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The Ultimate Guide to Winning Health & Social Care Tenders

Chris turner

Written by Chris Turner


Jan 10, 2023

The tendering process for health and social care can seem complicated, but there are several key strategies you can adopt to maximise your chances of bidding success. As with other industries, the tender process is largely standardised whether you are applying to Commissioners in the NHS, Local Authorities/councils, or government bodies.

Unlike some other sectors, the proposal writing process often starts with a pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ). This acts as a bidding ‘first round’ and produces a shortlist of suppliers for the next stage. This is then followed by a more in-depth and competitive Invitation to Tender (ITT) process.

Here we look at the application process and consider the key elements that contribute to creating a winning bid/proposal.

Check Your Eligibility

As proposal/tender writing is time and resource-consuming, it makes sense to check your eligibility to bid to avoid disappointment after the evaluation. As such, the first thing you need to do with any health and social care tender is to check that you are eligible to apply. There are several ways you can do this, including:

  • Checking the information within the contract notice/PIN
  • Checking the ITT document within the tender pack (a ‘search and find’ for ‘eligibility’ or ‘minimum requirements’ is often very useful)
  • Asking the buyer/authority a Clarification Question via the tender portal

Due to their stringent compliance criteria, the NHS and local authorities receive a high number of bids from companies that don’t quite meet their requirements. This is the reason that buyers often start with a PQQ process which filters out applicants who do not meet the conditions in terms of finances, accreditations, competency and experience.

For health and social care tenders, the eligibility requirements will often focus on:

  • Your financial turnover
  • Key insurances, including Employers Liability and Medical Malpractice
  • Accreditations and registrations such as Care Quality Commission (CQC) registration
  • Your previous experience in delivering health and social care to Service Users

Completing the PQQ

While often less extensive than the ITT/tender document, the PQQ is critical to get right. It is designed to filter out unqualified bidders and decides if a potential supplier can deliver the contract, whether they are qualified and if they’re a suitable partner.

Be aware that, though often the PQQ will be issued in conjunction with the ITT, buyers will sometimes run this process as a separate initial stage to filter out unsuitable applicants.

You can expect some PQQs to be straightforward Selection Questionnaires usually requiring up to 3 x contract examples to demonstrate your technical ability. However, more extensive PQQs may also contain Method Statement-type questions you will be required to answer and which we will be evaluated by the buyer. Different PQQ’s will vary, but these questions will often focus on your key business processes relevant to the industry, such as:

  • Safeguarding and Risk Management
  • Safer Recruitment process
  • Prevent Policy
  • Equality and diversity
  • Health and Safety

As PQQ responses will often be evaluated stringently or on a pass/fail basis, make sure your business processes and policies are fully aligned with health and social care legislation/best practice.

Invitation to Tender (ITT)

If you have passed the PQQ, buyers will then invite you to complete the ITT/tender document or request a free-form proposal. Compared to the PQQ stage, the requirements of the tender will likely be more in-depth and extensive.

This is where a robust bid planning and preparation process for the ITT stage can often make the difference between a successful and an unsuccessful health/social care bid. Therefore, bear in mind:

Bid preparation

Depending on the questions being asked, you will need to formulate a clear win strategy and identify any potential weaknesses in your service/solution. Given the competitive nature of health and social care tenders, we recommend that you evaluate your position against your competitors and pin down Key Win themes/USPs.

Health and social care buyers will likely want to understand how you have delivered high-quality care/support to Service Users in the past. Therefore, start thinking about what evidence, examples and client testimonials you will draw upon to demonstrate your expertise.

Read the whole set of tender documents!

Another key part of bid preparation is to make you fully understand the buyer’s requirements. To win a health or social care tender, it is essential to understand the scope of the contract and the customer's expectations. Bidders should consider and review the following elements when preparing a winning bid.

  • The ITT document
  • The buyer’s specification
  • The evaluation criteria
  • The Clarification Question Log


Research the customer to understand their expectations, preferences, and requirements. Take the time to learn about their needs, budget, and timelines. Doing this will help you create a proposal that meets their specific needs.

Bid Writing House Style

To ensure your responses or proposal looks professional, consistent and readable, good bid management starts with a set house writing style. This should ensure that each bid you put in for a tender will have the same professional look and the right tone.

It’s important to get this bid writing style nailed down early on. This includes not just font choice and layouts but the style of language you are going to use. In general, it’s best to avoid long sentences and complicated jargon. Based on Thornton and Lowe’s proven tender-winning approach, some key features of our own house style include:

  • Placing the benefit before the feature in a sentence
  • Keeping sentence length under 25 words
  • Writing in Arial, Font 11 unless otherwise requested

Your house style obviously always needs to be compliant with any formatting/style requirements the buyer outlines within the ITT. As such, be prepared to adapt your house style where necessary.


While this will vary depending on services required, the ITT may follow a strict format and include several compliance criteria that must be adhered to. To make sure you don’t fall at the first hurdle, make sure you review the ITT to understand:

  • Word counts/page counts
  • Required font size and formatting
  • The evaluation criteria
  • Any policies, evidence and attachments that are mandatory

It is vital to read the questions carefully and fully understand the specifications, as failure to answer clearly in any section can cost you the bid.

Storyboarding/answer preparation

When responding to the ITT, it’s important not to jump ‘feet first’ into the method statement writing stage. Instead, your bid team should work collaboratively to plan out and storyboard each response. What does this involve?

Essentially, you need to set out a structure and a content plan for each response. This should be based on addressing every single element of the question alongside the evaluation criteria.

This will ensure you know what to do to achieve an ‘Excellent’ score whilst hitting the compliance criteria for each response.

To save time, of course, you might use some standard collateral for common questions that come up in health and social care bids. This would include common subjects like Safeguarding, Health and Safety and Equality and Diversity. It’s important, however, to always tailor generic collateral to the buyer’s requirements and expectations. Focus on whether it really answers the question, rather than simply cutting and pasting it into the document.

Method Statements

The Quality aspect of your tender, often accounting for 40%-60 of the evaluation score, will most likely require you to submit answers to method-statement-type questions posed by the buyer. For health and social care bids, the types of questions you might be asked will vary. However, you can probably expect to be asked to elaborate on:

  • Your approach to delivering person-centred support and care to Service Users
  • Your Risk Management process and Safeguarding protocols
  • The accessibility of your service and your commitment to inclusivity/equal opportunities
  • Your approach to Clinical Governance, quality assurance and legislative compliance
  • The competencies, qualifications and accreditations your staff hold
  • The strength of your infrastructure and resources to deliver the contract
  • Your plan to implement a robust mobilisation/transition process which minimises disruption and risk
  • Your proposal to leave a positive legacy in the community by committing to local social value delivery
  • Examples of how you have previously maximised positive outcomes for Service Users

Key tips

Key things to keep in mind when preparing your method statements for healthcare bids include:

  • Before you write, give all your attention to the key requirements of the service, reviewing the specification and the evaluation criteria. This will ensure you have a full understanding of what the commissioners are looking for and what you to focus on to give you a high score
  • Look at each of the key elements of each of the method statement questions and use these to storyboard/structure your response within the word count allowed
  • Be aware that it is likely each response will be evaluated separately, therefore avoid ‘cross-referencing’ to other answers
  • Check if any of the method statements are allowing supplementary supporting evidence and, if so, prepare your evidence in advance of the deadline
  • Make sure your responses are written in plain English and that you proofread to avoid errors/inconsistencies which can make your bid look unprofessional

Finally, when it comes to health and social care bids, there should be a strong focus on how your solution maximises positive outcomes for Service Users. Therefore, don’t forget the ‘human element’ alongside talking about elements such as your key systems, innovations and cost efficiencies.

What To Include When Proposal Writing

Your bid writing strategy will be different depending on the requirements of each health and social care tender. However, there is a range of common winning strategies you can apply, whether you’re supplying residential home care for a local council or working on a new IT system for the NHS. These include:

Benefits-Driven content

It’s important to make sure your bid is compelling as well as compliant. All too often, bidders will fail or lose out to competitors because they simply list what they are going to deliver. This is fine as a start and the compliance element is important to reassure the evaluators. But they’d also like to know how your proposal is going to benefit those who will be using your service, i.e, the Service Users. Focusing on benefits should also make your proposal more engaging and compelling. To make your benefits more obvious when writing, we always recommend stating the benefit before the feature within a sentence.


USPs and Key Win Themes can help your bid/proposal stand out from your competitors. Especially if you can conduct a Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) analysis in the bid preparation stage which outlines the key differentiators of your service. If you have unique features that set you apart from the competition, you need to bring these across and explain why they are so beneficial. To create a ‘golden thread’ throughout the bid, try and refer to your USPs in each response as long as this remains relevant.

Structured Responses

Everything in health and social care tender writing needs to be structured around the main points of the questions being asked. Commissioners/evaluators do not want you to deviate and go off-message. You should ensure that each method statement follows a coherent structure and uses leadings linked to the question criteria.

Be Concise

Ensuring your answers are concise, compliant with any word count limits and relevant is a good way to ensure the attention of the evaluator does not drift. The one thing that will lose you points when tender writing is giving evaluators information that they don’t need and didn’t ask for. It’s time-consuming for them and doesn’t benefit your tender response/proposal.

Strong Evidence

If you are talking about your robust methodology for care planning or maximising positive outcomes for Service Users, then you also need to substantiate it and provide evidence that is clear and compelling. You well may find that, within the evaluation criteria, the buyer will outline that they require evidence to back up each response. This can be difficult for new businesses and those that are moving into different areas of provision but is key to demonstrating your suitability.

The stronger the evidence you have to back up your claims, the better chance you have of winning the tender. As such, you should prepare the strongest case studies and client testimonials you have, including these wherever you can in the method statement responses.

But do also make sure your examples match up with the scope of service/specification that is being asked for.

Social Value

Social value is almost invariably built into any tender for health and social care. In fact, increasingly the social value element within NHS/healthcare bids is accounting for 10-20% of the overall evaluation score. This is about demonstrating your commitment to leaving a positive legacy that extends beyond the contract. You may be asked to outline your commitment to delivering Apprenticeships, taking part in outreach projects or demonstrating your record on carbon reduction.

When offering social value pledges, ensure they are relevant to the work you are providing and linked with the buyer’s own social value strategy and hot buttons. Doing research into this will help you to deliver a strong social value proposal.

Common Mistakes in Health & Social Care Tender Writing

Tendering can be arduous and there are some common mistakes we routinely see. Luckily, these can be easily avoided by following our Ultimate Guide! Some common mistakes which can hamper your chances of success, or at least negatively affect your scoring, including:

1. Failing to Answer the Question

Top of the list when it comes to bad tender response/proposal writing is not answering the question properly. You should be referring to the question constantly and making sure that your heading structure mirrors how the question is asked. A ‘quick win’ strategy is to echo back some of the key wording and terminology within the question to show that you’ve understood it. This is where storyboard/answer planning can help make sure that you address the question and don’t leave anything out. It can also help you better manage the word count for particular sections.

2. Lack of Detail/Evidence

While we say that you should be concise in your answers, there is the danger of being too brief and not providing good evidence to substantiate your claims. This is the art of good tender writing, knowing when you’ve said enough and when you need to add more.

One of the key things that commissioners in health and social care are going to require is evidence to back up claims. There is no point in saying you can deliver a true person-centred service which also reduces costs without showing that 1) You’ve either done it before through a contract/case study or 2) You have the processes and methodology in place to deliver in the future.

4. Padding Out Answers

Health and social care evaluators are likely to mark your response down if you waffle, are too generic, or include evidence that just isn’t relevant to the response. This is about making sure every sentence counts, is relevant and is clear in stating benefits/win themes. If it’s not relevant to the bid, then you need to remove it, however good it sounds. It’s a difficult balance to achieve but it is vital to success. A good strategy here is to apply the “so what?” test to what you have written.

5. Compliance Issues

Make sure you note all the key compliance criteria when undertaking bid preparation, as missing something seemingly simple could result in your bid being deemed non-compliant. For example, not being aligned with the formatting requirements or failing to attach Company Accounts. If requested, make sure you include all required compliance information when submitting a bid for a contract. For example, your company's accounts, proof of insurance, policies and any documents requested by the buyer.

What Happens If Your Bid is Successful?

The bid writing process is not the end of the process if the commissioning panel like what they see. They will normally draw up a shortlist and then invite these companies for an interview or to do a presentation. In these instances, make sure you re-read your tender responses before the interview and have your USPs/Key Win Themes in mind.

Contact Thornton & Lowe Today

At Thornton & Lowe we help 100s of companies each year write bids for the health and social care sector. Want to find out more? Contact our friendly, expert team to see how we can help with your next bid.

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Tender Value Published Deadline
International Selling Programme Framework
UK Glasgow Scottish Enterprise

The purpose of this ITT is to appoint a single supplier to a Framework Agreement to deliver the International Selling Programme (ISP) Framework, which is a package of support targeted at helping Scottish based exporting companies navigate complex B2B sales cycles and close deals with confidence. Over 12 cohorts of companies have now been managed through the programme and SE wishes to deliver a further programme of 6 cohorts aimed primarily at the energy sector (wind generation and hydrogen). Companies sitting within science & technology sectors (mainly healthcare) may also form a cohort.It is anticipated that the Framework Agreement will start on May 2025 and conclude May 2027. After this period, Scottish Enterprise will have the option to extend the Framework Agreement for a further period of 12 months if required.The value of the Framework Agreement is expected to be in the region of between GBP150,000 and GBP200,000 excluding VAT.

Value: 200000
Published: 2025-02-21
Deadline: 2025-03-27
200000 2025-02-21 2025-03-27
GGC0937 Alcohol & Drug Prevention & Education
UK Glasgow NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

The challenges in improving health within the city of Glasgow are complex and significant. There is a strong history of partnership working over many years in the city, with a host of organisations engaged in health improvement effort. In particular, Glasgow City Health & Social Care Partnership (GHSCP) & Glasgow City Alcohol & Drug Partnership (GCADP) value the role of the third sector who offer significant opportunities for increasing reach and for enabling people to access wider health improvement services and activities.

Published: 2025-02-20
Deadline: 2025-03-04
2025-02-20 2025-03-04
Repairs and Maintenance DPS
UK Livingston LHC Procurement Group for the Scottish Procurement Alliance (SPA)

his opportunity has been listed by LHC Procurement Group on behalf of our regional business:Scottish Procurement Alliance (WPA)This Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) is designed to facilitate the procurement of repair, maintenance, and associated services across multiple disciplines, ensuring a structured and efficient response to urgent and planned works.This new DPS will be for the provision of repair and maintenance service for the public sector for use by:- Education- Healthcare- Emergency Services- Housing and residential- Public Sector buildingsThe DPS is divided into fourteen lots, split between four primary workstreams, each containing specific lots tailored to address key areas of building maintenance.Workstream 1 focuses on the building envelope and structural integrity, covering roofing repairs, external works, internal repairs including damp and mould, and the maintenance of windows, doors, and other openings.Workstream 2 addresses mechanical and electrical (M&E) systems, ensuring the operational efficiency of plumbing, heating and cooling, electrical systems, lifts, and detection systems such as CCTV and fire alarms.Workstream 3 provides environmental and infestation management, including property protection, pest control, and drainage solutions to maintain safety and hygiene.Workstream 4 encompasses multi-disciplinary services, allowing for an integrated approach to complex projects covering multiple areas within a single contract.To ensure adaptability, the DPS retains the flexibility to introduce additional lots in response to emerging industry requirements, as permitted under PCR 2015, provided that such modifications do not significantly alter the scope of the procurement. This ensures the DPS remains responsive to market developments, technological advancements, and regional needs, thereby offering contracting authorities a comprehensive and compliant procurement solution for a wide range of building maintenance and operational challenges.

Value: 4000000
Published: 2025-02-19
Deadline: 2029-02-19
4000000 2025-02-19 2029-02-19
Client Transport Services
UK Dalkeith Midlothian Council

Midlothian Council are inviting bids from suitably qualified, competent, capable and experienced suppliers who wish to be on a Framework Agreement to carry out Client transport services on behalf of the Council. The framework agreement is for the supply of transport services for the conveyance of:Children and young people to mainstream schools and schools for children and young people with Additional Support Needs (ASN) and other educational establishments.Adult Social Care clients to various establishments.Children and young people Social Care services clients to various establishments.

Value: 15653870
Published: 2025-02-06
Deadline: 2025-03-11
15653870 2025-02-06 2025-03-11
BHCC -AP - ASC Cleaning & Declutter Services

Cleaning & decluttering services for Adult Social Care and Housing Additional information: Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No

Value: 2500000
Published: 2025-01-29
2500000 2025-01-29
GGC0942 Third Sector Support to Shared Care
UK Glasgow NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

The Drugs Death Task Force (DDTF) was formed in 2019 to tackle the rising number of drug deaths in Scotland. The Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Standard subgroup was formed as part of the DDTF work. It published 10 MAT Standards in 2021. MAT Standard 7 states that all people should have the option of MAT shared with Primary Care.Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) is one of the most effective interventions to support people to reduce their use of street drugs and the harms they are suffering. MAT is the use of prescribed medication, delivered with psychological and social support to reduce drug harms, the risk of drug death and promote recovery.Joint working between health and social care, primary care and specialist drug treatment services is a key feature of effective treatment partnerships. There is an aging population of people who use drugs, many with co-morbid underlying health conditions, who would benefit from MAT delivery in primary care where their wider health and care needs could be met.

Value: 1200000
Published: 2025-01-08
Deadline: 2025-02-07
1200000 2025-01-08 2025-02-07
GGC0957 Thrive Under 5
UK Glasgow NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (GCHSCP) are seeking an organisation to provide, coordinate, manage and implement a healthy vegetarian meal pack project for families as part of the Thrive under 5 project (Tu5).

Published: 2025-01-08
Deadline: 2025-02-07
2025-01-08 2025-02-07
HH108-24-HB Adult Social Care Commissioning Flexible Framework
UK Inverness NHS Highland

NHS Highland, as the Lead Agency for Integrated Health and Social Care for Adults under the Highland Health and Social Care Partnership (HHSCP), is required to commission Adult Social Care Services across the Highland Council area. Expressions of interest are invited for the ongoing provision of Care at Home, Residential and Nursing Care Home Placements, Registered Day Care and Supported Living, Housing Support and Home Based Respite services. This notice is open to all existing and potential new service providers.

Value: 112000000
Published: 2024-12-23
Deadline: 2025-03-31
112000000 2024-12-23 2025-03-31
Flexible Framework for Care at Home and Housing Support Services
UK Paisley Renfrewshire Council

Renfrewshire Council currently has existing provision for Care at Home Services under the direction of Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership (RHSCP) which will expire in May/June 2025.Renfrewshire Council is seeking to establish a multi-providers Flexible Framework Agreement (Flexible Framework) for the provision of Care at Home and Housing Support Services. The Flexible Framework will be used by RHSCP and where necessary the Council to purchase services which will support predominantly older people to live independently in their own homes for as long as possible with the care and support they need being tailored to them and provided in a flexible manner.The Flexible Framework will include both Options 2 and 3 of Self-Directed Support. It is anticipated that as far as possible, and where appropriate, all relevant existing care and support arrangements will transfer over to the Flexible Framework.It is anticipated that the Flexible Framework will be for 4 years with the option to extend for up to 12 months on 3 occasions, subject to satisfactory operation and performance. The Flexible Framework is anticipated to commence on the 01 May 2025. This will allow RHSCP to arrange transfer of current care packages to the Flexible Framework where appropriate to do so, and to arrange new care packages under the Flexible Framework. The Flexible Framework is anticipated to expire on the 30 April 2029; should all extension options be taken, the end date will be the 30 April 2032.In the event that the Flexible Framework does not start on 01 May 2025, the Flexible Framework will start on the Commencement Date as stated in the Letter of Acceptance. The length of any Individual Service Contract (ISC) made under this Flexible Framework will be stated in the relevant ISC. Please note an ISC may expire after the Flexible Framework End Date.Tenderers should note there is no guaranteed level of spend for any ISC awarded under the Flexible Framework; there is also no guarantee of payment being made to a Provider solely by appointment to the Flexible Framework.A flexible approach has been designed which will allow New Entrants to apply to be on the Flexible Framework.PLEASE NOTE - The Supplier Development Programme will deliver a Talking Tenders webinar to support tenderers to use Public Contracts Scotland and Public Contracts Scotland - Tenders Portal. The webinar will take place on 08 January 2025 details here:

Value: 160000000
Published: 2024-12-17
Deadline: 2025-02-03
160000000 2024-12-17 2025-02-03
Construction Professional Service Framework
UK Glasgow NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) and NHS Golden Jubilee (NHSGJ) health boards require the provision of a Construction Consultancy Professional Services Framework to support the delivery of capital projects across the Greater Glasgow and Clyde area. Successful framework suppliers will undertake scoping, design, tender, cost management, and construction management activities split across two lots for Lead Consultant and Cost Consultant services.The framework will to be for a maximum period of up to 4 years from its commencement date and support projects ranging in works value up to ten million pounds.The capital projects support the delivery of acute, primary care, mental health and healthcare support services across the health boards, framework consultants will be expected to work on a range of projects in terms of value, complexity and environment.Full details of the tender opportunity are provided in the attached Invitation to Tender document.

Value: 1500000
Published: 2024-12-11
Deadline: 2025-01-24
1500000 2024-12-11 2025-01-24
C002090 Provision of a Framework of Agencies to Provide Actors
UK EDINBURGH NHS Education for Scotland

NES is seeking to procure the services of agencies to provide actors for simulation to enhance the training and educational experiences for the health and social care workforce across Scotland.

Published: 2024-12-11
Deadline: 2025-01-20
2024-12-11 2025-01-20
DPS for Schools and Other Transport (Taxi & Private Hire Car) New or Re-apply
UK Stirling Stirling Council

Establish a DPS (Dynamic Purchasing system) for the provision of school, social care and other transport by Taxi/Private Hire Car (PHC)– 8 or less passenger seats. This is to meet the education and social care needs of children and vulnerable adults as well as other passenger or goods transport requirements. This Service will also incorporate Demand Responsive Transport (DRT).Most of the transport will be within Stirling Council area, but there will also be cross-boundary requirements ranging beyond the Council area.Note: This second contract notice is for new companies wishing to apply or companies who would like to re-apply that may not have been added to the DPS on the first round.

Published: 2024-11-14
Deadline: 2029-08-13
2024-11-14 2029-08-13
GGC0936 Community Link Workers (Renfrewshire)
UK Glasgow NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

On behalf of the Renfrewshire Health & Social Care Partnership (RHSCP), NHSGGC is looking for a provider to offer a Community Link Worker Service in collaboration with all General Practices in Renfrewshire. Renfrewshire HSCP aims to commission a Community Link Workers Service in Renfrewshire to support strategic planning and enhance health outcomes.Detailed information about the strategic and commissioning context of Renfrewshire Health and Social Care services can be found in the HSCP Strategic Plan, available at

Value: 750000
Published: 2024-11-06
Deadline: 2024-12-05
750000 2024-11-06 2024-12-05
Independent Advocacy Service for Adults
UK Greenock Inverclyde Council

This tender is for an Independent Advocacy Service for Adults.Inverclyde Council, operating as a Health and Social Care Partnership in conjunction with NHS GreaterGlasgow & Clyde, require to commission Independent Advocacy Services

Published: 2024-11-01
Deadline: 2024-12-02
2024-11-01 2024-12-02
Flexible Framework for Self Directed Support including Care at Home Services Entry Point 4
UK Motherwell North Lanarkshire Council

North Lanarkshire Council (the “Council”) has already established a Flexible Framework with external providers ("Contractors") to support the critical Service Delivery to Children, Young People and Adults who have been assessed as requiring support to design, develop and achieve real lives in line with the Social Care (Self Directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013. See notice notice is for Entry Point 4 which is is applicable for any potential Contractor that is not already on the Framework to tender their proposals to join..This procedure is being carried out in accordance with The Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015, Regulation 74.

Published: 2024-10-31
Deadline: 2024-12-02
2024-10-31 2024-12-02
Volunteering Management System for Healthcare Improvement Scotland
UK Edinburgh Healthcare Improvement Scotland

As part of its transformation programme, Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) is seeking to procure a new Volunteer Management System (VMS) and associated configuration and migration support, plus maintenance and ongoing technical support.The VMS will form the core automation support for the full volunteering lifecycle and will be implemented as the national solution for managing volunteering across NHS Scotland.

Value: 382000
Published: 2024-10-31
Deadline: 2024-12-02
382000 2024-10-31 2024-12-02
CT1275 Self- Directed Support (SDS) Advice and Information Service
UK Edinburgh The City of Edinburgh Council

The service being commissioned is in line with The Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013 to support Supported People to have control of their life. The Act came into force on 1 April 2014 and placed a duty on local authorities to offer people who are eligible for social care a range of 4 Self-Directed Support (SDS) options. This service supports people to understand of the four options available through SDS, offering advice on the options available and the service further offers option 1 supported people, the support to recruit and employ personal Assistants (PAs) where this option is later taken up.

Published: 2024-10-23
Deadline: 2024-11-25
2024-10-23 2024-11-25
Direct Payment Service
UK Motherwell North Lanarkshire Council

North Lanarkshire Council and Health and Social Care North Lanarkshire have a statutory obligation to provide an advice and support service for people who are considering and using Self Directed Support Option 1 (direct payment)The service will provide independent support and advice for people wishing to consider or actively employ staff directly to meet their social work budget using a direct payment.The Contractor will support budget holders in the return of unused funds to North Lanarkshire Council.The support should be delivered in a variety of ways to the budget holder, this should include, but not limited to, in person.

Published: 2024-10-10
Deadline: 2024-11-04
2024-10-10 2024-11-04
WAYfinder - Outreach services for people at risk of, experiencing or have experienced homelessness
UK Glasgow Glasgow City Council

WAYfinder’s fundamental aim is to support people who are at risk of homelessness, or who are homeless, or who have experienced homelessness - to achieve settled, sustainable and secure housing. WAYfinder will support people face to face, on the street, in their accommodation or their communityThis Service has been designed as part of 'All in For Glasgow'. The 'All in For Glasgow' design team is made up of people with experience of homelessness, third and independent sector service providers, and Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership.The WAYfinder name was suggested following an 'All in for Glasgow' event. A participant with lived experience observed that a support service’s main aim should be understanding the person they are supporting, and to do so should simply ask ‘Who Are You (WAY)?’The General WAYfinder Provision will:- Employ the principal of the ‘sticky’ support team. This team of named workers will support people through their entire homeless journey- Help to join up the commissioned, community and statutory service interactions, to deliver a whole-system response- Adopt a Trauma & Psychologically Informed Environment (PIE) approach to support- Embody the no wrong door approach and people will be able to access the service at any stage of their homeless journey- Support people face to face, on the street, in their accommodation or their communityThis contract is being tendered under the Light Touch Regime Schedule 3 to the Public (Contract) Scotland Regulations 2015.The contract length will be 4 years with an option to extend for a further 2 years. The total estimated value (including extensions) is 73.8 Million Pounds.The service will have 6 lots, lots 1-4 will be single supplier awarded block contracts. Lot 5 will be cost and volume. In Lot 6 bidders are invited to join a Lot of approved WAYfinder suppliers. This lot will be used for any additional funding or new requirements that cannot be met through a modification of Lots 1-5.Outwith Lot 5, Bidders can bid for any number/combination of lots but can only be awarded one of Lots 1-4. The Council reserves the right to amalgamate lots or to award more than one lot to one Provider to avoid any lots being unfilled.

Value: 73800000
Published: 2024-10-10
Deadline: 2024-11-26
73800000 2024-10-10 2024-11-26
Personal Dosimetry Service
UK Glasgow NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

NHS GG&C are seeking a contractor to provide a comprehensive personal dosimetry service for approximately 2000 personal working in a healthcare environment which includes HSE recognised dosimeters for whole body, eye, extremity dose assessments, maintenance of records and environmental & Radon monitoring. The service will cover 2 Health Boards; Greater Glasgow and Clyde and Forth Valley.

Value: 257000
Published: 2024-10-09
Deadline: 2024-11-08
257000 2024-10-09 2024-11-08
2024 - Aberdeen City - Adult and Young Carers
UK Aberdeen Aberdeen City Council

Aberdeen City Council requires support services for both Adult and Young Carers who are resident in Aberdeen City. The overall aim of the services is to support people and enhance the experience of those who identify as a Carer. Ensuring that they have access to relevant information and that they feel respected, listened to, valued and involved. In doing all of this, the carer will feel able to plan, maintain and sustain their caring role and to live a life alongside caring.The Carers (Scotland) Act 2016, which came into effect on the 1st of April 2018 gives all carers new rights, under one piece of legislation. Fundamental to the delivery of the Carers Services is that the service is provided in line with the legislation laid down within the act as well as working alongside Aberdeen City Council, Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership and relevant partners.The contracts will commence on 1 April 2025 and will operate for five years until 31 March 2030 plus the option for a two year extension.The maximum funding for Year 1 of the contract will be:Adult Carers Service - GBP721000Young Carers Service - GBP206000Funding for future years will be subject to any agreed sectoral uplifts.

Value: 6489000
Published: 2024-10-04
Deadline: 2024-11-15
6489000 2024-10-04 2024-11-15
GB-London: Implementing and Testing the Community Coordinated Front Door (ASC)
British Oversea Territories UK-London: Health and social work services. IMPROVEMENT & DEVELOPMENT AGENCY

NOTE: This notice was updated on 03 October 2024 for the following reason: The deadline for tender submissions has been extended to Tuesday, October 8th at 12:00 pm.(The effectiveness of the front door to Adult Social Care (ASC) impacts both the numbers of people who are potentially accessing the adult social care system, inappropriately and prematurely. The effectiveness of the approach to manage the front door to ASC also impacts on those who do require the support of statutory services. We know that many authorities are struggling to understand their ASC front door and the extent to which they are managing them in the most effective way. This piece of work is to support councils to work on protecting their front door to ASC and to develop the surrounding offer to address residents' needs. This will use the Community Coordinated ASC Front Door model so will be a valuable way of testing its utility and usability.) Additional information: The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement.

Value: 50000
Published: 2024-10-03
50000 2024-10-03
Police Custody Healthcare and Forensic Medical Services
UK Bothwell NHS Lanarkshire

Lanarkshire Health Board wishes to procure healthcare services for people brought to Police Offices and healthcare facilities within the NHS Lanarkshire area in support of Police Scotland Criminal Justice Services Division.

Value: 8800000
Published: 2024-09-30
Deadline: 2024-10-31
8800000 2024-09-30 2024-10-31
Provision of home and community-based care and support services SDS 3 (2023 Angus Framework Re-Opened)
UK Forfar Angus Council

Angus Council and the Angus Health and Social Care Partnership have reviewed the current Framework Agreement for the provision ofpersonal care and housing support (including home-based respite services) under SDS Option 3 within the homes of supported people inAngus. This procurement exercise is to source Reserve Providers to supplement existing Providers on the Framework. This is an opportunity for Providers to tender for Reserve services for various Lots within the current framework.

Value: 2132000
Published: 2024-09-26
Deadline: 2024-11-05
2132000 2024-09-26 2024-11-05
Insurance, Brokerage and Associated Risk Management Framework Agreement
UK Stirling APUC Limited

APUC is seeking Contractor(s) for Insurance, Brokerage and Associated Risk Management Services Framework Agreement, which will provide the Scottish universities and colleges and other participating bodies, with a mechanism to procure insurance services, brokerage services and related risk management services.Other participating bodies include:- Highlands and Islands Enterprise- National Records Scotland- Royal Botanic Gardens- Social Care & Social Work Improvement Services known as the Care Inspectorate- Skills Development Scotland- The Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body.

Value: 20000000
Published: 2024-09-12
Deadline: 2024-10-24
20000000 2024-09-12 2024-10-24
Independent Advocacy (Adults)
UK Motherwell North Lanarkshire Council

The Council wish to procure a service for Independent Advocacy Service for Adults “Independent advocacy is the practice of providing support and representation to individuals, ensuring that their voices are heard, and their rights are upheld without any conflict of interest or external influence. Advocacy services and advocates at solely in the interests of the person that they are supporting, helping them to make informed decisions, express their wishes, and navigate often complex systems such as health and social care. Independent advocacy is free from bias or affiliation with other organisations and ensure that the needs and preference of the individual are the primary focus.”

Published: 2024-09-09
Deadline: 2024-09-30
2024-09-09 2024-09-30
GB-London: Adult Social Care - Building a Community Asset Based Approach
British Oversea Territories UK-London: Health and social work services. IMPROVEMENT & DEVELOPMENT AGENCY

Partners in Care and Health (PCH) are commissioning a programme of work for the development of guidance and sector led improvement tools. This programme of work will set out the key principles that should be considered in any local work, with a specific focus on ensuring that assessment and care planning is compliant with Care Act and embeds a psychologically informed, personalised approach. Additional information: The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement.

Value: 100000
Published: 2024-08-28
100000 2024-08-28
Provision of Science and Technology Uniform PPE
UK Motherwell New College Lanarkshire

The Authority is seeking a Contractor(s) for the Provision of Science and Technology Uniform PPE and related services. The purpose of the exercise is to ensure the College engages a Supplier to achieve ‘best value for money’ and a high-quality service on behalf of the students for the supply and fitting of Uniform PPE across Healthcare, Childcare, and Science and Technology.

Value: 80000
Published: 2024-08-21
Deadline: 2024-09-11
80000 2024-08-21 2024-09-11
Angus Community Wellbeing Centre - Support Services
UK Forfar Angus Council

A Community Wellbeing Centre (CWC) is being set up in Angus and Angus Health and Social Care Partnership (AHSCP) are inviting tenders for the Support Services for the CWC.The CWC is to be for anyone experiencing emotional distress, including young people over the age of 16 years, adults and older adults.The CWC is also for people supporting those experiencing emotional distress such as families, carers and friends of people experiencing emotional distress. The CWC will support people to access the right care, at the right time, in the right place.The CWC will be a place which offers a kind, caring, and compassionate response to emotional distress in a homely environment. The CWC will be open twelve hours per day (12 noon to 12 midnight), seven days per week.Support from the CWC can be face to face, by phone, text, email, websites and via social media platforms to encourage access.

Value: 2000000
Published: 2024-08-15
Deadline: 2024-10-01
2000000 2024-08-15 2024-10-01
SLC - Care at Home and Housing Services Procured Services Arrangement (PSA) Phase 4
UK Hamilton South Lanarkshire Council

South Lanarkshire Council is seeking to appoint Service Providers to a Procured Services Arrangement (PSA) for the provision of Care atHome and Housing Support Services commencing on 1st July 2024.The contract will be delivered to Supported Persons residing within South Lanarkshire and who are supported by the Council and SouthLanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership (SLHSCP).SLHSCP deliver adult social care services and all community health services for adults and children in the South Lanarkshire area. Theservices will support individuals to live in their own homes and to play an active part in their communities as much as they are able.The Self Directed Support (SDS) regulations offer Supported Persons a choice of provider to an extent not available through a Frameworkor a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) therefore the Council is utilising an innovative Procured Services Arrangement (PSA) under theLight Touch Rules contained in Regulation 74 - 76 of the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2015.The PSA will allow providers to be added over its 15 year term, this will facilitate the Supported Person's choice.

Value: 714300000
Published: 2024-08-01
Deadline: 2025-01-31
714300000 2024-08-01 2025-01-31
HH087-24-HB Argyll & Bute Community Link Worker Service
UK Inverness NHS Highland

Argyll & Bute Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCPs) are looking to continue providing the Community Link Worker service within Argyll and Bute.

Value: 977788
Published: 2024-07-15
Deadline: 2024-08-15
977788 2024-07-15 2024-08-15
Specialist Medical Image Software and Infrastructure Services
UK Dundee University of Dundee

The objective is to provide the University of Dundee with specialist software and infrastructure services, specifically in the field of medical imaging data, to maintain and enhance systems and services designed for the safe and secure provision of healthcare data, including medical and genomic data linked to hospital records, for ground-breaking research.The service will provide qualified staff having at least 2 years’ experience working with PACS/DICOM protocol and data structure handling, medical imaging infrastructure and security, and software CI/CD and testing pipeline support and maintenance.

Value: 377266
Published: 2024-07-05
Deadline: 2024-08-07
377266 2024-07-05 2024-08-07
Flexible Framework for the Provision of Supported Living and Community Based Support Services for Adults with Social Care Needs
UK Paisley Renfrewshire Council

Renfrewshire Council (the Council) is seeking to establish a multi–Provider Flexible Framework Agreement (Flexible Framework) for the Provision of Supported Living and Community Based Support Services for Adults with Social Care Needs. The Services will be for Adults with support needs relating to Mental Health, Learning Disabilities, Autism, Physical Disabilities, complex needs or other care and support inclusive of personal care, housing support, non-personal care, emotional and practical support. There may be the occasional requirement for a Service to be arranged for a child. The Council will utilise the Flexible Framework for SDS Option 2 & Option 3.It is anticipated that the Flexible Framework will be for 4 years with the option to extend for up to 12 months on 3 occasions, subject to satisfactory operation and performance. It is anticipated that the Flexible Framework will start on the 1st November 2024 and will expire on the 31st October 2028. Should all extension options be taken, the end date will be the 31st October 2031. In the event that the Flexible Framework does not start on 1st November 2024, the Flexible Framework will start on the Commencement Date as stated in the Letter of Acceptance. The length of any Individual Service Contract (ISC) made under this Flexible Framework will be stated in the relevant ISC. Please note an ISC may expire after the Flexible Framework End Date.Tenderers should note there is no guaranteed level of spend for any ISC awarded under the Flexible Framework; there is also no guarantee of payment being made to a Provider solely by appointment to the Flexible Framework.A flexible approach has been designed which will allow New Entrants to apply to be on the Flexible Framework.

Value: 210000000
Published: 2024-06-28
Deadline: 2024-07-29
210000000 2024-06-28 2024-07-29
PKC12698 - Distress Brief Intervention in Perth and Kinross Council Area
UK Perth Perth & Kinross Council

Perth & Kinross Council is seeking to appoint suitably qualified and experienced Provider to provide a Distress Brief Intervention (DBI) programme within the Perth and Kinross Council Area.The DBI model advocates providing an immediate, compassionate response to people at the point of their greatest need with this being followed by a time limited period of support to assist people to problem solve the issues they are facing and become more anchored in community-based wellbeing resources and support.Perth and Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) want to procure a local service with will provide DBI Level 2.

Value: 150000
Published: 2024-06-26
Deadline: 2024-08-05
150000 2024-06-26 2024-08-05
GGC0859 Family Wellbeing Support Worker Programme
UK Glasgow NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde (NHSGGC), on behalf of Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership, is seeking dynamic organisations or partnerships of organisations, to deliver the Family Wellbeing Support Worker (FWSW) service which is a key element of the Whole Family Wellbeing Fund - Primary Care programme.The programme will work with families registered with the specified GP practices. These practices are all in areas of deprivation and include population groups who experience significant health and social inequalities. The programme will have the fundamental aim of providing support and building capacity at both individual and family levels.

Published: 2024-06-25
Deadline: 2024-07-29
2024-06-25 2024-07-29
St Andrews Way - supported living service for adults with severe, enduring and complex mental health challenges
UK Dumbarton West Dunbartonshire Council

West Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership (“HSCP”) Community Mental HealthTeam is looking for a Provider who is experienced in supporting adults with severe, enduringand complex mental health needs in a supported living environment using a rehabilitationmodel to provide care and support for individuals for a period of up to 24 months.

Value: 1540000
Published: 2024-05-15
Deadline: 2024-06-17
1540000 2024-05-15 2024-06-17
Framework for the supply of Accident and Repair Services
UK Hampshire County Council

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary invites applications from suitably experienced organisations who wish to be considered for selection to tender for the provision of Custody Healthcare Services . The (anticipated) contract commencement date is 2nd September 2024 and will be for a period of four years. Interested parties should register their interest in the project via the In-Tend website, and complete and submit the tender return document together with any supporting information requested by 14.00 hrs on Friday 28th June 2024. How to obtain the Tender Documents The Tender documents can be accessed when logged into In-Tend by selecting 'View Details' on the relevant tender advert and clicking the 'Express Interest' tab. Once in the tender there are five tabs - 'Tender', 'ITT - documents', 'Correspondence', 'Clarifications' and 'History'. Select the 2nd tab (ITT - documents) where you will find useful information under 'Tender Details' continue to scroll down to the heading 'Tender Documents Received' where you will be able to view / download the documents. Please download all the documents and read very carefully. Opting In and Opting Out Please note you are required to 'Opt In' before you can access the 'My tender Return' to start populating your response. PLEASE NOTE you are required to 'Opt In' to view & complete the Questionnaire for this project. The 'Opt Out' functionality will also be available throughout the duration of the tender process. Opting out will give you the option of declaring you no longer want to receive any further communication in relation to this tender along with the opportunity of providing comments and feedback for this decision. You can choose to 'Opt In' at any time during the tender process if you initially decided to 'Opt Out'. Further Guidance In addition, guidance on how to participate in a tender - download and upload documents / returns and if required, register your company (free of charge), can be found on the In-tend site under the 'Help' or 'Information for Suppliers' buttons. Receiving Notification Emails To ensure you receive email alerts and notifications from our system, please add the email domain `` to your Safe Senders list.Additional information: Interested parties should register their interest in the project via the In-Tend website on how to participate in a tender - download and upload documents / returns and if required, register your company (free of charge), can be found on the In-tend site under the 'Help' or 'Information for Suppliers' buttons.Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No

Value: 2500000
Published: 2024-05-13T00:00:00Z
2500000 2024-05-13T00:00:00Z
C002078 Economic and Societal Impact of Refreshed Learning and Technology Platform
UK EDINBURGH NHS Education for Scotland

To evidence the societal and economic benefits of having an improved learning platform including:- Quantifying the savings on efficiencies of reduced duplication (administration; repeating learning; development of learning modules)- Quantifying the savings on the impacts of having a more skilled health and social care workforce e.g. reduced harm; better care- Evidencing and quantifying the impact on staff retention of having better access to a wide range of learning and training opportunities

Value: 20000
Published: 2024-05-09
Deadline: 2024-05-28
20000 2024-05-09 2024-05-28
CT2969 - Option 1 Payroll Support Services Framework Agreement
UK Edinburgh The City of Edinburgh Council

The City of Edinburgh Council are seeking to create a framework agreement for Payroll Support Services. This includes delivering Payroll Support and/or Financial Management Services (FMS).The purpose of the Framework agreement is to offer a selection of Payroll Support/FMS Services for the Supported Person to choose from, in keeping with the values and principles of the Social Care (Self directed support) (Scotland) Act 2013.This Framework Agreement does not guarantee business for the Provider for any set period of time or for any number of people.

Published: 2024-05-09
Deadline: 2024-06-13
2024-05-09 2024-06-13
Provision of Taxi and Private Vehicle Hire
UK Glasgow Glasgow City Council

The council requires Bidders to submit bids for the Provision of Taxi and Private Vehicle Hire Services for the purposes of transporting employees, clients/ customers of the council and staff.Furthermore, due to the nature of this framework, the council is looking to contract with organisations who can offer a fleet of vehicles to include wheelchair access and can facilitate dedicated drivers in order to ensure that vulnerable passengers have safe travel arrangements in place.All drivers must have valid enhanced disclosure clearance of which the council requires “Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme” membership. This is required for all drivers who are conducting Regulated Work on behalf of the council in accordance with the terms of Part 2 of Schedule 2 of the PVG (Scotland) Act.Services will be required mainly across Glasgow boundary as defined as lot 1 and in areas outside of the city as defined as lot 2 for the transportation of passengersLot 1 –Scheduled and Unscheduled Work – commencing within Glasgow BoundaryLot 2 –Unscheduled – commencing outwith Glasgow BoundaryThe council uses a unique innovative structure to deliver services to Glasgow’s citizens. The council family has established a network of wholly and partly owned Arms' Length External Organisations ("ALEOs") which now provide services to and on behalf of the council. Within the council family the main users of this framework shall be Education Services and Glasgow Health & Social Care Partnership, of which Education Services are the lead department.Bidders should note that the following external organisations will be using this framework:-1-Glasgow Caledonian University2-Glasgow kelvin College3-City of Glasgow4-Glasgow School of Arts5-The University of Glasgow6-The University of Strathclyde7-Wheatley Housing Group8-Disclosure Scotland9-Glasgow Clyde College10-Scottish Prison Service

Value: 34000000
Published: 2024-05-02
Deadline: 2024-06-06
34000000 2024-05-02 2024-06-06
Gracemount Medical Practice
UK Edinburgh Lothian Health Board

Lothian Health Board (more commonly known as NHS Lothian) (“NHS Lothian”) placed an advertisement on the Public Contracts Scotland website for a Route 3 Procurement on 22 April 2024 seeking expressions of interest from any parties interested in providing primary medical services to patients in the Edinburgh area.This requirement has arisen due to the desire to return the contract to an independent contractor to provide primary medical services located at Gracemount Medical Practice in Gracemount Health Centre, 24 Gracemount Drive, Edinburgh, EH16 6RN to a list of 8,532 patients. NHS Lothian wishes to select a new service provider with the capacity and capability to meet the needs of these patients and to grow the practice list by delivering high quality, patient-centred clinical services in a primary care setting, all in accordance with NHS Lothian’s requirements set out in Appendix 1 (“Requirement”). The services will build on existing best practice and focus on a community and health and social care approach. The clinical services will be delivered in an environment that provides patient care of a standard consistent with that of similar services provided elsewhere within NHS Lothian.It will be important that Applicants involved in the planning and/or delivery of existing schemes and services can demonstrate that they have sufficient capacity so as not to prejudice delivery of primary medical services under any other contract an Applicant may have with NHS Lothian or pre-existing schemes or the ability of NHS Lothian itself to deliver services.The successful Applicant will be required to enter into a contract with NHS Lothian on the terms of the General Medical Services Contract (“GMS Contract”) the form of which is prescribed by The National Health Service (General Medical Services Contracts) (Scotland) Regulations 2018, as amended, or replaced from time to time. Performance by the successful Applicant under the terms of the GMS Contract will be subject to these Regulations available at

Value: 7615000
Published: 2024-04-22
Deadline: 2024-05-22
7615000 2024-04-22 2024-05-22
Care at Home Services
UK Lochgilphead Argyll and Bute Council

Argyll and Bute Council are developing a Flexible Framework of providers to deliver Care at Home Services primarily for adults with physical disabilities (age 16+) and older people (age 65+) under Options 2, 3 and 4 of the Social Care (Self Directed Support) Scotland Act 2013. Replacement Care for the purpose of a Short Break for the carer in not in scope of this contract. Live-in Services are not in scope of this contract.

Value: 48000000
Published: 2024-04-15
Deadline: 2024-05-16
48000000 2024-04-15 2024-05-16
Provision of an Independent Advocacy Service
UK Glenrothes Fife Council

This Contract is for the provision of an Independent Advocacy Service to adults and children/young people across Fife. The requirement will support Fife HSCP in achieving the priorities set out in the Advocacy Strategy (2023-26) and in Fife Health and Social Care Strategic Plan (2023-26). This contract will help ensure that NHS Fife, Fife Council & Fife Health and Social Care Partnership meet their statutory obligations. It will also provide advocacy for a wider group of vulnerable people.

Value: 1559460
Published: 2024-04-11
Deadline: 2024-05-10
1559460 2024-04-11 2024-05-10
DPS for Schools and Other Transport (Taxi & Private Hire Car)
UK Stirling Stirling Council

Establish a DPS (Dynamic Purchasing system) for the provision of school, social care and other transport by Taxi/Private Hire Car (PHC)– 8 or less passenger seats. This is to meet the education and social care needs of children and vulnerable adults as well as other passenger or goods transport requirements. This Service will also incorporate Demand Responsive Transport (DRT).Most of the transport will be within Stirling Council area, but there will also be cross-boundary requirements ranging beyond the Council area.

Published: 2024-03-19
Deadline: 2024-04-26
2024-03-19 2024-04-26
CPU6343 Supported Lodgings
UK Nottingham Nottingham City Council

Nottingham City Council is seeking tenders from sufficiently experienced and qualified organisations for the provision of a Supported Lodgings service.Nottingham City Council aim to procure a Supported Lodgings service which enables children in care and care leavers (young people) aged 16-21 to be offered accommodation in a home environment when leaving foster care or residential care. Supported lodgings are provided by people who can offer a bedroom in their homes, along with some level of support to young people.This service is intended to support up to 20 young people, who are making steps towards independence.The provider will supply the project staff required to recruit, train, and support the hosts and liaise with Children’s Social Care and Leaving Care Services to ensure appropriate matching of young people to these hosts.The contract duration will be for 2 years. The total contract value is estimated to be a maximum of £696,000 over the total length of the contract and is made up of a block element and a variable payment for each young person placed. The anticipated contract start date will be 1st July 2024.This contract will be let under the Light Touch Regime of the Public Contract Regulations 2015.

Value: 696000
Published: 2024-03-05
Deadline: 2024-04-04
696000 2024-03-05 2024-04-04
OPR005 IRN Refresh 2024 -New Suppliers
UK Chelmsford Essex County Council

ECC will be awarding an over-arching framework agreement to successful bidders, namedparties within this notice will be able to directly award a call-off contract to suppliers for therelevant lots. Supplier are able to bid for inclusion on one or multiple lots as detailed in II.1.4.All figures quoted in this notice include Adult's contribution, if relevant, but exclude marketspend by other Health, other Local Authorities and people who pay for their own care.This lot 1 is for Social Care Residential Care without Nursing for Older People (65+).

Published: 2024-03-05
Deadline: 2024-04-08
2024-03-05 2024-04-08
Short-term Support at Home for Adults (Pembrokeshire)
UK Carmarthen NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership-Procurement Services (hosted by Velindre University NHS Trust)

The Pembrokeshire Integrated Assisted Discharge and Home Support Services aims to prevent unnecessary admission to hospital and facilitate early discharge from hospital and is a critical component of demand management from the perspective of the hospital and social care teams. The vision of the service is to utilise a range of third-sector intermediate care services, to provide a range of support, avoiding the need for conveyance to hospital and enabling people to stay safely in their own home.The service is not a regulated care service and therefore is designed to meet non personal care needs based on a person-centered assessment of needs. The staff supporting the service and conducting the assessment not only consider the health & care needs, but also look at the wider determinants of wellbeing, signposting to third-sector services, addressing issues such as loneliness and social isolation, financial hardship, and so on. This service does not operate in isolation or seek to duplicate other third sector services in operation but aims to leverage support and refer to other services where appropriate.

Published: 2024-03-04
Deadline: 2024-04-15
2024-03-04 2024-04-15
Interim Homecare Contract
UK Leeds Leeds City Council - PACS

The procurement via a DPS of a new Interim Homecare Contract.The Interim Homecare Service nature and ethos of the service contributes to: people living longer and healthier lives; helping people to live full, active and independent lives; ensuring that people's quality of life is improved by access to quality services; involving people in decisions made about them, and; helping people to live in health and sustainable communities.The service will help to support more people to live safely and independently in an environment that they class as their own homes and giving people choice and control over their health and social care services.The DPS will be reviewed periodically for applications.

Value: 130500000
Published: 2024-03-02
Deadline: 2027-03-31
130500000 2024-03-02 2027-03-31
All Age Passenger Transport DPS
UK Telford Telford and Wrekin Council

All age passenger transport service to include Home to School; SEND and Social care. Requires over 17 seat vehicles; 5-17 seat vehicles; taxis ; black cabs; specially adapted vehicles; ambulance; supported transport and public buses.

Value: 35000000
Published: 2024-03-01
Deadline: 2025-07-18
35000000 2024-03-01 2025-07-18
Tier 3.5 - 4 Enhanced Psychological Services: Norfolk & Waveney ICS
UK Norwich NHS Norfolk & Waveney Integrated Care Board

NHS Norfolk and Waveney ICB on behalf of the NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care System seek competitive bids for the Provision of Tier 3.5 - 4 Enhanced Psychological Services.<br/><br/>During the Covid-19 pandemic a staff support hub was set up in Norfolk & Waveney as part of a national initiative to provide additional mental health support to health & social care staff who were struggling with the impact of Covid. National funding for these hubs ceased in March 2023, with each ICS required to provide health & social care staff a similar level of support to the Covid hubs on an on-going basis. <br/><br/>Following a review of existing service provision, commissioners have identified the need to develop tier 3.5 - 4 enhanced psychological services (EPS) to complement existing tier 1-3 provision. The service is targeted at staff with more complex clinical presentations that typically require a higher degree of face-to-face interventions. The tier 3.5 - 4 enhanced psychological services will primarily support individual staff with their mental health but will also occasionally be offered to their wider teams.<br/><br/>The transitional funding provided by the local ICB expires at the end of the ‘23/’24 financial year, with each ICS organisation required to fund support for its own staff with effect from April ’24. A combination of existing service provision and financial constraints means that the EPS service will only be commissioned by 3 of the 5 local NHS trusts (Norfolk & Norwich, James Paget, and Norfolk Community Health & Care), as well as the ICB. This procurement seeks to establish a common service, with each trust contracting separately with the chosen provider.<br/><br/>The contract will be for a period of 3 years with a contract value between £350,000 - £500,000 over the full 3-year contract period.<br/><br/>This is a Provider Selection Regime (PSR) Contract Notice. The awarding of this contract is subject to the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 do not apply to this award.<br/><br/>To express interest and participate in the tender, please register and apply via the Atamis esourcing portal and search Project ID C247446. Should Tenderers have any queries, or have any problems using the portal, they should contact Helpdesk at: Phone: 0800 9956035

Value: 500000
Published: 2024-02-29
Deadline: 2024-04-02
500000 2024-02-29 2024-04-02
Home Care Services
UK Truro Cornwall Council

The Council is seeking to procure the provision of Home Care services by way of an alliancing arrangement for a maximum term of up to eight (8) years.The current provision of the Services is delivered by a number of service providers who bid for individual packages of care via a Dynamic Purchasing System (“DPS”). The Council is intending to replace the DPS with a new model of service delivery through this procurement process.The new model will see the Services being delivered by way of eleven (11) placed-based alliances. Each Alliance will be formed of a number of service providers who will collaborate together to optimise the delivery of the Services in a specific Geographical Zone. Each Alliance will be led by a Strategic Provider who will manage the performance of the Services, administer the Alliance, coordinate capacity optimisation activity and act as an Operational Provider of Last Resort (see the Strategic Provider Specification for more details), and multiple Individual Providers who will directly deliver Home Care services.The principal aim of the Services is to ensure people have access to the right care, in the right place, at the right time and enabling them to stay well, safe and independent at home for longer. The Services will address the needs of older people and people with physical disabilities who require assistance with their personal care, daily living activities and accessing the community. They may also be used by people with learning disabilities, autism, mental health support needs, sensory loss and other conditions where this type of provision best meets their individual needs.The Services will include:• regulated ‘personal care’ tasks including but not limited to getting in and out of bed, washing and dressing, going to the toilet and taking medication;• non-regulated tasks including shopping, cleaning, going out into the community and other activities that enable the Person to meet their assessed social care needs, usually in exceptional circumstances;• night-time care, which may be used to meet a Person’s needs in exceptional circumstances to prevent use of a residential care placements;• clustering of home care services in specific locations, for example in a sheltered housing scheme, to enhance the offer available to people living in these settings and to optimise the available capacity; and• Alliance Providers working collaboratively in each Geographical Zone to optimise service delivery and support each other with market fragility including prevention and management of local provider failure.The procurement is divided into eleven (11) Lots which are aligned to eleven (11) Geographical Zones.Lot 1 covers the geographical zone of Penwith which includes the following postcodes: TR17 0, TR18 2, TR18 3, TR18 4, TR18 4, TR18 5, TR19 6, TR19 7, TR20 8, TR20 9, TR26 1, TR26 2, TR26 3, TR27 4, TR27 5, TR27 6.The Council intends for the Contract for each Lot to commence in October 2024, for a maximum term of eight (8) years. This is broken down as follows:• an initial period of three (3) years commencing in October 2024; and• an option for the Council to extend the term by a further three (3) years; and• following the exercise of the first option, an option for the Council to extend the term by a further two (2) years.Any extension of the term is at the sole discretion of the Council and the maximum term of the Contract will not exceed eight (8) years.The Council intends to appoint one Alliance per Lot. In order to participate in this procurement process, providers must form Alliances and submit a composite Tender Response via the Portal. To be clear, a Tender Response from an Individual Provider or a Strategic Provider acting alone will not be considered. Any Individual Provider or Strategic Provider who wishes to take part in this procurement can only do so if it bids as part of an

Value: 232104000
Published: 2024-02-27
Deadline: 2024-04-26
232104000 2024-02-27 2024-04-26
Midlands Rail Hub Alliance – Alliance Partners (Non-Signalling Disciplines)
UK London Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd

The key objectives of MRH are to improve connectivity across the Midlands region; boost economic growth; maximise use of HS2 to London through interchange in Central Birmingham; improve access to jobs, leisure, healthcare, and education; optimise the utilisation of station capacity in central Birmingham; and make rail journeys more attractive and encourage modal shift to rail. The scope of the Alliance includes, but is not limited to, the design and build of: new platforms and sidings; up to two new chords into Birmingham Moor Street; widening of existing viaduct; power supply upgrades; new freight loops; new overhead line equipment (OLE) and various signalling works including the re-modelling of existing layouts. The MRH programme consists of multidisciplinary infrastructure interventions are split over three sections described as West, Central and East according to the additional train services that they enable. The scope is currently divided into eight interventions across the three sections: West & Central Midlands interventions at Snow Hill, King’s Norton to Barnt Green (and interventions at King’s Norton and Barnt Green) and Birmingham Bordesley to Moor Street are in the process of securing final funding approval and are intended to be the initial deliverables. Additional interventions are also in scope of MRH and may be delivered subject to funding decisions and design development including West & Central interventions at Worcester to Hereford and Stoke Works Junction and East Midlands interventions at Water Orton and Nuneaton to Wigston. East interventions are at an earlier stage of design development and are intended to form part of a separate business case; these interventions are subject to future funding decisions. It is also envisaged that the West intervention of Worcester-Hereford will be delivered by the Alliance but does not form part of the initial deliverables and is dependent upon as yet uncommitted renewals in the Worcester area.The total Alliance Anticipated Final Cost (AFC) excluding VAT is circa £1.1m--£1.5bn GBP. The AFC is split between the initial deliverables and additional interventions as follows:- Initial deliverables (predominantly interventions in West and Central) are circa: - Multi-Disciplinary (non-signalling, power and communications): £700m-£800m GBP (excluding VAT) - Signalling, power and communications; £150m-£250m GBP (excluding VAT)- Additional interventions (predominantly East) are circa: - Multi-Disciplinary (non-signalling power and communications: £250m-£350m GBP (excluding VAT); - Signalling, power and communications; £50m-£100m GBP (excluding VAT)These figures are indicative only.Further details of the scope and interventions (including AFC estimates and discipline splits) are set out in the scope document (CR-T Module 1 – Contract Specific Requirements) provided as part of the procurement documents.Network Rail is using a modified NR35 Alliance Contract (based on the NEC4 Alliance Contract) to appoint all Partners to the Alliance, provided as part of the procurement documents. The Multi-Disciplinary Partner(s) will be required to work with Network Rail and the Signalling Partner as a single Alliance team. Network Rail and each of the Partners will sign one Alliance contract.

Value: 1380000000
Published: 2024-02-27
Deadline: 2024-04-24
1380000000 2024-02-27 2024-04-24
NHS Continuing Healthcare for Children & Young People for Norfolk & Waveney W11
UK Norwich NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care System

NHS Norfolk & Waveney Integrated Care Board (referred to as the Commissioner) is inviting suitably qualified and experienced providers to express an interest in delivering the Service(s) and being included on an 'Accreditation Qualification Questionnaire (AQQ) / preferred provider list', by responding to this opportunity as required and described in this notice, and within the published tender documentation.<br/><br/>The service covers care in Norfolk and Waveney for children and young people (Service Users) who have been determined a Continuing Care need. The provider will ensure that the services can be provided 365 days per year, 24 hours a day, in accordance with the service Specification and Service User's Care Plan.<br/><br/>Contracts awarded following publication of the initial notice/window relating to this service were for a maximum period of 3 years with an option to extend for a further 2 years, commencing 1st November 2021. Contracts awarded after the 1st November 2021 will be from the point of award until the 31st October 2024, with the option to extend for a further 24 months subject to satisfactory performance.<br/><br/>Instructions on how to register on the eProcurement portal and access procurement documentation and further details relating to this process/window can be accessed via the following link:<br/><br/><br/><br/>And searching for the opportunity using the details below:<br/><br/>Project reference: C231224 <br/>Project Name: NW2023-41- W11 CYP Continuing Healthcare Service Children and Young People

Value: 1
Published: 2024-02-27
Deadline: 2024-08-31
1 2024-02-27 2024-08-31
Maybury Medical Practice
UK Edinburgh NHS Lothian

Lothian Health Board (more commonly known as NHS Lothian) (“NHS Lothian”) placed an advertisement on the Public Contracts Scotland website for a Route 3 Procurement on 23 February 2024 seeking expressions of interest from any parties interested in providing primary medical services to patients in the Maybury area of Edinburgh.This requirement has arisen as a result of population growth and a need to establish a new GP practice. The practice at Maybury Medical Practice, Suite 2, 13 Turnhouse Road, Edinburgh, EH12 0AX has the potential for a list size of 10,000 patients. NHS Lothian wishes to select a new service provider with the capacity and capability to meet the needs of these patients and to grow the practice list by delivering high quality, patient-centred clinical services in a primary care setting, all in accordance with NHS Lothian’s requirements set out in Appendix 1 (“Requirement”). The services will build on existing best practice and focus on a community and health and social care approach. The clinical services will be delivered in a purpose-built environment that supports a high standard of patient care.Applicants who already hold GMS contracts should be able to demonstrate sufficient capacity so as not to prejudice delivery of primary medical services under any other existing contract. The successful Applicant will be required to enter into a contract with NHS Lothian on the terms of the General Medical Services Contract (“GMS Contract”) the form of which is prescribed by The National Health Service (General Medical Services Contracts) (Scotland) Regulations 2018 as amended or replaced from time to time. Performance by the successful Applicant under the terms of the GMS Contract will be subject to these Regulations available at

Value: 3700000
Published: 2024-02-24
Deadline: 2024-03-25
3700000 2024-02-24 2024-03-25
Maybury Medical Practice
UK Edinburgh Lothian Health Board

Lothian Health Board (more commonly known as NHS Lothian) (“NHS Lothian”) placed an advertisement on the Public Contracts Scotland website for a Route 3 Procurement on 23 February 2024 seeking expressions of interest from any parties interested in providing primary medical services to patients in the Maybury area of Edinburgh.This requirement has arisen as a result of population growth and a need to establish a new GP practice. The practice at Maybury Medical Practice, Suite 2, 13 Turnhouse Road, Edinburgh, EH12 0AX has the potential for a list size of 10,000 patients. NHS Lothian wishes to select a new service provider with the capacity and capability to meet the needs of these patients and to grow the practice list by delivering high quality, patient-centred clinical services in a primary care setting, all in accordance with NHS Lothian’s requirements set out in Appendix 1 (“Requirement”). The services will build on existing best practice and focus on a community and health and social care approach. The clinical services will be delivered in a purpose-built environment that supports a high standard of patient care.Applicants who already hold GMS contracts should be able to demonstrate sufficient capacity so as not to prejudice delivery of primary medical services under any other existing contract. The successful Applicant will be required to enter into a contract with NHS Lothian on the terms of the General Medical Services Contract (“GMS Contract”) the form of which is prescribed by The National Health Service (General Medical Services Contracts) (Scotland) Regulations 2018 as amended or replaced from time to time. Performance by the successful Applicant under the terms of the GMS Contract will be subject to these Regulations available at

Value: 3700000
Published: 2024-02-23
Deadline: 2024-03-25
3700000 2024-02-23 2024-03-25
LBS Nursing Care Home Provision
UK London London Borough of Southwark

The contracting authority (Southwark Council) seeks suitably qualified and experienced nursing care home providers to participate in a procurement exercise which will result in a contract being awarded to a single provider to run on behalf of the Council a nursing care home situated within the London Borough of Southwark.The Council intends to commission nursing care services that will focus on the outcomes that residents want and value and work with a provider able to meet the increasing complexity of need in the borough as well as collaborate with both social care and health professionals. Providers must be able to provide quality care and support in a safe, well-managed, comfortable and stimulating environment.The service shall primarily be aimed at individuals for whom the Council is responsible for meeting their care and support needs and who have been assessed as requiring accommodation in a nursing care home setting in order to ensure their needs are met.Interested parties are invited to express an interest to gain access to the tender documents which are available from the ProContract portal.

Published: 2024-02-22
Deadline: 2024-03-05
2024-02-22 2024-03-05
Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, and Berkshire West ICB and NHS Frimley ICB Non-Emergency Patient Transport Service
UK Amersham NHS Buckinghamshire Oxfordshire & Berkshire West Integrated Care Board

NHS Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, and Berkshire West <br/>Integrated Care Board and NHS Frimley Integrated Care Board are seeking to secure a Prime Provider who has the capability and capacity to deliver Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services in line with the specified requirements from 1 April 2025. <br/><br/>The aim of this service is to provide transport for eligible patients within Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire West, and Frimley with a medical need, between their places of residence, primary, community, social care and acute settings transporting patients in safe, timely, comfortable, and clinically appropriate transport without detriment to their medical condition.<br/><br/>The contract period offered will be for a period of 5 years commencing 1st April 2025. The Commissioners at their sole discretion, will have an option to extend for a further 5 years (5+5). A standard NHS contract will be used for this service.<br/><br/>Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board is the Lead Commissioner and Frimley Integrated Care Board is an Associate Commissioner to these Services.<br/><br/>Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, and Berkshire West Integrated Care Board is conducting this procurement in accordance with Regulation 11 The Competitive Process of the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023 (PSR Regulations)<br/><br/>The annual financial envelope is £22,601,647 per year, and a total financial envelope of £226,016,470 over the maximum 10-year duration.<br/><br/>The deadline for receipt of tenders is 12 Noon 02 April 2024.<br/><br/>TUPE is likely to apply, and TUPE information is available on request.<br/><br/>This procurement is being carried out by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioner.<br/><br/>Interested providers will be able to view this notice via the 'Live Opportunities' list on the e-procurement system, Atamis, available on the following link: Project Reference: C246132.<br/><br/>This is a Provider Selection Regime (PSR) Contract Notice. The awarding of this contract is subject to the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 do not apply to this award.

Value: 226016470
Published: 2024-02-20
Deadline: 2024-04-02
226016470 2024-02-20 2024-04-02
Sexual Health Multi-Trust Tender
UK London Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

We are looking to appoint a supplier who can offer a single digital solution to support sexual and reproductive healthcare provision by the three NHS trust providers in London North West, spanning 8 London boroughs.<br/>We require a single solution which can be accessed and viewed by healthcare professionals from any clinical site across the 3 participating trusts. Similarly, the system should capture and incorporate documentation from any episode of care at any clinical site within our network and incorporate that within a single, unified and coherent patient record. The system must minimise the administrative burden on healthcare professionals to allow them to focus on patient care. In particular, results should be delivered automatically where clinically appropriate and the system should support our statutory reporting requirements through the automatic generation of GUMCAD and SHRAD codes prompted by clinical history, test orders, prescriptions and diagnoses, rather than manually inputting these later.

Value: 1900000
Published: 2024-02-17
Deadline: 2024-03-18
1900000 2024-02-17 2024-03-18
HCC Feb 2024 – The Provision of Community Dementia Support Services
UK Stevenage Hertfordshire County Council

Hertfordshire County Council is out to procurement for The Provision of Community Dementia Support Services.Community Dementia Support Services are available to everyone who wants support, no matter where they are on the dementia journey and whether they have a formal diagnosis or not. Services support those at the early stages of progressive memory loss, after diagnosis, those with advancing dementia, those preparing to move into residential care and people still living in the community at end of life. Carers are also supported along their own journeys, up to, including, and after the person they care for has moved into a residential care setting or has passed away. These contracts are jointly funded by the Council and the Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board (ICB) and they supplement statutory health and social care provision and aim to support people to continue living life independently in their community, and to help prevent the deterioration of their health and wellbeing. This Contract is divided into two Lots -Lot 1 The Hertfordshire Dementia Community Information and Development ServiceLot 2 The Hertfordshire Dementia Local Community Support ServiceThe Hertfordshire Dementia Local Community Support Service (Lot 2), includes a specialist service to support those living with Young Onset Dementia, alongside the wider universal service offer.Both Lots must consider the full range of needs faced by people as they progress along the dementia journey and be able to flex and scale accordingly to changing demands of needs.Full details are in the Specification, Schedule 1 of the Terms and Conditions document.The estimated total value of the Contract is stated in II.1.5) of this notice and is for the initial term inclusive of the approximate value for extensions. For the avoidance of doubt, the estimated annual spend is £1,455,000.00. The Contract will be awarded for an initial term of three years and six months, with the option to extend the Contract up to two further years on an annual basis. Please note that the contract requirements will be subject to available financial resources, supplier performance and flexibility to meet changing demands.Organisations should be aware that due to the nature of the Services provided, any Contract formed as a result of this procurement process shall be executed as a deed. Organisations should seek independent legal advice on the implications of this prior to submitting their bid, where appropriate.Please Note the TUPE Employee Liability Information for this procurement has been provided along with other documentation for this procurement. TUPE related information is personal data and must be protected in accordance with the requirements of Data Protection legislation and must also be kept confidential. Therefore, by accessing this Tender via Supply Hertfordshire and then the View Details button and accessing the documentation for this procurement, Tenderers agree to undertake to treat the information as confidential and commercially sensitive at all times and take all reasonable steps to prevent any inadvertent disclosure to any third party.

Value: 8002500
Published: 2024-02-16
Deadline: 2024-04-08
8002500 2024-02-16 2024-04-08
Provision of Taxi Services for Kettering General Hospital Foundation Trust (KGH) and Northampton General Hospital Trust (NGH)
UK Kettering Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

The contractor is required to provide a taxi for the conveyance of healthcare professionals, patients and lightgoods on an ad hoc requirement.

Value: 650000
Published: 2024-02-15
Deadline: 2024-03-15
650000 2024-02-15 2024-03-15
PEP/ASC Flourishing Lives - Intensive Positive Behaviour Service Pilot
UK BRISTOL Bristol City Council

PBS provides the right support for a person, their family and friends to help people lead a meaningful life and learn new skills without unnecessary restrictions. This intervention is aimed at ordinary residents of Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire aged 16+ with (but not limited to):• Learning Disabilities• Moderate to high mental health or wellbeing conditions including dual diagnoses• Autism and neurodevelopmental conditions• Other complex health and social care needs (alongside challenging behaviours) that have not been met by local health and social care servicesThis intervention could also support people who are currently being supported ‘out of area’ (OOA) because of a lack of suitable provision in their local authority area with the aim of successfully bringing people home.

Value: 1004778
Published: 2024-02-15
Deadline: 2024-03-15
1004778 2024-02-15 2024-03-15
Enablement Hubs Pilot
UK London Westminster City Council

The Enablement Hub Pilot will be a universal service to empower adults with a learning disability and/or autism, with a particular focus on those who do not qualify for statutory Adult Social Care.

Value: 225000
Published: 2024-02-15
Deadline: 2024-03-13
225000 2024-02-15 2024-03-13
Contract for the Provision of Window Cleaning for Newcastle Hospital
UK Newcastle-upon-Tyne The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

The Invitation to Tender (ITT) has been prepared by the Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS foundation Trust (the Authority) for the appointment through competition of a suitably experienced and competent Contractor of Non Healthcare Window Cleaning Services in accordance with the Specification and the form of of contract provided

Value: 132000
Published: 2024-02-15
Deadline: 2024-03-27
132000 2024-02-15 2024-03-27
Telephone and Messaging Based Advice & Guidance Service for Health Professionals
UK Welwyn Garden City NHS Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board

NHS Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Board (referred to as the Commissioner) are inviting suitably qualified and experienced providers to express their interest in delivering an Telephone and Message based Advice and Guidance Service to Health Care Professionals across the NHS Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care System.<br/><br/>The key aims and objectives of the digital platform will be to enable both telephone based and clinically secure photo messaging application for the provision of Clinical Advice & Guidance for a range of clinical specialties.<br/><br/>The platform will provide a consistent level of stability and importantly a high level of connectivity with exceptional connection times measured in seconds. <br/><br/>The service is able to offer a range of specialties covering both physical and mental health. <br/><br/>The service is integrated with key local providers in HWE Integrated Care System (ICS) but is backed up by a network of NHS clinicians located outside of Hertfordshire and West Essex but within the UK. <br/><br/>The service will allow healthcare professionals to speak to other healthcare professionals locally or where not available to other healthcare professionals based elsewhere in the UK. The service will provide access to these UK based healthcare professionals either through their own network or through a third-party network that they will sub-contract.<br/><br/>This ensures that primary care always has access to immediate clinical advice and guidance.<br/><br/>The provision of healthcare professionals outside of HWE should be in a manner that does not result in a detrimental effect on NHS patients or services, nor diminish the public resources that are available for the NHS. <br/><br/>The service will also be available to other healthcare professionals and organisations within HWE ICS to allow appropriate advice and guidance to be given.<br/><br/>The process is a one stage open process.<br/><br/>The contract will be for a period of 3 years with the option to extend for up to a further 2 years, commencing 1st August 2024. <br/><br/>The annual contract value is £600,000 inclusive of VAT (£1,800,000 for the initial 3-year term with an option to extend for a further 2 years totalling £3,000,000 over the total 5 year term).<br/><br/>Please note there is a financial threshold associated with this procurement. Any bids exceeding £600,000 per annum will be excluded from evaluation and disqualified from the process. No bids over £600,000 per annum will be accepted.<br/><br/>To register your interest, please follow the link below, and search for the project reference as detailed:<br/>Project Reference: C244252<br/>Project Name: Telephone and Messaging Based Advice & Guidance Platform for Health Professionals

Value: 3000000
Published: 2024-02-13
Deadline: 2024-03-15
3000000 2024-02-13 2024-03-15
NHS Adults Continuing Healthcare Services for Norfolk and Waveney W11
UK Norwich NHS Norfolk & Waveney Integrated Care Board

NHS Norfolk & Waveney ICB invite Nursing Homes across the NHS Norfolk and Waveney ICB footprint (and bordering areas), to join a Preferred Provider list for Continuing Healthcare services. The Service is for adults who are eligible for NHS Continuing Healthcare. Service Users placed using this Contract will have needs that may include but not be limited to End of Life, Learning Disabilities, Mental Health, Dementia, Physical Disabilities, Brain Injury, and Frailty. To meet the care needs of a wide range of people, the ICB encourages applications from Nursing Homes with a broad range of specialisms and services. Placements are more commonly long term but may include shorter term and respite arrangements plus rapid care for individuals approaching the end of their life.<br/><br/>Contracts awarded following publication of the initial notice/window relating to this service were for a maximum period of 3 years with an option to extend for a further 2 years, commencing on 1st November 2021.<br/>Contracts awarded after the 1st November 2021 will be from the point of award until the 31st October 2024, with the option to extend for a further 24 months subject to satisfactory performance.

Value: 1
Published: 2024-02-13
Deadline: 2024-08-31
1 2024-02-13 2024-08-31
Audiological Devices
UK Edinburgh The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) (NSS)

The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as National Services Scotland) (‘the Authority’) acting through its division National Procurement, is undertaking this procurement of Audiological Devices (‘Products’) as outlined further below on behalf of all entities constituted pursuant to the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1978, (i.e. all NHS Scotland Health Boards, Special Health Boards and the Authority or other NHS Organisation established pursuant to the NHS (Scotland) Act 1978), any integrated Joint Boards established pursuant to the new Public Bodies (Joint Working) Scotland Act 2014 Northern Ireland Health and Social Care Trusts (collectively hereafter referred to as (‘Participating Authorities’).

Value: 4800000
Published: 2024-02-12
Deadline: 2024-03-13
4800000 2024-02-12 2024-03-13
The supply of an Audit Management System On behalf of ASW Assurance
UK Torquay Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust

ASW Assurance is the largest provider of specialist internal audit, assurance and consultancy services to NHS healthcare organisations in the South West. We are dedicated to helping improve governance and ultimately the quality and safety of patient care. What sets us apart is that everything we do is geared towards developing and improving the governance arrangements of the organisations we work with. In addition to core audits, high level assurance and cross organisational work is included as standard in our workplans:<br/>Specialised assurance services<br/>Cross organisational reviews of integration of services and partnerships<br/>Health Economy shared assurance reviews e.g. STP assurance in Bristol, Devon and Cornwall<br/> We deliver assurance that adds value and enables our clients to better focus on outcomes. Our clients regularly tell us that our services are well established and valued.<br/>1.1 The Authority is looking for a comprehensive cloud based Audit Management System (AMS). The AMS should include, at a minimum, the following functionality: <br/><br/>Produce working papers – document management and tracking.<br/>Allow us to record time inside the AMS, rather than outside – linking time/audit progress/performance in one place.<br/>Automated audit planning and scheduling, so we can plan audit work in terms of prioritisation, allocation and value. <br/>Easy data extraction, and performance information, as well as analytics to provide insight on audit data.<br/>Present live, interactive dashboards for real-time reporting (dashboards to include audit coverage, plan position, assurance ratings etc.).<br/>Flexibility, enabling us to develop functionality so that we remain fit for the future.<br/>A quality review process.<br/>Integration with Microsoft applications – so we can download/upload information from Microsoft to the AMS and vice versa.<br/>Be accessible to our clients, ideally with a range of customisable views and the ability for clients to upload evidence/submit documentation on request, set by multi-layer access privileges.<br/><br/>The scope would include requisite training and implementation support. We are looking for a system to eliminate our current manual processes to improve productivity, bring a disciplined approach to the audit processes, track staff time, evaluate risks, improve reporting capabilities, and enhance follow up of audit recommendations. The AMS should be a Commercial off the shelf (COTS) solution, but include the flexibility for us to develop the functionality ensuring we remain fit for the future.<br/>1.2 The Authority is looking to contract with an established supplier of AMS with a proven track record of providing these systems to internal audit services and to have maintenance and support resources available.

Value: 420000
Published: 2024-02-10
Deadline: 2024-03-15
420000 2024-02-10 2024-03-15
Independent Advocacy Services For Adults with Health and Social Care Needs
UK Carlisle Cumberland Council

All award criteria are stated in the procurement documents only. The Council is conducting the procurement using the open procedure in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 for the purpose of procuring the services described in the specification which can be found within the ITT documents.Providers will submit tenders by the stated deadline via

Value: 1910700
Published: 2024-02-10
Deadline: 2024-03-11
1910700 2024-02-10 2024-03-11
Custodial Healthcare Provision
UK Worcester West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner

This contract is for the provision of Healthcare services to support the police force of West Mercia in ensuring the wellbeing of detainees across all force custody suites.

Value: 35000000
Published: 2024-02-10
Deadline: 2024-03-13
35000000 2024-02-10 2024-03-13
Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Employment and Health Related Test and Learn Provision
UK Leeds Department for Work and Pensions

This is a Contract Notice for social and specific services in accordance with regulation 75 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (as amended). DWP established the Test and Learn DPS to procure these activities in in England, Scotland and Wales on 9 November 2018. The DPS is for the procurement of social and other services referred to in Regulation 74 of the Public Contracts Regulations (2015) and as such, the DPS was established using a light touch regime.This DPS presents opportunities for organisations, with a focus on innovation and local specialist support, to be involved and test the development of new approaches for employment and health related activity. This will be key to building evidence to support the delivery of future provision at both national and local level.DWP cannot confirm or guarantee any future business through the DPS, but it is anticipated that there will be some limited numbers of proof of concepts / test and learn projects over the duration of the DPS.The T&L DPS is open ended with a nominal end date of 30 September 2026 (which may be extended further) but can be terminated by the Authority with twenty (20) Working Days' notice.In line with the original OJEU notice, the expected total value of all call-off contracts under the T&L DPS is approximately £20,000,000.This DPS Contract will be for the use of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and other contracting bodies (listed below), their Executive Agencies and those Non-Departmental Public Bodies (NDPBs) sponsored by them. Further information including a list of such Agencies and Public Bodies can be viewed by selecting "Ministerial Departments (link is external)" on the Departmental website (link is external):- The Department for Work and Pensions,- Ministry of Justice,- Department of Health and Social Care,- The Department for Education,- Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government,- Home Office,- Scottish Government,- Welsh Government,- Local Authorities in England, Scotland and Wales.

Value: 20000000
Published: 2024-02-09
Deadline: 2026-09-17
20000000 2024-02-09 2026-09-17
HCT, HPFT - Resuscitation Training
UK Welwyn Garden City Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust

The provider must have experience of delivering a large multi stakeholder service, providing the capacity to deliver the training numbers required from your existing workforce with specific reference to the healthcare sector where possible.<br/><br/>Resuscitation trainers must be Registered NMC nurse, registered HCPC paramedic or IHCD Ambulance Medical Emergency Technicians. <br/><br/>The Resuscitation trainers must be up to date with Resuscitation qualifications and teaching qualification and able provide evidence of up-to-date CPD.<br/><br/>You do not need to provide your own training premises, but training equipment will be required in most instances. The Resuscitation training provider will supply the Resuscitation equipment to cover ILS, BLS and PBLS, as agreed and required, laptop and projector.

Value: 200000
Published: 2024-02-09
Deadline: 2024-03-15
200000 2024-02-09 2024-03-15
HCT, HPFT - Resuscitation Training
UK Welwyn Garden City Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust

The provider must have experience of delivering a large multi stakeholder service, providing the capacity to deliver the training numbers required from your existing workforce with specific reference to the healthcare sector where possible.<br/><br/>Resuscitation trainers must be Registered NMC nurse, registered HCPC paramedic or IHCD Ambulance Medical Emergency Technicians. <br/><br/>The Resuscitation trainers must be up to date with Resuscitation qualifications and teaching qualification and able provide evidence of up-to-date CPD.<br/><br/>You do not need to provide your own training premises, but training equipment will be required in most instances. The Resuscitation training provider will supply the Resuscitation equipment to cover ILS, BLS and PBLS, as agreed and required, laptop and projector.

Value: 200000
Published: 2024-02-08
Deadline: 2024-03-15
200000 2024-02-08 2024-03-15
Staff Health Cash and Benefits Plan
UK Sunderland Gentoo Group

The staff health cash and benefits plan is a comprehensive solution allowing staff to reclaim funds for essential healthcare expenses, providing crucial financial support when its most needed. This plan will encompass a range of benefits, including 24/7 doctor access, swift cash reimbursements to personal accounts, optional family member upgrades, and access to valuable well-being and rewards services.

Published: 2024-02-08
Deadline: 2024-03-08
2024-02-08 2024-03-08
Medicinal Products Dynamic Purchasing System (131864)
UK Belfast Procurement and Logistics Service

A Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the procurement of medicinal products and a limited number of presentations which may be classified as medical devices (e.g. non-medicated creams, gels, liquids, powders).The Medicinal Products DPS is established for the purpose of awarding contracts for the use by the following 'Participating Bodies':i. Belfast Health and Social Care Trust (BHSCT);ii. South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust (SEHSCT);iii. Northern Health and Social Care Trust (NHSCT);iv. Southern Health and Social Care Trust (SHSCT);v. Western Health and Social Care Trust (WHSCT);vi. Northern Ireland Ambulance Service (NIAS);vii. Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion Service (NIBTS);viii. Business Services Organisation (BSO);ix. Public Health Agency (PHA);x. Department of Health Northern Ireland (DoH(NI)).

Value: 1800000000
Published: 2024-02-08
Deadline: 2025-12-14
1800000000 2024-02-08 2025-12-14
Therapeutic service to reduce the impact of poor parental mental health
UK Liverpool Liverpool City Council

Liverpool Early Help Services provide support to families with emerging needs. We have identified that there is a need to reduce the numbers of children and young people who enter care in Liverpool. The successful service provider will work with parents who have identified mental health needs to improve their wellbeing which will allow them to parent effectively. Improvements in parenting will prevent children entering care.The intention is to re-commission a therapeutic service to follow on from the pilot programme awarded in February 2023 (DN641238).The successful Provider will work with 16 families selected from Social Care, who have children who are at high risk of becoming looked after. The families are likely to be on Child Protection plans and not showing evidence of change or be in pre proceedings with a trajectory towards court proceedings, which will be seeking to remove the children from the care of their parents.The psychological service will be commissioned to provide mental health well-being practitioners and clinical psychologists. The mental health professionals will work alongside Outreach Family Support Workers and other professionals from the Early Help Hubs and provide intensive support which will be underpinned by mentalisation therapy. The approach will seek to reduce risk and need through an intensive therapeutic intervention which will see families move down the continuum of need.

Value: 400000
Published: 2024-02-08
Deadline: 2024-03-06
400000 2024-02-08 2024-03-06
Provision of a School Age Counselling Service
UK Greenock Inverclyde Council

Inverclyde Council on behalf of Inverclyde Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) and in conjunction with Inverclyde Council’s Education Service seeking a provider to deliver a new service for the provision of an early help service to promote and improve the mental health, emotional resilience and wellbeing of children and young people who are negatively affected or are at risk of being affected by poor mental health. This will be a counselling service delivered predominantly in schools, but also where necessary in homes and community settings, to support children and young people aged 5 to 18 years.

Published: 2024-02-06
Deadline: 2024-03-08
2024-02-06 2024-03-08
Hygiene Waste
Telephone: +44 1865340800 UK North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust

For the provision of services to collect, transfer, treat and dispose of hygiene waste in accordance with the Department of Health document HTM 07-01: Safe Management of Healthcare Waste, encompassing any new legislation, regulation, best practice, and the requirements set out in the Technical Specification

Published: 2024-02-03
Deadline: 2024-03-01
2024-02-03 2024-03-01
NOE CPC Specialist Estates Engineering & Maintenance Services (Hard FM)
UK Sheffield Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, trading as North of England NHS Commercial Procurem


Value: 835000000
Published: 2024-02-03
Deadline: 2024-03-04
835000000 2024-02-03 2024-03-04
Criminal Justice - Outreach Support Service & Employability Service
UK Aberdeen Aberdeen City Council

The Service Provider shall aim to help Supported Persons towards positive and 'offence free'independent living in the community. The Service Provider shall work in partnership with AberdeenCity Health and Social Care Partnership Criminal Justice Social Work service, Aberdeen City Council,NHS Grampian, Housing Providers, Police Scotland, Scottish Prison Service and other agencies tosupport, and in exceptional circumstances monitor, individuals in the community. It is expected thatthe Service Provider will participate in the MAPPA process as required.Levels of support will vary depending on individual needs and risk levels but will initially be a minimumof one weekly session once in the community. For those with more intensive needs the ServiceProvider will provide contact during custody if appropriate and will be an integral part of the riskmanagement and contingency plan in preparation for release. Support is designed to enableSupported Persons to develop skills for independent living; such as: domestic skills, budgeting,literacy, and numeracy, accessing further education or employment and social skills.

Value: 897354
Published: 2024-02-02
Deadline: 2024-02-15
897354 2024-02-02 2024-02-15
Home Oxygen Service & GP Emergency Bag
UK Edinburgh The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) (NSS)

A single supplier contract awarded for 7 years with the option to extend for a further 3 years.A home oxygen service is required to support the 7,100 or so existing patients and support any new patientsentering the service throughout the country with a variety of oxygen equipment including; concentrators,cylinders and liquid oxygen. The standard response times are for equipment installation and delivery is 4 days,although it may be necessary to have an 8 hour or next day service to patients. A full holiday service will bemanaged by the contractor to facilitate patient movement around the UK. The contractor will provide andmaintain a full web based prescribing and information system to be used by all Health Boards throughout thecountry. All supplies and consumables required for the service shall be provided by the contractor and thecontractor shall operate a 24/7 support service. This contract is intended to provide one aggregated contract for the provision of an Emergency Oxygen Service for GP surgeries, linked branch surgeries and other Healthcare Premises across Scotland. The single supplier contract will deliver a service that provides an Emergency Oxygen Bag containing an emergency oxygen cylinder and accessories along with the management of the supplier that will provide the goods and support services required to provide the service 365 days a year.

Value: 74900000
Published: 2024-02-02
Deadline: 2024-03-04
74900000 2024-02-02 2024-03-04
WMP0744 - Healthcare In Custody Services
UK Birmingham The Police and Crime Commissioner for West Midlands

The provision of Healthcare In Custody services across the West Midlands Police Estate

Value: 24500000
Published: 2024-02-02
Deadline: 2024-03-04
24500000 2024-02-02 2024-03-04
APMS Nursing Home Services Lambeth
UK London NHS South East London Integrated Care Board

NHS South East London (SEL) Integrated Care Board (ICB) (hereafter referred to as “the Authority”) invites Healthcare providers to submit Expressions of Interest (EOI) and completed Invitation to Tender (ITT) submissions from all suitable providers for the delivery of Nursing Homes Services under Alternative Provider Medical Services (APMS) Contracts delivered directly to nursing home residents, residential care home residents across the Lambeth Borough.<br/><br/>The contract will have an initial term of 5 years, followed by an optional extension of 5 years, at the discretion of the commissioner. If all available extension is taken up in full the contract will have a maximum duration of 10 years.<br/>The indicative annual contract value for this service is £649,999 per annum.<br/>Over the 10 years, if contract is extended to its full duration, the total indicative maximum contract value will be £6,499,990.<br/>The indicated contract value shown is dependent on a block arrangement of £352,740 and a variable element based on the most recent patient list size £297,259. <br/><br/>The Procurement process will be facilitated entirely online via Atamis, Health Family Supplier Portal. Interested Applicants wishing to participate in the procurement must register, express an interest and complete the online questionnaires hosted on the portal prior to the deadline for submission. All clarification requests and correspondence pertaining to this ITT opportunity must be directed through the portal. A timetable for the procurement, guidance regarding the process is also available from the portal.<br/><br/>This Tender process is being managed by NHS London Commercial Hub (hosted by NHS North East London) on behalf of The Authority in connection with a competitive procurement exercise that is being conducted in accordance with a process based on the Open Procedure under the Public Contract Regulations 2015 ("the Regulations" (as amended)). <br/><br/>The services to which this Procurement relates fall within the "Light Touch Regime" (LTR) governing the procurement of Health, Social, Education and Other service contracts. Neither the reference to "Open Procedure", "ITT", "SQ", the use of the term "Tender process", nor any other indication shall be taken to mean that the Contracting Authority intends to hold itself bound to any of the Regulations, save those applicable to LTR provisions.<br/><br/>Bidders are also to note that information relating to this procurement is provided in good faith, and may be subject to amendment by The Authority.

Value: 6499990
Published: 2024-02-01
Deadline: 2024-03-08
6499990 2024-02-01 2024-03-08
Home Oxygen Service & GP Emergency Bag
UK Edinburgh The Common Services Agency (more commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) (NSS)

A single supplier contract awarded for 7 years with the option to extend for a further 3 years.A home oxygen service is required to support the 6,500 or so existing patients and support any new patientsentering the service throughout the country with a variety of oxygen equipment including; concentrators,cylinders and liquid oxygen. The standard response times are for equipment installation and delivery is 4 days,although it may be necessary to have an 8 hour or next day service to patients. A full holiday service will bemanaged by the contractor to facilitate patient movement around the UK. The contractor will provide andmaintain a full web based prescribing and information system to be used by all Health Boards throughout thecountry. All supplies and consumables required for the service shall be provided by the contractor and thecontractor shall operate a 24/7 support service. This contract is intended to provide one aggregated contract for the provision of an Emergency Oxygen Service for GP surgeries, linked branch surgeries and other Healthcare Premises across Scotland. The single supplier contract will deliver a service that provides an Emergency Oxygen Bag containing an emergency oxygen cylinder and accessories along with the management of the supplier that will provide the goods and support services required to provide the service 365 days a year.NOTE: The buyer is using PCS-Tender to carry out this procurement process. Please note this is a separatewebsite and if you are not already registered, registration will be required.To access PCS-Tender, record your interest in this notice and access the tender documentation please visit and search for project Code 25897 under ITTsOpen to All Suppliers. Please use the Search/Filter function, then select Project Code from the dropdown. Pleasenote that once you have expressed interest in the ITT it will move to your My ITTs area.For further information on using PCS-Tender, please read the Supplier Response Guide: you have already registered on Public Contracts Scotland and PCS-Tender and paired your accounts you canaccess PCS-Tender through your Public Contracts Scotland Control Panel.

Value: 74900000
Published: 2024-02-01
Deadline: 2024-03-04
74900000 2024-02-01 2024-03-04
Step-up, step-down Mental Health Supported Living Service contract
UK NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE Newcastle City Council

The service promotes a pathway to future independent living, greater social inclusion, through location of people within a community. The service offers a safe environment with the support of on-site staff through-out the day and the security of overnight staff. The care and support are based on individual need which may include the use of assistive technology where appropriate.The accommodation provides care and support for up to seven people at full capacity.This comprises of:• 7 x self-contained flats, each containing 1 bedroom, bathroom and kitchen diner with a garden area. The 7 people will represent the core cohort and form the basis of the service• A self-contained ground floor one bedroom flat, for the successful Provider to operate from.The seven people living in one of the self-contained flats do so under a license agreement (limited to two years).The Council manages referrals for the self-contained flats, in all cases they will be for short term use.The 7 flats are commissioned by using Individual Service Funds (ISF) which can be used flexibly to support people to achieve their outcomes.The service supports adults who are eligible for social care support as a result of being vulnerable or their lifestyle. The age range of people to be accommodated and referred within the service is 17.5 years to 28 years.Adults will be resident within Newcastle upon Tyne and be assessed as eligible to receive care under Care Act 2014, following a needs assessment.

Value: 354146
Published: 2024-02-01
Deadline: 2024-02-26
354146 2024-02-01 2024-02-26
The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training and Lived Experience Leaders
UK Aylesford Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust

NHS Kent and Medway (the "Authority"), on behalf of the Kent and Medway Integrated Care System ("K&M ICS"), is seeking to appoint a suitably skilled, experienced, qualified and collaborative Supplier to lead a project to:<br/><br/>Part A: Develop the systems infrastructure and capacity to sustainably deliver The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism™; and<br/><br/>Part B: Grow and support our current and future generations of lived experience leadership.<br/><br/>Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust ("KMPT") is acting on behalf of the Authority and the K&M ICS to procure this contract following an Open Procedure under the UK Public Contract Regulations 2015 and KMPT's Standing Financial Instructions. The Authority will be awarding one contract for the provision of all services detailed within the specification document published at the time of tender. The successful Supplier will be required to enter into a contract with NHS Kent and Medway.<br/><br/>Both Part A and Part B services will be required to run concurrently for an initial period (with a further option to extend at the absolute discretion of the Authority) as stated below:<br/><br/>Part A services: 24 months, with an option to extend for a further period of 12 months; and<br/><br/>Part B services: 12 months, with an option to extend for a further 12 months.<br/><br/>There is a maximum budget of £716,840.60 to deliver the initial terms of the part A and B services.<br/><br/>The Commencement Date for the delivery of the services is scheduled to be on 5th August 2024 at 00:00 hours. The Contract will be awarded for an initial term of two (2) years, with an option to extend for a further period or periods up to a maximum of one (1) year, subject to performance and the absolute discretion of the Authority. The maximum duration of this Contract shall be no longer than three (3) years in total.<br/><br/>The Authority is seeking to contract with an organisation that will manage the services to the highest levels of satisfaction, professional standards and cost-effectiveness. The Supplier will be expected to deliver improvements to service delivery and value for money over the life of the contract.

Value: 1120000
Published: 2024-02-01
Deadline: 2024-03-12
1120000 2024-02-01 2024-03-12
Service & Repair of Specialised Equipment (Cumberland)
UK Carlisle Cumberland Council

The Contract will enable Cumberland Council to continue to meet its regulatory requirements in relation to the servicing and repair of lifts and hoists as specified in the Lifting Operations and Lowering Equipment Regulations (LOLER 1998) and Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER 1998).The Contractor must comply with the requirements of all current editions of regulatory and statutory Acts and Frameworks that cover the Services undertaken.The Contractor shall be registered with the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) to receive and comply appropriately with Field Safety Notices and Medical Device Alerts.You must be registered on The Chest ( to access the tender documents. All bids must be received electronically via the Chest by the closing date stated in the ITT. Please read the ITT and its Schedules in full before submitting a tender. Any clarifications about the tender must be sent via the messaging on the Chest by the closing date stated in the ITT.

Value: 450000
Published: 2024-01-31
Deadline: 2024-02-27
450000 2024-01-31 2024-02-27
Provision of Advanced Care Planning (ACP) Support Services
UK Harrogate Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust

The Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust (“The Contracting Authority”) is issuing this Invitation to Tender (“ITT”) for the provision of Advance Care Planning (ACP) Support Services to support the Harrogate End of Life Planning Support Services. The aims are that HELPSS will meet some of the specific needs of the Harrogate End of Life (EoL) population. Key service objectives are:<br/><br/>• Increase quality and experience of care provided for patients in the last year of life (LYOL) and their families<br/><br/>• Increase compliance with national standards and Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership (HNY HCP) priorities for palliative and end of life care (PEoLC)<br/><br/>• Support HDFT ambitions to provide person centred integrated care through strong local partnerships<br/><br/>• Create a sustainable and cost-effective model to reduce system pressures across the Harrogate locality<br/><br/>• Reduce health inequalities across the local system in PEoLC.<br/><br/>HDFT would like to work in partnership with an organisation to host a team of registered healthcare professionals who will undertake ACP discussions directly with:<br/><br/>o Those identified as being in the LYOL(initiative 1) and their families/carers in their home or care home. <br/><br/>o Those newly admitted to a nursing home<br/><br/>o Those identified as being in the last year of life or who may benefit from ACP discussion following discharge from an acute hospital<br/><br/>o Self-referrals<br/><br/>This will include patients with capacity to make decisions about their care and for those without, best interest decisions about their future care will be made by involving their next of kin and relevant family/carers. This service may be delivered face to face, virtually or by telephone depending on patient preference. Outcomes of any ACP decisions will be recorded electronically by the healthcare professional using the existing Harrogate Future Care Planning template (on SystmOne), see Appendix A – Harrogate Future Care Planning Template. Any patient who has been seen by the service will be offered a review of their advance care plan after 6 months.

Value: 591250
Published: 2024-01-31
Deadline: 2024-02-06
591250 2024-01-31 2024-02-06
Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) Services
UK London NHS South East London Integrated Care Board

You are invited to submit a tender for the Authority’s requirement for Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) Services.<br/>The procurement exercise is designed to provide an EAP solution for members of South East London Integrated Care System (ICS). The following organisations will be part of the initial contract:<br/>• South East London Integrated Care System (ICS). <br/>• Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Trust (GSTT)<br/>• King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (KCH)<br/>• Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust (LGT)<br/><br/>The following organisations will have the option of joining the contract at a later date:<br/>• Bromley Healthcare<br/>• South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and <br/>• Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust<br/><br/>The authority is looking to establish a common specification, service and pricing structure across all participants in the resulting contract.<br/><br/>The procurement has the following Key objectives.<br/>• To provide an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) for all in-scope employees to help with matters of a work related or personal nature.<br/>• To provide face to face counselling to all in-scope employees.<br/>• To provide appropriate health promotion relating to trends, annual health calendar and marketing points as identified (with partners' health and wellbeing input) via the 6 month and annual reports or in response to notable trends outside this frequency. <br/>• To provide support to employees who have experienced traumatic events.

Value: 1000000
Published: 2024-01-31
Deadline: 2024-02-28
1000000 2024-01-31 2024-02-28
Provision of Independent Professional Advocacy Service for Adults in Powys
UK Llandrindod Wells Powys County Council

Powys County Council (hereinafter referred to as “the Council”) is seeking to engage with a suitably competent, experienced, and qualified provider (hereinafter referred to as “Contractor”) for the provision of Independent Professional Advocacy Service for Adults in Powys (‘the Service’).Independent Adult Advocacy Service(s): Statutory Independent Advocacy under the SSWB (Wales) Act which is impartial and acts in the best interest of the service user.Advocacy across all adult citizen groups except those in receipt of statutory mental health advocacy (including seldom heard groups/preferred language).Working in partnership with the community and voluntary sector to ensure advocacy is understood and support is available to citizens who may have difficulty articulating or negotiating their needs and personal goals.The service will include:Promotion and marketing of advocacy servicesRobust advocacy data collection to support demand and future intelligence.The provider is required to be Registered with Care Inspectorate Wales CIW forRegulated Advocacy Services (Service Providers and Responsible Individuals)(Wales) Regulations 2019.Providers must make provision for the Strategic Framework for Welsh Language Services in Health, Social Services and Social Care (2016-19) which places a responsibility on “organisations across the public sector to comply with the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011.The Contract will be for 3 years and will commence on the date indicated in the award correspondence and will continue from that date until 30th April 2027 (“the Term”) at which date the agreement will automatically terminate unless the Council exercises its option to extend for 1 year, plus 1 year.

Value: 477438
Published: 2024-01-30
Deadline: 2024-02-28
477438 2024-01-30 2024-02-28
Pseudo Open Framework for Professional Services in Children's Social Care - Round 3
UK Gloucester Gloucestershire County Council

- Lot 1 - Independent Specialist Assessments (including Drug and Alcohol Testing)

Published: 2024-01-28
Deadline: 2024-02-26
2024-01-28 2024-02-26
Provision of an Integrated Urgent Care Model in Salford on behalf of NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care Board
UK Manchester NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care Board

NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care Board is seeking to appoint a suitable provider for the Provision of an Integrated Urgent Care Model in Salford.The model should align urgent and unscheduled care services enabling a flexible approach to meet demand.The services should include:• a Local Clinical Assessment Service (LCAS) which operates 24/7 managing NHS 111 calls as part of urgent care by appointment including all primary care dispositions requiring response within 1 hour.• Primary Care Streaming at the front door of the Emergency Department in Salford, originally operational 8am-8pm but extended to 8am-midnight at times of system pressure as a winter resilience scheme• GP Out of Hours (GPOOH) providing cover 6.30pm to 8amThe Contract to be offered to the Recommended Bidder at the end of this Procurement will be for an initial duration of 3 years, which is intended to run from approximately 1st July 2024 (contract start date to be agreed) until approximately 30th June 2027 with the possibility of contract extensions of up to a total of a further 24 months, subject to any restrictions placed nationally by NHS England or the Department of Health and Social Care. It is the intention of the Relevant Authority to enter into a single contract with one Bidder.As advertised, the anticipated, maximum total contract value (including any potential extensions) is £21,250,000 with an annual affordability limit set at £4,250,000.The Services to which this Procurement relates fall within the scope of Schedule 1 of the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. The procurement of the Services is being run as a bespoke, single-stage application process.To download the tender documentation, please login and register at SAP Ariba on the below link. Please note the documents are free of charge to access:

Value: 21250000
Published: 2024-01-27
Deadline: 2024-02-26
21250000 2024-01-27 2024-02-26
QUB/2485/23 Contract for for a Compact Multi-modal and Multi-scale Retinal Imaging System
UK Belfast Queens University Belfast

Multiple research groups within QUB are addressing the earliest changes of disease at the complex intersection between normal ageing and early pathology in AMD (Peto, Hogg, Lengyel), Diabetic Retinopathy (Peto, Stitt, Lois, Hogg, Curtis) and Glaucoma (Azuara-Blanco and Hogg), exploring interventions to delay or prevent onset. Cutting edge retinal imaging is crucial to these endeavours. Advanced retinal imaging has been at the forefront of research advances in ophthalmology; as resolution has increased, the capacity to understand disease mechanisms has advanced for all major blinding conditions. In the retina, this has advanced on two parallel fronts, firstly, improved imaging of individual retinal layers including the photoreceptor mosaic, and secondly, improved imaging of retinal vasculature and microvasculature and associated structures. At the forefront of this is the ultra-high resolution provided by adaptive optics techniques, enabling single cell resolution in vivo. To date, these various technologies are available at QUB to support clinical trials on separate instruments, necessitating long tiring visits for patients and challenges for researchers in co-registering the different imaging types to look at the same location simultaneously. In order to address some of the above issues, Queens University wishes to procure a compact, multi-modal and multi-scale retinal imaging system, with microscopic resolution capability that is able to overcome the above-mentioned issues, in combination with laser-based imaging to help with media opacities and provide confocality.The equipment will be installed at The Wellcome Trust-Wolfson Northern Ireland Clinical Research Facility (NICRF), a joint venture between Health and Social Care, Queens University, and the University of Ulster, located in Belfast City Hospital.

Published: 2024-01-27
Deadline: 2024-02-09
2024-01-27 2024-02-09
Cost Manager for the New Leighton Hospital
UK Crewe Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (MCHFT) is issuing this Invitation to Tender ("ITT") in connection with the competitive procurement of Cost Manager Services for the New Leighton Hospital.<br/><br/>This procurement will be run via an Open Procedure under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 ("PCR").<br/><br/>MCHFT is in the initial stages of a new project to construct a new hospital, which will replace the existing Leighton Hospital which is affected by Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) throughout circa 80.00% of its buildings. The vision for the project is to design and build a new state of the art hospital that will play a vital role at the heart of the community, placing digital innovation at the forefront of health services designed to tackle inequalities and meet the needs of a growing and ageing population. The ambition is that this project will transform the quality of healthcare for the people of Cheshire and across the Northwest of England.<br/><br/>The purpose of this procurement exercise is to appoint a Cost Manager to provide services covering RIBA Stages 2 to 3. Bidders are to note that the appointment is through to completion of the Outline Business Case which is currently targeted as July 2025.<br/><br/>The estimated total contract value for RIBA Stages 2 to 3 (including the Outline Business Case) is £150,000.00<br/><br/>The project is currently concluding RIBA Stage 1 and is due to commence RIBA Stage 2 in June 2024. Bidders are expected to commence services on 14th May 2024. <br/><br/>The Authority reserves the right to extend the contract for the Cost Manager beyond RIBA stage 3 (including Outline Business Case delivery) without the need for a further procurement exercise. In exercising its discretion to extend, the Authority will consider the successful bidder’s performance up to the point it is considering any extension and whether any benefit to the overall programme to extending with the current supplier outweighs any potential benefit in carrying out a further procurement exercise.<br/><br/>Bidders are to note that the design may reach a fully complete RIBA stage 3 by the end of the Outline Business Case and therefore fees are to be on the basis of this.<br/><br/>The tender is being run via the ATAMIS e-tendering Portal which can be found at ("the e-sourcing Portal").

Value: 1000000
Published: 2024-01-27
Deadline: 2024-02-26
1000000 2024-01-27 2024-02-26
Independent Advocacy Service
UK Reading Reading Borough Council

2.1 Tenders are invited for the supply of: 2.2 The provision of the following Independent advocacy services for adults in Reading: • Independent Mental Health Act Advocacy (IMHA) • Care Act Advocacy (CAA)• NHS Complaints Advocacy (NHS-CA) • Social Care Complaints Advocacy (SCCA) • Independent Mental Capacity Act (IMCA)• Relevant Persons Paid Representative (RPPR)• Litigation Friend• Rule 1.2 Representative Advocacy Service, The Court of Protection Rules 2017

Value: 436599
Published: 2024-01-25
Deadline: 2024-02-12
436599 2024-01-25 2024-02-12
ESPH AB HBC Housing Adaptation Service (ESPH607 TT)
UK Hastings Hastings Borough Council

The local authorities of Rother and Hastings in partnership with East Sussex County Council Adult Social Care are jointly commissioning a Housing Adaptations Support Service to provide technical support to disabled occupants to enable them to have all the necessary information about whether or not their property is adaptable or if alternative housing options need to be considered and if appropriate to assist them in applying to the respective local authority for a Disabled Facilities Grant and support them whilst their home is being adapted.

Value: 450000
Published: 2024-01-23
Deadline: 2024-02-21
450000 2024-01-23 2024-02-21
DHSC:NIHR Support Services: Public Partnerships and Maximising Research Impact
UK London Department of Health and Social Care

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) supports Ministers in leading the nation's health and social care to enable everyone to live more independent, healthier lives, for longer. DHSC invests significantly in research and development (R&D) to support the delivery of its objectives, primarily through the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR). Through NIHR, DHSC provides evidence to improve the health of the public and outcomes for patients and inform decisions on the effectiveness, efficiency and safety of the health and care system. <br/><br/>We are seeking to procure services from 1st April 2025 for a period of 7 years (with a five year break clause) to meet the following strategic objectives:<br/>- improve the way partnerships with people and communities in health and care research work (this includes research involvement, participation, and engagement - referred to as ‘public partnerships’)<br/>- improve how NIHR research is disseminated, and knowledge is mobilised to facilitate uptake and adoption of insights from research (referred to as ‘maximising impact’)<br/>- act as an integral part of National Institute for Health Research Coordinating Centre - working collaboratively within NIHRCC and across NIHRCC & Clinical Research Network Coordinating Centre a co-ordinated, joined-up organisation.<br/><br/>The total contract value will be £19,000,000.00 which will be sub-divided as follows: <br/>- £17,100,000.00 for services that form the bulk of the deliverables (including any transition costs).<br/>- £1,900,000 for Authority Emergent Services (unforeseeable services that may emerge throughout the life of the contract).<br/>Further information and instruction may be found in the relevant Tender Documents. <br/><br/>To identify a suitable contractor to deliver the above services, the Authority will be undertaking a 2-stage competitive procedure with negotiation.<br/><br/>Stage 1 will invite potential supplier to complete the Standard Selection Questionnaire and successful suppliers will then be invited to participate in Stage 2. <br/><br/>Stage 2 will invite those suppliers who were successful at Stage 1 to submit an initial tender. Following evaluation of the initial tender, the Authority will invite the three (3) highest scoring suppliers to participate in negotiations. <br/>Following negotiations, suppliers will be required to submit a final tender for evaluation. <br/><br/>A Market Engagement Event was held on 1st August 2023; notes from that event will be made available via the electronic procurement portal.

Value: 19000000
Published: 2024-01-20
Deadline: 2024-02-19
19000000 2024-01-20 2024-02-19
Provision of Technology Enabled Care Alarm Receiving Service
UK Paisley Renfrewshire Council

Renfrewshire Council, on behalf of Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership is seeking a Provider to provide, monitor, manage and operate a Technology Enabled Care Alarm Receiving Service which will be available to Service Users living within the Renfrewshire area who are in receipt of the Technology Enabled Care Service (TECS).Further information is contained within the Invitation to Tender documentation.

Published: 2024-01-20
Deadline: 2024-02-19
2024-01-20 2024-02-19
Independent Advocacy Service for Adults with Health and Social Care Needs
UK Kendal Westmorland and Furness Council

Westmorland and Furness Council came into being on 1st April 2023. It is England’s third largest unitary authority by geographical area, and it’s more sparsely populated this presents challenges in terms of sustaining and delivering services and requires innovating approaches and continuous improvement.The Council cares and believes everyone matters and will strive to ensure that citizens can gain access to the right service, in the right place at the right time.Local authorities have a responsibility to ensure the provision of professional independent advocacy under the terms of:• The Care Act 2014 and the Care and Support Statutory Guidance for independent advocates forpeople using social care services.• The Mental Capacity Act 2005 and its Code of Practice for independent mental capacity actadvocates.• Mental Health Act 1983 and its Code of Practice for independent mental capacity act advocates.Best practice guidance (NICE 2022) states that advocacy providers should aim to support continuity by offering people the same advocate for different types of Advocacy. If this is not possible, they should ensure that systems for handover are in place that are not reliant on a new referral.Local authorities must make appropriate arrangements for independent advocacy services to provide assistant to people making or intending to make complaints as described in the Health and Social Care Act 2012.

Value: 858000
Published: 2024-01-20
Deadline: 2024-02-16
858000 2024-01-20 2024-02-16
NHCFT 912 Contract for the provision of an online learning platform for DAFNE (Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating) program courses for healthcare staff and patients
UK Newcastle upon Tyne Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Ltd

The DAFNE program provides DAFNE course content for adults living with type 1 diabetes, in a variety of formats; in addition to the provision of training courses for diabetes specialist healthcare professionals (HCPs) (doctors, diabetes specialist dietitians and nurses) on how to deliver the DAFNE patient courses.We already have nine online units with our current provider. This specification relates to:1. the transfer of the existing 9 units to a new platforma. There is also a Resources Area on the current online platform that must be replicated.2. the development of:a. a new patient unit for adults with type 2 diabetes using insulin – the VICTOR (Varying Insulin Doses for Changes To Routine) course;The DAFNE program provides DAFNE course content for adults living with type 1 diabetes, in a variety of formats; in addition to the provision of training courses for diabetes specialist healthcare professionals (HCPs) (doctors, diabetes specialist dietitians and nurses) on how to deliver the DAFNE patient courses.We already have nine online units with our current provider. This specification relates to:1. the transfer of the existing 9 units to a new platforma. There is also a Resources Area on the current online platform that must be replicated.2. the development of:a. a new patient unit for adults with type 2 diabetes using insulin – the VICTOR (Varying Insulin Doses for The DAFNE program provides DAFNE course content for adults living with type 1 diabetes, in a variety of formats; in addition to the provision of training courses for diabetes specialist healthcare professionals (HCPs) (doctors, diabetes specialist dietitians and nurses) on how to deliver the DAFNE patient courses.We already have nine online units with our current provider. This specification relates to:1. the transfer of the existing 9 units to a new platforma. There is also a Resources Area on the current online platform that must be replicated.2. the development of:a. a new patient unit for adults with type 2 diabetes using insulin – the VICTOR (Varying Insulin Doses for Changes To Routine) course;b. a new patient courses for adults using Closed Loops (CL), on how to optimise the Closed Loop technology.c. any additional units as required over the life of the contract in line with the changing needs of the service according to T&Cs of the awarded contract.3. Minor amendments and annual updates to all units, if required4. Hosting and maintenance

Value: 160000
Published: 2024-01-20
Deadline: 2024-02-19
160000 2024-01-20 2024-02-19
Adult Social Care Learning and Development Quality Assurance including Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training
UK London Department of Health and Social Care

The Department of Health and Social Care is seeking to appoint a supplier with the skills and expertise to: quality assure training and qualifications for the ASC workforce, working with existing qualification regulators (for example Ofqual), Awarding Organisations, Training Providers, the ASC sector and those with lived experience. In addition, signposting high-quality training to the sector that is aligned to DHSC’s Care Workforce Pathway.<br/><br/>Contract Project Reference: C227555<br/><br/>Intended contract term: Initial period of 1 year (1st April 2024 to 31 March 2025) with the option to extend for a further 2 periods of 1 year (1+1+1)<br/><br/>Estimated contract value initial period: £1,191,200.00 exclusive of VAT. Estimated contract value extension period £1,191,200.00 per annum exclusive of VAT. Total potential contract value £3,573,600.00 exclusive of VAT.<br/><br/>The opportunity will be available on the DHSC Atamis eTendering System. Select this link to access and register your organisation to the Atamis system, if you have not already done so.<br/><br/>To find this opportunity in the eTendering system, select “Find Opportunities” and then search by project number or title. Once you have found the Opportunity, press the ‘Register Interest’ button to register your interest. This will make the project to appear on ‘My proposals and quotes’. From there you can review documents, send clarification messages, submit the response, or decline to respond, if you decide not to participate in the opportunity. For full details on the instruction to tender and terms of participations please refer to the Invitation to Tender document

Value: 1191200
Published: 2024-01-20
Deadline: 2024-02-19
1191200 2024-01-20 2024-02-19
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