Procurement decisions heavily influenced by price, trust and quality survey finds
A recent survey of over 1,000 civil servants conducted by Global Government Forum, has established the main influencing factors upon government during the procurement process. Civil servants were asked, among other questions, which factors were the most influential when awarding new outsourcing contracts to a given organisation. Following an analysis of the collated results, it was found that Price, Trust and Quality were the highest-ranking factors to influence procurement decisions in the UK. These were closely followed by the given track record of an organisation, contribution to the UK economy and positive media coverage of the brand in question. These views were also seconded by Senior Civil Service (formerly grades 1-5), who felt that above all, price was the deciding factor in procurement, followed by quality of services and trust. Others who work directly with purchasing and the procurement process agree with the findings of this survey, indicating the need for bidders to remain financially competitive and instil confidence into government buyers. Read the full survey results here.So, how can Thornton & Lowe help you maximise focus on these influential areas and boost bid success?
Thornton & Lowe has an enviable track record guiding our clients to success in contract and framework opportunities across 125 sectors since 2009. Our highly-skilled in-house bid team provide a complete range of bid management services, supporting our clients to bid for and win public and private sector contracts. For further information on the services provided by Thornton & Lowe, or to discuss your organisation’s specific requirements, please do not hesitate to contact our head office on 01204 238 046 or email the team at
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