technical assistance on use of the e-Sourcing suite please contact Crown Commercial Service.(CCS) Helpdesk (Not UK SBS Ltd): Freephone:0345010 3503 Contracting Authority expressly reserves the right:(i) not to award any contract as a result of the procurement process commenced by publication of this notice; and(ii) to make whatever changes it may see fit to the content and structure of the procurement; and in no circumstances will the Contracting Authority be liable for any costs incurred by any Supplier.All submissions will be assessed in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, for procurement values that exceed Regulation 5.(Threshold amounts). This procurement will be managed electronically via the Crown Commercial Service’s e-Sourcing Suite. To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the e-Sourcing Suite. If Bidders have not yet registered on the eSourcing Suite, this can be done online at. by following the link ‘Supplier eSourcing Registration’.Please note that, to register, Bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract if invited to do so. Note: registration may take some time please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register. Full instructions for registration and use of the system can be found at. — crown-commercial-service-supplier Once you have registered on the eSourcing Suite, a registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement.This is done by emailing email must clearly state: the name and reference for the procurement you wish to register for; Your organisations full name as a registered supplier; the name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email.Crown Commercial Service (CCS) will process the email and then enable the Bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing Suite.The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once t

Value: 8442000
Published: 2018-05-11
Deadline: 2018-06-08
8442000 2018-05-11 2018-06-08
FM17183 Security Service and Medical Rescue and Security Cameras
UK Clevland South Tees Site Company

South Tees Site Company (STSC) are seeking a manned guarding service provision to include all manned security, medical rescue response, front of house, and site induction processes.The site boundary is approximately 13.5 miles (including River Tees border) in circumference and consists of a mixture of wooden bars, palisade, chain link fencing — all in various states of repair and degradation. There are lengths of perimeter where no fence line or demarcation exists.Typical duties are as follows.— To conform with all SIA and BSIA regulations, including as a minimum, ACS status,— Control access and egress to site,— Carry out vehicle searches and identity checks,— Control manual and automatic security barriers,— Control and issue keys, access cards,— Deliver visitor, HGV and contractor inductions,— Conduct physical security patrols by both foot and vehicle,— Carry out routine vehicle searches and perimeter fence line patrols,— Attend reported crimes and investigate accordingly, taking guidance and direction from the STSC Head of security,— Perform road safety duties including speed monitoring,— Lock and alarm vehicles and buildings on site,— Escort the emergency services (Fire, Police and Ambulance) to emergency incidents on site.The list of service duties is indicative and by no means comprehensive a further list of duties can be found in the procurement documentation.Please note it is your responsibility to access these emails on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity. For technical assistance on use of the e-Sourcing Suite please contact Crown Commercial Service (CCS) Helpdesk (Not UK SBS Ltd): Freephone: 0345010 3503 email: Contracting Authority expressly reserves the right.1) not to award any contract as a result of the procurement process commenced by publication of this notice; and 2) to make whatever changes it may see fit to the content and structure of the procurement; and in no circumstances will the Contracting Authority be liable for any costs incurred by any Supplier.All submissions will be assessed in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, for procurement values that exceed Regulation 5 (Threshold amounts). This procurement will be managed electronically via the Crown Commercial Service’s e-Sourcing Suite. To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the e-Sourcing Suite. If Bidders have not yet registered on the eSourcing Suite, this can be done online at by following the link ‘Supplier eSourcing Registration’.Please note that, to register, Bidders must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract if invited to do so. Note: registration may take some time please ensure that you allow a sufficient amount of time to register. Full instructions for registration and use of the system can be found at Once you have registered on the eSourcing Suite, a registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement. This is done by emailing email must clearly state: the name and reference for the procurement you wish to register for; Your organisations full name as a registered supplier; the name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email.Crown Commercial Service (CCS) will process the email and then enable the Bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing Suite.The registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. As a user of the e-Sourcing Suite yo

Value: 8442000
Published: 2018-04-06
Deadline: 2018-05-18
8442000 2018-04-06 2018-05-18
FM18035 Waste removal Framework
UK Cleveland South Tees Site Company

On 2.10.2015 the SSI steel works in Redcar was placed into compulsory liquidation and an official receiver (OR) was appointed as liquidator. On 12 October, following no buyer for the steel works being found, the decision was taken by the official receiver to set about the hard closure of the site. Since that time the official receiver undertook a protracted liquidation of SSI and, in the absence of a new owner, he has been overseeing the safe and secure closure of the former SSI site whilst maintaining the delivery of services to other site residents. The site boundary is approximately 13.5 miles (including River Tees border) in circumference and Consists of a mixture of wooden bars, palisade, chain Link fencing – all in various states of repair and degradation. There are lengths of perimeter where no fence line or demarcation exists. This Lot will include the removal of oils and greases such as oil, oily water, greases, Benzole absorbing oil/creosote (Tonne) and heavy fuel oils. The value for this lot is indicative and is based on current inventory. Please note it is your responsibility to access these emails on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity for technical assistance on use of the e-Sourcing suite please contact Crown commercial service (CCS) Helpdesk (Not UK SBS Ltd): Freephone: 0345010 3503 email: Contracting Authority expressly reserves the right (i) not to award any contract as a result of the procurement process commenced by publication of this notice; and (ii) to make whatever changes it may see fit to the content and structure of the procurement; and in no circumstances will the Contracting Authority be liable for any costs incurred by any supplier. All submissions will be assessed in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, for procurement values that exceed Regulation 5 (Threshold amounts). This procurement will be managed electronically via the Crown commercial service’s e-Sourcing suite. To participate in this procurement, participants shall first be registered on the e-Sourcing suite. If bidders have not yet registered on the eSourcing suite, this can be done online at Once you have registered on the eSourcing suite, a registered user can express an interest for a specific procurement. This is done by emailing Your email must clearly state: the name and reference for the procurement you wish to register for; Your organisations full name as a registered supplier; the name and contact details for the registered individual sending the email. Crown commercial service (CCS) will process the email and then enable the Bidder to access the procurement online via the e-Sourcing suite the registered user will receive a notification email to alert them once this has been done. As a user of the e-Sourcing suite you will have access to Emptoris email messaging service which facilitates all messages sent to you and from you in relation to any specific RFX event.

Value: 4000000
Published: 2018-04-06
Deadline: 2018-05-14
4000000 2018-04-06 2018-05-14
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