The public procurement market in the UK was worth more than £230 billion last year, making the public sector a big economic player. When public procurement is deployed effectively, the power of purchase can secure value for money in the broadest sense.
Europe’s public procurement regulations are currently under review, with implications for the way the public sector buys goods and services. The European Commission wants to simplify the rules to ensure that public procurement can play its part in meeting the goals of Europe 2020, with its commitment to “smart, sustainable and inclusive” growth.
The review will introduce three important new changes:
- make it easier for small and medium-sized enterprises to participate in and benefit from public procurement contracts
- promote the concept of whole-life costing, allowing contracting authorities to take account of social and environmental factors when weighing up the costs and benefits of competing offers
- extend the special measures already in place for sheltered workshops/employment programmes to embrace a broader range of beneficiaries
- Housing Associations
- Local Authorities