Environmental Management
Purpose: Sustainability is now a key issue in many of our contracts, and Buyers are keen for our potential suppliers to have a commitment to sustainable environmental practices. A written policy is only required to be 1-2 pages and should always reflect your business processes. Key questions for the Buyer: Can this organisation help us reduce the impact of our operations on the environment? Typical Scoring/Assessment: Either Pass/Fail or scored based on the organisation’s progress towards achieving external accreditation. Therefore your response may not be rejected for having not implementing these, but you may score zero in comparison to an organisation who is either developing them currently, or already has these systems and processes set up and fully operational. Information typically requested:- A copy of an environmental management policy. (Meaning processes and procedures to ensure that the environmental impacts of the organisation are properly managed, including meeting legal requirements).
- Details of any accredited environmental management system.
- Details of any prosecutions or breaches of environmental law in the last three years.
- Details of any notices served upon your organisation by any environmental regulator in the last three years.
- Details of any remedial actions you have taken.
- Write an environmental policy.
- Create an action plan which shows how the policy will be implemented within the business.
- Make sure all employees understand the policy and have a copy.
- Monitor your efforts and review your policy annually.
- Promote your green credentials.
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