British Museum Construction Professional Services Consultancy Framework
United Kingdom
Text to be corrected in the original notice:
Place of text to be modified: Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Instead of: 30 December 2025
Time: 17:00
Read New: 24 March 2025
Time: 12:00
Other additional information: This contract is suitable for SMEs
The British Museum is seeking to create a Framework for the provision of Professional Services Consultancy to its Estates and Capital Projects Department. The Framework will have seven lots covering the following disciplines:
1. Project Management
2. Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management
3. MEPhF Engineering
4. Architecture and Interior Design
5. Structural and Civil Engineering
6. Fire Safety Engineer
7. Surveying
The types of projects and related planning and design activity likely to be delivered under the Framework are broad and could be classified under one of the following categories, covering both front-of-house and back-of-house spaces:
1. Strategic / technical studies or reviews.
2. Light touch refreshments / renewals (painting, minor carpentry, etc., but no significant fabric interventions).
3. Complex, stand-alone M&E / lift / security / fire systems renewal or refurbishment.
4. Refurbishment / renewal / creation of spaces (sometimes in conjunction with refurbishment of wings).
5. Masterplan projects including new buildings and / or significant reconfiguration of existing wings / spaces.
The Framework objectives are as follows:
1. Safeguard value for money in the appointment of consultancy services for (construction) projects.
2. Ensure projects are delivered in alignment with budgets via securing the appropriate skills and expertise.
3. Guarantee the services delivered by the supply chain via the Framework are in alignment with the British Museum's specialist context.
4. Ensure services delivered via the Framework are of high quality and aligned with clearly defined duties.
5. Provide programme assurance in project delivery via the appointment of those with the appropriate skills and expertise.
Value: |
46100000 |
Published: |
2025-03-11 |
Deadline: |
46100000 |
2025-03-11 |
Greek Street - Deck Construction Works
British Oversea Territories
J Murphy & Sons Limited
Greek Street Bridge is a two span post tensioned structure in which the latest PTSI assessment concluded that the structure is understrength and overstressed. Engineering standard NR/CIV/025 has been used to manage the substandard structure in the short term with additional monitoring in place. Specific elements of concern included exposed concrete reinforcement which has begun to corrode on the deck soffit, seepage of water onto the soffit which will cause degradation to accelerate further. The most recent assessment report stated that the risk of failure was 'High' to 'Very High' and that deck replacement is required in 2025, otherwise the structure would need to be closed to road traffic until completely reconstructed, due to the overstress and deterioration it would not be safe to operate.
The project proposal is to replace the existing bridge with a single span removing the central pier in a 21 day core possession in August 2025. This will require alterations to the existing OLE equipment that runs underneath the structure. The highway will also be closed for a significant period whilst construction works are undertaken to replace the bridge - circa 50 weeks.
The deck construction works will commence once all beams are landed, connected and waterproofing membrane is installed. The sub-contractor will then be responsible for setting up all formwork and erecting steel re-enforcement (Opportunity to construct in cages may arise during design development, but please assume in-situ at this stage). Sub-contractor to then provide 2no. concrete pumps for duration of their pouring works. Sub-contractor to also finish concrete.
The scope of work included in this Subcontract includes but is not limited to provision of all resources required to undertake the following items of work in accordance with the requirements of the Subcontract other that the items which the Schedule of Attendances specifically identify as being provided by the Main Contractor.
Value: |
1000000 |
Published: |
2025-03-07 |
Deadline: |
1000000 |
2025-03-07 |
Greenwich Minor Works Dynamic Purchasing System
United Kingdom
University of Greenwich
The University is seeking to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System for the procurement of Minor Works projects. The value of works covered by the Dynamic Purchasing System is expected to be in the range £1 to £2M for each call-off. Works categories include, but are not limited to: Building/Construction Work; Demolition Work; Floor & Wall Covering; Painting Work; Joinery Work; Glazing Work; Tiling work (Floor/Wall); Plastering Work; Resurfacing Work; Roofing Work; Steeplejack Work; Asbestos Removal/Treatment Works and Analytical Services; Mechanical Works; Fibre Optic Installation Works; Lifts, Hoists and Escalators Works; Gritting/Snow-Clearing Services; Civil Engineering (general); Windows; Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Services; Electrical Works; Solar Energy/Panels; Standby Power Systems UPS/IPS; Ground Source and Air Source Heat Pump Works; Plumbing; Road Marking, Painting and Lining; Signage Including Installation; Street Furniture Including Installation; Drainage Works
Value: |
20000000 |
Published: |
2025-02-21 |
Deadline: |
20000000 |
2025-02-21 |
TfGM Bridge Asset Management System 2025
United Kingdom
Transport for Greater Manchester
Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM), working on behalf of the 10 Local Authorities within Greater Manchester, is looking to source a new contract for a Bridge Asset Management System (BAM) that will be used by all parties.
As noted above, the proposed system will hold the data for all 10 Authorities but each Authority will only be able to access their own data for read/write/modify/delete purposes. "Super users" accounts should be available where access is required to all data if the need arises to deal with GM wide issues.
The required system is a specialist bridge management system, so as supplied it must be capable of accommodating 10,000+ structures. Furthermore, the supplier should indicate any cost implications (if any) in accommodating 30,000 structures in increments of 5,000 structures e.g. 15k, 20k, 25k & 30k structures.
The inventory should hold the basic data and information on the stock of highway structures in terms of descriptive parameters such as structural type, form, construction material and geometry (dimensions, span, width, skew etc). Attributes held in the inventory should enable management to operate at a number of levels, e.g. stock, groups or individual structures.
This will be a 4+1 term contract with the final (5th year) being optional.
The current contract expires July 2025.
If you have already expressed an interest on the previous advert on Pro-Contract, you will also need to express an interest on this advert as well, in order to access the tender documentation.
Value: |
Published: |
2025-02-21 |
Deadline: |
2025-02-21 |
Highways and Public Realm Contract
United Kingdom
Westminster City Council
The work under this Contract comprises the provision of an integrated highways and public realm service including:
- Carriageway Maintenance and Resurfacing, Footway Maintenance and Re-paving, Street Lighting and other electrical asset renewals, Security and HVM, Reactive Works, Routine Works, Minor Works, Project Works including Public Realm Projects, Bridges and Structures, Statues and Monuments, Drainage services and works.
- Design Services
- Structural Inspections and various other inspection regimes.
- Regulatory and support functions including management of the Pipe Subway and Tunnel Management
- Supply and management of various highway and traffic related IT based systems and data
- Other Professional Services
- Undertaking works and services on public and private land off the public highway including within housing estates or schools or other areas.
The works and services will primarily be delivered across the City of Westminster but from time to time the contractor may be required to carry out works and services outside of city boundaries.
The full scope of the work under the contract is set in the procurement documents available on the our City of Westminster Procurement and Contracts portal (see VI.3).
Furthermore, due to the term of the Contract and the nature of the contract, the Council reserves the right to include additional supporting and/or related works and services in the Scope, including during the term of the Contract and in accordance with its terms.
Under the Public Contract Regulations 2015 (PCR) mixed procurements are classified as whichever is the main subject-matter of the procurement. WCC deems this to be a works contract.
Additional information:
This opportunity and all associated procurement documents will be accessible via our City of Westminster Procurement and Contracts portal ("the Portal"), kindly visit https://wcc.ukp.app.jaggaer.com and search for the following reference: SQ_30022. If you have any questions, please submit these through the portal.
Our portal is free to register on.
To view details of the Opportunity via the Portal please click the following link and click on Opportunities: https://wcc.ukp.app.jaggaer.com
Or browse as follows:
- Connect to https://wcc.ukp.app.jaggaer.com
- Enter your Username and Password
- Go to Published Opportunities
- Click on the Project Title to view details
Value: |
1250000000 |
Published: |
2025-02-20 |
Deadline: |
1250000000 |
2025-02-20 |
West Ruislip Portal Pipe Jacking
United Kingdom
SCS JV seeks an experience civil engineering subcontractor with a specialist operation in relation to pipe jacking including a proven portfolio of similar confined working operations. At the HS2 West Ruislip Portal site there is a need divert an small existing water course through new drainage via the method of pipe jacking over a distance in excess of 200m to a depth of 4.0 to 5.0m including along this length a pipe diameter in the order of 1.40m, temporary shafts and permanent manholes. The works are to be undertaken within close proximity of an existing live railway line embankment, new pipe alignment shall have a slight curve on plan. The successful subcontractor shall undertake these works on the basis of full design responsibility including all temporary, procurement and supply of all labour materials and plant, installation of permanent pipe run and inspection chambers /manholes, remove from site all surplus arising spoil, final commissioning / certified testing of entire installation within the confines of West Ruislip Project site boundary abutting the Network Rail main line asset.
Value: |
5000000 |
Published: |
2025-02-18 |
Deadline: |
5000000 |
2025-02-18 |
Contract for the Provision of Highways, Street Lighting and Associated Infrastructure Works
Harrow Council
The works to be provided under this contract consist of a comprehensive highways and transport, maintenance and improvement service for the Council.
The Contractor may be required to undertake elements of the following tasks forming part of the service in each Service Year (Core Tasks):
• Provision, maintenance and cleaning of road signs,
• Provision and maintenance of road markings and road studs (in accordance with the Plan for Road Markings),
• Routine and Reactive highways asset repairs (in accordance with Code of Practice for Highway Inspections),
• Drainage maintenance activities relating to all drainage assets (as defined in the Code of Practice for Drainage maintenance),
• Bridges and highway structures routine and cyclic maintenance
• Vegetation and debris removal from bridges and highway structures, including removal of blockages from watercourses,
• Winter Service Operations,
• Emergency response,
• Maintenance of Highways Electrical assets (in accordance with the Code of Practice for Highways Electrical Maintenance).
The Contractor may also be required to undertake elements of the following types of maintenance and improvement schemes, in each Service Year (Work Tasks):
• Highway and junction improvements,
• Bridges and highway structures reactive maintenance, improvements and upgrades,
• Drainage improvement schemes,
• Maintenance of traffic signals,
• Vehicle safety fencing,
• Traffic management and calming,
• Pedestrian and cycle infrastructure improvements,
• Public Rights of Way bridge Improvements and upgrades,
• Road space reallocation schemes,
• Public realm improvements,
• Car Park maintenance and improvement schemes,
• Facilitation and support for events,
• Public transport infrastructure including bus stops and bus priority measures,
• Accessibility improvements,
• Carriageway & footway construction, reconstruction/surfacing,
• Site investigation,
• Contractor design,
• Asset inventory, inspections, data collection, surveys and analysis,
• Street lighting Improvements,
• Traffic signal Improvements,
• Verge maintenance and weed control,
• Hedge maintenance.
Value: |
300000000 |
Published: |
2025-02-05 |
Deadline: |
300000000 |
2025-02-05 |
TC056 - Highways Support Framework
United Kingdom
Manchester City Council
The Highways Support framework is to support the Councils Highways Maintenance Service with Minor Civil Engineering works. The Council wishes to have provided highways support services (relating to comprehensive and reactive service to the highways network across the 33 wards of Manchester including kerbing, signing, lining, and all modular works) under framework agreement arrangements with a panel of contractors on a non-exclusive basis.
The framework period will be for 2 years with the option to extend for an additional 2 years.
The council intends to appoint 4 contractors to the framework.
Value: |
20000000 |
Published: |
2025-01-24 |
Deadline: |
20000000 |
2025-01-24 |
Cycle Hangars PPM
United Kingdom
Westminster City Council
Westminster City Council currently operates 230 secure Cycle Storage Units throughout the borough, located across the Public Highway (188 hangars) and on a number of Council Housing Estates (42 hangars). Hangars are located in every ward of the City, and are distributed according to resident need as determined through online Registrations of Interest. The greatest concentrations of hangars are in the north-west (Harrow Road, Maida Vale and Queens Park wards), and in the south (Pimlico North and Pimlico South wards).
The majority of hangars in the borough are Cyclehoop Bikehangar units, with a capacity of 6 bicycles per unit. 41 of the total number of hangars are FalcoPod units, and there are also 3 mesh cage shelters in use as part of this scheme. The network currently has capacity for 1354 individual bicycles.
Since the commencement of the scheme, it has been a focus of the Council and Cabinet to continue growing the scheme through the installation of further hangars. The current target set by project management is for 60 new installations per year moving forward. There is currently no anticipated end date to this scheme.
Additional information:
This opportunity and all associated procurement documents will be accessible via our City of Westminster Procurement and Contracts portal ("the Portal"), kindly visit https://wcc.ukp.app.jaggaer.com and search for the following reference: ITT_30182. If you have any questions, please submit these through the portal.
Our portal is free to register on.
To view details of the Opportunity via the Portal please click the following link and click on Opportunities: https://wcc.ukp.app.jaggaer.com
Or browse as follows:
- Connect to https://wcc.ukp.app.jaggaer.com
- Enter your Username and Password
- Go to Published Opportunities
- Click on the Project Title to view details
Value: |
200000 |
Published: |
2025-01-22 |
Deadline: |
200000 |
2025-01-22 |
HAR6019 The demolition of the existing St George's Leisure Centre and other associated structures; and the completion of design and construction of a new build leisure facility and an 8-storey residential building delivering 29 new homes; with associated landscaping and public realm improvements.
The London Borough of Tower Hamlets
Procurement for a Principal Contractor to demolish the existing St George's Leisure Centre and other associated structures; and to complete a PCSA (in a two-stage D&B contract) for RIBA Stage 4 design for two new buildings for the site: a state-of-the-art leisure facility (with wet and dry leisure facilities, including a 25m swimming pool); and an 8-storey residential building delivering 29 new affordable rent homes. The project also includes associated landscaping and public realm improvements to St George's Gardens and the surroundings of the proposed new buildings. Both the leisure facilities and residential accommodation will be owned and managed by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets.
The building is situated in the St George in the East Conservation Area, on The Highway A1203 (a TfL Red Route). The site is in proximity to the Grade I Listed Church of St George in the East and other Listed structures.
The existing St George's Leisure Centre, which is proposed for demolition, comprises of two components: a two-storey block to the east which houses administration, changing facilities, and the training pool; and a four-storey block which accommodates the 33.3m swimming pool. A further single storey ancillary block is located to the west. An 18-space car park at ground level wraps around the existing leisure centre.
Additional information:
Value: |
55000000 |
Published: |
2025-01-20 |
Deadline: |
55000000 |
2025-01-20 |
TC040- Surfacing of Carriageways and Footways Framework
United Kingdom
Manchester City Council
The tender is for the provision of a surfacing of carriageways and footways framework.
The works comprise of:
• Milling off and resurfacing of carriageways
• Adjustment and replacement of carriageway ironwork
• Cleaning and where necessary repairs to the highway drainage system
• Application of carriageway markings
• Where necessary, removal and replacement of kerbs
• Repairs to or removal of and replacement of footway surfaces
• Adjustment and replacement of footway ironwork
• A proportion of the works will be carried out off-peak and at weekends
• The location of the works is within the City of Manchester.
The council intends to appoint 3 contractors to the framework.
Additional information:
The Council is using the e-business portal known as the Chest. Applicants will need to register their details at the following link www.the-chest.org.uk. Applicants will need to electronically submit their completed tender documents, including standard selection questionnaire, via the on-line portal by 11am on 26th February 2025.
Value: |
48000000 |
Published: |
2025-01-16 |
Deadline: |
48000000 |
2025-01-16 |
2425-0464 -Parking enforcement, cashless parking and associated services
United Kingdom
The Authority requires the Bidder to provide the services listed below, which will be evaluated as part of the Bidders Tender with the exception of Resilience Services:
Civil Enforcement Officer (CEO) and CCTV Enforcement
This element of the service includes on-street enforcement undertaken by Civil Enforcement Officers patrolling the street on foot and using appropriate vehicles to ensure Parking Restrictions are enforced 24 hours a day including bank holiday and special events taking place at the Arsenal Football Stadium. The contract requires CCTV Clip Processing to take place to identify Moving Traffic and Bus Lane contraventions and subsequently the issuance of valid Penalty Charge Notices. The Authority currently issues approximately 400,000 PCNs per year with an estimated 200,000 being issued by Civil Enforcement Officers, and an estimated 200,000 which were captured by CCTV. This service will commence on 1 October 2025.
Cashless Parking Services
The Authority requires a high-quality Cashless Parking Service, this will include electronic
short stay purchases of kerbside parking permits and visitor vouchers. The Authority's charging
structure is based on vehicle CO2 emissions. There are approximately 1.4 million transactions
taking place annually. This service will commence on 1 April 2026.
Printing, Posting and Scanning Services
The Authority requires a solution for the printing and posting of statutory and other related documentation along with the scanning and indexing of incoming correspondence not received via our dedicated IT systems. There are approximately 500,000 letters that are printed and posted annually and an estimated 50,000 items for scanning and indexing. This service will commence on 1 April 2026.
Vehicle Removal and Pound Facility
The Authority requires the provision of removal trucks, clamping services and a pound facility to conduct relocations and removal of vehicles identified as persistent evaders and vehicles causing an obstruction on the public highway. There is an estimated 1200 relocations and 300 vehicles removed to the pound annually. This service will commence on 1 October 2025.
Complaints Handling
The contract requires the successful Bidder to be responsible for managing the first line of complaints related the services being delivered. This service will commence on 1 October 2025.
Resilience Services
There is also a requirement to deliver a resilience service upon request by the Authority, for services usually undertaken in house. This includes but not limited to; notice and debt processing, suspensions, sign and line maintenance and business intelligence.
Additional Goods and Services
During the term of the contract, with no obligation on the Authority to proceed with any or all of these options, the Authority may require the Bidder to purchase on the Authority's behalf other services, including but not limited to;
• A parking management and processing IT systems
• Purchase of additional CCTV
Value: |
132560369 |
Published: |
2025-01-13 |
Deadline: |
132560369 |
2025-01-13 |
HAR6019 The demolition of the existing St George's Leisure Centre and other associated structures; and the completion of design and construction of a new build leisure facility and an 8-storey residential building delivering 29 new homes; with associated landscaping and public realm improvements.
The London Borough of Tower Hamlets
Procurement for a Principal Contractor to demolish the existing St George's Leisure Centre and other associated structures; and to complete a PCSA (in a two-stage D&B contract) for RIBA Stage 4 design for two new buildings for the site: a state-of-the-art leisure facility (with wet and dry leisure facilities, including a 25m swimming pool); and an 8-storey residential building delivering 29 new affordable rent homes. The project also includes associated landscaping and public realm improvements to St George's Gardens and the surroundings of the proposed new buildings. Both the leisure facilities and residential accommodation will be owned and managed by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets.
The building is situated in the St George in the East Conservation Area, on The Highway A1203 (a TfL Red Route). The site is in proximity to the Grade I Listed Church of St George in the East and other Listed structures.
The existing St George's Leisure Centre, which is proposed for demolition, comprises of two components: a two-storey block to the east which houses administration, changing facilities, and the training pool; and a four-storey block which accommodates the 33.3m swimming pool. A further single storey ancillary block is located to the west. An 18-space car park at ground level wraps around the existing leisure centre.
Value: |
55000000 |
Published: |
2025-01-13 |
Deadline: |
55000000 |
2025-01-13 |
The Wallace Collection Masterplan - Structural and Civil Engineering Services
United Kingdom
The Wallace Collection
The Wallace Collection (TWC) is seeking to appoint a Structural/Civil Engineer for a significant re-development project as part of TWC's Masterplan. The completion of a full RIBA Stage 4 design is required, along with RIBA Stage 5/6/7 services. Tenderers must demonstrate sufficient capability to support the procurement and delivery of the project at the Wallace Collection in Westminster, London.
Value: |
Published: |
2024-12-13 |
Deadline: |
2024-12-13 |
The Wallace Collection Masterplan - Structural and Civil Engineering Services
The Wallace Collection
NOTE: To register your interest in this notice and obtain any additional information please visit the myTenders Web Site at https://www.mytenders.co.uk/Search/Search_Switch.aspx?ID=233437.
The buyer has indicated that it will accept electronic responses to this notice via the Postbox facility. A user guide is available at https://www.mytenders.co.uk/sitehelp/help_guides.aspx.
Suppliers are advised to allow adequate time for uploading documents and to dispatch the electronic response well in advance of the closing time to avoid any last minute problems.
(MT Ref:233437)
Value: |
Published: |
2024-12-13 |
Deadline: |
2024-12-13 |
CRML0001 - Expression of interest - Herefordshire Drag Road
United Kingdom
Balfour Beatty on behalf of the client Herefordshire Council require a subcontractor who can provide a proposed soft nails solution (soil nailing) .
In December 2023, an inspection of Drag Road Byway, Symonds Yat, found that there had been movement of the embankment causing the road to move, which is a safety concern. A full emergency closure of this section was put in place.
Site visits from geotechnical specialists and topographical surveys confirmed that a failure had occurred within the slope below the concrete edge beam/retaining structure that forms the edge of the highway towards its northern end of the structure. This failure appears to have been constrained by the low point within the crest of rock out crop below Drag Road. As a result of the failure a width of approximately 4.75m of the underside of the edge beam/retaining structure has been exposed
Proposed solution: Soil nails as per draft drawings.
The location and roads around Symonds Yat are very narrow 2.5-3m wide in places. This will need small specialist equipment to undertake the works.
If interested in this package of works, please contact Elisabeth Wyllie.
Email: elisabeth.wyllie@balfourbeatty.com
Value: |
Published: |
2024-11-27 |
Deadline: |
2024-12-06 |
2024-11-27 |
2024-12-06 |
T0526 - Geotechnical and Civil Engineering Surveying
United Kingdom
The Corporation of Trinity House operates a wide range of marine aids-to-navigation (AtoNs) to support shipping around the coast of England, Wales and the Channel Islands. By the nature of the aids provided, the organisation supports a large number of historical sites in remote coastal environments. As a result of this, TH requires a contactor or contractors to undertake the on-going geological, civil, technical and environmental surveying of these aids-to-navigation.
Value: |
1000000 |
Published: |
2024-11-22 |
Deadline: |
1000000 |
2024-11-22 |
T0526 - Geotechnical and Civil Engineering Surveying
Please note that this is Prior Information Notice. We are inviting interested suppliers/companies to express their interest in this tender.
To view this notice, please click here:
GO Reference: GO-20241122-PRO-28625586
Value: |
Published: |
2024-11-22 |
Deadline: |
2024-11-22 |
TC041 - Proprietary Treatments to Carriageways and Footways
United Kingdom
Manchester City Council
Provision of proprietary surface treatments to carriageways and footways. The works comprise:
- Pre-patching of carriageways and footways prior to treatment (where necessary)
- Cleaning of and where necessary repairs to the highway drainage system
- Application of proprietary materials to footways and carriageways
- Application of carriageway markings
- Adjustment and replacement of ironwork (where necessary)
- A proportion of the works will be carried out off-peak and at weekends
- The location of the works is within the City of Manchester
Additional information:
The Council is using the e-business portal known as the Chest. Applicants will need to register their details at the following link www.the-chest.org.uk. Applicants will need to electronically submit their completed tender documents, including standard selection questionnaire, via the on-line portal by 11am on 15th January 2025.
Value: |
24000000 |
Published: |
2024-11-19 |
Deadline: |
24000000 |
2024-11-19 |
6224 - Highway Works - Lot 1 & 2 - Boroughwide
London Borough of Bexley
Value: |
Published: |
2024-10-09 |
Deadline: |
2024-10-09 |
Homes England - Homestead Link Road - SW Rugby
United Kingdom
Homes England (the name adopted by the Homes and Communities Agency)
Homes England is seeking to appoint a construction partner to deliver this important piece of highway infrastructure and associated green infrastructure. This opportunity takes the form of a Restricted process and five compliant Suppliers will be shortlisted and invited to participate further in the procurement process at the Invitation to Tender (ITT) stage.
Homestead Link Road (HLR) is the primary piece of highway infrastructure required to unlock the South West Rugby development - set to deliver circa 5,000 new homes, primary and secondary schools, a new neighbourhood centre, 35 hectares of employment land and green infrastructure.
The scope of works comprises the elements listed below, all as set out by planning application ref. R22/0928 which was submitted to Rugby Borough Council on 8th Sept 2022 and recommended for approval on 6th March 2024. The full details of the planning application can be found online at https://planning.agileapplications.co.uk/rugby/application-details/35529.
The scope of works details:
• Delivery of an approximately 2km long all-traffic single carriageway link road, including 2m verge, 2m footway and 3m cycleway on the development side of the carriageway
• A Pegasus crossing
• New junctions with the B4429 Coventry Road, Cawston Lane, Alywn Road, the A426 Rugby Road and to adjacent land allocated for residential development
• Realigned side road accesses to several existing residential properties
• A new junction off Alwyn Road, its partial re-alignment and construction of a future 'spine road' (part only) that will provide access to other land allocated for residential development at SW Rugby
• Utilities diversions
• Civils works in connection with utilities installations
• Associated works including street lighting, landscaping, surface water drainage infrastructure and ground remodelling
• Temporary works included maintaining access to third party properties affected by the works
• Creation of circa 180,000m2 of new public open space to include informal footpaths, new and enhanced ecological habitats
• Maintenance of highways works for a period of one year following highway works completion, (period subject to ongoing discussion with adopting authority)
• Maintenance of the landscaping and planting for a period of one year following completion of the landscaping works, (period subject to ongoing discussion with adopting authority)
Pre-construction stage enabling works including above ground vegetation removal, ecological mitigation works, (removal of bat roosts and closure of badger setts and compensatory measures) and building demolitions (the removal of affected building at Cherry Tree Farm) are being managed directly by Homes England and its incumbent consultants ahead of the main construction period.
Additional information:
The opportunity can be accessed via Home England's e-Tendering system. Tenderers wishing to be considered for this contract must register their expression of interest and submit via our e-Tendering system. If not already registered, candidates should register at https://procontract.due-north.com/Advert?advertId=e9013b93-cd5e-ef11-812e-005056b64545&fromRfxSummary=True&rfxId=a0e27dcf-cd5e-ef11-812e-005056b64545
Homes England takes a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and sets high standards of impartiality, integrity and objectivity in relation to the stewardship of public funds and the management of its activities. The principles contained within this policy apply to both internal and external audiences, including anyone wishing to undertake business or engage with Homes England. Please refer to our anti-bribery and corruption policy by visiting https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/anti-bribery-and-corruption-policy for further information.
Homes England is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal data.
The privacy notice aims to give you information on how Homes England collects and processes personal data provided to us, including information that you provide directly, and tell you about your rights and how the law protects you. Please refer to our Privacy Notice at https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/homes-england/about/personal-information-charter for further information.
All dates in this notice are indicative and may be amended.
Value: |
22500000 |
Published: |
2024-09-24 |
Deadline: |
22500000 |
2024-09-24 |
LBTH Market Engagement Questionnaire For Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
United Kingdom
Tower Hamlets
The London Borough of Tower Hamlets (LBTH) is engaging with potential service providers of EV (Electric Vehicle) charging infrastructure to contribute the borough's ambitious programme to install over 2285 new EV charging points. This market engagement relates to our aspirations for deploying a core project of 250 7-22kw chargers on the public highway and a potential project to deliver dual use chargers for EV charging (Mondays to Saturdays) and supply to market traders (Sundays). We are considering 10-year concession contract for a supplier who will be responsible for financing, supplying, installing, operating, inspecting, maintaining and decommissioning Charge Points and related infrastructure for the 250 fast chargers. There is £250,000 available to contribute towards the delivery of the dual use EV charging/market trader supply points.
Core Project
The core project is the delivery of a mix of 7 and 22kw chargers across the borough and a potential project to deliver dual use chargers for EV charging 6 days of the week and supply to market traders on Sundays.
The following will be required for the core project:
• 200 dual socket 7kw chargers in residential hubs (4-6 chargers)
• 50 dual socket 22kw chargers
• 25 dual socket chargers combined with Market Trader supply (minimum of 16A not sure on kw comparison).
7kw Residential Hubs
7kw residential hubs would be in batches of 4-6 7kw chargers on residential streets with no bays dedicated for EV charging. The council intends to monitor usage and undertake local resident engagement in considering the dedication of bays later in the contract.
22kw chargers
The 50 22kw double chargers would be delivered at 50 identified locations. Initially each charger will have a single dedicated charging bay. The council intends to monitor usage and undertake local resident engagement in considering the dedication of an additional bay at each site later in the contract.
We have identified suitable sites for 22kw chargers and 7kw residential hubs. These are attached to this market engagement questionnaire.
Market Trader Project
Brick Lane and Middlesex Street Markets operate every Sunday. During market days, parking bays are used for street trading. The council has identified around locations where there is a dual requirement where EV charging (minimum of 7kw) is required for the bays from Mondays to Saturdays and there is a standard (16A) electric requirement for market traders for various uses which support the operation of their businesses.
The solution is required to distinguish between the two types of use with a lower tariff for the market traders. We anticipate the potential use of an adaptor for the market traders to facilitate their lower power use requirements, potentially through a 3-pole blue commando socket
Supplier Responses
If you wish to respond, please complete the questionnaire below and return via the messaging section on the portal by no later than 13:00 hrs. Friday 4th October 2024
Value: |
Published: |
2024-09-23 |
Deadline: |
2024-09-23 |
RBKC Highways Contracts 2025 (CF)
The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea (RBKC) (the Council) has a statutory obligation, as a Highway Authority, to maintain the public highway within its boundary and in doing so we require specialist contractors to support us in carrying out these works. We are responsible for over 188km of carriageways, 380km of footways, five bridges including the two Thames crossings and over 12,000 streetlights.
To streamline our current service provision, we are looking for contractors to deliver our requirements under 3 contract Lots:
Lot 1 - Highways drainage work - repairs and replacement of highway drainage connections from gullies to the Thames Water connection, installation of new highways drainage systems and deep connections and headings, maintenance and installations of Sustainable Drainage systems (SuDs) and design work.
Lot 2 - Highways Structures - maintenance and repairs to the highways structures which includes two Thames crossings, one road bridge over a canal and one over a railway line, along with a footbridge and length of Thames Embankment wall. This will also include technical inspections, Approval In Principle (AIP) technical applications from developers and design work.
Lot 3 - Highway Maintenance and Projects - footway and carriageway and street furniture repairs and planned maintenance works included all carriageway road markings, streetlighting repairs and planned maintenance, lit and non- illuminated highways signs, carrying out structural and electrical tests on the street lighting columns and electrical connections, installing new apparatus and working with the network distributor UKPN for electrical connections, helping to service new electric vehicle charge points and small cell installations, install new street scene improvements, implement projects to aid road safety and sustainable transport and implement projects on the public highway through developer / planning requirements and design work.
These contracts are expected to commence on the 1st April 2025 for initial period of 5 years, with the option to extend for a further 3 years, in 3 x 12-months increments.
Bidders can bid for one or more contacts/Lots.
Value: |
80000000 |
Published: |
2024-09-13 |
Deadline: |
80000000 |
2024-09-13 |
Homes England - Homestead Link Road - SW Rugby
United Kingdom
Homes England (the name adopted by the Homes and Communities Agency)
Homes England is seeking to appoint a construction partner to deliver this important piece of highway infrastructure and associated green infrastructure. This opportunity takes the form of a Restricted process and five compliant Suppliers will be shortlisted and invited to participate further in the procurement process at the Invitation to Tender (ITT) stage.
Homestead Link Road (HLR) is the primary piece of highway infrastructure required to unlock the South West Rugby development - set to deliver circa 5,000 new homes, primary and secondary schools, a new neighbourhood centre, 35 hectares of employment land and green infrastructure.
The scope of works comprises the elements listed below, all as set out by planning application ref. R22/0928 which was submitted to Rugby Borough Council on 8th Sept 2022 and recommended for approval on 6th March 2024. The full details of the planning application can be found online at https://planning.agileapplications.co.uk/rugby/application-details/35529.
The scope of works details:
• Delivery of an approximately 2km long all-traffic single carriageway link road, including 2m verge, 2m footway and 3m cycleway on the development side of the carriageway
• A Pegasus crossing
• New junctions with the B4429 Coventry Road, Cawston Lane, Alywn Road, the A426 Rugby Road and to adjacent land allocated for residential development
• Realigned side road accesses to several existing residential properties
• A new junction off Alwyn Road, its partial re-alignment and construction of a future 'spine road' (part only) that will provide access to other land allocated for residential development at SW Rugby
• Utilities diversions
• Civils works in connection with utilities installations
• Associated works including street lighting, landscaping, surface water drainage infrastructure and ground remodelling
• Temporary works included maintaining access to third party properties affected by the works
• Creation of circa 180,000m2 of new public open space to include informal footpaths, new and enhanced ecological habitats
• Maintenance of highways works for a period of one year following highway works completion, (period subject to ongoing discussion with adopting authority)
• Maintenance of the landscaping and planting for a period of one year following completion of the landscaping works, (period subject to ongoing discussion with adopting authority)
Pre-construction stage enabling works including above ground vegetation removal, ecological mitigation works, (removal of bat roosts and closure of badger setts and compensatory measures) and building demolitions (the removal of affected building at Cherry Tree Farm) are being managed directly by Homes England and its incumbent consultants ahead of the main construction period.
Additional information:
The opportunity can be accessed via Home England's e-Tendering system. Tenderers wishing to be considered for this contract must register their expression of interest and submit via our e-Tendering system. If not already registered, candidates should register at https://procontract.due-north.com/Advert?advertId=e9013b93-cd5e-ef11-812e-005056b64545&fromRfxSummary=True&rfxId=a0e27dcf-cd5e-ef11-812e-005056b64545
Homes England takes a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and sets high standards of impartiality, integrity and objectivity in relation to the stewardship of public funds and the management of its activities. The principles contained within this policy apply to both internal and external audiences, including anyone wishing to undertake business or engage with Homes England. Please refer to our anti-bribery and corruption policy by visiting https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/anti-bribery-and-corruption-policy for further information.
Homes England is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal data.
The privacy notice aims to give you information on how Homes England collects and processes personal data provided to us, including information that you provide directly, and tell you about your rights and how the law protects you. Please refer to our Privacy Notice at https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/homes-england/about/personal-information-charter for further information.
All dates in this notice are indicative and may be amended.
Value: |
22500000 |
Published: |
2024-08-27 |
Deadline: |
22500000 |
2024-08-27 |
GMCA 824 Access Road
United Kingdom
Greater Manchester Combined Authority
Link to the Chest:https://www.the-chest.org.uk/
The works are located, within land owned by Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA). A 900mm culverted pipe is located beneath the existing Chichester Street Recycling Centre site at Rochdale. The culvert consists of two sections running from south to north conveying combined water flows from an upper catchment area in Rochdale and discharges to the River Roch. GMCA are currently working on a project to survey a section of the culvert, which would need arranging for a tanker to jet and cleanse a blocked section of the culvert, accessed from MH6. A new access road would be needed to allow the tanker to undertake the pipe maintenance. The scope of the project is as follows:
Road Construction Works
The scope of the works includes, but is not limited to:
Setting up working areas
Demarcation of site boundary and provision of signage.
Traffic management of works in or affecting public highway/open areas/car parks.
Confirm line and level of existing surface water drainage system.
Survey existing manholes and propose means of connecting proposed road drainage system to existing surface water drainage system.
Undertake setting out procedures.
Carry out tree felling.
Site compaction trial.
Earthworks and grading to formation level.
Laying the geogrid combined separator as per the road detail.
Prepare subbase, base course, and surface layer.
Testing and quality control.
Test and dispose of excavated material off site.
The Works are described in greater detail on the drawings.
Value: |
200000 |
Published: |
2024-08-09 |
Deadline: |
200000 |
2024-08-09 |
Tree Maintenance - Reactive - Tree Maintenance - Reactive - Highways
United Kingdom
London Borough of Haringey - Parks and Leisure
DPS1 1222
Highway work
Suspensions available on request This opportunity has been distributed on adamprocure.co.uk
Value: |
Published: |
2024-08-05 |
Deadline: |
2024-08-05 |
Demolition of 1No Existing Fire Damaged Property and Building of 2No New Properties
London Borough of Hillingdon
Demolition of 1No Existing Fire Damaged Property and Building of 2No New Properties
The works comprise of the demolition of existing fire damaged building and replacement with a pair of 5 bedroomed M4(3) compliant 2 storey semi-detached houses. Includes level access and lift and some works to alter parking bays in highway.
The form of contract will be the JCT Intermediate Contract with Contractor's Design 2016 edition with amendments.
The Contract will be for a term of approximately 28 weeks with the programme to be agreed with the successful contractor prior to start.
See tender pack for full details.
Value: |
1400000 |
Published: |
2024-07-30 |
Deadline: |
1400000 |
2024-07-30 |
GMCA 824 Access Road
United Kingdom
Greater Manchester Combined Authority
Link to the Chest:https://www.the-chest.org.uk/
The works are located, within land owned by Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA). A 900mm culverted pipe is located beneath the existing Chichester Street Recycling Centre site at Rochdale. The culvert consists of two sections running from south to north conveying combined water flows from an upper catchment area in Rochdale and discharges to the River Roch. GMCA are currently working on a project to survey a section of the culvert, which would need arranging for a tanker to jet and cleanse a blocked section of the culvert, accessed from MH6. A new access road would be needed to allow the tanker to undertake the pipe maintenance. The scope of the project is as follows:
Road Construction Works
The scope of the works includes, but is not limited to:
Setting up working areas
Demarcation of site boundary and provision of signage.
Traffic management of works in or affecting public highway/open areas/car parks.
Confirm line and level of existing surface water drainage system.
Survey existing manholes and propose means of connecting proposed road drainage system to existing surface water drainage system.
Undertake setting out procedures.
Carry out tree felling.
Site compaction trial.
Earthworks and grading to formation level.
Laying the geogrid combined separator as per the road detail.
Prepare subbase, base course, and surface layer.
Testing and quality control.
Test and dispose of excavated material off site.
The Works are described in greater detail on the drawings.
Value: |
200000 |
Published: |
2024-07-26 |
Deadline: |
200000 |
2024-07-26 |
Environmental Enforcement Services
United Kingdom
London Borough of Camden
The London Borough of Camden is seeking tender for an Environmental Enforcement Service. The service is being procured through an open tender process. The successful organisations shall: Provide fully trained, Security Industry Authority (SIA) licence holding or fully vetted to DBS standard Enforcement Officers Provide no less than six (6) Enforcement Officers (day) and (4) officers (night) or part time equivalent to conduct joint and single patrols working in partnership with in-house teams during the day and night seven (7) days a week including weekends to improve local environmental quality and increase compliance with all relevant regulations. This includes but not limited to legislation and regulations relating to environmental crime, illegal street trading and highway offences (see Specification Part 5: Legislation and penalties).Provide a senior officer for supervision and at least one (1) Full Time (or part time equivalent) nominated contract manager with whom the Authorities can all liaise in respect of the Services, as well as all other personnel as required to properly provide service provision as detailed in this specification. The Contractor will be required to undertake pro-active patrols in order to issue on-the-spot fines for the specified offences. In some cases, the Contractor will be required to undertake additional investigative work including but not limited to interviews in accordance with the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE). The contractor will undertake written statements and notes according to PACE requirements for each FPN issued along with any other associated information within one working day of issue. The Contractor shall ensure Enforcement Officers carry out enquiries to ensure accurate identity details have been obtained from offenders by using the Contractor's Tracesmart facility (or such other equivalent facility) before issue of FPN.
The contract is estimated to generate income, of which the Council will receive a share. The contract is of no cost to the Council, with the contractor fully funding their operations from the income generated by the Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) issued.
Value: |
4500000 |
Published: |
2024-07-22 |
Deadline: |
4500000 |
2024-07-22 |
Tree Maintenance - Reactive - Tree Maintenance - Reactive - Highways
United Kingdom
London Borough of Haringey - Parks and Leisure
Highway street trees
Insurance related tree maintenance
DPS1 1205
Parking suspensions can be arranged providing 2 weeks notice given. Send requests to clare.pappalardo@haringey.gov.uk
Works to be completed by end of August 2024 This opportunity has been distributed on adamprocure.co.uk
Value: |
Published: |
2024-07-16 |
Deadline: |
2024-07-16 |
Tree Maintenance - Reactive - Tree Maintenance - Reactive - Highways
United Kingdom
London Borough of Haringey - Parks and Leisure
DPS1 1219
Highway works (TREE FELL TO 1.5M)
Parking suspensions can be arranged providing 14dys notice given (email Clare.Pappalardo@haringey.gov.uk) This opportunity has been distributed on adamprocure.co.uk
Value: |
Published: |
2024-07-13 |
Deadline: |
2024-07-13 |
Tree Maintenance - Reactive - Tree Maintenance - Reactive - Highways
United Kingdom
London Borough of Haringey - Parks and Leisure
DPS1 1197
Parking suspensions can be arranged upon request providing 14dys notice given
Works to be completed by end August 2024 This opportunity has been distributed on adamprocure.co.uk
Value: |
Published: |
2024-07-12 |
Deadline: |
2024-07-12 |
(Expression of Interest) - Soak Up Lambeth Sustainable Drainage Program (Retrofit Estate Schemes)
United Kingdom
London Borough of Lambeth
Lambeth Council is seeking a suitably qualified contractor(s) for the provision of minor civil engineering works and landscaping to install multiple sustainable drainage features across five individual housing estates. The successful contractor will provide support and guidance on the suitability of each SuDS feature. This is to provide advice on their buildability, and ensure the deliverables are on time and budget. We anticipate the detail designs will contain multiple features and the sum of these will exceed the available budget and so not all the SuDS identified will be financially feasible. We anticipate this will require on-site evaluations of all proposed features across the five sites of which a selection is made from to suite the budget. This will be based on their time, cost, effort, and reward to build. This process is expected to maximise the extent and functionality of the SuDS features across the five sites.
Value: |
550000 |
Published: |
2024-07-12 |
Deadline: |
550000 |
2024-07-12 |
Tree Maintenance - Reactive - Tree Maintenance - Reactive - Highways
United Kingdom
London Borough of Haringey - Parks and Leisure
Highway street trees
Insurance related tree maintenance
DPS1 1205
Parking suspensions can be arranged providing 2 weeks notice given. Send requests to clare.pappalardo@haringey.gov.uk
Works to be completed by end of August 2024 This opportunity has been distributed on adamprocure.co.uk
Value: |
Published: |
2024-07-10 |
Deadline: |
2024-07-10 |
Greek Street, Stockport. Rail bridge Reconstruction - FRC Package
United Kingdom
J Murphy & Sons Limited
CMP2/1a Greek street carries the two lane Greek Street Roundabout over the five track electrified West Coast Main Line, in Stockport City Centre. Two Tracks run below the East Span with the three remaining tracks below the west span. The bridge was originally a tunnel but was reconstructed as an overbridge in 1958. The Two span Simply supported superstructure consists of precast post-tensioned prestressed concrete deck beams and in-situ reinforced concrete deck slabs. Gaps between the beams are formed by in-situ reinforced concrete. The intermediate support is provided by a reinforced concrete crosshead beam, columns and foundation slab. The deck beams are post-tensioned transversely. Parapets for the structure are comprised of brickwork. The bridge has a skew spans of 9.14m on the east and 13.99m on the west side, at angles of 13 degrees. The carriageway width varies from 9 to 13m due to the layout of the roundabout. Footways are provided adjacent to the north and south parapets of the structure, with varying widths. Trief Kerbing with a mounted pedestrian guardrail are present to separate pedestrians from the carriageway. Greek Street Bridge is a two span post tensioned structure in which the latest PTSI assessment concluded that the structure is understrength and overstressed. Engineering standard NR/CIV/025 has been used to manage the substandard structure in the short term with additional monitoring in place. Specific elements of concern included exposed concrete reinforcement which has begun to corrode on the deck soffit, seepage of water onto the soffit which will cause degradation to accelerate further. The most recent assessment report stated that the risk of failure was 'High' to 'Very High' and that deck replacement is required in 2025, otherwise the structure would need to be closed to road traffic until completely reconstructed, due to the overstress and deterioration it would not be safe to operate. The project proposal is to replace the existing bridge with a single span removing the central pier in a 21 day core possession in August 2025. This will require alterations to the existing OLE equipment that runs underneath the structure. The highway will also be closed for a significant period whilst construction works are undertaken to replace the bridge - circa 50 weeks. The deck construction works will commence once all beams are landed, connected and waterproofing membrane is installed. The sub-contractor will then be responsible for setting up all formwork and erecting steel re-inforcement (Opportunity to construct in cages may arise during design development, but please assume in-situ at this stage). Supply all associated concrete. Sub-contractor to then provide 2no. concrete pumps for duration of their pouring works. Sub-contractor to also finish concrete.Additional information: Relevant due diligence checks will be carried out. Construction Line RISQS SSIP Financial Checks
Value: |
500000 |
Published: |
2024-07-05T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
500000 |
2024-07-05T00:00:00Z |
Department for Transport NTMv5 2024 Highway Model Rebase
Department for Transport
Value: |
Published: |
2024-06-26 |
Deadline: |
2024-06-26 |
Call for Competition: TRAS3102: Department for Transport NTMv5 2024 Highway Model Rebase
British Oversea Territories
DfTc - Department for Transport
NTMv5 is version 5 of the Department's National Transport Model. It is a strategic model of surface travel demand responses and highway route choice. It uses PTV VISUM software (currently version VISUM 23).The Department now requires NTMv5 to be updated to reflect changes in travel demand following the covid-19 pandemic. The update is needed by the end of 2024 to support future forecasting activity in 2025. The forecasting activity is likely to focus more on regional traffic by vehicle type and road type than traffic on individual links, although there may be interest in presenting some information (potentially relating to motorways and other trunk roads) in thematic maps.The main components that need to be updated are the demand model and the highway assignment model. The Department intends to carry out high-level updates to the demand model component of NTMv5 (including trip frequency, mode choice, and if necessary location choice) in-house.*********Please note that this procurement will be run using the Department for Transport's e-sourcing platform Jaggaer, to which all interested suppliers are invited to register.The link for registration is: https://dft.app.jaggaer.com/Following registration, the ITT `event' for this opportunity can be accessed at: https://dft.app.jaggaer.com/go/87344675019050AC0B6FAll tender documentation can be accessed on this link. Suppliers will need to submit their bid by uploading relevant information to the ITT event and (once all documentation has been uploaded) `submitting' their response.This procurement will follow a clear, structured and transparent process to ensure a fair and level playing field is maintained at all times, and that all Tenderers are treated equally.The ITT is published on Wednesday 26 June 2024.The deadline for receipt of clarification questions will be 15:00 on Tuesday 16 July 2024.The Authority's target date for responses to clarifications is 15:00 on Friday 19 July 2024.The deadline for submission of bids will be 15:00 on Monday 29 July.The Authority's target date for notification of our contract award decision is Monday 12 August 2024This timetable is provisional, and bidders will receive prompt notification of any changes.
Value: |
300000 |
Published: |
2024-06-26T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
300000 |
2024-06-26T00:00:00Z |
GMCA 824 Access Road
United Kingdom
Greater Manchester Combined Authority
Link to the Chest:https://www.the-chest.org.uk/The works are located, within land owned by Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA). A 900mm culverted pipe is located beneath the existing Chichester Street Recycling Centre site at Rochdale. The culvert consists of two sections running from south to north conveying combined water flows from an upper catchment area in Rochdale and discharges to the River Roch. GMCA are currently working on a project to survey a section of the culvert, which would need arranging for a tanker to jet and cleanse a blocked section of the culvert, accessed from MH6. A new access road would be needed to allow the tanker to undertake the pipe maintenance. The scope of the project is as follows:Road Construction WorksThe scope of the works includes, but is not limited to:Setting up working areasDemarcation of site boundary and provision of signage.Traffic management of works in or affecting public highway/open areas/car parks.Confirm line and level of existing surface water drainage system.Survey existing manholes and propose means of connecting proposed road drainage system to existing surface water drainage system.Undertake setting out procedures.Carry out tree felling.Site compaction trial.Earthworks and grading to formation level.Laying the geogrid combined separator as per the road detail.Prepare subbase, base course, and surface layer.Testing and quality control.Test and dispose of excavated material off site.The Works are described in greater detail on the drawings.
Value: |
200000 |
Published: |
2024-06-25T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
200000 |
2024-06-25T00:00:00Z |
Structural and Civil Engineering Framework
UK-london: Engineering works and construction work
Royal Botanic Gardens
The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement.For more information about this opportunity, please visit the Delta eSourcing portal at: https://www.delta-esourcing.com/tenders/UK-UK-UK-london:-Engineering-works-and-construction-work:-Engineering-works-and-construction-works./9943TJMGJ5To respond to this opportunity, please click here: https://www.delta-esourcing.com/respond/9943TJMGJ5 GO Reference: GO-202467-PRO-26477272
Value: |
0 |
Published: |
2024-06-07T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
0 |
2024-06-07T00:00:00Z |
Structural and Civil Engineering Framework
United Kingdom
UK-london: Engineering works and construction work
Royal Botanic Gardens
Kew is looking to appoint four separate Civil/ Structural Engineers to the framework. It should be noted that consultants on the framework may be called upon to perform the following services as part of a project. Therefore, Suppliers must be willing to accept these roles and must be able to demonstrate experience of delivering projects where they have acted as: Lead Consultant; Contract Administrator.
Value: |
4000000 |
Published: |
2024-06-07T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
4000000 |
2024-06-07T00:00:00Z |
Tree Maintenance - Planned - Tree Maintenance - Planned - Parks
United Kingdom
London Borough of Haringey - Parks and Leisure
DPS1 1175Park owned trees within raised beds adjacent to highway To be completed Mid August to late Sept 2024Parking suspension upon request giving 14dys notice This opportunity has been distributed on adamprocure.co.uk
Value: |
0 |
Published: |
2024-04-26T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
0 |
2024-04-26T00:00:00Z |
Commercial Services Combined Quantity Surveying (Cost Consultant) & Client Advisor (including Contract Administration) Professional Services for Levelling Up Fund Highway Works Procurement
London Borough of Croydon
The London Borough of Croydon was successful in its application to the Department for Levelling Up Housing and Communities for The Levelling Up Fund (LUF). Alongside the Government (LUF) grant, match funding has been identified, bringing the total programme budget for this opportunity to circa £8m. The Council is seeking consultancy services for Commercial Services, a combined Quantity Surveying (Cost Consultant) and Client Advisor (including Contract Administration) Professional Services for Client Advisor (pre-contract to close). Experienced in performing those commercial services disciplines, in respect of projects of a similar size, scope, character, nature, value, and complexity to The Programme (including, without limitation, those services stated and set-out in the document titled "Quantity Surveyor Services" (England and Wales; May 2022 and newer versions from time-to-time) published by RICS and the document titled "Employer's Agent Services" (England and Wales; May 2022 and newer versions from time-to-time) published by RICS).Additional information: https://in-tendhost.co.uk/croydontendersIs a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No
Value: |
0 |
Published: |
2024-04-10T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
0 |
2024-04-10T00:00:00Z |
Construction Related Multi-Disciplinary Services - Civil Engineering Consultancy Services (VAT Exempt)
United Kingdom
London Borough of Haringey
The council is looking to procure a multi-disciplinary team, led and assembled by a commercial consultancy, to produce a delivery strategy to look into development options for 8 of its buildings in Wood Green, North London.The council wishes to consider how these assets can be used to help deliver an ambitious placemaking vision for the area (including the delivery of new public realm), attract inward investment, new businesses and jobs, and deliver a commercial return. This opportunity has been distributed on adamprocure.co.uk
Value: |
300000 |
Published: |
2024-04-09T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
300000 |
2024-04-09T00:00:00Z |
Department for Transport: National Transport Model v5 2024 Rebase
British Oversea Territories
DfTc - Department for Transport
The National Transport Model version 5 (NTMv5) is a large transport model, developed using classic transport modelling principles but with a number of adaptations to enable it to be sufficiently informative with shorter run times. Some parts of the model use a "masking" system with a representative subset of zone-to-zone movements, to reduce computation times. The Department for Transport is considering a `rebase' of the system.There are three important elements to this work. First, and most important, the requirement is to update the highway assignment component of NTMv5 to reflect the situation post-covid19. This is needed for strategic forecasting purposes. In practice, this means using data from 2022 and 2023, a shorter period than the original data used to estimate NTMv5. The challenge with this work will be to exercise judgement about where compromises are needed to meet the tight timescales for this project, whilst still providing sufficient quality for strategic forecasting. This work may also provide some opportunity (albeit within limited timescales) for an innovative approach to meet this challenge.Secondly, we intend to switch from using National Highways traffic counts to the Department's data (potentially including traffic by region and road type as well as counts) for this update. This is because for strategic forecasting purposes, the Department requires the modelled traffic to match its own understanding of traffic in the model base year.Finally, the Department would like to have the capability to carry out similar updates in-house in future. Therefore, we would anticipate allowing some time after the model updates are complete for documentation, handover, and potentially training to the Department in the methods used for this update.Additional information: This expression of interest aims to gather information from potential bidders about their capability and capacity to provide these services.To respond, please first register an account on the Department for Transport's e-sourcing platform, Jaggaer (https://dft.app.jaggaer.com/).Once you have registered an account, please access and respond to the Jaggaer PQQ event for this EoI (pqq_431, available at: https://dft.app.jaggaer.com/go/10612947018E65985C93).Communications about this procurement should be routed by the message function under the PQQ event.The deadline for responses to the EoI is 11:00, 12 April 2024. Further competition will not be restricted to respondents to this EoI.
Value: |
300000 |
Published: |
2024-04-05T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
300000 |
2024-04-05T00:00:00Z |
Level 3 Civil Engineering Technician Apprenticeship Scheme (ST0091)
United Kingdom
Transport for London
To ensure Transport for London (TfL) is in the best position to offer high quality and inclusive apprenticeships it is vital that we have capable and innovative Training Providers in place. Apprenticeships help meet the future skills needs of our organisation to enable us to support a sustainable economic recovery and to be the beating green heartbeat of London.Transport for London (TfL) is seeking to award a contract to certified Apprenticeship training provider who can support the delivery of TfL's Level 3 Civil Engineering Technician Apprenticeship (ST0091) for 3 cohorts with an option to extend for a further 2 cohorts. . This is an open competition procurement.Apprentice training provision is funded via the Apprenticeship Levy managed by the Department for Education / Education Skills Funding Agency (ESFA).Training providers will be required to be a registered approved apprentice training provider and be able to deliver all services within the M25 motorway accessible via TfL's transport network.Tender submission deadline: Monday 29th April 2024 at 12:00 noon via SAP Ariba platform.Additional information: The tender is now live via the e-procurement platform SAP Ariba.The project reference is TfL 96807. All messages, clarification queries and tender submissions must be submitted via the SAP Ariba platform only. In order to receive access to the live tender ITT documentation, you must be registered on the SAP Ariba platform via this link:https://s1-eu.ariba.com/Sourcing/Main/ad/selfRegistration?realm=TfLOnce registered, please email: Joel Garner: joelgarner@tfl.gov.uk to complete the registration process and gain access to the tender documentation.Please note, you will not be able to access the tender documentation unless your registration is complete. This should be completed as soon as possible to avoid delays.If you need any support in registering for SAP Ariba, please contact our SAP Ariba Supplier enablement team at: ariba_supplier_enablement@tfl.gov.ukAny questions or issues please contact: Joel Garner: joelgarner@tfl.gov.uk
Value: |
380000 |
Published: |
2024-03-28T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
380000 |
2024-03-28T00:00:00Z |
Litter and Fly-tipping Enforcement Services
London Borough of Wandsworth
The Concessionaire shall be responsible for undertaking the Services in high footfall or at hotspot highway areas within the Boroughs. This shall include issuing FPNs for littering and fly tipping offences, attending court to give evidence in the event that an FPN has not been paid, ensures FPNs are issued correctly etcAdditional information: Please see link for tender opportunities:https://lb-wandsworth.my.salesforce-sites.com/?searchtype=Projects
Value: |
1600000 |
Published: |
2024-02-23T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
1600000 |
2024-02-23T00:00:00Z |
A423 Kennington Improvement Scheme- Subcontractor Expressions of Interest
United Kingdom
Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure Limited are seeking expressions of interest to provide services to the AA423 Kennington Improvements Scheme. We are seeking expressions of interest from qualified suppliers and subcontractors who are ideally within 10 miles of the Oxfordshire County boundaries. This notice has been issued in order to advertise opportunities and establish a pre-qualified suppliers list which we may utilise to shortlist suppliers for future opportunities, subject to qualification. Morgan Sindall Construction & Infrastructure Limited reserves the right (at its sole discretion) to invite some pre-qualified suppliers to submit quotations for the works and may issue further requests in the future for the same trades. Pre-qualification does not constitute a guarantee that Morgan Sindall will invite tenders from those suppliers or subcontractors.General Civil Engineering Works:Scope:Provision of people, materials and equipment as required to carry out General Civil Engineering Works.Minimum Requirements:* Turnover of circa £200,000 per year or above* Constructionline Silver or above. * Sector Scheme Approval where applicable to the trade* Copies of Anti Bribery and Modern Slavery polices. * Acceptance of NEC4 terms of conditions * Experience of Highways works* PTS qualification for works near rail* ARB ApprovedHighly DesirableThis EOI will favour qualified suppliers who have offices/depots within 10 miles of the Oxfordshire County boundaryHow to Register: Register your interest via the following link https://secure.sourcedogg.com/profile/fdbe892c-2a8b-42f7-af07-02b94747d645/requests/59785
Value: |
0 |
Published: |
2024-02-22T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
0 |
2024-02-22T00:00:00Z |
12132 Highway Weed Spraying Service (2024 – 2027)
Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council
Value: |
0 |
Published: |
2024-02-21T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
0 |
2024-02-21T00:00:00Z |
Tree Maintenance - Reactive - Tree Maintenance - Reactive - Highways
United Kingdom
London Borough of Haringey - Parks and Leisure
Highway trees to fell to 1.5mDPS1 1161Parking suspension can be arranged providing 10dys notice Once complete image of stump to be provided to the tree officer This opportunity has been distributed on adamprocure.co.uk
Value: |
0 |
Published: |
2024-02-19T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
0 |
2024-02-19T00:00:00Z |
Litter and Fly-tipping Enforcement Services
London Borough of Wandsworth
The Concessionaire shall be responsible for undertaking the Services in high footfall or at hotspot highway areas within the Boroughs. This shall include issuing FPNs for littering and fly tipping offences, attending court to give evidence in the event that an FPN has not been paid, ensures FPNs are issued correctly etc
Value: |
1600000 |
Published: |
2024-02-16T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
1600000 |
2024-02-16T00:00:00Z |
Tree Maintenance - Reactive - Tree Maintenance - Reactive - Highways
United Kingdom
London Borough of Haringey - Parks and Leisure
Highway street tree maintenance DPS1 1160, detailed specification to be used by operational teams. Parking suspensions can be arranged. 14dys min advance notice for requests Crown reduction work not to undertaken during nesting season. Other works permitted Canopy reduction works can commence prior to or after nesting season This opportunity has been distributed on adamprocure.co.uk
Value: |
0 |
Published: |
2024-02-12T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
0 |
2024-02-12T00:00:00Z |
Tree Maintenance - Reactive - Tree Maintenance - Reactive - Highways
United Kingdom
London Borough of Haringey - Parks and Leisure
Highway street tree maintenance DPS1 1157, detailed specification to be used by operational teams Parking suspensions can be arranged. 14dys min advance notice for requestsCrown reduction work not to undertaken during nesting season. Other works permittedCanopy reduction works can commence prior to or after nesting season This opportunity has been distributed on adamprocure.co.uk
Value: |
0 |
Published: |
2024-02-07T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
0 |
2024-02-07T00:00:00Z |
Tree Maintenance - Reactive - Tree Maintenance - Reactive - Highways
United Kingdom
London Borough of Haringey - Parks and Leisure
Highway street tree maintenance DPS1 1159, detailed specification to be used by operational teams Parking suspensions can be arranged. 14dys min advance notice for requests Crown reduction work not to undertaken during nesting season. Other works permitted Canopy reduction works can commence prior to or after nesting season This opportunity has been distributed on adamprocure.co.uk
Value: |
0 |
Published: |
2024-02-07T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
0 |
2024-02-07T00:00:00Z |
Publication of Planning and Highway Notices
London Borough of Lambeth
The Council requires regular publication of its Statutory Planning and Highways Notices and other ad-hoc notices as required, in a newspaper that is widely distributed across the London Borough of Lambeth. This procurement seeks offers to provide this service for a duration of 2 years, plus the option to extend for a further year.
Value: |
0 |
Published: |
2024-02-05T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
0 |
2024-02-05T00:00:00Z |
Tree Maintenance - Reactive - Tree Maintenance - Reactive - Highways
United Kingdom
London Borough of Haringey - Parks and Leisure
Highway street trees - please note completion has to be by Mid March 2024DPS1 1146 Provide start/end date to tree officer giving min 14dy noticeParking suspensions can be arranged. Requests to be made 12dys in advance to tree officer providing locations and date This opportunity has been distributed on adamprocure.co.uk
Value: |
0 |
Published: |
2024-01-09T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
0 |
2024-01-09T00:00:00Z |
Tree Maintenance - Reactive - Tree Maintenance - Reactive - Highways
United Kingdom
London Borough of Haringey - Parks and Leisure
Highway street trees DPS1 1147 Provide start/end date to tree officer giving min 14dy notice Parking suspensions can be arranged. Requests to be made 12dys in advance to tree officer providing locations and date This opportunity has been distributed on adamprocure.co.uk
Value: |
0 |
Published: |
2024-01-09T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
0 |
2024-01-09T00:00:00Z |
Construction work
United Kingdom
National Grid UK Limited
Please note that the scope of the HVDC Cable Framework includes but is not limited to the following areas:- Design, manufacture, testing and commissioning of HVDC submarine and underground cable systems, including but not limited to extruded and mass-impregnated non-draining cable systems at different voltage ratings as well as all associated cable accessories- HVDC submarine cable lay and burial - HVDC onshore underground cable system delivery, installation and associated civil engineering works as required (to be defined on a project-specific basis)- Cable spares requirements including spare cable storage (to be defined on a project-specific basis)- Design, engineer, prepare, procure and install landfall HDD (Horizontal Direct Drilling) ducts as required for each landfall (to be defined on a project-specific basis).- Front-end engineering design services, in relation to any or all of the aforementioned scope (to be defined on a project-specific basis)
Value: |
Published: |
2023-12-13 |
Deadline: |
2024-01-15 |
2023-12-13 |
2024-01-15 |
NEAR -Kerbs
United Kingdom
We are pleased to advertise the Kerbs Package for the NEAR (National Emergency Areas Retrofit) Schemes on behalf of the SMP Alliance.General Scope of Works:Supply and installation of kerbs in accordance with the specification for highway works series 1100 across our five National Emergency Retrofit schemes across the M25 North, M25 South, M20, M3 and M4. Inclusive of labour, plant, materials and supervision.
Value: |
0 |
Published: |
2023-12-07T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
2023-12-14T00:00:00Z |
0 |
2023-12-07T00:00:00Z |
2023-12-14T00:00:00Z |
Tree Maintenance - Reactive - Tree Maintenance - Reactive - Highways
United Kingdom
London Borough of Haringey - Parks and Leisure
DPS1 1123 Highways Fell to 1.5m highway trees Only bid for work if you are able to accommodate completion within Jan 2024 This opportunity has been distributed on adamprocure.co.uk
Value: |
0 |
Published: |
2023-12-06T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
0 |
2023-12-06T00:00:00Z |
SPS 2722 - Boroughwide Weed Control Services
Royal Borough of Greenwich
1.1 The Royal Borough of Greenwich (RBG) is a London borough in south-east London, England. The borough lies along the south bank of the River Thames between Deptford and Thamesmead. It has an area of 5,044 hectares. It has a water frontage of 8 miles. Greenwich is bounded by the London Boroughs of Bexley to the east, Bromley to the south, Lewisham to the west and across the River Thames to the north lie Tower Hamlets, Newham and Barking and Dagenham.1.2 The borough has very good transport links, Central London is only 15 minutes away via train and there are various river crossings including the Thames Clipper and foot tunnels under the River Thames between Greenwich and Island Gardens and between Woolwich and North Woolwich. The Woolwich Ferry takes vehicle traffic and links the North Circular Road to the South Circular Road which runs through the borough. A cable car links Greenwich Peninsula to the Royal Docks.1.3 The Council’s visions and values are delivered through the Council and its partners, and the service will support the Council in achieving its goal for high quality services and value for money services.1.4 RBG aims to maintain the high quality of the environment throughout the whole borough. The cleanliness of our highways and estates is imperative to maintain the high standards we seek for those living and working in the borough, as well as visiting and travelling through the borough. To be able to maintain a consistent level of high standards, Streets Services sweep approximately 1550 (one thousand five hundred and fifty) linear kilometers of highway residential and town centre roads and a further 7 (seven) linear kilometers of River Pathway. This operation includes the removal of all weeds from these areas.1.5 The Local Authority is seeking to commission a company which has the resources and expertise to provide a weed spraying service throughout the months of March – October for the period of this Contract (March 2024 – February 2027).
Value: |
Published: |
2023-11-08 |
Deadline: |
2023-12-08 |
2023-11-08 |
2023-12-08 |
Tree Maintenance - Planned - Tree Maintenance - Planned - Highways
United Kingdom
London Borough of Haringey - Parks and Leisure
Winter re-pollarding street trees. Middle Lane N8DPS1 1105Provide start/end date to tree officer giving min 14dy noticeContractors to leaflet drop (notification) properties prior to works (7dys min). Leaflet template provided by tree officerThis location may require TM. Please provide delivery method to tree officer to obtain permission from highway officers. This opportunity has been distributed on adamprocure.co.uk
Value: |
0 |
Published: |
2023-10-23T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
0 |
2023-10-23T00:00:00Z |
Tree Maintenance - Planned - Tree Maintenance - Planned - Highways
United Kingdom
London Borough of Haringey - Parks and Leisure
Winter re-pollarding street trees DPS1 1107 Crouch Hill N8This works requires Traffic Management - provide Clare plans and costs to be included. Highway Officer Kelly Peck will need to meet on site and approve delivery (main concern brow of hill) 3 way lights previously (sat job for brow of hill)Provide start/end date to tree officer giving min 14dy noticeContractors to leaflet drop (notification) properties prior to works (7dys min). Leaflet template provided by tree officerParking suspensions can be arranged. Requests to be made 12dys in advance to tree officer providing locations and dates This opportunity has been distributed on adamprocure.co.uk
Value: |
0 |
Published: |
2023-10-16T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
0 |
2023-10-16T00:00:00Z |
Rochdale Council - Framework Agreement for Highway Works
Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council
Value: |
0 |
Published: |
2023-10-13T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
0 |
2023-10-13T00:00:00Z |
Asset Operation, Maintenance and Response Framework
Environment Agency
The Environment Agency (EA) are seeking to procure a Framework Agreement that will be utilised for the following requirements: --Civil Engineering projects;-Mechanical Electrical Instrumentation Control and Automation projects;-Vegetation Management programmes;-Landscape and Habitat Creation Implementation and Establishment Aftercare; and-Asset Operation and Incident Response activitiesThe Framework will be split into the following Lots:Lot 1 - Civil Engineering (Maintain and Construct) (Contracts <£1m)Lot 2 - Mechanical Electrical Instrumentation Control and Automation projectsLot 3 - Vegetation management and landscape and habitat creationLot 1 and Lot 2 are each divided into six Hubs: North East, North West, Midlands, East, South East and South West. Lot 3 is divided into fourteen Areas: North East (NEA), Yorkshire (YOR), Cumbria and Lancashire (CLA), Greater Manchester, Merseyside and Cheshire (GMC), East Midlands (EMD), West Midlands (WMD), Lincolnshire and Northamptonshire (LNA), East Anglia (EAN), Thames (THM), Hertfordshire and North London (HNL), Kent, South London and East Sussex (KSL), Solent and South Downs (SSD), Wessex (WSX) and Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (DCS).The award restrictions per supplier are detailed in the procurement documents.Work will be allocated using Direct Award and Mini-Competition.The duration of the Framework will be three years (36 months) with one optional one-year (12 month) extension (totalling fours years or 48 months).The total estimated value of the Framework based on a four year (48 month) duration is between £500,000,000.00 - £600,000,000.00.The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at https://defra-family.force.com/s/WelcomeAny questions, requests to participate or tender submissions must be submitted electronically via this portal.Use of Framework by Others:This framework is primarily intended to meet the needs of the Environment Agency.The Agency may require the successful bidder(s) to provide the goods/services on the same terms that are agreed as a result of this tender to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and to its associated bodies including any Agencies and non-departmental public bodies and others (the Defra Group). The Environment Agency may also require the provision of the goods/services to members of the aforementioned Defra Group via the Environment Agency, rather than directly.The successful bidder(s) may also be required to provide the services to local authorities in England.The successful bidder(s) may also be required to provide the services to Internal Drainage Boards in England.The successful bidder(s) may also be required to provide the services to Central Government departments, executive agencies, and other NDPBs.
Value: |
600000000 |
Published: |
2023-07-10T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
600000000 |
2023-07-10T00:00:00Z |
BBC 0423 - Civil Engineering Services, Hope Nursery, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire
BBC - Property
Broxbourne Council are seeking to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced Civil Engineering Service to design, procure and oversee the installation of infrastructure services at Hope Nursery, Barrow Lane, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, EN7 5LY. Hope Nursery is a disused glasshouse nursery which is in the process of being demolished, once this and site clearance has been completed it is intended to provide a self build residential scheme which requires the infrastructure services now being tendered. It is anticipated that demolition and site clearance will be completed by January 2024 and the design and construction of the infrastructure will take an estimated twelve - thirteen months, although this will be agreed with the appointed contractor. Further details can be found in the tender documents available for download from Supply Hertfordshire, https://in-tendhost.co.uk/supplyhertfordshire, the Council's electronic tendering portal. The closing date for submissions is 12 noon on Friday 4th August 2024 and the deadline for queries is 5pm on Wednesday 26th July 2023, all queries should be made via the portal. To arrange site access please contact Property Services on 01992 785544.Additional information: Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No
Value: |
0 |
Published: |
2023-07-04T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
0 |
2023-07-04T00:00:00Z |
Tree Maintenance - Reactive - Tree Maintenance - Reactive - Highways
United Kingdom
London Borough of Haringey - Parks and Leisure
Clare Pappalardo Highway Insurance works DPS1 1081 Parking suspensions can be arranged providing 2 weeks advance noticeWorks to be undertaken/ completed July - early August After images to be taken and sent to Ian.williams@haringey.gov.uk This opportunity has been distributed on adamprocure.co.uk
Value: |
0 |
Published: |
2023-07-03T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
0 |
2023-07-03T00:00:00Z |
Network Rail North West & Central Region CP7 Frameworks relating to Capital Delivery Works (Phase 2): Framework Category A
Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd
Network Rail is looking to appoint two regional framework suppliers to deliver a proportion of the large projects workbank across the North West & Central region for projects with a value between £7m and £200m. The scope of works and services which Network Rail may require is multi-disciplinary across the following three disciplines:Civil Engineering, which includes but is not limited to;• Civil engineering works forming and protecting the railway corridor, incorporating structures whether under/over bridge construction, earthwork/geotechnical operations, retaining wall structures and ancillary highway modifications or projects.Buildings, which includes but is not limited to;• works to existing and new: stations, depots, platforms and car-parks, operational and other line side buildings including structures / walkways and systems associated with such locations.Railway Engineering, which includes but is not limited to;• projects comprising of signalling, permanent way, switches and crossings, associated structure modifications, telecoms and electrification work, and works associated with capacity and line speed improvements. This may include power supply and distribution of electricity for traction and non traction use required for the management of the operational railway.The scope of the works for the three disciplines includes:• Feasibility• Survey, investigation, and reporting• Option selection (involving outline methodology)• Outline and detailed design (including temporary works)• Implementation (including demolition)• Commissioning • Hand back into maintenance• Statutory consents and permissions• If directed, third party access agreementsThe projects to be delivered under Framework Category A may be for the renewal, replacement, refurbishment or enhancement of existing assets, or relate to new assets.Two Suppliers will be awarded a framework agreement for Lot A1 covering the Region. Network Rail intends to allocate works to the relevant supplier using a direct award process on a ‘next in line’ allocation as set out in the framework agreement. The two framework suppliers will be allocated projects with an estimated final cost between £50m and £200m on a rotational basis. In addition, these two framework suppliers will also be allocated projects with an estimated final cost between £7m and £50 on a rotation basis along with the two Lot A2 framework suppliers (see further description below for Lot A2). The estimated value stated at Section II.2.6 relates to the portion of works anticipated to be allocated on an equal basis (as far as possible) such that each of the two frameworks awarded in Lot A1 would have an estimated anticipated value in the range of £145m to £155.375m.
Value: |
490000000 |
Published: |
2023-06-20 |
Deadline: |
2023-07-28 |
490000000 |
2023-06-20 |
2023-07-28 |
HBC 0623 The Provision of Grounds Maintenance and Cemetery Services
Hertsmere Borough Council
Hertsmere Borough Council is currently out to procurement for Grounds Maintenance and Cemetery Services The contract covers a range of grounds maintenance tasks across the whole borough, principally in parks, amenity areas and at Allum Lane Cemetery, where grave digging and related services are also included. The contract also covers some allotments, closed churchyards, war memorials and highway land. In addition to grounds maintenance tasks, the contract includes parks cleansing, locking and unlocking of some sites, managing bookings for football and management of splash parks. The inspection and maintenance of play areas, furniture and other items of parks infrastructure is a separate Lot of works which may be awarded to the same contractor or separately. The contract duration is for seven years with the option to extend for a further seven years. This procurement is an open process. Organisations wishing to take part in this project are invited to 'express an interest' and also 'opt in' which will give access to the full procurement documents in the e-tendering system. Please allow sufficient time to make your return, as Tender submissions cannot be uploaded and submitted after this return deadline. Any questions relating to this procurement must be made via correspondence on the website, in accordance with the procurement documents, and can be addressed to the main contact as shown in the details above. Tenderers should be aware that due to the nature of the Services provided, any Contract formed as a result of this procurement process shall be executed as a deed. Tenderers should seek independent legal advice on the implications of this prior to submitting their Tender, where appropriate. The use of Lots has been considered for this procurement, but have not been used, because it would not provide value for money. Please note that the contract requirements will be subject to available financial resources, supplier performance and flexibility to meet changing demands. Please Note the TUPE Employee Liability Information for this procurement has been provided along with other documentation for this procurement. TUPE related information is personal data and must be protected in accordance with the requirements of Data Protection legislation and must also be kept confidential. Therefore, by accessing this Tender via Supply Hertfordshire and then the View Details button and accessing the documentation for this procurement, Tenderers agree to undertake to treat the information as confidential and commercially sensitive at all times and take all reasonable steps to prevent any inadvertent disclosure to any third party. To access this opportunity please visit https://in-tendhost.co.uk/supplyhertfordshire/aspx/HomeAdditional information: To access this opportunity please visit https://in-tendhost.co.uk/supplyhertfordshire/aspx/HomeIs a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No
Value: |
8000000 |
Published: |
2023-06-20T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
8000000 |
2023-06-20T00:00:00Z |
Tree Maintenance - Reactive - Tree Maintenance - Reactive - Highways
United Kingdom
London Borough of Haringey - Parks and Leisure
Clare Pappalardo, highway reactive works. Crown reductions to be undertaken end of August 2023 Parking suspensions can be arranged, provide 2 weeks advance notice of requestsWork to be completed by end of August 23 This opportunity has been distributed on adamprocure.co.uk
Value: |
0 |
Published: |
2023-06-19T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
0 |
2023-06-19T00:00:00Z |
TC1111 - Highways Maintenance Framework
Manchester City Council
Manchester City Council is seeking suppliers for a new collaborative 4-year HighwayMaintenance Framework.The works and services covered by the framework have been split into 5 Lots, as follows: Lot 1 Patching defect repairs (small and large defects) Lot 2 Highway mobile repairs, includes emergencies during typical business hours, out ofhours, nights, and public holidays Lot 3 Highway event support- traffic management, business hours and out of hours Lot 4 Gully cleansing Lot 5 Drainage - Repairs including improvement works, and as required, culvert, trashscreen and water course clearanceAdditional information: The Council is using the e-business portal known as the Chest. Applicants will need to register their details at the following link www.the-chest.org.uk. Applicants will need to electronically submit their completed tender documents, including online questionnaire, via the on-line portal by 11am on
Value: |
32000000 |
Published: |
2023-06-16T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
32000000 |
2023-06-16T00:00:00Z |
Tree Maintenance - Reactive - Tree Maintenance - Reactive - Highways
United Kingdom
London Borough of Haringey - Parks and Leisure
CP - Highway trees/ insurance tree pruning. DPS1 1072Works have to be completed July 2023 (subject to nesting birds) Parking suspensions can be arranged via Clare Pappalardo (provide advance notice of at least 10dys) This opportunity has been distributed on adamprocure.co.uk
Value: |
0 |
Published: |
2023-06-14T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
0 |
2023-06-14T00:00:00Z |
Environmental Barrier
United Kingdom
On behalf of the SMP Alliance working with National Highways we (Balfour Beatty Civil Engineering Ltd) require Environmental Barrier reinstatement between the M3 J9-14. Providers will be required to have the capacity to deliver works in the Southern Region, Winchester to Southampton. Terms and Conditions specific to the works will be issued during the tender period for agreement in principle. To register your interest in these works your organisation must hold as a minimum: Constructionline Gold. The project aims to provide tenders with a one week return period. Scoring will be carried out thereafter. The subcontract scope is to provide all materials, plant and equipment required for:-Circa 50m of bespoke Environmental Barrier-Close board fencing-Post and rail-Work will be completed on weekday nightshifts under traffic management1.Please confirm that you hold a Constructionline Gold account or Common Assessment Standard, of "Verified" status. Please provide a valid account number.2.What are the most significant H&S challenges that you foresee on the Smart Motorways Alliance Projects and can you demonstrate how you as a company will mitigate against these challenges?3.Provide details of your current and future secured workload (Dates, values, resource requirements) and confirm that you will have sufficient resource available to deliver to the scheme's requirements.4.Please confirm if you have SMART Motorway Experience and detail which previous projects you have worked on if applicable.5.Please provide ISO9001, ISO14001 and ISO45001 Certificates.Additional information: To register your interest for these works please provide answers to the questions to the email provided;M3J9-14Tenders@balfourbeatty.com
Value: |
20000 |
Published: |
2023-05-30T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
20000 |
2023-05-30T00:00:00Z |
SMA NEAR Vegetation Clearance
United Kingdom
On behalf of the SMP Alliance working with National Highways we (Balfour Beatty Civil Engineering Ltd) require vegetation clearance across the NEAR programme spanning the M25, M3, M20 and M4. Terms and Conditions specific to the works will be issued during the tender period for agreement in principle. To register your interest in these works your organisation must hold as a minimum: Constructionline Gold.Safe system of work for clearance on batters as steep as 1 in 1.Below in three stages are our site clearance requirements to enable the completion of the National Emergency Area Retrofit Programme. Stage one - Clearance for site surveys of NEAR Bays commencing from 26th June for approximately 4 to 6 weeks at night under lane closures at over 30 locations on the M20, M25 and M3. Each Bay is approximately 200m length and the depth is between 10m to 25m. All clearance carried out at this stage the subcontractor will require an ECoW to be present for all works.Stage two - Main construction site clearance works of NEAR Bays commencing from 1st Oct 23 and to be completed by 28th Feb 24 for 5 months at night under lane closures for 60 locations on the M20, M25, M4 and M3. Each Bay is approximately 200m length and the depth is between 10m to 25m.Stage three - Ongoing maintenance of vegetation clearance throughout the construction programme.1.Please confirm that you hold a Constructionline Gold account or Common Assessment Standard, of "Verified" status. Please provide a valid account number.2.What are the most significant H&S challenges that you foresee on the NEAR Programme and can you demonstrate how you as a company will mitigate against these challenges?3.Provide details of your current and future secured workload (Dates, values, resource requirements) and confirm that you will have sufficient resource available to deliver to the scheme's requirements.4.Please confirm if you have Motorway Experience and detail which previous projects you have worked on if applicable.5.Please provide ISO9001, ISO14001 and ISO45001 Certificates.6. Please provide your safe system of work for working on batters as steep as 1 in 1.
Value: |
800000 |
Published: |
2023-05-26T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
800000 |
2023-05-26T00:00:00Z |
Gullies & Manholes Reinstatement
United Kingdom
On behalf of the SMP Alliance working with National Highways we (Balfour Beatty Civil Engineering Ltd) require gully and manhole reinstatement between the M3 J9-14. Providers will be required to have the capacity to deliver works in the Southern Region, Winchester to Southampton. Terms and Conditions specific to the works will be issued during the tender period for agreement in principle. To register your interest in these works your organisation must hold as a minimum: Constructionline Gold. The project aims to provide tenders with a two week return period. Scoring will be carried out thereafter. The subcontract scope is to provide all materials, plant and equipment required for:-Reinstatement of 215No. gullies in the verge (hard shoulder), split between northbound and southbound-Each gully will consist of 1.2m x 1.2m x 0.22m material reinstatement using a HAPAS certified material -The gully ironwork to be supplied as part of the reinstatement -Work will be completed on weekday nightshifts under traffic management1.Please confirm that you hold a Constructionline Gold account or Common Assessment Standard, of "Verified" status. Please provide a valid account number.2.What are the most significant H&S challenges that you foresee on the Smart Motorways Alliance Projects and can you demonstrate how you as a company will mitigate against these challenges?3.Provide details of your current and future secured workload (Dates, values, resource requirements) and confirm that you will have sufficient resource available to deliver to the scheme's requirements.4.Please confirm if you have SMART Motorway Experience and detail which previous projects you have worked on if applicable.5.Please provide ISO9001, ISO14001 and ISO45001 Certificates.Additional information: To register your interest for these works please provide answers to the questions to the email provided;M3J9-14Tenders@balfourbeatty.com
Value: |
300000 |
Published: |
2023-05-03T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
300000 |
2023-05-03T00:00:00Z |
Bus Driver Facilities Framework
Transport for London
This is a competitive procurement for the award of a Framework Agreement to a single supplier for the manufacture and supply of toilet cabins for bus drivers (hereafter called Bus Driver Facilities or BDFs) on the London bus network. The cabins will be manufactured to a TfL owned design with design modifications provided by the supplier. Note that installation of the BDFs shall be carried out by TfL's highway maintenance contractors.The procurement is being conducted pursuant to the Restricted Procedure of the Utilities Contracts Regulations 201 ("UCR 2016"). At the end of this procurement process, TfL may choose to award a Framework Agreement with a Supplier. The Framework Agreement which Transport for London awards will be to the bidder who submitted the most economically advantageous tender.TfL intends to select up to four prospective suppliers to go forward to receive the Invitation To Tender (ITT) as further described in the Tender documents. The evaluation will award the Framework Agreement to the supplier with the Most Economically Advantageous Tender (MEAT), a combination of technical, financial, environmental and health and safety criteria. The award of the contract will be in Autumn 2023. On appointment, it is envisaged that a defined period for a design process will be required to allow the contractor to create a prototype BDF to replicate the current design, incorporate any improvements or updates in order to meet current regulatory standards.The supplier will also be expected to be engaged and contribute material for planning permissions for permanent units in certain locations, providing the necessary visualisations, plans and material descriptions of the unit as required. The designs will be submitted to TfL Engineering for review and assurance at a series of agreed dates. The periods for review and reply are defined by a TfL standard for this process which undergoes review by subject matter experts for each part of the design - structural, architectural, mechanical and electrical, public health, clean water supply and distribution and waste-water sewer connection as well as design of the streetscape elements, civils foundations and highway safety aspects. TfL have a series of standards to which reference will be made. These will also define the processes of assurance and review and set the required timescales.Tender documents will be provided electronically via TfL's e-tendering portal SAP Ariba.Responses should be submitted electronically via TfL's e- tendering portal SAP Ariba.Interested Suppliers / Tenderers are to register with SAP Ariba via TfL's Supplier self-registration link, in order to participate in the tender process,https://s1-eu.ariba.com/Sourcing/Main/ad/selfRegistration?realm=TfL.SAP Ariba Supplier Registration Help Page:https://help.sap.com/docs/ARIBA_NETWORK_SUPPLIERS/ddd75910f67b4212b1c83f9d68cd2f01/de32f3eaf0181014be26e0d2a68be9ef.html.If you have any queries regarding your registration, please email: Ariba_Supplier_Enablement@tfl.gov.ukNB: ONCE REGISTERED, TENDERERS MUST SEND THEIR REGISTRATION DETAILS TO THE CONTACT EMAIL IN SECTION 1 OF THIS NOTICE IN ORDER TO BE INVITED TO TENDER FOR THE OPPORTUNITY.Tenderers must also click 'Intend to Bid' in order to fully register against the contract opportunity.TfL will not be liable to any person for any costs whatsoever incurred in the preparation of bids or in otherwise responding to the Invitation to Tender (ITT).The contract value stated on this notice is an estimate range based on forecast purchase volumes and does not represent a promise or any guarantee to those amounts.
Value: |
4500000 |
Published: |
2023-04-26 |
Deadline: |
2023-05-29 |
4500000 |
2023-04-26 |
2023-05-29 |
London and Quadrant Housing Trust - Structural and Civil Engineering Services Framework 2023 - 2027
L&Q Construction
London and Quadrant Housing Trust and its subsidiary Quadrant Construction Services are one of the largest providers of affordable housing in the UK, housing over 250,000 people in more than 95,000 homes. London and Quadrant Housing Trust are tendering for the provision of Structural and Civil Engineering Services for London and Quadrant's Self Delivered New Build Projects to comply with the Public Contracts regulations 2015. The objective of this tender process is to establish a Framework Agreement with the tenderers and London and Quadrant Housing Trust. The dates and contract value are estimates and could be subject to change. This tender is for Consultants and Service providers only. This is a two stage tender and both stages adhere to the time-scales as prescribed within the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 for Restricted Tenders. Stage 1: Selection Stage Click on the 'Express Interest' Button at the bottom Click on the 'Selection Stage' Tab at the top - Scroll to the bottom of the screen and you will be able to view the Tender Documents and access the Standard Selection Questionnaire - For the Selection Stage you will only need to submit the Standard Selection Questionnaire - We will score your questionnaire and will advise you as to whether you are successful or not - Pricing Documents will only be available to those who have passed the Selection Stage ONLY IF YOU HAVE PASSED THE SELECTION STAGE Stage 2: ITT Stage - Click on the 'ITT' Tab - Scroll to the bottom and you will be able to access the Tender Documents - Tenderers will be briefed as to what they will need to submit for this tender Please allow sufficient time to submit your return by the specified dates as late returns will not be permitted. Under the Framework Agreement L&Q and all companies within the L&Q Group (including, without limitation, Quadrant Construction Services) will have the option to call-off contracts with individual framework contractors as and when required. In addition, other Social Housing Providers in the UK (both those that are in existence now and those that may be in existence in the future) will also be entitled to call-off contracts under the Framework Agreement. "Social Housing Provider" for this purpose means any provider of social housing and includes, without limitation, Registered Providers, Local Authorities and ALMOs. Such Social Housing Providers will only be entitled to call off under the Framework Agreement if L&Q consents. For information regarding this tender please contact Group Procurement via the tender portal. This tender is managed by Group Procurement. Please do not contact any other department within the London and Quadrant Group.Additional information: To apply, please follow the link and the steps below: https://www.in-tendhost.co.uk/quadrant-construction/aspx/Home- Create an account- Click on the tab called 'Tenders'- Click on 'Current' - On the left hand side search bar type in the name of the framework you are interested in- Once you have found the framework click on the button called 'View Details' - Then click the button called 'Express Interest' - Click on the 'Selection Stage' Tab at the top- Scroll to the bottom of the screen and you will be able to view the Tender Documents and access the Standard Selection Questionnaire- The Standard Selection Questionnaire is the only requirement for the first stage. L&Q will only correspond with suppliers via the tender portal. Please do not attempt to Contact L&Q's Group Procurement via any other method of communication. Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No
Value: |
0 |
Published: |
2023-03-21T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
0 |
2023-03-21T00:00:00Z |
Highways Planned and Reactive Maintenance and Street Lighting contract
Our Highways Planned Maintenance and Street Lighting, contracts are expiring at the end of March 2024. We would like to invite the market to an informal supplier event to carry out market engagement to provide information that will inform and shape future service provision.The following service areas are being considered:Planned Highways maintenanceReactive Highways maintenanceStreet Lighting & associated ServicesGully CleansingWinter MaintenanceNew schemes - minorNew Schemes - majorSign & LiningInstallation of equipment/infrastructure on the public highway and off streetStructures and BridgesFlood management and drainage maintenanceEmergency - out of hours call outsCall off for Professional ServicesThe events will be held between 6 and 10 March 2023. The schedule will be confirmed later and will depend upon the number of suppliers that would like to attend. The session will be via Teams and start with a 20-minute presentation followed by a 1-hour Q & A session where the questions will be based on those set out below. As this is an informal session there is scope to deviate from the questions depending on the responses and discussion on the day.Please contact Mel Gadd: mel.gadd@havering.gov.uk by midday on Friday 24 February 2023 to register your interest in attending.This is not a full procurement exercise and London Borough of Havering does not in any way commit itself to conducting one now or in the future. This information does not, and will not, form any part of any subsequent contract between the Council and any future Provider. The Council may go out to procurement for the Services in the future. However, neither the issue of completing this questionnaire, nor any of the information presented within the questions, should be regarded as a commitment or representation on the part of the Council to go out to procurement or to enter into any future contractual arrangement.Please note that whether you participate in this exercise or not, it will not have any bearing on you being part of any future procurement exercise or additional market testing, should the Council decide to pursue it. This is Without Prejudice to any future procurement opportunities with LB HaveringAdditional information: This is an information gathering exercise and a response does not guarantee an invitation to tender for any services which the Council may advertise, nor that the Council will procure any such services or accept any proposals offered.The Council is looking at the implementation of a new highways contract, including road schemes, planned repair and planned maintenance of existing highways and other public areas: Re-surfacing and reconstruction of highways including laying of specialist surfaces; Maintenance, repair and replacement of street furniture, including non-illuminated signs, railings etc.; Laying of road markings; Highway drainage; Street Lighting. This is not at this stage a comprehensive list of all the services we may require from any potential contract.Planned Agenda for the Q& Sessions20-minute presentation to include:Range of services and experience for current/previous contracts and how this would be relevant to the range of services required for those listed above.Please contact Mel Gadd: mel.gadd@havering.gov.uk by midday on Friday 24 February 2023 to register your interest in attending the Q&A session.Innovation and efficiency savings that could be achieved.Environment and Social Value aspects1 hour Q & A sessionPlease provide details of your depot facilities that you deliver these services from and particularly how you would deliver services to HaveringPlease consider the services above and advise on your suitability to deliver each and previous experience of doing so including examples.Please advise what you consider to be the optimum contract term including optional extensions for you to invest in this opportunityPlease indicate the optimum cost/quality split and preferred pricing mechanism for contractPlease indicate if you would be required to subcontract any of these services and if so indicate if this would be with multiple suppliers which would include SME'sPlease indicate your view on incentive-based contracts including the measurement of KPI's and default deductions.Please indicate based on forthcoming and concurrent opportunities elsewhere in the region whether any Havering procurement would be a priority for your company.Please indicate what you feel would be the key contractual risks to any procurement.Please indicate what you feel would be the most advantageous procurement procedure for these services and your view of subdivision into lots.
Value: |
0 |
Published: |
2023-02-15T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
2023-02-28T00:00:00Z |
0 |
2023-02-15T00:00:00Z |
2023-02-28T00:00:00Z |
London and Quadrant Housing Trust - Structural and Civil Engineering Services Framework 2023 - 2027
London and Quadrant Housing Trust
This is a two stage tender and both stages adhere to the time-scales as prescribed within the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 for Restricted Tenders.Stage 1: Selection StageClick on the ‘Express Interest’ Button at the bottomClick on the ‘Selection Stage’ Tab at the top- Scroll to the bottom of the screen and you will be able to view the Tender Documents and access the Standard Selection Questionnaire- For the Selection Stage you will only need to submit the Standard Selection Questionnaire- We will score your questionnaire and will advise you as to whether you are successful or not- Pricing Documents will only be available to those who have passed the Selection StageONLY IF YOU HAVE PASSED THE SELECTION STAGE Stage 2: ITT Stage- Click on the ‘ITT’ Tab - Scroll to the bottom and you will be able to access the Tender Documents- Tenderers will be briefed as to what they will need to submit for this tenderPlease allow sufficient time to submit your return by the specified dates as late returns will not be permitted. Under the Framework Agreement L&Q and all companies within the L&Q Group (including, without limitation, Quadrant Construction Services) will have the option to call-off contracts with individual framework contractors as and when required. In addition, other Social Housing Providers in the UK (both those that are in existence now and those that may be in existence in the future) will also be entitled to call-off contracts under the Framework Agreement. "Social Housing Provider" for this purpose means any provider of social housing and includes, without limitation, Registered Providers, Local Authorities and ALMOs. Such Social Housing Providers will only be entitled to call off under the Framework Agreement if L&Q consents.For information regarding this tender please contact Group Procurement via the tender portal. This tender is managed by Group Procurement. Please do not contact any other department within the London and Quadrant Group.
Value: |
200000000 |
Published: |
2023-02-11 |
Deadline: |
2023-03-13 |
200000000 |
2023-02-11 |
2023-03-13 |
London and Quadrant Housing Trust - Structural and Civil Engineering Services Framework 2023 - 2027
London and Quadrant Housing Trust
Value: |
0 |
Published: |
2023-02-10T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
0 |
2023-02-10T00:00:00Z |
TC886 Highways Construction Works Framework
United Kingdom
Manchester City Council
Provision of a Highways Framework Agreement relating to highway construction (andassociated) work including some general civils. This may include bulk excavation, bridgeconstruction and retaining walls. This is a non-exhaustive list.Lot 1 Highways Construction Works up to £1millionLot 2 Highways Construction Works £1million plusThe initial contract term will be 2 years with the option to extend for a further period of onetwo-year period. Further details are set out in the Council's procurement documents. Theform of contracts will be the NEC 4 June 2017 (as amended by the Council).This framework is open to and may be used by other Association of Greater ManchesterAuthorities (AGMA), and Manchester Partners - this includes the following Councils, Bolton,Stockport, Tameside, Oldham, Trafford, Rochdale, Bury, Salford, Wigan, Blackburn DarwenBC, Blackpool, Cheshire East, Warrington, Manchester Central Convention Complex,Commission for New Economy, Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive(GMPTE),Greater Manchester Transport Unit, Greater Manchester Combined Authority andthe Integrated Transport Authority.Additional information: The Council is using the e-business portal known as the Chest. Applicants will need to register their details at the following link www.the-chest.org.uk. Applicants will need to electronically submit their completed request to participate documents, including online questionnaire, via the on-line portal by 11am on 20th February 2023
Value: |
100000000 |
Published: |
2023-01-18T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
100000000 |
2023-01-18T00:00:00Z |
Ada Lovelace S278 Highway Works
The Department for Education requires a suitably experienced Highways Contractor to express their interest to tender for construction of S278 Highway Works to the A406 North Circular adjacent Ada Lovelace School, North Ealing. The S278 works are located at North Circular Road, London, W5 3AU. The S278 works are within the highway and are a combination of footway resurfacing works and carriageway surfacingworks, with traffic light and streetlighting installation.The works in question involve the construction of the following:- Provision of traffic signal infrastructure- Dropped crossing arrangement and associated footway works- Carriageway surfacing works- Road markings- Road signs- Street lighting- Power SupplyThe Contractor will be responsible for the management and construction of the works along with engagement with TfL for the works to obtain any necessary permissions, road closures and/or specialist installation works by TfL. All technical approvals have been granted by TfL. TfL will be providing and installating the above ground signal equipment, however it will be the responsibility of the appointed Contractor to coordinate these works with TfL from a programme perspective. It is intended that the main contract be entered into circa February 2023 with the contracting authority considering that this being suitable for SME enterprises with experience on similar projects. It is estimated that construction works would commence in March/April 2023. At this stage, the tendering authority is looking to assess interest in the scheme via Contract Finder and compile a list of interested Contractors to be contacted as part of the formal procurement. The Contractor will likely be appointed using a JCT Design and Build for these works priced using works schedule. Appointment of contractor will be on the basis of the criteria to be published in the tender documents, and the contract will be awarded on the basis of the likely basis of the following split: Qualitative assessment 20% & Quantitative assessment 80%.Reference can be made to the link within this market notification for design drawings, specifications, surveys and PCI information. Fail criteria.All Contractors are required to submit complete pricing schedules for the works and may be excluded should insufficient detail be provided. All contractors must respond to any qualitative information. Should any Contractors score less than 50% in any one criteria they may be excluded from the ITT.Contractors wishing to receive the tender documentation for this project should respond to Chris Bullough at the email address below.The ITT is expected to be issued 09.12.2022 with a return date of 13.01.2023. Appointment expected 29.01.2023.
Value: |
100000 |
Published: |
2022-12-01T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
100000 |
2022-12-01T00:00:00Z |
Waste & Cleansing Contract - Soft Market Testing Questionnaire
IntroductionThe Council are in the process of developing its re-procurement strategy relating to it’s contract for Waste & Recycling Collections, Street Cleansing and Ancillary Services, including winter gritting services, (“the Services”). As part of this soft market testing exercise, the Council are seeking to identify the availability of suitable depot land/premises available in the Greater London area for the Services. This will involve the collection of approximately 180,000 tonnes of waste and recycling, street cleansing services. The Council require an organisation capable of operating 24/7 and assisting the Council to comply with its duty to maintain the highway during snow/ice events.The Council is keen to understand how competitive the market is for the Service when it re-tenders and would like to invite participants to share whether they would be capable of meeting the following requirements of:Vehicle Parking and Fuelling/Charging for 80-90 HGV’s (approx. 8,000sq.m);1500 tonne Salt BarnVehicles and equipment maintenance/washing, welfare etc. (approx. 4,000sq.m)The Council will need to ensure that it complies with Procurement Regulations to deliver these services and to secure the best commercial arrangement with a high-quality service provider.
Value: |
0 |
Published: |
2022-10-20T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
0 |
2022-10-20T00:00:00Z |
This procurement is for a 4 year framework to replace an expiring framework providing specialist property surveying support and advice to the EA National Estates Te
Defra Network eTendering Portal
This service primarily supports Infrastructure projects where a significant proportion of the civil engineering is delivered on 3rd party owned land. This requires specialist land, property, compensation and land valuation skills to work with land owners in parallel to the design, construction and delivery of the schemes. Please see Bidder Pack Part 2 for full details
Value: |
9000000 |
Published: |
2022-10-18 |
Deadline: |
2022-11-13 |
9000000 |
2022-10-18 |
2022-11-13 |
TC013 Supply of Concrete and Bedding
Manchester City Council is looking to appoint a framework for the supply of volumetric concrete and bedding, to support Civil Engineering Projects.The tender is divided into two lots as follows: Lot 1 - Concrete batched and concrete bedding delivered to various sites by Volumetric Truck Mixer Lot 2 - Supply and delivery of Ready-Mix Concrete
Value: |
80000 |
Published: |
2022-09-07T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
80000 |
2022-09-07T00:00:00Z |
Civil Engineering Technician Level 3.
United Kingdom
Apprenticeship training delivery for the Civil Engineer Technician Level 3 apprenticeship standard delivery. Funded by the Apprenticeship Levy.Please note Contract award amounts are 'Up to' values depending on service need.See brief for more details. All tender responses will form part of any contract delivery agreements along with the Call-off contract.
Value: |
99000 |
Published: |
2022-08-12T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
99000 |
2022-08-12T00:00:00Z |
Civil Engineering Technician Level 3.
United Kingdom
Apprenticeship training delivery for the Civil Engineer Technician Level 3 apprenticeship standard delivery. Funded by the Apprenticeship Levy.Please note Contract award amounts are 'Up to' values depending on service need.See brief for more details. All tender responses will form part of any contract delivery agreements along with the Call-off contract.
Value: |
99000 |
Published: |
2022-08-11T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
99000 |
2022-08-11T00:00:00Z |
Civil & Structural Engineering Services - Civil Engineering Consultancy Services
United Kingdom
Thurrock Council is seeking to appoint a Civil and Structural Engineers team to support its proposal to develop a 50-unit housing scheme in Richmond Road, Grays. The estimated cost of the development is in the region of £13 million.with an option to extend for a further 12 months. This opportunity has been distributed on adamprocure.co.uk
Value: |
90000 |
Published: |
2022-08-08T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
90000 |
2022-08-08T00:00:00Z |
TC056 - Highway Support
Manchester City Council
The Highway Maintenance framework is to support Highways Maintenance Service with Major & Minor Civil Engineering projects. The purpose of this procurement exercise is to appoint a number of contractors under a Framework Agreement for Civil Engineering Construction Support Works across Manchester
Value: |
Published: |
2022-07-26 |
Deadline: |
2022-08-29 |
2022-07-26 |
2022-08-29 |
TC056 - Highway Support
Manchester City Council
The Council is using the e-business portal known as the Chest. Applicants will need to register their details at the following link www.the-chest.org.uk . Once registered, applicants will be emailed a log-in and password which will allow them to gain access to the documentation relating to this opportunity. Applicants will need to electronically submit their completed tender documents, including online questionnaire, via the on-line portal by 11am on 29th August 2022 as referred to in IV.2.2. Any clarification queries must also be submitted via the Chest website by the date referred to in the tender documentation.The contracts will be for 2 years, expected to commence 09th January 2022 with option to extend for up to an additional 2 years.The successful supplier will be required to actively participate in the economic and social regeneration of the locality of, and surroundings of, the place of delivery of the contract. Therefore, selection and award criteria, specification requirements and contract performance conditions may relate in particular to social and environmental considerations as relevant to the subject matter of this project.The Council reserves the right not to award the framework, as a result of this Contract Notice. The Council shall not be liable for any costs or expenses incurred by any organisation in responding to this notice or in tendering for the proposed framework.All submissions must be in English, with any clarifications or discussions conducted in English. Tenders and supporting documents must be priced in pounds sterling and all payments under the proposed contract will be made in pounds sterling.Please note that although quantities and descriptions in the framework are those used and required by Manchester City Council this framework is open to and may be used by other Authorities and Manchester Partners - this includes the following Councils - Bolton, Stockport, Tameside, Oldham, Trafford, Rochdale, Bury, Salford, Wigan, Blackburn Darwen BC, Blackpool, Cheshire East, Warrington, Manchester Central Convention Complex, Commission for New Economy, Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM),Greater Manchester Transport Unit, Greater Manchester Combined Authority and the Integrated Transport Authority, Greater Manchester Police, Greater Manchester Fire Authority, Manchester International Airport, and any other public authority, National Health Service (NHS) organisation or companies / partners owned by or part of any contracting body
Value: |
0 |
Published: |
2022-07-25T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
0 |
2022-07-25T00:00:00Z |
TC056 - Highway Support
The Highway Maintenance framework is to support Highways Maintenance Service with Major & Minor Civil Engineering projects.The purpose of this procurement exercise is to appoint a number of contractors under a Framework Agreement for Civil Engineering Construction Support Works across Manchester
Value: |
10000000 |
Published: |
2022-07-25T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
10000000 |
2022-07-25T00:00:00Z |
Highways Street Lighting
United Kingdom
The Council's requirement under this contract is for Street lighting repairs, electrical cable installations/repairs, fault finding, highway traffic signs, and street furniture repairs. Further information is detailed in the Specification Vol 1.2.1.
Value: |
0 |
Published: |
2022-07-18T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
0 |
2022-07-18T00:00:00Z |
Highways Term Maintenance
United Kingdom
The Council's requirement under this Contract is for the provision of: Highway maintenance services/works together with new build Minor highway projects throughout the Borough to meet its duties as Highway Authority, comprising :- ? Highway surface maintenance and construction repairs to roads, footways and cycleway ranging from small patching repairs to machine surfacing and reconstruction of carriageways and footways. Surface dressing and specialist road surface treatments. ? Minor bridge repair works, parapets/barriers, bearing replacements and expansion joints ? New build Minor Highway projects varying in type from junction improvements, civil works for traffic signal installations, mini/small roundabouts, traffic calming measures including islands, bus stop facilities, footway construction, dropped crossings to footway etc ? Street furniture, lining and signing renewals and maintenance of PROW Network. Further information is detailed in the Specification document. Further information is detailed in the Specification Vol 1.2.1. The scope of works cannot be pre-determined and no undertaking is given regarding continuity or overall value of work. The scope of work will comprise of both regular reactive maintenance (Revenue funds) together with planned maintenance and new build projects (Capital funds). This is a restricted procedure therefore bidders are only required to submit a completed SQ - Selection Questionnaire at this stage with any requested attachments. The top 5 ranked bidders that have passed the SQ Stage will progress onto the ITT Stage
Value: |
0 |
Published: |
2022-06-30T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
0 |
2022-06-30T00:00:00Z |
HS2 Main Works S1 & S2 - LOD5 Integrator - Design Coordination
United Kingdom
LOD 5 Integrator - Outline scope of Work SCS Railways has progressed the design of the London Tunnels and associated assets in Area West to the stage of LOD 4 for most of the assets involved. The LOD 4 designs have been developed by the SCS Railways consultant DH, a joint venture between Arup, Typsa and Strabag. The work that we are currently coming to market for is the overall co-ordination of LOD 5 designs including architecture, structure and M&E (who will have their own co-ordinator) into a coherent whole in BIM (in compliance with project BEP). The assets included are 2 shafts, 4 headhouses, an entrance portal and various urban landscape elements including site boundaries and all aspects related to a complete fully integrated as built product for handover to High Speed 2. The integrator is expected to provide following services: Review LOD4 designs and carry out a design optimisation and standardisation process to maximise Procurement, Buildability, Operability and Maintainability. This will include (but not limited to) elements such as promoting offsite fabrication, standardise M&E elements in discussions with the M&E co-ordinator, standardisation of stairs, doors etc. In doing this task, coordinator is expected to ensure that the environmental impact of the designs is minimised. Coordinate multidisciplinary BIM and ensure that all LOD5 designs have been included in the model for clash detection, and handover to HS2. Interface with the Design House and SCS LoD 5 designers including attending meetings. Provide support in responding to TQs/RFIs. Provide support in assurance of LOD 5 designs and then in handover to HS2. Interface with all parties involved to develop commonality of function, space proofing, specification and detail, mainly for design intent review and adherence. Support in Design & Change management. Management of architectural production information package inclusive of the urban Realm (including landscape architecture). BIM & CAD Outsourcing and management. Management of specialist sub-consultant's and sub-contractors BIM deliverables. Asset data management and collection to produce COBie (or similar) deliverable. Management of As Built information from sub-contractors and sub-consultants including COBie. Duration - Approximately 3 years. To assist you in determining whether or not this opportunity is of interest to your company, please find the following link to Adelaide Road Headhouse information (as an example of the assets that form this package): https://www.hs2.org.uk/in-your-area/local-community-webpages/hs2-in-camden/adelaide-road-headhouse-and-ventilation-shaft/ Your company must be able to demonstrate capacity and capability to undertake such works over the required period. Following responses to this opportunity, the supply chain will be shortlisted accordingly. Those that are successful will be invited to prequalify in order to receive a tender enquiry for this package. Prequalification will consist of 'business assurance', which will focus on the supply chain's capability, competence and capacity to work with SCS JV, and (potentially) technical assurance, which provides an opportunity to assess the supply chain's ability to provide the goods and services for the package in question. It is likely that this has been classified as a 'medium-risk' package (to be confirmed), whereby the 'business assurance' element of prequalification may be satisfied if the supply chain partner holds one of the Common Assessment Standard (CAS) accreditations, namely: - Achilles Building Confidence (with Desktop Audit), - Constructionline Gold, or - CHAS Elite. Further to a tender process, final selection will be based upon a balanced-scorecard evaluation. The criteria of this evaluation will consider commercial, technical and qualitative (e.g. health & safety, quality, environment & sustainability, etc.) evidence provided by the tenderers as part of their respective tender bids. SCS JV is an unincorporated joint venture between Skanska Construction UK Limited ("Skanska"), Costain Limited ("Costain") and STRABAG AG ("STRABAG") working on behalf of HS2 to deliver the main civil engineering works for the S1 and S2 sectors of HS2 Phase One. The Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) stage of the contract, where SCS JV was developing a scheme design, programme and target cost to deliver the detailed design and construction phase of the project, is now complete, whereby a Notice to Proceed to Stage Two (detailed design and construction) was issued on 15th April 2020. Not only have the individual companies delivered high-speed rail, major infrastructure and some of the most iconic structures internationally, SCS JV also has a proven record of working together. Skanska and Costain have a long history of successfully delivering civil engineering projects together in the UK, dating back 30 years. In joint venture they have delivered many major infrastructure projects, including the M25 in the 1980s, High Speed 1 in the early 2000s and the current Crossrail endeavour, shortly coming to completion under the streets of London. STRABAG and Skanska have worked together for over 15 years on European projects in Switzerland, Slovakia and Norway. As a joint venture, we are bringing together our collective strength to deliver world-class engineering, contributing to the long-term economic growth of local and international markets. This is perfectly encapsulated in our mission; to draw everyone together to create a strong foundation from which to launch a transformative legacy. The procurement strategy of letting these works as an envelope package, by area or by cladding system are to be determined. Please express interest and confirm preferences and capabilities.
Value: |
2500000 |
Published: |
2022-06-24T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
2500000 |
2022-06-24T00:00:00Z |
Ada Lovelace S278 Highway Works
The Department for Education requires a suitably experienced Highways Contractor to express their interest to tender for construction of S278 Highway Works to the A406 North Circular adjacent Ada Lovelace School, North Ealing. The S278 works are located at North Circular Road, London, W5 3AU. The S278 works are within the highway and are a combination of footway resurfacing works and carriageway surfacingworks, with traffic light and streetlighting installation.The works in question involve the construction of the following:- Provision of traffic signal infrastructure- Dropped crossing arrangement and associated footway works- Carriageway surfacing works- Road markings- Road signs- Street lighting- Power SupplyThe Contractor will be responsible for the management and construction of the works along with engagement with TfL for the works to obtain any necessary permissions, road closures and/or specialist installation works by TfL. It is intended that the main contract be entered into circa October 2022 with the contracting authority considering that this being suitable for SME enterprises with experience on similar projects. It is estimated that construction works would commence in January 2023. At this stage, the tendering authority is looking to assess interest in the scheme via Contract Finder and compile a list of interested Contractors to be contacted as part of the formal procurement. The Contractor will likely be appointed using a JCT Intermediate Contract with Contractors Design for these works priced using works schedule. The appointed contractor will be responsible for the overall construction and final design of the highway works with them required to appoint the relevant highways designers directly. The Contractor will also be responsible for engaging with TfL where required.Appointment of contractor will be on the basis of the criteria to be published in the tender documents, and the contract will be awarded on the basis of the likely basis of the following split: Qualitative assessment 20% & Quantitative assessment 80%.Fail criteria.All Contractors are required to submit complete pricing schedules for the works and may be excluded should insufficient detail be provided. All contractors must respond to any qualitative information. Should any Contractors score less than 50% in any one criteria they may be excluded from the ITT.Contractors wishing to receive the tender documentation for this project should respond to Chris Bullough at the email address below.
Value: |
0 |
Published: |
2022-06-22T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
0 |
2022-06-22T00:00:00Z |
Network Rail North West & Central Region CP7 Frameworks: Framework Category C
Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd
Network Rail is looking to appoint a regional framework supplier to deliver a proportion of the civil engineering (structures and geotechnical) workbank across the North West & Central region: https://www.networkrail.co.uk/running-the-railway/our-regions/north-west-and-central/ The scope of works which Network Rail may require comprises:• Implementation (including temporary works design and demolition)• Commissioning • Hand back into maintenance• Statutory consents and permissions• If directed by Network Rail, third party access agreementsThese works are to be performed in connection with the following categories of assets, incorporating partial or whole renewal (which may include replacement, removal, major repair, major refurbishment or strengthening) of:• Bridges (underbridges, overbridges, footbridges, property rafts)• Viaducts• Tunnels• Walls (boundary, retaining and acoustic barriers)• Drainage including culverts• Structures and works associated with river, coastal and estuarine defences• Geotechnical (soil embankments, soil cuttings, rock cuttings and associated drainage works)• Mining (mine workings, shafts and adits)• Ancillary structures (e.g. foundations, support structures, access roads, fencing, gates, steps)This lot relates to a single supplier for the Region. The successful supplier may be required to deliver a proportion of the works within the scope of the discipline lot across the full NW&C Region (North West Route, Central Route and West Coast South Route) in addition to suppliers appointed for the routes (two suppliers for Lot C1 (NW) Civil Engineering (Structures and Geotechnical) in the North West Route, a supplier for Lot C1 (C) Civil Engineering (Structures and Geotechnical) in the Central Route and a supplier for Lot C1 (WCS) Civil Engineering (Structures & Geotechnical) in the West Coast South Route). Network Rail intends to allocate works to the relevant supplier from an annual workbank portfolio on a direct award basis (subject to certain criteria and up to a set percentage of the annual workbank value) as set out in the framework agreement. The estimated value stated at Section II.2.6 relates to the portion of the works anticipated to be allocated to the successful supplier in the Region under this lot (lot C1 (R) Civil Engineering (Structures and Geotechnical).
Value: |
358000000 |
Published: |
2022-06-15 |
Deadline: |
2022-07-29 |
358000000 |
2022-06-15 |
2022-07-29 |
Network Rail North West & Central Region CP7 Frameworks: Framework Category D
Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd
Network Rail is looking to appoint two regional framework supplier(s) to deliver a proportion of the civil engineering (structures and geotechnical) minor works and reactive workbank across the North West & Central region: https://www.networkrail.co.uk/running-the-railway/our-regions/north-west-and-central/ The scope of works which Network Rail may require comprises:• Provision of emergency response capability to be able to have an initial on-site presence & response not greater than 2hrs notice.• All trades generally associated with civil engineering works on or around the railway infrastructure and its associated surroundings. Including all works associated with structural asset fabric and finishes.• Survey, investigation, and testing• Outline and detailed design (including temporary works)• Implementation • Enabling works for inspections and assessments• Demolition• Booking of possessions, isolations, and road closures• Statutory consents and permissions• If directed by Network Rail, third party access agreementsThese Works are to be performed in connection with the following categories of assets, incorporating inspection, maintenance, repair, partial or whole renewal to parts of:• Bridges (underbridges, overbridges, footbridges, property rafts)• Viaducts• Tunnels• Walls (boundary, retaining and acoustic barriers)• Drainage including culverts• Structures and works associated with river, coastal and estuarine defences• Earthworks (soil embankments, soil cuttings, rock cuttings and associated drainage works)• Mining (mine workings, shafts and adits)• Ancillary structures (e.g. foundations, support structures, access roads, fencing, gates, steps)Each order under the framework agreement will be categorised by Network Rail to detail the required response time as follows: • Emergency – Attend within 2 hours from receipt of order • Urgent – Attend within 24 hours from receipt of order• Routine – Attend within 7 days from receipt or order• Programmed – As stated on the orderService will be throughout a 24 hour period, 7 day week, 365 days per year and will include necessary cover during annual and public holidays. The two successful suppliers will be required to have adequate persons to respond to the needs of the works and ensure that the operatives are skilled in the appropriate trade or trades to enable prompt resolution of any particular defect notified to the relevant supplier. The suppliers must also have access to plant hire and material supplies to fulfil this requirement.This lot relates to two suppliers for the Region. The two successful suppliers may be required to deliver a proportion of the works within the scope of the discipline lot D1 (O-C) Civil Engineering (Structures & Geotechnical) across the full NW&C Region (North West Route, Central Route and West Coast South Route) in addition to suppliers appointed for the full NW&C Region (North West Route, Central Route and West Coast South Route) in Lot D1 (R) Civil Engineering (Structures and Geotechnical). Network Rail intends to allocate all orders requiring an emergency response (i.e. site attendance within 2 hours of receipt of the order) to the two successful suppliers under Lot D1 (O-C) Civil Engineering (Structures and Geotechnical). Network Rail intends to allocate works to the relevant supplier on a direct award basis (subject to certain criteria and up to a set percentage of the annual workbank value) as set out in the framework agreement. The estimated value stated at Section II.2.6 relates to the portion of works anticipated to be allocated on an equal basis (as far as possible) such that each of the two frameworks awarded in the region under this lot (lot D1 (O-C) Civil Engineering (Structures and Geotechnical)) would have an estimated
Value: |
229000000 |
Published: |
2022-06-15 |
Deadline: |
2022-07-29 |
229000000 |
2022-06-15 |
2022-07-29 |
Network Rail North West & Central Region CP7 Frameworks: Framework Category B
Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd
Network Rail is looking to appoint a regional framework supplier to deliver a proportion of the civil engineering (structures and geotechnical) workbank across the North West & Central region: https://www.networkrail.co.uk/running-the-railway/our-regions/north-west-and-central/ The scope of works which Network Rail may require comprises:• Feasibility• Survey, investigation, and reporting• Option selection (involving outline methodology)• Outline and detailed design (including temporary works)• Implementation (including demolition)• Commissioning • Hand back into maintenance• Statutory consents and permissions• If directed by Network Rail, third party access agreementsThese works are to be performed in connection with the following categories of assets, incorporating partial or whole renewal (which may include replacement, removal, major repair, major refurbishment or strengthening) of:• Bridges (underbridges, overbridges, footbridges, property rafts)• Viaducts• Tunnels• Walls (boundary, retaining and acoustic barriers)• Drainage including culverts• Structures and works associated with river, coastal and estuarine defences• Geotechnical (soil embankments, soil cuttings, rock cuttings and associated drainage works)• Mining (mine workings, shafts and adits)• Ancillary structures (e.g. foundations, support structures, access roads, fencing, gates, steps)This lot relates to a single supplier for the Region. The successful supplier may be required to deliver works within the scope of the discipline lot across the full NW&C Region (North West Route, Central Route and West Coast South Route) in addition to suppliers appointed for the routes (Lot B1 (NW) Civil Engineering (Structures and Geotechnical) in the North West Route and Lot B1 (C&WCS) Civil Engineering (Structures and Geotechnical) in the combined Central Route and West Coast South Route areas). Network Rail intends to allocate works to the relevant supplier from an annual workbank portfolio on a direct award basis (subject to certain criteria and up to a set percentage of the annual workbank value) as set out in the framework agreement. The estimated value stated at Section II.2.6 relates to the portion of the works anticipated to be allocated to the successful supplier in the Region under this lot (lot B1 (R) Civil Engineering (Structures and Geotechnical)).
Value: |
695000000 |
Published: |
2022-06-15 |
Deadline: |
2022-07-29 |
695000000 |
2022-06-15 |
2022-07-29 |
TfGM Ducting and Minor Highway Improvement Works Framework
Transport for Greater Manchester
Value: |
0 |
Published: |
2022-06-14T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
0 |
2022-06-14T00:00:00Z |
Highway Condition Survey and Lifecycle Planning
United Kingdom
The Council's requirement under this Contract is for a Highway Condition Survey and Lifecycle Planning system. As a Local Authority responsible for highways services, we have a duty of care to maintain the safety and usability of the roads within the borough. Our responsibilities are outlined in the Highways Act 1980 and the Code of Practice for Well Managed Highways Infrastructure including asset valuation, document management and scheme identification and budgeting.
Value: |
0 |
Published: |
2022-06-13T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
0 |
2022-06-13T00:00:00Z |
Framework Agreement for Commissioning Consultancy Services
City, University of London
The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement.For more information about this opportunity, please visit the Delta eSourcing portal at: https://www.delta-esourcing.com/tenders/UK-UK-London:-Civil-engineering-consultancy-services./7D87B4955FTo respond to this opportunity, please click here: https://www.delta-esourcing.com/respond/7D87B4955F GO Reference: GO-202261-PRO-20239300
Value: |
0 |
Published: |
2022-06-01T00:00:00Z |
Deadline: |
0 |
2022-06-01T00:00:00Z |