Provision of a Qualifying Work Experience (QWE) Recording System
United Kingdom
Government Legal Department
This tender opportunity is for the provision of a Qualifying Work Experience (QWE) Recording System to be used within the Government Legal Department (GLD).
GLD requires a QWE recording system that provides a simple and effective way for trainees/paralegals to record their professional experience and where supervisors can signoff entries in full confidence. The system should, at a minimum, support the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) requirements whilst having capacity to tailor a comprehensive training record bespoke to GLD users (trainees, supervisors and L&D managers).
Tenders should be submitted to bids@governmentlegal.gov.uk
Deadline for tenders is 3pm on 31 January 2025.
Value: |
75000 |
Published: |
2025-01-21 |
Deadline: |
75000 |
2025-01-21 |
Eco-Design Testing
Department for Business and Trade
The Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) is part of The Department for Business and Trade (DBT) and was created in January 2018 to deliver consumer protection and to support business confidence, productivity, and growth. OPSS regulate a wide range of products with a focus on their safety and integrity. OPSS works with local, national, and international regulators, with consumer representatives and with businesses to deliver effective protections and to support compliance.
OPSS’ mission is to be a trusted product regulator for the UK. This means protecting people and places, enabling business to thrive and empowering consumers to make good choices. OPSS will be a leader of good regulatory practice and a champion of local regulation.
OPSS is:
the national regulator for all consumer products, except for vehicles, medicines, and food.
the national regulator for legal metrology, ensuring weighing and measuring instruments are accurate and reliable.
Suppliers are strongly encouraged to read the text at the following link to gain a full understanding of the role of the enforcement services within Government: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/national-regulation-enforcement-services
It is anticipated the contract shall be for a period of 18 months, including any available contract option(s). The requirement has an estimated total value of £500,000 (ex-VAT) and this value includes any available contract option(s). The value of each lot as yet to be determined.
It should be noted that DBT makes no commitment to procure these services and may decide to not progress this any further following this engagement with the market. DBT reserves the right to change any information contained within the Early Engagement documentation at any time, and Potential Suppliers rely upon any information provided entirely at their own risk.
The successful supplier will be expected to provide all required testing of the products as well as any staff/sub-contractors required for testing to be performed.
In addition, the testing would contribute towards the wider government’s aim for achieving net zero by 2050. The examination of technical documents and website information, and conducting physical testing is vital to evaluate and ensure that products placed on the UK market comply with the energy requirements and ensuring the benefit to consumers. Generally, the aim is to reduce the potential hazard and harm associated with non-compliant products.
Value: |
Published: |
2025-01-20 |
Deadline: |
2025-01-20 |
Medical Insurance Services for the British Embassy Kyiv
Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office
Medical Insurance Services for the British Embassy Kyiv in Ukraine. The tender is published on the FCDO's procurement portal https://fcdo.bravosolution.co.uk. Please be informed that the country of services is Ukraine.
Value: |
Published: |
2025-01-19 |
Deadline: |
2025-01-19 |
Infusion Pumps Administration Sets and Associated products 2026
Supply Chain Coordination Ltd (SCCL)
The following certification will be a requirement of the tender and Applicants may be
required to include evidence of this within their submission:
- Cyber Essentials Plus Certificate or completion of an Information Security Third Party (ISTP) Questionnaire.
- ISO 9001:2015 accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (or equivalent) to cover all segments of the Applicant’s and the product’s supply chain. This should include, but not be limited to, manufacturing, storage and distribution. If Quality Assurance Standard certificates are not in the name of the Applicant, then the Applicant must supply a copy of agreements setting out the authority and responsibilities of all parties in the supply chain.
- Declaration of Conformity and UKCA Certification to demonstrate compliance to UK
Medical Device Regulations 2002 or Declaration of Conformity and CE Certification to
demonstrate compliance to Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC or Medical Device
Regulation 2017/745 (where applicable).
- MHRA registration of any medical devices, in compliance with the Medical Devices
Regulations 2022 (SI 2022 No 618, as amended) (UK MDR 2022).
- The Insurances set out below, evidence of which should be an Insurance Certificate or a signed Broker’s letter.
> Employers Liability Insurance cover of £5m per claim in the name of the Applicant
> Public Liability Insurance cover of £5m per claim in the name of the Applicant
> Product Liability Insurance cover of £5m in the name of the Applicant
> Professional Indemnity Insurance cover of £5m in the name of the Applicant
NHS Supply Chain will assess the Applicant’s economic and financial standing (or that of the entity/entities the Applicant is relying upon). Documentary evidence of this will be required at tender stage.
NHS Supply Chain will be assessing Sustainability and Social Value requirements as part of the upcoming tender:
> Carbon reduction Plan – All suppliers are required to publish a Carbon Reduction Plan (CRP) (PPN 06/21). This will be a pass/fail requirement at SQ stage of the tender.
> Social Value Requirements – All procurements will include a minimum 10% net zero and social value weighting. Questions in the upcoming tender will form part of the Non-Financial criteria. Should the upcoming tender be identified as Medium or High risk in relation to modern slavery, a pass/fail requirement will be implemented in relation to a Modern Slavery Social Value question, with a score of 2 or above required to achieve a pass.
>Evergreen Assessment – All Suppliers are required to complete an Evergreen Supplier Assessment. This will be a pass/fail requirement at SQ stage of the upcoming tender.
> NHS England Supplier Roadmap – The NHS net zero supplier roadmap sets out the steps
suppliers must take to align with the NHS net zero ambition between now and 2030.
> Modern Slavery – All suppliers, irrespective of turnover, must complete and maintain an up-to-date Modern Slavery Assessment Tool (MSAT) as a minimum requirement (PPN 02/23). This will be a pass/fail requirement at SQ stage of the upcoming tender.
NHS Supply Chain expects to provide successful suppliers with the opportunity to offer additional savings to customers through the provision of discounted pricing, value added offerings and commitment/bulk buy initiatives.
As part of its pre-tender strategy, NHS Supply Chain anticipates engaging with suppliers via an expression of interest and a Request for Information (RFI). Please follow the guidance below:
- Login with URL https://nhssupplychain.app.jaggaer.com//
- Click on “SQs Open to All Suppliers” and search for the title of the procurement:
SQ_575 RFI Infusion Pumps, Administration Sets and Associated Products
Click on the ‘EXPRESS INTEREST’ button in the top right corner.
RFI- The Request for Information Document will be available in the Qualification envelope and attachments tab. The closing date for responses to the RFI will be indicated here.
Value: |
Published: |
2025-01-17 |
Deadline: |
2025-01-17 |
Wipes for Surface Cleaning & Disinfection
NHS Supply Chain Operated by Supply Chain Coordination Ltd (SCCL)
The purpose of this notice is to draw attention to a procurement that NHS Supply Chain intends to
commence during the subsequent 12 months. The invitation to tender will be the subject of a separate notice and it is that notice to which potential suppliers will need to respond at the appropriate time.
NHS Supply Chain is currently considering the use of lots for this procurement. However, it reserves the right not to as part of any future tender process. Further information in respect of the lot strategy will be set out in the notice for the forthcoming procurement.
Please note this procurement will be conducted in accordance with the Procurement Act 2023 and the Procurement Regulations 2024.
The following will be mandatory requirements of the upcoming tender exercise:
- ISO 9001: 2015 accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (or equivalent) to cover all
segments of the Applicant’s and the product’s supply chain. This should include, but not be limited to, manufacturing, storage, and distribution. If Quality Assurance Standard certificates are not in the name of the Applicant, then the Applicant must supply a copy of agreements setting out the authority and responsibilities of all parties in the supply chain.
-Declaration of Conformity and UKCA Certification to demonstrate compliance to UK Medical Device
Regulations 2002 or Declaration of Conformity and CE Certification to demonstrate compliance to
Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC or Medical Device Regulation 2017/745 (where applicable).
- The Insurances set out below, evidence of which should be an Insurance Certificate or a
signed Broker’s letter.
> Employers Liability Insurance cover of £5m per claim in the name of the Applicant
> Public Liability Insurance cover of £5m per claim in the name of the Applicant
> Product Liability Insurance cover of £5m per claim in the name of the Applicant or £5m per claim and in the annual aggregate
- MHRA registration of any medical devices, in compliance with the Medical Devices Regulations 2022 (SI 2022 No 618, as amended) (UK MDR 2022).
- All Applicants for this future tender must have a compliant Carbon Reduction Plan to be considered for the Framework Agreement (PPN 06/21).
- All Applicants bidding to be on any NHS Supply Chain Frameworks must submit an Evergreen
Assessment as part of the tendering process. This must be completed annually.
- As a minimum (and further requirements may be set out in the tender documents), Applicants are
required to have a Modern Slavery Assessment (MSAT) completed within 12 months of the future tender close date (PPN 02/23).
As part of its pre-tender strategy, NHS Supply Chain would also like to engage with suppliers of these
products via a Request for Information (RFI). If you would like to complete the Request for Information,
please follow the below instructions:
Candidates wishing to complete the Request for Information must register their expression of interest.
The Request for Information document will then be sent via the Jaggaer Messaging Centre.
1. Use URL https://nhssupplychain.app.jaggaer.com// to access the NHS Supply Chain Procurement
2. If not yet registered:
- Click on the ‘Not Registered Yet’ link to access the registration page.
- Complete the registration pages as guided by the mini guide found on the landing page.
- Login with URL https://nhssupplychain.app.jaggaer.com//
- Click on “SQs Open to All Suppliers”.
- Find SQ_574 - RFI Wipes for Cleaning and Disinfection and click on the blue text.
- Click on the ‘EXPRESS INTEREST’ button in the top right corner.
- The Request for Information Document will be available in the Qualification envelope and attachments
- Responses to the RFI should be returned as an attachment to a message in the SQ.
Value: |
Published: |
2025-01-15 |
Deadline: |
2025-01-15 |
Central Venous Catheters and Associated Products
Supply Chain Coordination Ltd (SCCL)
The following certification will be a requirement of the upcoming tender exercise and Applicants may be required to include evidence of this within their tender submission.
- ISO 9001:2015 or equivalent externally accredited and up-to-date quality standard certificate(s) to cover all segments of the Applicant's (and the product's) supply chain. This should include but not be limited to manufacturing, storage, distribution, and customer service.
Further information in respect of certification requirements will be set out in the notice for the forthcoming procurement. If such certificates are not in the name of the Applicant then the Applicant must supply a copy of agreements setting out the authority and responsibilities of all parties in the supply chain and provide evidence of ISO9001:2015 or equivalent for all relevant parties in the supply chain.
- Public Liability Insurance cover of £5m per claim in the name of the Applicant
- Product Liability Insurance cover in the name of the Applicant of £5m per claim or £5m per claim and in the annual aggregate
- -Declaration of Conformity and UKCA Certification to demonstrate compliance to UK Medical Device
Regulations 2002 or Declaration of Conformity and CE Certification to d-Declaration of Conformity and UKCA Certification to demonstrate compliance to UK Medical Device Regulations 2002 or Declaration of Conformity and CE Certification to demonstrate compliance to Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC or Medical Device Regulation 2017/745 (where applicable).
If an Applicant commits to obtain ISO9001:2015 or equivalent quality standard certificate, Public Liability Insurance or Product Liability Insurance certification at the time of their tender submission then the requirement is that such certification is in place prior to the commencement date of the framework agreement.
The NHS has adopted PPN 06/20 (taking account of Social Value in the award of Government Contracts) 2022, and therefore this future Framework Agreement will include some qualitative evaluation questions on Social Value with a min. weighting of 10% towards the award. For more information on Social Value and to understand what's included in Social Value, please see:
In addition, from April 2023: the NHS will adopt the Government's 'Taking Account of Carbon Reduction Plans' (PPN 06/21) requiring all suppliers with new contracts for goods, services, and/or works with an anticipated contract value above £5 million per annum, to publish a carbon reduction plan for their direct emissions. From April 2024, the NHS will expand this requirement for all new contracts, irrespective of value. From April 2024, the NHS will expand this requirement for all new contracts, irrespective of value.
As part of its pre-tender strategy, NHS Supply Chain would also like to engage with suppliers of these products via a Request for Information (RFI). If you would like to complete the Request for Information document in respect of the products which are the subject of this procurement, then please follow the below instructions;
1. Use URL https://nhssupplychain.app.jaggaer.com// to access the NHS Supply Chain Procurement portal.
2. If not yet registered:
- Click on the 'Not Registered Yet' link to access the registration page.
- Complete the registration pages as guided by the mini guide found on the landing page.
Portal access.
If registration has been completed:
— Login with URL https://nhssupplychain.app.jaggaer.com// .
— Click on ITTs Open to All Suppliers.
— Select the following ITT:
ITT_1563 - Project_1201 - Central Venous Catheters and Associated Products 2026
Please note: you must respond to ITT_1563
— Click on Express Interest.
— If you intend to respond select Intend to Respond.
Value: |
Published: |
2025-01-15 |
Deadline: |
2025-01-15 |
Provision of Medical Insurance Broker at British High Commission Lusaka
Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office
1.3 The British High Commission (BHC) is looking for a suitable Medical Insurance Broker to procure and manage the Medical Insurance contract for the BHC's country-based staff and eligible dependants.
Value: |
Published: |
2025-01-15 |
Deadline: |
2025-01-15 |
Procurement of the delivery of cash entitlements and administration of the National Concessionary Fuel Scheme
British Oversea Territories
In March 1995, following privatisation of the coal industry, HM Government inherited a legal obligation to certain former employees of the coal industry to fulfil a contractual legacy entitlement to an amount of solid fuel or cash-in-lieu of that fuel.
The rules governing the entitlements are contained in fuel agreements originally put in place in the 1980s between British Coal Corporation and the Mining Unions and amended from time to time until privatisation.
The vast majority of qualifying individuals now choose the cash-in-lieu option (c22,000) with around 2,700 (October 2024) still receiving solid fuel. This number is declining in line with mortality rates.
The supplier shall manage all aspects of the National Concessionary Fuel Scheme.
It is a demand led contract based on decreasing numbers with a number of variables and uncertainties. A flexible service which allows for a decrease of the business and unpredicted changes in requirements is required.
The full requirements will be set out in the specification but will include:
- Payment of cash benefits - quarterly totalling c£28,000,000 (declining year on year)
- Management of entitlements through annual certificates
- General administration of services to Beneficiaries including correspondence relevant to the services
- Effective liaison with the solid fuel contractor - providing instructions to increase, reduce or stop solid fuel deliveries.
- Participation in the National Fraud Initiative; management and pursuit of fraud and error and overpayments/irrecoverable losses
- Management of data protection; cyber security and equalities compliance
Concessionaires are based in coalfield communities in the UK with high concentrations of individuals in South Wales and Northern England.
Expected timelines for this procurement via an open procurement:
Invitation to Tender - April 2025
Tender Closes - May 2025
Contract Award - August 2025
Contract Transition/Mobilisation - September 2025 - March 2026
Please note these timelines are indicative and may be subject to change.
This contract will be a 5 year contract, with an optional 3 year extension built into the contract. Duration in months: 60 months plus an optional extension of 36 months.
Total Value (excluding VAT) and including the optional extension period is £8 million.
Additional information:
Supplier questionnaire available through the Jaggaer link provided. Please complete all the below questions and submit via the Jagger Procurement Portal by 17/02/25.
Pending the Market Engagement questionnaire an online session may be held.
Value: |
8000000 |
Published: |
2025-01-15 |
Deadline: |
8000000 |
2025-01-15 |
Mediation and Neutral Evaluation Services
NHS Resolution
Provision of mediation and neutral evaluation services to NHSR for the resolution of disputes arising from personal injury and clinical negligence incidents and/or claims and the resolution of disputes arising from claims for legal costs.
Additional information:
To express interest and participate in the tender, please register and apply via Atamis e-sourcing portal https://health-family.force.com/s/Welcome.
Should Tenderers have any queries, or having problems using the portal, they should contact Helpdesk at:
Phone: 0800 9956035
E-mail: support-health@atamis.co.uk
Value: |
14300000 |
Published: |
2025-01-14 |
Deadline: |
14300000 |
2025-01-14 |
Online Legal Subscription 2025
United Kingdom
Transport for London
Transport for London (TfL) is undertaking an early market engagement exercise, by inviting potential suppliers to complete a Market Sounding Questionnaire (MSQ) for the Online Legal Subscription 2025.
Early Market Engagement process:
-Prior Information Notice
- Return: EoI & MSQ
- Potential to offer Supplier 1:1 Meetings
- Decision on next Steps
Prior Information Notice (PIN)
The PIN is the first stage of this Early Market Engagement, this is to inform the market of TfL's current strategy and business requirements for the Online legal subscription and how to register their interest and complete the MSQ linked below.
Expression of Interest (EOI)
To express an interest for this opportunity, interested bidders must confirm via: Emeliawilson@tfl.gov.uk by 17:00, 31st January 2025.
You must provide:
• Organisation Name
• Company Registration
• Key contact name
• Key contact email address
• Telephone Number
Market Sounding Questionnaire (MSQ)
The MSQ seeks to obtain feedback from the market in relation to the project and its requirements.
Interested parties are invited to complete the MSQ ( link below) and return their responses.
Any feedback received will be reviewed, analysed, and may be considered by the project team in developing any subsequent procurement strategy for any potential procurement activity.
Link to MSQ: https://forms.office.com/e/jzr87wprrw
Value: |
Published: |
2025-01-14 |
Deadline: |
2025-01-31 |
2025-01-14 |
2025-01-31 |
Skin Cleansing Disinfection and Hygiene 2025
NHS Supply Chain
The following certification will be a requirement of the upcoming tender exercise and Applicants may be required to include evidence of this within their tender submission.
- ISO 9001:2015 or equivalent externally accredited and up-to-date quality standard certificate(s) to cover all segments of the Applicant's (and the product's) supply chain. This should include but not be limited to manufacturing, storage, distribution, and customer service. Further information in respect of certification requirements will be set out in the notice for the forthcoming procurement. If such certificates are not in the name of the Applicant then the Applicant must supply a copy of agreements setting out the authority and responsibilities of all parties in the supply chain and provide evidence of ISO9001:2015 or equivalent for all relevant parties in the supply chain.
- Public Liability Insurance cover of £5m per claim in the name of the Applicant
- Product Liability Insurance cover in the name of the Applicant of £5m per claim or £5m per claim and in the annual aggregate
- -Declaration of Conformity and UKCA Certification to demonstrate compliance to UK Medical Device
Regulations 2002 or Declaration of Conformity and CE Certification to d-Declaration of Conformity and UKCA Certification to demonstrate compliance to UK Medical Device Regulations 2002 or Declaration of Conformity and CE Certification to demonstrate compliance to Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC or Medical Device Regulation 2017/745 (where applicable).
If an Applicant commits to obtain ISO9001:2015 or equivalent quality standard certificate, Public Liability Insurance or Product Liability Insurance certification at the time of their tender submission then the requirement is that such certification is in place prior to the commencement date of the framework agreement.
The NHS has adopted PPN 06/20 (taking account of Social Value in the award of Government Contracts) 2022, and therefore this future Framework Agreement will include some qualitative evaluation questions on Social Value with a min. weighting of 10% towards the award. For more information on Social Value and to understand what's included in Social Value, please see:
https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/procurement-policy-note-0620-taking-account-of-social-value-in-the-award-of-central-government-contracts. In addition, from April 2023: the NHS will adopt the Government's 'Taking Account of Carbon Reduction Plans' (PPN 06/21) requiring all suppliers with new contracts for goods, services, and/or works with an anticipated contract value above £5 million per annum, to publish a carbon reduction plan for their direct emissions. From April 2024, the NHS will expand this requirement for all new contracts, irrespective of value. From April 2024, the NHS will expand this requirement for all new contracts, irrespective of value.
As part of its pre-tender strategy, NHS Supply Chain would also like to engage with suppliers of these products via a Request for Information (RFI). If you would like to complete the Request for Information document in respect of the products which are the subject of this procurement, then please follow the below instructions;
1. Use URL https://nhssupplychain.app.jaggaer.com// to access the NHS Supply Chain Procurement portal.
2. If not yet registered:
- Click on the 'Not Registered Yet' link to access the registration page.
- Complete the registration pages as guided by the mini guide found on the landing page.
If registration has been completed:
- Login with URL https://nhssupplychain.app.jaggaer.com// .
- Click on "SQs Open to All Suppliers".
Value: |
Published: |
2025-01-13 |
Deadline: |
2025-01-13 |
EMPOWER - Strengthening access to Family Planning (FP) in the Private Sector
British Oversea Territories
Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) will be looking for a Supplier to provide deliver Component 3 of Empowering Women for Better Reproductive Health Outcomes (EMPOWER) Programme, which aims to contribute to creating a vibrant and self-sustaining private sector market for voluntary Family Planning (FP) services in Urban and Semi-urban areas in Uganda.
The Contract is anticipated to commence on 1 April 1, 2025, and run until no later than 31 March 2029 and the Contract value is up to £3,600,000. The budget is exclusive of UK VAT but includes all applicable local taxes.
The Contract will include the options of for further extension for up to two years and three months, if required and increase in value up to additional £1.8m, subject to evidence of effectiveness of interventions, internal approvals and the availability of funds.
The overall intended outcome is to contribute to creating a vibrant and sustainable Private sector market for FP commodities. This is expected to reduce donor reliance on FP commodities and services and ensure that both donor and Government of Uganda (GOU) services are prioritised for the most disadvantaged who would not be able to access FP services on their own. By enabling those with willingness and ability to pay, and channelling resources where they are needed the most, this component will improve the longer-term value -for -money (VFM) of the programme, particularly around economy and equity.
FCDO expects the private sector to play an increasing role in contributing to Uganda's targeted modern Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (mCPR) and to increase the share of FP service delivery covered by other funding sources beyond Government of Uganda (GOU) and donors, including, for example, out of pocket and health insurance.
Potential interventions are expected to address both demand and supply factors, and the delivery partner(s) are expected to test and scale up the most appropriate interventions.
The Terms of References (ToRs) should be read in conjunction with the EMPOWER Business Case, RISE endline Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices survey and the Terms of Reference for the Accountable Grant, which will be part of the tender documents to be published in the FCDO's eTendering Portal https://fcdo.bravosolution.co.uk under itt_6610.
Please note that this Opportunity will be tendered using procedure defined under regulations 74 to 76 of Section 7 Social and Other Specific Services of Chapter 3 Particular Procurement Regimes, Public Contract Regulations 2015, i.e. Light Touch Regime (LTR).
The procedure, the Negotiation with the Preferred Supplier is based on the principles of the Open Procedure up to the selection of Preferred Supplier who will be invited to the Negotiation step prior to the award of the Contract
Additional information:
Please note that the tender documents will be published in the FCDO's eTendering Portal https://fcdo.bravosolution.co.uk. You are encouraged to register in advance in case of any technical issues with the Portal. If you have any technical queries, please call eTendering helpdesk: +44 203 868 2859 or use the "Call me Back!" functionality (recommended, especially if contacting from outside of UK.
Value: |
3600000 |
Published: |
2025-01-11 |
Deadline: |
3600000 |
2025-01-11 |
Online Legal Subscription 2025
Transport for London
Please refer to section "II.2.4 Description of the procurement" for a full description of the process.
Expression of Interest (EOI)
To express an interest for this opportunity, interested bidders must confirm via: Emeliawilson@tfl.gov.uk by 17:00, 31st January 2025.
You must provide:
• Organisation Name
• Company Registration
• Key contact name
• Key contact email address
• Telephone Number
Market Sounding Questionnaire (MSQ)
The MSQ seeks to obtain feedback from the market in relation to the project and its requirements.
Interested parties are invited to complete the MSQ and return their responses.
Any feedback received will be reviewed, analysed, and may be considered by the project team in developing any subsequent procurement strategy for any potential procurement activity.
Link to MSQ: https://forms.office.com/e/jzr87wprrw
Value: |
Published: |
2025-01-10 |
Deadline: |
2025-01-10 |
Low Pay Commission Call for Research on the Impacts of the National Minimum Wage, including the National Living Wage, on Businesses for the 2025 Report
Low Pay Commission
The Low Pay Commission (LPC) invites tenders from researchers to identify and assess the impact of recent increases to the National Living Wage on businesses, and provide findings to us by September 2025 at the very latest.
The aim of this study is to gain a better understanding of the impact of minimum wages, especially the National Living Wage, on businesses. We are particularly interested in the impacts of the more recent increases.
This research will contribute to our understanding of how firms are adjusting to the NLW and will complement the tender for longer-term research on the impact on businesses (LPC2024/04).
Potential areas of investigation might include the impact of the NLW and how firms are responding/adapting in terms of: profits; productivity; capital investment; training; prices; contracts and outsourcing; hours and employment; and differentials and pay progression.
We are interested in firms' approaches to coping with the recent increases in the NLW, especially the increase of 6.7 per cent to £12.21 that will be implemented in April 2025. At the same time, the recently announced changes to employers' National Insurance Contributions will also come into effect.
This project will provide evidence of how firms are coping with the recent increases in the NLW, and how they vary sectorally, by size of firm, by geography, and type of ownership.
This research would ideally use firm-level data available for the same firms over time. It might want to compare the behaviour of firms before and after the increase in April 2025. We are also open to other approaches that can capture the impacts on businesses. The findings will contribute to our understanding of how firms are adjusting to the NLW.
The full requirement is set out in Schedule 07 of this Invitation to Tender (LPC2024/03). Further information can be found on our website https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/low-pay-commission-call-for-research-2025
You must submit your tender to tim.butcher@lowpay.gov.uk. It must arrive no later than 14:00 on 10 February 2025.
Value: |
50000 |
Published: |
2025-01-09 |
Deadline: |
50000 |
2025-01-09 |
Health and Safety e-learning modules programme
United Kingdom
London Borough of Southwark
Southwark Council is seeking a qualified training provider to develop and deliver health and safety e-learning modules. The goal is to enhance employees' understanding of workplace safety, ensure legal compliance and promote a culture of safety throughout the organisation.
We shall retain ultimate ownership of all e-learning modules developed, delivered, or customised under this procurement agreement to ensure our continued self-sufficiency and long-term sustainability. This ownership allows us to independently maintain, modify, and adapt the modules to meet our evolving needs.
Advert link below:
Value: |
75000 |
Published: |
2025-01-07 |
Deadline: |
75000 |
2025-01-07 |
CPG/8891/2024 Servicios de Broker y Seguro de Gastos Medicos para la Embajada Britanica en El Salvador
British Oversea Territories
Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office
The British Embassy in El Salvador is seeking to procure Broker and Medical Insurance Services for their Country Based Staff.
Value: |
Published: |
2025-01-02 |
Deadline: |
2025-01-02 |
Provision of Medical and Group Life insurance for Kenya Office
British Council
British Council would like to procure the services for the provision of Insurance Services: Medical and Group Life Insurance for British Council office located in Kenya. The requirements are provided in lots 1 and 2.
A provider may apply for the bid as a lot, or multiple lots. The British Council would make its selection decision (whether to go with each lot or a provider with multiple lots) the option that offers maximum value will be selected.
The contract has a possibility of extension up to 36 months.
Value: |
218000 |
Published: |
2024-12-30 |
Deadline: |
218000 |
2024-12-30 |
Provision of Medical and Group Life insurance for Kenya Office
British Council
Value: |
Published: |
2024-12-30 |
Deadline: |
2024-12-30 |
Provision and Management of Large Format Advertising at Cheyne Walk, London SW10
United Kingdom
Please note that this prior information notice (PIN) is to alert the supplier market to a possible future contract opportunity and not a means to submit a formal expression of interest at this stage. Any procurement requirement will be subject to the Public Contract Regulations. RBKC intends to engage a suitably qualified a provider for the provision, management, and maintenance of the large-format advertising site at 106 Cheyne Walk, London SW10. This site is a prime location within the Borough, offering significant potential for innovative and resilient advertising solutions. This opportunity seeks to maximise income generation for RBKC while ensuring sustainable, high-quality management of the site. The successful provider will demonstrate expertise in large-format advertising, innovative design approaches, and adherence to planning and environmental considerations. The project will include, but is not limited to: Designing, installing, and maintaining a large-format advertising structure(s). Ensuring compliance with local planning, environmental, and legal requirements. Developing a robust income-generation strategy, including direct sales, and partnerships. Proposing solutions that enhance site resilience, reduce maintenance needs, and align with the Borough's sustainability goals We intend to publish the Tender pack in January 2025 and at that point invite suppliers to express their interest and submit a proposal in accordance with the Tender pack requirements and submission dates. The tender aims to ensure overall: Delivery of a high quality, innovative and sustainable advertising solution Maximisation of revenue for the borough while ensuring compliance Enhancement of the environment and local community
Value: |
Published: |
2024-12-23 |
Deadline: |
2024-12-23 |
Legal Advisory and Representation Services
NHS Resolution
Value: |
Published: |
2024-12-23 |
Deadline: |
2024-12-23 |
Health and Safety e-learning modules programme
United Kingdom
London Borough of Southwark
Southwark Council is seeking a qualified training provider to develop and deliver health and safety e-learning modules. The goal is to enhance employees' understanding of workplace safety, ensure legal compliance and promote a culture of safety throughout the organisation.
We shall retain ultimate ownership of all e-learning modules developed, delivered, or customised under this procurement agreement to ensure our continued self-sufficiency and long-term sustainability. This ownership allows us to independently maintain, modify, and adapt the modules to meet our evolving needs.
Advert link below:
Value: |
75000 |
Published: |
2024-12-20 |
Deadline: |
75000 |
2024-12-20 |
Legal Services
London Universities Purchasing Consortium
Please note: this PIN is issued to engage the market. No spend will be guaranteed to awarded suppliers. This PIN is not issued as a call for competition. The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are defined as small or medium enterprises (SMEs). Selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement.
The Contracting Authority intends to use Mercell/EU Supply system for e-tendering (portal). Registration for this system can be found here:
Suppliers interested in the prior information notice and future tender can register to attend an online supplier engagement meeting on Thursday 16th January 2025 at 10:00 for 1 hours. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the proposed scope and structure of the framework, initial thoughts about the procurement strategy and choice of procurement route and other areas to ensure maximum competition in the tender process and how we can develop the pricing schedule(s) to enable clarity, transparency and fairness, whilst supporting members to achieve best value.
Any supplier who registers their interest in the PIN via EU Supply/Mercell will receive an invite to the event.
Joining instructions will be provided prior to the event.
Value: |
Published: |
2024-12-20 |
Deadline: |
2024-12-20 |
Health and Safety e-learning modules programme
United Kingdom
London Borough of Southwark
Southwark Council is seeking a qualified training provider to develop and deliver health and safety e-learning modules. The goal is to enhance employees' understanding of workplace safety, ensure legal compliance and promote a culture of safety throughout the organisation.
We shall retain ultimate ownership of all e-learning modules developed, delivered, or customised under this procurement agreement to ensure our continued self-sufficiency and long-term sustainability. This ownership allows us to independently maintain, modify, and adapt the modules to meet our evolving needs.
Value: |
75000 |
Published: |
2024-12-19 |
Deadline: |
75000 |
2024-12-19 |
Medical Insurance Services for the British Embassy Tashkent
Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office
Medical Insurance Services for the British Embassy Tashkent
Value: |
Published: |
2024-12-19 |
Deadline: |
2024-12-19 |
ENHT - Mount Vernon Cancer Centre Palliative Care Consultant Support
Welwyn Garden City
East & North Hertfordshire NHS Trust
People with progressive life-limiting illnesses require different levels of health and social care at different points in their illness. Apart from care and treatment specific to their underlying condition(s), they are likely to have needs that are often referred to as palliative or end of life care, especially as they approach the last year(s) of their lives.
Throughout their illness, sometimes episodically, for prolonged periods, they may require expert assessment, advice, appropriate and responsive care, and support from specialists in palliative care.
In addition to physical symptoms such as pain, breathlessness, nausea and fatigue, people who are approaching the end of life may experience anxiety, depression, social and spiritual distress. The proper management of these issues requires effective and collaborative, multidisciplinary working within and between core and specialist teams, whether the person is at home, in hospital or elsewhere.
Key components of a Palliative Care Specialist Service include:
• Specialist knowledge (specialist consultant and specialist nursing services as a minimum) to assess and manage physical, psychological, social, religious and spiritual needs to reduce symptoms, suffering and distress
• supporting analysis of complex clinical decision-making challenges where medical and personal interests are finely balanced by applying relevant ethical and legal reasoning alongside clinical assessment
• providing specialist advice, support, education and training to the wider care team who are providing direct core level palliative care to the person.
The Agreement is for the supply of:
• Remote Specialist Palliative Care Consultant support (Monday-Friday 09:00-17:00 / Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays 10:00-14:00)
• On-site support for more complex patient cases (Monday-Friday 09:00-17:00 / Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays 10:00-14:00)
• One clinic session per week (morning or afternoon session) with a mixed patient caseload of face to face and telephone consultations
• Attend and support a weekly Palliative Care / Symptom Control Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) meeting. This may be held remotely.
2.4 The majority of patients requiring remote / face to face palliative care specialist support will be inpatients on Ward 10 / 11 with symptom control support also required for some MVCC patients in the community.
Additional information:
This is a PIN Notice for the Intention to engage with potential suppliers who can provide this service for the trust.
The procurement process is subject to the Provider Selection Regime (PSR)
Please look at the attached specification for more details on the service requirements.
The provider must be able to fulfill all the service requirements stated within the Trust specification.
The deadline for response to OPT in is Friday 3rd Janaury 2025 at 12pm noon.
If you wish to OPT IN, please ensure this is communicated via the Atamis Portal.
Any questions relating to this should be sent via the Atamis Portal.
Value: |
Published: |
2024-12-19 |
Deadline: |
2025-01-03 |
2024-12-19 |
2025-01-03 |
Surgical Implants for Men’s and Women’s Health
NHS Supply Chain Operated by Supply Chain Coordination Ltd (SCCL)
The purpose of this notice is to draw attention to a procurement that NHS Supply Chain intends to commence during the subsequent 12 months. The invitation to tender will be the subject of a separate notice and it is that notice to which potential suppliers will need to respond at the appropriate time.
NHS Supply Chain is currently considering the use of Lots for this procurement. However, it reserves the right not to as part of any future tender process. Further information in respect of the Lot strategy will be set out in the notice for the forthcoming procurement.
The following certification will be a requirement of the upcoming tender exercise and Applicants may be required to include evidence of this within their tender submission:
- Cyber Essentials Plus Certificate or completion of an (ISTP) Questionnaire.
- ISO 9001: 2015 accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (or equivalent) to cover all segments of the Applicant’s and the product’s supply chain. This should include, but not be limited to, manufacturing, storage and distribution. If Quality Assurance Standard certificates are not in the name of the Applicant then the Applicant must supply a copy of agreements setting out the authority and responsibilities of all parties in the supply chain.
- Declaration of Conformity and UKCA Certification to demonstrate compliance to UK Medical Device Regulations 2002 or Declaration of Conformity and CE Certification Declaration of Conformity and UKCA Certification to demonstrate compliance to UK Medical Device Regulations 2002 or Declaration of Conformity and CE Certification to demonstrate compliance to Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC or Medical Device Regulation 2017/745 (where applicable) to demonstrate compliance to Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC or Medical Device Regulation 2017/745 (where applicable).
- MHRA registration of any medical devices, in compliance with the Medical Devices Regulations 2022 (SI 2022 No 618, as amended) (UK MDR 2022).
- The Insurance set out below, acceptable evidence of which should be an Insurance Certificate or a signed Broker’s letter.
> Employers liability Insurance cover of £5m per claim in the name of the Applicant
> Public Liability Insurance cover of £5m per claim in the name of the Applicant
> Product Liability Insurance cover in the name of the Applicant of £5m per claim or £5m per claim and in the annual aggregate
> Professional Indemnity Insurance cover of £5m in the name of the Applicant
NHS Supply Chain will assess the Applicant’s economic and financial standing (or that of the entity or entities the Applicant is relying upon). Documentary evidence of this will be required at tender stage.
All Applicants for this future tender must have a compliant Carbon Reduction Plan to be considered for the Framework Agreement (PPN 06/21).
This future Framework Agreement will include some qualitative evaluation questions on Social Value with a minimum weighting of 10% towards the award (PPN 06/20).
All Applicants bidding to be on any NHS Supply Chain Frameworks must submit an Evergreen Assessment as part of the tendering process. This must be completed annually, and the maturity score will be valid for 12 months.
As a minimum (and further requirements may be set out in the tender documents), Applicants are required to have a Modern Slavery Assessment (MSAT) completed within 12 months of the future tender close date (PPN 02/23).
NHS Supply Chain expects to provide successful suppliers with the opportunity to offer additional savings to customers through the provision of discounted pricing, value added offerings and commitment/bulk buy initiatives.
Value: |
Published: |
2024-12-19 |
Deadline: |
2024-12-19 |
City Estate Properties - Fire Insurance Re Valuations
United Kingdom
City of London Corporation
The City's Estate Properties are generally subject to standard inflationary pressures and comprise Residential, Retail, Office, Hotel, Pub, Museum, Recording Studio, Light Industrial, Warehouse uses and range in size from approximately 144m2 to approximately 67,800m2. There are currently 128 properties requiring revaluation, however, please note that there could be omissions or additions to that list during the contract period should the status of any property change. For a list of these properties and their general attributes see Appendix B - List of Properties & General Information.
Value: |
115000 |
Published: |
2024-12-16 |
Deadline: |
115000 |
2024-12-16 |
Provision and Management of Large Format Advertising at Cheyne Walk, London SW10
United Kingdom
Please note that this prior information notice (PIN) is to alert the supplier market to a possible future contract opportunity and not a means to submit a formal expression of interest at this stage. Any procurement requirement will be subject to the Public Contract Regulations. RBKC intends to engage a suitably qualified a provider for the provision, management, and maintenance of the large-format advertising site at 106 Cheyne Walk, London SW10. This site is a prime location within the Borough, offering significant potential for innovative and resilient advertising solutions. This opportunity seeks to maximise income generation for RBKC while ensuring sustainable, high-quality management of the site. The successful provider will demonstrate expertise in large-format advertising, innovative design approaches, and adherence to planning and environmental considerations. The project will include, but is not limited to:
> Designing, installing, and maintaining a large-format advertising structure(s).
> Ensuring compliance with local planning, environmental, and legal requirements.
> Developing a robust income-generation strategy, including direct sales, and partnerships.
> Proposing solutions that enhance site resilience, reduce maintenance needs, and align with the Borough's sustainability goals We intend to publish the Tender pack in January 2025 and at that point invite suppliers to express their interest and submit a proposal in accordance with the Tender pack requirements and submission dates. The tender aims to ensure overall:
> Delivery of a high quality, innovative and sustainable advertising solution
> Maximisation of revenue for the borough while ensuring compliance
>Enhancement of the environment and local community
Value: |
Published: |
2024-12-16 |
Deadline: |
2024-12-16 |
T1115 - UMAL Insurance Broker
UMAL needs to secure the services of a UK-based insurance broker with experience, expertise and capacity to act as an intermediary between UMAL and the insurance market (i.e. insurers, reinsurers, and other risk financing institutions). The broker will be required to assist with insurance needs of UMAL which include:
a. Placing Insurance risks with insurers (both local and international)
b. Ensuring adequate insurance for all UMAL exposures
c. Providing wholesale insurance broking services for HMSL on behalf of its Members
d. Covering the entity risks of UMAL, which includes
i. Office Insurance and related covers
ii. Professional Indemnity
iii. Directors and Officers for UMAL Directors and officers
iv. Crime
v. Cyber
Value: |
125000000 |
Published: |
2024-12-13 |
Deadline: |
125000000 |
2024-12-13 |
Forensics Advocacy Service
East London NHS Foundation Trust
Statutory advocacy is required when service users are legally entitled to an advocate. This applies to all inpatients in the Forensic Service and also too many community patients, due to them being subject to the Mental Health Act (1983). For this reason, an Independent Mental Health Act Advocate (IMHA) service is provided to patients of the ELFT Forensic Service by The Advocacy Project, which is commissioned by London Borough of Hackney. If a service user has been assessed as having a lack of mental capacity in relation to making a specific decision about their lives, a best interests decision is made under the Mental Capacity Act and this is supported by an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate, as required within the Mental Capacity Act (2015), which is also provided by The Advocacy Project. Finally, Care Act Advocacy is provided by The Advocacy Project in relation to the Care Act (2014).
Additional advocacy can be provided outside the above legal frameworks. This can be provided to all service users, whether or not the above legislation applies to them. Additional advocacy can be provided by a paid advocate or volunteer. Many providers of statutory advocacy are able to offer additional advocacy and have the relevant skills and experience to do so effectively.
Additional advocacy can be provided either on an individual or group basis, in order to support service users in being able to speak up for themselves. This could support longer-term advocacy support and help service users in speaking out in meetings, accompanied if needed, and writing letters to raise concerns and complaints.
East London NHS Foundation Trust wishes to sub-contract a provider to provide an additional Advocacy Service for the Forensic Directorate.
Additional information:
To express interest and participate in the tender, please register and apply via Atamis e-sourcing portal https://health-family.force.com/s/Welcome.
Should Tenderers have any queries, or having problems using the portal, they should contact Helpdesk at:
Phone: 0800 9956035
E-mail: support-health@atamis.co.uk
Value: |
120000 |
Published: |
2024-12-13 |
Deadline: |
120000 |
2024-12-13 |
Insurance Services- Pyramid Plus South LLP
United Kingdom
A2Dominion Housing Group Ltd (A2D) on behalf of Pyramid Plus South LLP
This Tender is for the provision of an insurance brokerage service on behalf of Pyramid Plus and, specifically for: Insurance Services including Contractors All Risk, Employers Liability, Professional Indemnity and Excess Public Liability where required. Pyramid Plus South LLP (Pyramid Plus) is a joint venture responsive repairs company providing general maintenance, responsive repairs and planned and packaged repairs to A2D. Ownership is based on 70% A2D and 30% Mears, a prove contractor.
Value: |
300000 |
Published: |
2024-12-12 |
Deadline: |
300000 |
2024-12-12 |
Insurance Services- Pyramid Plus South LLP
A2Dominion Housing Group Ltd (A2D) on behalf of Pyramid Plus South LLP
The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement.
For more information about this opportunity, please visit the Delta eSourcing portal at:
To respond to this opportunity, please click here:
GO Reference: GO-20241212-PRO-28869223
Value: |
Published: |
2024-12-12 |
Deadline: |
2024-12-12 |
Property Insurance Quotations in respect of Leasehold Properties excluding Broker Services
United Kingdom
London Borough of Haringey ("the Council") invites tenders for the provision of its property insurance in respect of private dwellings sold on a leasehold basis, the majority of these were under the Right To Buy (RTB) legislation. The dwellings are flats in blocks and flats in houses (maisonettes) where the Council still retain the freehold ownership and in some case the leases may state that the Council, as the Freeholder, will arrange the buildings insurance on behalf of the Leaseholder and recharge the premium as part of the Service Charge. Other flats in some blocks have not been sold (Council tenanted) and are separately insured so insurance cover for these flats are not required.
Invitation to Tender documentation for this opportunity will be available on Haringey Procurement and Contract System (HPCS) e-sourcing portal, which can be accessed using the below link:
Click on 'Open Opportunities' and follow the instructions on screen.
The Portal is free of charge - to register please click on 'Register Here' and complete the account registration form. Once registered, log in and select 'Join Opportunity'. If already registered, Tenderers do not need to register again and may simply use their existing usernames and passwords.
Late submissions will not be accepted. The e-portal system will shutdown at 10:00am, 13th January 2025 and any un-submitted bids not registered to the system at this time will not be accepted.
Value: |
15000000 |
Published: |
2024-12-11 |
Deadline: |
15000000 |
2024-12-11 |
Property Insurance Quotations in respect of Leasehold Properties excluding Broker Services
Value: |
Published: |
2024-12-11 |
Deadline: |
2024-12-11 |
VTN - DIRECT AWARD - NOT OPEN - Contract for Potentially Fraudulent COVID Loan Application Investigation (open cases)
United Kingdom
Department for Business and Trade
Following a Request for Proposal, Submission, Review and Negotiation DBT intends to direct award a contract to NATIS (The National Investigation Service) to continue to deliver an enforcement function for DBT in relation to Bounce Back Loans. During the Covid-19 pandemic, DBT (formerly BEIS) guaranteed ~£46bn through the Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS) via the British Business Bank. Ministers are keen to see action taken to recover the fraudulently taken loans.
Natis currently provide the service and DBT is looking to award a new contract from expiry of the current one 31st March 2025 to NATIS to ensure continuation of the services in respect of cases which are already open. This contract will not include submitting new cases to NATIS. Options in respect of new cases or cases where investigations have not yet begun are being considered by DBT. The requirement covered by the new contract will be for 3 further years activity (plus 3 options of 6 month consecutive extensions).
There are 169 open cases, some of which include Serious Organised Crime (SOC). DBT requires NATIS to continue with the existing caseload and recover funds that have been fraudulently obtained in the BBLS.
This procurement is for a contract to cover a three-year service provision (plus 3 options of 6 month consecutive extensions) for continuation of investigations into cases already opened (169) of potentially fraudulent COVID loan applications.
The service provided by NATIS under this requirement constitutes the following activity sets:
• Assessment of high graded potentially fraudulent loans to identify potential for investigation
• Investigation of those loans, including forensic accounting, private investigation and compilation of cases with evidence to support a prosecution (or identify no fraud)
• Submission of cases identified as fraudulent through the investigations to the Crown Prosecution Service
• Support cases through court
• Report on outcome of court cases
• Receive money due as a result of court instructions
• Issue Account Freezing Orders as required.
• Undertake POCA confiscation activity for cases which end in a guilty verdict, where appropriate
• Share intelligence with other government departments and law enforcement agencies as necessary to support wider disruption.
Additional information: DBT proposes to award the contract to NATIS, a department of Thurrock Council using the Direct Award with Negotiation procedure without prior publication of a contract notice under regulation 32(2)(b)(ii) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 because competition is absent for technical reasons.
DBT considers that it is able to rely on this ground for the following reasons:
• NATIS is key to the enforcement of wrongdoing for Bounce Bank Loans; they build evidence for CPS-led prosecutions of people who are suspected of committing fraud on BBLS, including a focus on Serious Organised Crime.
• The provider of the required services needs to be listed in Schedule 1 of The Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (References to Financial Investigators) (England and Wales and Northern Ireland) Order 2021 limiting the pool of providers available.
• DBT reasonably believe that there are no alternative suppliers listed in Schedule 1 with the capability or capacity to deliver this requirement which relates only to cases where investigations have already started
• DBT informally approached a number of the Schedule 1 organisations who confirmed they would not be able to deliver the required services because of the risks involved in taking on live cases part way through the enforcement process.
• Acceptance of cases for prosecution by CPS is less likely with interrupted or transferred lines of investigation as would be the case with the introduction of a new supplier.
• DBT reasonably believes that a new supplier would need to recommence investigations from zero in order to establish continuity of investigation which would impact delivery of service and recovery of the fraudulent loans.
Having consulted the Public Sector Fraud Authority and others DBT is of the view that introducing a new supplier at this stage would carry serious risk to the continuity of evidence and risks serious difficulties in DBT and/or NATIS complying with its legal obligations under the disclosure regime under the Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996. If case failures were to take place the Department is at financial risk of paying compensation claims for restrained or frozen accounts and adverse legal costs in failed or otherwise impacted prosecutions (including wasted costs). DBT consider these technical reasons to justify the use of the Direct Award with Negotiation procedure without prior publication of a contract notice under regulation 32(2)(b)(ii)
Value: |
45000000 |
Published: |
2024-12-10 |
Deadline: |
45000000 |
2024-12-10 |
UKEF Overseas Investment Insurance (OII) Product Development
United Kingdom
Overseas Investment Insurance (OII) is UK Export Finance's (UKEF) political risk insurance product. The product is designed to enable UK-based investors to insure their overseas enterprise against losses caused by political risks in the host country, and is only available where insurance cannot be obtained from the private sector. After a period of limited OII enquiries and no new deals underwritten for several years, UKEF is seeking input from a political risk insurance expert to work with UKEF's product development team to refresh OII. This would involve:
• providing options / recommendations on Policy coverage wording (including explaining the consequences of including/excluding certain coverage)
• producing written materials (such as guides or checklists) on how to underwrite OII proposals and handle claims
• producing and giving training to generalist and specialist staff
• providing any other advice or guidance that would allow staff to underwrite, risk assess, renew, pay claims on and make recoveries on OII Policies
An opportunity to learn more about UKEF's requirements will be held in the next few weeks. If you are interested in supplying this service to UKEF, please email Commercial@ukexportfinance.gov.uk
Value: |
Published: |
2024-12-10 |
Deadline: |
2024-12-17 |
2024-12-10 |
2024-12-17 |
Provision of Legal Services to Capital City College
Capital City College Group
Please see the Guidance document within the tender pack.
Value: |
Published: |
2024-12-09 |
Deadline: |
2024-12-09 |
Insurance London Consortium (ILC) - Terrorism Insurance
London Borough of Croydon
Croydon Council, as lead authority for the Insurance London Consortium (ILC), is seeking to engage a contractor for the provision of terrorism insurance services with a start date of 1 April 2025.
The Consortium members taking part in this tender consist of the following London Borough Councils:
Lot 1 - London Borough of Camden
Lot 2 - Croydon Council
Lot 3 - Haringey Council
Lot 4 - Harrow Council http
Lot 5 - Islington Council
Lot 6 - Lambeth Council
Lot 7 - Tower Hamlets
The duration of the contract: Two years
Additional information: Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No
Value: |
Published: |
2024-12-09 |
Deadline: |
2024-12-09 |
Provision of Legal Services to Capital City College
Capital City College Group
The purpose of this tender process is to formalise an agreement for the provision of professional legal services, with a key emphasis on employment tribunal services. It is intended that the process will reduce overall contract expenditure; support contract efficiencies and delivery performance through the ability to foster value-added relationships over time.
Additional information:
Full and unrestricted access to tender documents can be obtained via https://www.in-tendhost.co.uk/educationportal/aspx/Home
Please read the Guidance document before starting an application and note the Teams even to be held at 11.30am on 06.01.25. To register please send the names and emails of proposed attendees via the correspondence function of In-tend.
Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : Yes
Value: |
1800000 |
Published: |
2024-12-09 |
Deadline: |
1800000 |
2024-12-09 |
2024 Civil Re-Opening
United Kingdom
The Legal Aid Agency
The Legal Aid Agency (LAA) is inviting Tenders for contracts to deliver civil legal aid services under the 2024 Standard Civil Contract ("2024 Civil Contract") which runs from 1 September 2024 to 30 June 2026 (subject to rights of early termination and the LAA's right to extend by up to 26 months).
The LAA intends to award contracts under this process to commence as soon as possible after the Verification process as described in this Application Guide is complete. Depending on the circumstances, the date on which an individual Applicant, where its Tender is successful, may commence work under the 2024 Standard Civil Contract ("Service Commencement Date") may be several months from the date of Tender submission and relies on the provision of timely and accurate information by Applicants. Inaccurate or incomplete evidence may delay the issuing of a contract.
The "Application Guide", sets out the process and rules for applying for a 2024 Standard Civil Contract under the procurement process opening on 4 December 2024. Applicants must read this Application Guide and the additional information provided in the linked documents in full before submitting a Tender.
There are an unlimited number of 2024 Standard Civil Contracts available.
Application Period
The LAA intends that the Application Period will remain open until, or around, 31 December 2025 and organisations may tender at any point within this period. The LAA reserves the right to amend the Application Period, including closing the procurement opportunity, at its sole discretion.
Where Applicants are rejected from the procurement process, they will generally be able to submit a new Tender at any point whilst the Application Period remains open.
This exercise will cover the following Categories of Law:
- Family.
- Housing and Debt and Welfare Benefits.
- Immigration and Asylum (including work at Immigration Removal Centres (IRCs).
- Mental Health.
- Community Care.
- Claims Against Public Authorities.
- Clinical Negligence.
- Public Law.
- Family Mediation.
- Education; and
- Discrimination.
All organisations that meet the minimum contract requirements can tender to deliver services under a 2024 contract. You do not need to be a current legal aid provider to tender for this opportunity.
All organisations that successfully tender will be awarded a 2024 contract and there is no limit to the number of 2024 contracts that may be awarded under this process.
Applicants must review the following documents which set out the complete rules of the additional 2024 procurement process and should be read in the following order:
- Selection Questionnaire Invitation to Tender (SQ ITT);
- 2024 Standard Civil Contract Application Guide
- Category Specific Information;
- 2024 Standard Civil Contract;
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - published periodically
All Tenders must be completed and submitted using the eTendering system, accessed through: https://legalaid.bravosolution.co.uk
Value: |
Published: |
2024-12-04 |
Deadline: |
2024-12-04 |
Provision of Medical and Group Life Insurance at the British High Commission Nairobi
Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office
BHC Nairobi, is looking for a suitable Medical and Group Life (Inclusive of WIBA 24 hours cover) Insurance Service Provider to provide full (100%) medical insurance cover for staff and eligible dependents
Value: |
Published: |
2024-12-04 |
Deadline: |
2024-12-04 |
Provision of Medical and Group Life Insurance at the British High Commission Nairobi
Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office
Value: |
Published: |
2024-12-04 |
Deadline: |
2024-12-04 |
Artificial Limbs, Components and Associated Products 2025
NHS Supply Chain Operated by Supply Chain Coordination Ltd (SCCL)
The purpose of this notice is to draw attention to a procurement that NHS Supply Chain intends to commence during the subsequent 12 months. The invitation to tender will be the subject of a separate notice and it is that notice to which potential suppliers will need to respond at the appropriate time.
The following certification will be a requirement of the upcoming tender exercise and Applicants may be required to include evidence of this within their tender submission:
- ISO 9001: 2015 accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (or equivalent) to cover all segments of the Applicant’s and the product’s supply chain. This should include, but not be limited to, manufacturing, storage and distribution. If Quality Assurance Standard certificates are not in the name of the Applicant then the Applicant must supply a copy of agreements setting out the authority and responsibilities of all parties in the supply chain.
- Declaration of Conformity and UKCA Certification to demonstrate compliance to UK Medical Device Regulations 2002 or Declaration of Conformity and CE Certification to d-Declaration of Conformity and UKCA Certification to demonstrate compliance to UK Medical Device Regulations 2002 or Declaration of Conformity and CE Certification to demonstrate compliance to Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC or Medical Device Regulation 2017/745 (where applicable).
- MHRA registration of any medical devices, in compliance with the Medical Devices Regulations 2022 (SI 2022 No 618, as amended) (UK MDR 2022).
- The Insurance set out below, acceptable evidence of which should be an Insurance Certificate or a signed Broker’s letter.
> Employers liability Insurance cover of £5m per claim in the name of the Applicant
> Public Liability Insurance cover of £5m per claim in the name of the Applicant
> Product Liability Insurance cover of £5m in the name of the Applicant
NHS Supply Chain will assess the Applicant’s economic and financial standing (or that of the entity or entities the Applicant is relying upon). Documentary evidence of this will be required at tender stage.
NHS Supply Chain will be assessing Sustainability and Social Value requirements as part of the upcoming tender process:
> Carbon reduction Plan – All suppliers of new contracts for goods, services and works are required to publish a Carbon Reduction Plan (CRP) (PPN 06/21). This will be a pass/fail requirement at SQ stage of the upcoming tender.
> Social Value Requirements – All procurements will include a minimum 10% net zero and social value weighting. Questions in the upcoming tender will form part of the Non-Financial criteria. Should the upcoming tender be identified as Medium or High risk in relation to modern slavery, a pass/fail requirement will be implemented in relation to a Modern Slavery Social Value question.
>Evergreen Assessment – All Suppliers are required to complete an Evergreen Supplier Assessment. This will be a pass/fail requirement at SQ stage of the upcoming tender.
> NHS England Supplier Roadmap – The NHS net zero supplier roadmap sets out the steps suppliers must take to align wit the NHS net zero ambition between now and 2030.
> Modern Slavery – All suppliers must complete and maintain an up-to-date Modern Slavery Assessment Tool (MSAT) as a minimum requirement (PPN 02/23). This will be a pass/fail requirement at SQ stage of the upcoming tender.
NHS Supply Chain expects to provide successful suppliers with the opportunity to offer additional savings to customers through the provision of discounted pricing, value added offerings and commitment/bulk buy initiatives.
As part of its pre-tender strategy, NHS Supply Chain anticipates engaging with suppliers of these products via an expression of interest. Please follow the guidance below:
- Login with URL https://nhssupplychain.app.jaggaer.com//
- Click on “SQs Open to All Suppliers
Find SQ_564
Value: |
Published: |
2024-12-02 |
Deadline: |
2024-12-02 |
Basic PAYE Tool and Paper Capture Tool
Real Time Information Basic PAYE Tools (BPT) downloadable desktop application
BPT is a software product with English and Welsh text that provides the ability for small employers to create their own Employer Database to support and streamline many of the basic day-to-day requirements of maintaining a payroll system. BPT provides for employers to operate their payroll digitally and submit their payroll information to HMRC in the following employer submissions:
-RTI Full Payment Submission (FPS)
-RTI Employer Payment Summary (EPS)
-NINO Verification Request (NVR)
-Earlier Year Update (EYU) (support only)
BPT is an end-to-end payroll system, compatible with current supported desktop operating systems, which is provided by HMRC to employers (with 9 live or fewer employees) to ensure legal compliance and enables businesses to accurately calculate, record and report PAYE tax, National Insurance, Student and Postgraduate Loans, statutory payments, and employer records, correct digital submission mistakes, produce payslips and much more.
As we retain the Intellectual Property, we expect the selected supplier to potentially rebuild and/or modernize the tool throughout the duration of the contract.
BPT can be downloaded and guidance found at the following links:
Paper Capture Tool (PCT) desktop application
A software product that provides the ability for HMRC Operators to capture information from paper submissions, plus supports the Operators ability to submit the following employer paper submissions:
-RTI Full Payment Submission (FPS)
-RTI Employer Payment Summary (EPS)
-Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) Updates
As we retain the Intellectual Property, we expect the selected supplier to update the application annually and modernise throughout the duration of the contract.
Value: |
Published: |
2024-12-02 |
Deadline: |
2024-12-02 |
Local Democracy Reporting Service (LDRS) - 2025 Supplier Applications
British Oversea Territories
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
A key component of the BBC's public purpose mission is to ensure that audiences can engage fully with major local issues, essential to democracy, keeping audiences informed and holding local authority to account. The BBC works with the local news industry to improve the provision of local journalism and is now conducting a competitive procurement for the reselection of 'Suppliers' for the Local Democracy Reporting Service across the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man, to deliver the recruitment of 165 journalists, employed by local news providers, across 118 Contract Areas.
A 'Supplier' receives the free content generated through the Local Democracy Reporting Service, News Hub and Shared Data Unit, and employs one or more of the Local Democracy Reporters to report on local democratic institutions in the relevant Contract Area(s) including county councils, unitary authorities and metropolitan boroughs in the UK.
IMPORTANT: It is a Condition of this Procurement that Bidder's MUST have achieved BBC LNP 'Partner' status to be eligible to submit a response to this ITT.
The application process to become a Partner Organisation occurs on a rolling basis and further information with details how to apply can be found at https://www.bbc.com/lnp/partners/how-to-apply/
Organisations that do not currently hold 'Partner' status will need to have submitted their application to become a BBC LNP 'Partner' via ttps://www.bbc.com/lnp/partners/how-to-apply/ by 3rd January 2025 at 14.00 UK Time and had this approved to be eligible to submit a response to this ITT by the Tender Response Deadline.
Organisations which currently hold current 'Partner' status can submit their response to the ITT ahead of the Tender Response Deadline without having to re-apply to become a Partner for the purpose of this procurement.
The ITT Tender Response Deadline is 16th January 2025 at 14.00 UK Time
The initial contract term will run for a period of 30 months. Contracts may be extended for up to an additional 30 months to 30th June 2030.
Additional information:
MPORTANT: It is a Condition of this Procurement that Bidder's MUST either be
i) a current BBC LNP 'Partner' or
ii) have submitted their application to be a BBC LNP 'Partner' by 14.00 on 3rd January 2025
to be able to submit a response to this ITT by the submission deadline. Please refer to: https://www.bbc.com/lnp/partners/how-to-apply/
Where there is more than one economic operator, the BBC reserves the right to require a grouping of economic operators to take a particular legal form or to require a single economic operator to take primary liability or to require that each party undertakes joint and several liability.
Please register your interest in this project by taking the following steps: 1 - Register your company on the Jaggaer eSourcing portal (this is only required once): 1.1 Go to https://bbc.bravosolution.co.uk 1.2 - Click the link on the login page to register. 1.3 Accept the terms and conditions and click 'Continue'. 1.4 - Enter your correct business and user details. 1.5 - Note the username you chose and click 'Save' when complete. 1.6 - You will shortly receive an email with your temporary password. 2 - Express an interest in the tender: 2.1 - Login to the portal with the username/password. 2.2 - Click the 'PQQs/ITTs Open to all Suppliers' link. (These are Pre-Qualification Questionnaires or Invitations to Tender open to any registered supplier). 2.3 - Click on the relevant PQQ/ITT to access the content. 2.4 - Click the 'Express Interest' button at the top of the page. This will move the PQQ/ITT into your 'My PQQs/My ITTs page. (This is a secure area reserved for your projects only. 2.5 - You can now access any attachments by clicking 'Buyer Attachments' in the 'PQQ/ITT Details' box. 3. Responding to the tender: 3.1 - Click 'My Response' under PQQ/ITT Details', you can choose to 'Create Response' or to 'Decline to Respond' (please give a reason if declining). 3.2 - You can now use the 'Messages' function to communicate with the buyer and seek any clarification. 3.3 - Note the deadline for completion, and then follow the onscreen instructions to complete the PQQ/ITT. There may be a mixture of online and offline actions for you to perform (there is detailed online help available). 3.4 You must then submit your reply using the 'Submit Response' button at the top of the page. If you require any further assistance, please consult the online help, or contact the Jaggaer eSourcing help desk.
Value: |
32500000 |
Published: |
2024-12-02 |
Deadline: |
32500000 |
2024-12-02 |
DPS for audit services for opted-in eligible bodies in England
British Oversea Territories
Public Sector Audit Appointments Ltd
Text to be corrected in the original notice:
Place of text to be modified: Estimated total value:
Instead of: 80,000,000
Read: 998,000,000
Other additional information: The dynamic purchasing system will run for up to 8 years, expected to commence in May 2022. Potential bidders should seek independent legal and commercial advice in relation to the potential value of the opportunity as a whole. PSAA reserves the right to disqualify potential bidders where there is an actual or potential conflict of interest. Potential bidders will be required to complete and return the Conflict of Interest Declaration as part of its selection questionnaire response.
The procurement will establish a dynamic purchasing system to appoint auditors to cover the audits of the accounts (as per the Code of Audit Practice) of eligible bodies across England that opt in for the purposes of the appointment of auditors under the provisions of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 and the requirements of the Local Audit (Appointing Person) Regulations 2015. Eligible entities include local councils, combined authorities, police and crime commissioners, police, fire and crime commissioners, chief constables, fire and rescue authorities, waste authorities, passenger transport executives and national park authorities.
Value: |
80000000 |
Published: |
2024-11-29 |
Deadline: |
80000000 |
2024-11-29 |
Online Brand Protection Services - Early Market Engagement
United Kingdom
Transport for London
Transport for London (TfL) are issuing this PIN notice to invite interested suppliers to undertake Early Market Engagement activities in the form of supplier 1-2-1s in relation to Online Brand Protection Services.
This is not a call for competition, it is being used as a medium to carry out market engagement, identify interested parties that have the potential to meet the requirements and to better understand the market capabilities.
This PIN is issued solely for the purposes of market engagement. No information contained within this PIN, or provided during and for this, or any other, market engagement exercise, constitutes any commitment by TfL or any member of the TfL group or any of their stakeholders to undertake any procurement exercise in the future.
Requirement description:
TfL require protection of our portfolio of brands across the internet. The services we will require are the following:
-Scanning the web and online marketplaces to search for any brand infringements
-Taking down any sites that infringe TfL's brand
-Provide service reviews with the IPR manager, along with TfL's chosen brand licensing agents (and potentially TfL legal) to review progress on at least a quarterly basis
This service would need to monitor the following areas:
-UK & Global Market Places
-UK & Global Websites
-Mobile apps
-Social Media (including but not limited to X (formally twitter), Tik Tok, Facebook....
This service would need to cover protection of the following brands:
-Transport for London (TfL)
-London Underground (LU)
-Roundel (all circle and bar devices under which are Trade Marked by TfL, we can provide up to date list of these, including visuals).
-Mind the Gap (both the words and the visuals)
-Heritage Posters, Moquette's, Routemaster & Johnston Fonts (full list & images can be provided)
-The Tube Map
-Oyster Card (word mark)
-Oyster Card (visual mark)
Additional information: 1) If you wish to register an interest, please send an email before 5pm on the January 2, 2025, clearly stating 'Online Brand Protection Services EOI' in the subject line to laviniatidyjones@tfl.gov.uk including the following information:
• Name of Contact,
• Name of Organisation,
• Details of the company's website providing further information about the company.
• Email address,
• Telephone contact number.
The 1-2-1 session is likely to take place via Microsoft Teams and will last for one hour. The session will include an overview of TfL's requirements, the opportunity for the supplier to outline their service offering, and to conclude with pre-planned questions.
The 1-2-1 session will take place between 8 - 14 January 2025. Suppliers will be provided with their day and time slot by close of play January 3, 2025.
2) This is not a call for competition, it is being used as a medium to carry out market engagement, identify interested parties that have the potential to meet the requirements and to better understand the market capabilities.
This PIN is issued solely for the purposes of market engagement. No information contained within this PIN, or provided during and for this, or any other, market engagement exercise, constitutes any commitment by TfL or any member of the TfL group or any of their stakeholders to undertake any procurement exercise in the future.
Value: |
Published: |
2024-11-27 |
Deadline: |
2025-01-02 |
2024-11-27 |
2025-01-02 |
Legal Service Planning and Consents
Restoration & Renewal Delivery Authority Ltd
Value: |
Published: |
2024-11-22 |
Deadline: |
2024-11-22 |
Provision of Medical Insurance Brokerage Services to British High Commission Kuala Lumpur
British Oversea Territories
Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office
Provision of Medical Insurance Brokerage Services to High Commission Kuala Lumpur.
Additional information:
All Tender documentation will be published, and all substantive communication between The Authority and bidders will be conducted via the FCDO's eProcurement Portal JAGGAER.
Value: |
275905 |
Published: |
2024-11-21 |
Deadline: |
275905 |
2024-11-21 |
Supply of Specified Pathogen Free (SPF) Eggs to APHA (Re-Tender)
British Oversea Territories
Animal & Plant Health Agency (APHA)
APHA is an executive agency working on behalf of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra), Scottish Government and Welsh Government. APHA's role is to safeguard animal health and welfare as well as public health, protect the economy and enhance food security through research, surveillance and inspection.
APHA's range of responsibilities includes statutory work for the United Kingdom (UK) government for disease control through surveillance activities, research and consultancy. A number of these animal related research and surveillance activities, such as vaccine development and identification of types of disease, require Eggs to provide tissues, embryos and live birds. It is important that these Eggs are free of specified pathogens or extraneous agents, as they could cause infection or contaminate the work. In addition, there is a legal requirement that Eggs used in the production and quality controls of vaccines are free from specified pathogens.
The successful supplier shall supply Eggs (from Flocks) which comply with the current European Pharmacopoeia 5.2.2 Chicken Flocks free from Specified Pathogens for the Production and Quality Control of Vaccines and must be accredited to International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001 (or equivalent for the country the supplier operates in) and follow Good Manufacture Practice. Evidence of ISO accreditation shall be provided to APHA annually by the supplier. Further information on the overall requirement can be found within the Bidder Pack - Specification document.
Value: |
495000 |
Published: |
2024-11-21 |
Deadline: |
495000 |
2024-11-21 |
Provision of Medical Insurance Brokerage Services to British High Commission Kuala Lumpur
Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office
Value: |
Published: |
2024-11-20 |
Deadline: |
2024-11-20 |
Early Market Engagement for Property agency services - Legal Services Board
United Kingdom
Legal Services Board
The Legal Services Board are seeking to engage with a qualified property agent to assist in locating, negotiating, and securing an office space by summer 2025.
Our goal is to find a strategic partner with expertise in commercial property, who can support our requirements and provide insight into the current office market.
This engagement is intended to assess the market, understand available services, and gauge the interest of property agents in this potential upcoming opportunity.
Property agents are requested to provide the following information:
1. Company Profile: Brief overview of the agency, including size, areas of specialization, and notable clients.
2. Relevant Experience: Examples of similar projects or clients that demonstrate expertise in sourcing and negotiating office space.
3. Service Approach: Outline of your approach to identifying suitable properties, negotiating terms, and providing client support throughout the process.
4. Market Insights: Any insights or trends you foresee in the current market that may impact our search or acquisition process.
5. Fee Structure: Typical fee structures or cost models (percentage of lease, flat rate, etc.) for property acquisition services.
6. Additional Information: Any other information or recommendations you feel may be relevant to this engagement.
Please see the attachment for further information.
All responses are to be emailed to tenders@legalservicesboard.org.uk by noon, Wednesday 26th November.
Value: |
Published: |
2024-11-15 |
Deadline: |
2024-11-26 |
2024-11-15 |
2024-11-26 |
Legal Services Market Engagement
Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd
Value: |
Published: |
2024-11-08 |
Deadline: |
2024-11-08 |
Cross Justice Secure Mail (2026)
British Oversea Territories
Ministry of Justice
This requirement relates to the provision of national secure email, file encryption and disaster recovery service within the Ministry of Justice and participating Contracting Authorities across England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland. The Authority is seeking a supplier to design, build and transition (including data migration) from the existing Cross Justice Secure Mail (previously known as Criminal Justice Secure eMail) ("CJSM") (the "Implementation Phase") and to manage and maintain the Cross Justice Secure Mail as a new system (the "Live Phase").
CJSM has been in operation for over 20 years and enables OFFICIAL information to be communicated between assured organisations, both in the public and private sector, such as the Crown Prosecution Service, victim support organisations, the police, probation, legal representatives, private prisons, and others.
The service supports a large number of users, user organisations and communications:
- over 10,000 connected organisations
- over 12,000 connected domains
- over 478,000 active users per annum
- over 52,000,000 electronic messages relayed each year
The estimated total value of the Contract is £26,000,000 including implementation costs and the live service. The actual value of the Contract will depend on a number of influencing factors including:
a) the prices tendered by the successful Bidder;
b) the implementation plan tendered by the successful Bidder;
c) whether any extension options are applied;
d) whether any of the optional services are taken up by the Ministry of Justice and participating Contracting Authorities across England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland during the term of the Contract.
In the first instance, interested suppliers must request a copy of the Authority's Non-Disclosure Agreement by sending an email to:
In response to such emails, suppliers will be sent a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) via Adobe e-sign, which must be signed electronically before the supplier will be able to access further details of the opportunity via the Authority's Jaggaer eSourcing Portal, the URL address of which is below:
If suppliers have not yet registered on the e-Sourcing Portal, this can be done online by following the URL address above. Suppliers must be registered on the Authority's Jaggaer eSourcing to participate in the opportunity.
To participate in the opportunity, Tenderers must submit a Selection Questionnaire response meeting the relevant requirements set out in the Instructions to Tenderers by the time limit for receipt of expressions of interest in IV2.2. This is the deadline for the response.
All Selection Questionnaire responses and Tenders are to be submitted via the Authority's Jaggaer eSourcing Portal, in accordance with the instructions set out in the Instructions to Tenderers.
Value: |
26000000 |
Published: |
2024-11-08 |
Deadline: |
26000000 |
2024-11-08 |
Insulin Pumps, Continuous Glucose Monitoring, Products Contributing to the Delivery of Hybrid Closed Loop Pathways and Associated Products
NHS Supply Chain Operated by Supply Chain Coordination Ltd (SCCL)
The following certification will be a requirement of the upcoming tender exercise and Applicants may be required to include evidence of this within their tender submission.
-ISO 9001:2015 accredited by United Kingdom Accreditation or equivalent externally accredited and up-to-date quality standard certificate(s) covering all segments of the Applicant's (and the product's) supply chain. This should include but not be limited to manufacturing, storage, distribution and customer service. If such certificates are not in the name of the Applicant then the Applicant must supply a copy of agreements setting out the authority and responsibilities of all parties in the supply chain and provide evidence of ISO9001:2015 or equivalent for all relevant parties in the supply chain.
-Public Liability Insurance cover of £5m per claim in the name of the Applicant
-Product Liability Insurance cover in the name of the Applicant of £5m per claim or £5m per claim and in the annual aggregate
-Declaration of Conformity and UKCA Certification to demonstrate compliance to UK Medical Device Regulations 2002 or Declaration of Conformity and CE Certification to demonstrate compliance to Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC or Medical Device Regulation 2017/745 (where applicable).
-MHRA Registration number.
If an Applicant commits to obtain ISO9001:2015 or equivalent quality standard certificate, Public Liability Insurance or Product Liability Insurance certification at the time of their tender submission then the requirement is that such certification is in place prior to the commencement date of the framework agreement (in order for NHS Supply Chain to place orders with the successful Applicant).
NHS Supply Chain will be assessing Sustainability and Social Value requirements as part of the upcoming tender process:
> Carbon reduction Plan – All suppliers of new contracts for goods, services and works are required to publish a Carbon Reduction Plan (CRP) (PPN 06/21). This will be a pass/fail requirement at SQ stage of the upcoming tender.
> Social Value Requirements – This future Framework Agreement will include some qualitative evaluation questions on Social Value with a minimum weighting of 10% towards the award (PPN 06/20).
> Evergreen Assessment – Suppliers bidding to be on any NHS Supply Chain Frameworks must have an Evergreen Assessment which has been completed within 12 months prior to the tender close date. Suppliers must complete the assessment annually and the maturity score will be valid for 12 months. This will be a pass/fail requirement at SQ stage of the upcoming tender.
> NHS England Supplier Roadmap – The NHS net zero supplier roadmap sets out the steps suppliers must take to align with the NHS net zero ambition between now and 2030.
> Modern Slavery – All Suppliers are required to have a Modern Slavery Assessment Tool (MSAT) completed within 12 months prior to the tender close date in line with PPN 02/23. The MSAT score must be 41% or above. This will be a pass/fail requirement at SQ stage of the upcoming tender.
For further important information on how NHS Supply Chain will assess Sustainability and Social Value requirements as part of the upcoming tender process please refer to SQ_561 Note 1.1.3 - 'Important Information Sustainability and Social Value Requirements for the upcoming tender process'
1.Use URL https://nhssupplychain.app.jaggaer.com// to access the NHS Supply Chain Procurement portal.
2.If not yet registered:
- Click on the ‘Not Registered Yet’ link to access the registration page.
- Complete the registration pages as guided by the mini guide found on the landing page.
If registration has been completed:
- Login with URL https://nhssupplychain.app.jaggaer.com//
- Click on “SQs Open to All Suppliers”
- Find SQ_561 RFI Insulin Pumps and click on the blue text.
Select Express interest
Value: |
Published: |
2024-11-07 |
Deadline: |
2024-11-07 |
104247 National Anti-Doping Panel
Department for Culture, Media and Sport
DCMS have recently published our intention to invite tender response for a contract that may be of interest to you.
The Contract is for 104247 National Anti-Doping Panel
The National Anti-Doping Panel (NADP) is an independent panel of legal and non-legal members established to determine anti-doping disputes in sport in the United Kingdom. The role and responsibility of the National Anti-Doping Panel (NADP) is to make its President and/ or one or more of its members (as set out in the NADP Procedural Rules) available to hear and determine charges brought against Athletes and/or Athlete Support Personnel alleging violation of the UK Anti-Doping Rules, as well as any related applications and/or appeals.
To obtain further information, including all documentation, please follow these steps:
1. Log in to the supplier portal at http://dcms.my.site.com/
2. You must register on this site to respond. If you are already registered you will not need to register again, simply use your existing username and password.
3. Locate the opportunity in the 'Opportunities' or 'My Proposals and Quotes' section(s)
4. Download the ITT, SQ and draft Contract for review
5. Click 'Accept' if you wish to respond
6. Upload your response before the deadline
If you cannot see the opportunity after following the above, please contact support@atamis.co.uk who are able to assist with any project access issues or any log-in/ registration issues.
Note there is an opportunity to attend a Bidders Briefing on 08 November 2024, if you would like to attend please follow the instructions in the ITT and respond through the Atamis e-portal.
Kind Regards,
DCMS Commercial
Value: |
1600000 |
Published: |
2024-11-04 |
Deadline: |
1600000 |
2024-11-04 |
Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office
Value: |
Published: |
2024-11-01 |
Deadline: |
2024-11-01 |
Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office
Value: |
310000 |
Published: |
2024-11-01 |
Deadline: |
310000 |
2024-11-01 |
Mobile Telephony Services
United Kingdom
300 lines to include:
• Unlimited UK voice minutes.
• Unlimited UK SMS messages.
• Data to include one of the following options:
o Shared monthly UK data pool of 1 TB.
o 10 x lines to include unlimited UK data, 290 to include a minimum of 70 GB monthly UK data.
o Unlimited data on all lines.
• International Roaming Packages for Europe and International.
Our service users are predominately UK-based, so great UK coverage is essential as is access to Wi-Fi calling.
All billing should be managed through an online portal, with reports available per line and per cost centre. The online portal should also support basic tasks such as requesting new phone numbers and managing SIM card swaps.
Technical Considerations
The number of lines is approximate and may increase or decrease as our operations require.
All handsets at IUK Business Connect are Apple iPhone 11 or 12. We expect to upgrade some devices to newer Apple iPhone models during the contract term, but a hardware fund should not be included within the application. 5G should be included for all lines.
The successful application shall include support to transition end-users to the new service, if needed. This transition will include the provision of new, compatible SIM cards at no additional cost.
Roaming requirements vary per user, so submitted applications must include detail on what packages are available and any fees / charges applicable for international roaming in Europe and Internationally.
Term and Expiry Date
Services will be contracted for a minimum of 24 months and no more than 36 months. The contract will start on 1st January 2025.
In response to this Statement of Works, please provide the information listed below:
• A completed copy of the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire.
• Initial schedule of costs to include:
o Monthly charge per line or per tariff
o Any allowances and caps, with out-of-allowance charges
o International roaming, per zone, country or territory
o Any rollover/carryover of allowances.
• A short narrative explaining how you will support our users to transition to the new service, if applicable.
• Details of your customer support services including hours of contact, and any billing portal / reports.
• Legal information, such as your terms and conditions.
Please provide the information requested above to callum.bowdrey-roberts@iukbc.org.uk by 30th November 2024 at the latest. Submissions will be assessed on an ongoing basis until this date.
Principle Contact
Please direct any questions or communications on this Invitation to Tender to: callum.bowdrey-roberts@iukbc.org.uk
Value: |
160000 |
Published: |
2024-10-31 |
Deadline: |
160000 |
2024-10-31 |
Legal Service Planning and Consents
United Kingdom
Restoration & Renewal Delivery Authority Ltd
Forming part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Palace of Westminster is one of the most recognisable buildings in the world. The Delivery Authority has been established for the purpose of restoring and renewing this Grade I listed building to preserve it for future generations.
The Palace of Westminster Restoration and Renewal Programme (R&R Programme) is the biggest heritage restoration project ever undertaken in the UK. It offers suppliers, service providers and contractors a unique opportunity to contribute towards saving the seat of parliamentary democracy.
The Delivery Authority was established in 2020 pursuant to the Parliamentary Buildings (Restoration and Renewal) Act 2019 (as amended by The Parliamentary Works Sponsor Body (Abolition) Regulations 2022) (the 'Act') to perform the functions set out in section 3(4) of the Act: (i) to formulate proposals relating to the Palace restoration works during phase one of the R&R Programme and, (ii) to carry out the works during phase two of the R&R Programme. The Corporate Officers of the House of Commons and the House of Lords (acting jointly) have overall responsibility for the Parliamentary building works under the Act and are the sole member and guarantor of the Delivery Authority.
The Delivery Authority is seeking to appoint a provider of specialist legal services in the field of legal planning and consents (Services) to support the Delivery Authority in securing the necessary planning and other consents to deliver the R&R Programme. The scope of the Services is further detailed in the Selection Questionnaire Pack (SQP) and Find a Tender Service (FTS) notice.
The Corporate Officers of the House of Commons and the House of Lords are named users under the agreement.
The Delivery Authority intends to invite 5 Candidates to tender for the Contract and to appoint a single Supplier. Further information on the evaluation methodology can be found in the SQP.
Additional information:
1) To express interest in the Contract, Candidates must complete the SQ on the Jaggaer system at - https://rrparliament.app.jaggaer.com strictly in accordance with the SQP and by the SQ Response Deadline stated in the SQP. Please note that the SQ Response Deadline is a precise time and Candidates should allow sufficient time to upload their SQ Responses.
2) A Candidate may be a single organisation or a Consortium. Each Candidate must submit how this organizational structure will work in a single SQ application representing the Consortium. A single economic operator may only apply once, whether as a single Candidate or as a party to a Consortium. Candidates should note that this restriction does not apply to subcontractors. See further SQP Section [3].
3) Words in this Contract Notice with initial capital letters are defined in the SQP (see Table [1.3] Glossary).
4) Candidates are required to download the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) from the portal before they will be given access to the procurement documents. The NDA must be submitted as a correspondence and a declaration must also be submitted, stating that the NDA has not been modified. Access to the procurement documents will not be granted until the signed NDA has been received. For further assistance contact commercial@r-r.org.uk. Shortlisted Bidders' personnel may be required to be security cleared to view tender documentation.
5) The Delivery Authority is the main user of this Contract but it may also be used by the Corporate Officer of the House of Lords and the Corporate Officer of the House of Commons.
6) Section II.2.6) (Estimated value): The estimated value includes the total of the scope as described in SQP Appendix A (Scope).
7) Section II.2.7) (Duration of the contract): The term of the Contract will be for an initial term of 5 years (60 months) although the Delivery Authority reserves the right to extend the term of the Contract for up to a further 2 years (24 months) to make a maximum possible term of 7 years (84 months).
8) Candidates and Tenderers shall be solely responsible for and liable for all costs associated with and arising out of or in connection with responding to this contract notice and any SQ and with submitting any tender, howsoever incurred.
9) Successful tenderers will need to be compliant with the R&R Programme's standards and policies as identified in the SQP.
Value: |
4000000 |
Published: |
2024-10-31 |
Deadline: |
4000000 |
2024-10-31 |
Reusable Clinical Waste Containers 2026
NHS Supply Chain Operated by Supply Chain Coordination Ltd (SCCL)
The purpose of this notice is to draw attention to a procurement that NHS Supply Chain intends to commence during the subsequent 12 months. The invitation to tender will be the subject of a separate notice and it is that notice to which potential suppliers will need to respond at the appropriate time.
The following certification will be a requirement of the upcoming tender exercise and Applicants may be required to include evidence of this within their tender submission.
If an Applicant commits to obtain ISO9001:2015 or equivalent quality standard certificate, Public Liability Insurance or Product Liability Insurance certification at the time of their tender submission then the requirement is that such certification is in place prior to the commencement date of the framework agreement (in order for NHS Supply Chain to place orders with the successful Applicant).
The Framework Agreement will be between NHS Supply Chain and the Supplier, however 1) NHS Supply Chain, 2) any NHS Trust; 3) any other NHS entity; 4) any government department, agency or other statutory body and/or 5) any private sector entity active in the UK healthcare sector will be able to enter into a direct contract with the Supplier for any of the supplies and/or services under the Framework.
All Applicants for this future tender must have a compliant Carbon Reduction Plan to be considered for the Framework Agreement (PPN 06/21).
This future Framework Agreement will include some qualitative evaluation questions on Social Value with a minimum weighting of 10% towards the award (PPN 06/20).
All Applicants bidding to be on any NHS Supply Chain Frameworks must submit an Evergreen Assessment as part of the tendering process. This must be completed annually, and the maturity score will be valid for 12 months.
As a minimum (and further requirements may be set out in the tender documents), Applicants are required to have a Modern Slavery Assessment (MSAT) completed within 12 months of the tender close date (PPN 02/23).
As part of its pre-tender strategy, NHS Supply Chain would also like to engage with suppliers of these products via a Request for Information (RFI). If you would like to complete the Request for Information document in respect of the products which are the subject of this procurement then please follow the below instructions;
Candidates wishing to complete the Request for Information must register their expression of interest. The Request for Information document will then be sent via the Jaggaer Messaging Centre.
1. Use URL https://nhssupplychain.app.jaggaer.com// to access the NHS Supply Chain Procurement portal.
2. If not yet registered:
- Click on the ‘Not Registered Yet’ link to access the registration page.
- Complete the registration pages as guided by the mini guide found on the landing page.
If registration has been completed:
- Login with URL https://nhssupplychain.app.jaggaer.com// .
- Click on “SQs Open to All Suppliers”.
-Find SQ_559 - RFI - Reusable Clinical Waste Containers and click on the blue text. Select Express interest.
- The Request for Information Document will then be sent to you via the Jaggaer Messaging Centre.
- Applicants will then have 4 weeks from the dispatch of this notice to complete and return the Request for Information document.
Value: |
Published: |
2024-10-30 |
Deadline: |
2024-10-30 |
The Supply of a National Framework for Legal Services to Police Forces, Police and Crime Commissioners
Metropolitan Police Service
Value: |
Published: |
2024-10-29 |
Deadline: |
2024-10-29 |
Angiography and Hybrid Capital Equipment and Services
NHS Supply Chain Operated by Supply Chain Coordination Ltd (SCCL)
The purpose of this notice is to draw attention to a procurement that NHS Supply Chain intends to commence during the subsequent 12 months. The invitation to tender will be the subject of a separate notice and it is that notice to which potential suppliers will need to respond at the appropriate time.
The following certification will be a requirement of the upcoming tender exercise and Applicants may be required to include evidence of this within their tender submission:
- ISO 9001: 2015 or BS EN ISO 13485:2016 accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (or international equivalent) to cover all segments of the Applicant’s and the product’s supply chain. This should include, but not be limited to, manufacturing, storage and distribution. If Quality Assurance Standard certificates are not in the name of the Applicant then the Applicant must supply a copy of agreements setting out the authority and responsibilities of all parties in the supply chain.
- Declaration of Conformity and UKCA Certification to demonstrate compliance to UK Medical Device Regulations 2002 or Declaration of Conformity and CE Certification to Declaration of Conformity and UKCA Certification to demonstrate compliance to UK Medical Device Regulations 2002 or Declaration of Conformity and CE Certification to demonstrate compliance to Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC or Medical Device Regulation 2017/745 (where applicable).
- MHRA registration of any medical devices, in compliance with the Medical Devices Regulations 2022 (SI 2022 No 618, as amended) (UK MDR 2022).
- The Insurance set out below, acceptable evidence of which should be an Insurance Certificate or a signed Broker’s letter.
> Employers liability Insurance cover of £5m per claim in the name of the Applicant
> Public Liability Insurance cover of £5m per claim in the name of the Applicant
> Product Liability Insurance cover of £5m per claim in the name of the Applicant
> Professional Indemnity Insurance cover of £5m per claim in the name of the Applicant
NHS Supply Chain will be assessing Sustainability and Social Value requirements as part of the upcoming tender process:
> Carbon reduction Plan – All suppliers of new contracts for goods, services and works are required to publish a Carbon Reduction Plan (CRP) (PPN 06/21). This will be a pass/fail requirement at SQ stage of the upcoming tender.
> Social Value Requirements – All procurements will include a minimum 10% net zero and social value weighting. Questions in the upcoming tender will form part of the Non-Financial criteria.
>Evergreen Assessment – All Suppliers are required to complete an Evergreen Supplier Assessment. This will be a pass/fail requirement at SQ stage of the upcoming tender.
> NHS England Supplier Roadmap – The NHS net zero supplier roadmap sets out the steps suppliers must take to align wit the NHS net zero ambition between now and 2030.
> Modern Slavery – All suppliers must complete and maintain an up-to-date Modern Slavery Assessment Tool (MSAT) as a minimum requirement (PPN 02/23). This will be a pass/fail requirement at SQ stage of the upcoming tender.
As part of its pre-tender strategy, NHS Supply Chain anticipates engaging with suppliers of these products via an expression of interest and a Request for Information (RFI). Please follow the guidance below:
1. Use URL https://nhssupplychain.app.jaggaer.com// to access the NHS Supply Chain Procurement portal.
2. If not yet registered:
- Click on the ‘Not Registered Yet’ link to access the registration page.
- Complete the registration pages as guided by the mini guide found on the landing page.
If registration has been completed:
- Login with URL https://nhssupplychain.app.jaggaer.com//
- Click on “SQs Open to All Suppliers”.
- Find SQ_560 - RFI - Angiography and Hybrid Capital Equipment and Services and click on the blue text. Select Express interest.
Value: |
Published: |
2024-10-29 |
Deadline: |
2024-10-29 |
Legal Service Planning and Consents
Restoration & Renewal Delivery Authority Ltd
1) To express interest in the Contract, Candidates must complete the SQ on the Jaggaer system at - https://rrparliament.app.jaggaer.com strictly in accordance with the SQP and by the SQ Response Deadline stated in the SQP. Please note that the SQ Response Deadline is a precise time and Candidates should allow sufficient time to upload their SQ Responses.
2) A Candidate may be a single organisation or a Consortium. Each Candidate must submit how this organizational structure will work in a single SQ application representing the Consortium. A single economic operator may only apply once, whether as a single Candidate or as a party to a Consortium. Candidates should note that this restriction does not apply to subcontractors. See further SQP Section [3].
3) Words in this Contract Notice with initial capital letters are defined in the SQP (see Table [1.3] Glossary).
4) Candidates are required to download the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) from the portal before they will be given access to the procurement documents. The NDA must be submitted as a correspondence and a declaration must also be submitted, stating that the NDA has not been modified. Access to the procurement documents will not be granted until the signed NDA has been received. For further assistance contact commercial@r-r.org.uk. Shortlisted Bidders’ personnel may be required to be security cleared to view tender documentation.
5) The Delivery Authority is the main user of this Contract but it may also be used by the Corporate Officer of the House of Lords and the Corporate Officer of the House of Commons.
6) Section II.2.6) (Estimated value): The estimated value includes the total of the scope as described in SQP Appendix A (Scope).
7) Section II.2.7) (Duration of the contract): The term of the Contract will be for an initial term of 5 years (60 months) although the Delivery Authority reserves the right to extend the term of the Contract for up to a further 2 years (24 months) to make a maximum possible term of 7 years (84 months).
8) Candidates and Tenderers shall be solely responsible for and liable for all costs associated with and arising out of or in connection with responding to this contract notice and any SQ and with submitting any tender, howsoever incurred.
9) Successful tenderers will need to be compliant with the R&R Programme’s standards and policies as identified in the SQP.
Value: |
Published: |
2024-10-28 |
Deadline: |
2024-10-28 |
Provision of AI Consultancy
The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) is developing a strategy to respond to the opportunities presented by AI in enhancing its business processes. The increasing number of arrests, the increasing volume of data and growing live caseload is putting considerable pressure on the criminal justice system. We need to develop new ways of working if we're to build public confidence in the system.
To pursue AI at scale, the CPS needs to make a compelling business case to the Treasury, as part of the Spending Review process. This will give CPS the resources it needs to deliver its core functions over the next 3 years. There has been a strong focus on increasing productivity in public services, which we expect to form part of what's prioritised in the Spending Review. We believe that a compelling business case for investment in AI can enable the CPS to transform.
We have developed a small number of proofs of concept to demonstrate to senior leaders what's possible through AI: using Microsoft Co-pilot to support back-office productivity; to provide legal advice to prosecutors; to support the drafting of letters to victims of crime and to enable prosecutors to explore case material submitted by Police Officers. We now need to translate this into a strategy to transform our business model.
This opportunity is only available to those suppliers that have been shortlisted on the CCS RM6200 Artificial Intelligence framework. These suppliers have been notified via email to register on the CPS e-sourcing portal to access the ITT.
Value: |
100000 |
Published: |
2024-10-24 |
Deadline: |
100000 |
2024-10-24 |
Homeless Patients Legal Advocacy Service (HPLAS)
SEL ICB (Lewisham & Greenwich)
Value: |
Published: |
2024-10-23 |
Deadline: |
2024-10-23 |
2025 Standard Crime Contract Stage 2
United Kingdom
The Legal Aid Agency
The Legal Aid Agency (LAA) is inviting Applicants to submit a Tender for a 2025 Standard Crime Contract ("Crime Contract") to deliver publicly funded criminal legal aid services from 1 October 2025.
Applicants wishing to deliver criminal legal aid services under a Crime Contract must submit a response to the SQ for 2025 Standard Crime Contracts - Stage 2 and the 2025 Standard Crime Contract ITT - Stage 2.
This application period opens on 23 October 2024. The LAA intends that the application period will remain open until on, or around, 30 September 2034, subject to the right of early termination. The second stage of the process will open on 23 October 2024 and close on 30 April 2025 and is for those who wish their contract to commence on 1 October 2025 and to be able to join duty rotas that commence in January 2026. The third stage will open on 1 May 2025 and will close on, or around, 30 September 2034.
The deadline for submitting a Tender in the second stage is 23:59 on 30 April 2025.
You must read the Application Guide (AG) document for this procurement process before submitting your Tender.
The AG and supporting documents can be downloaded from GOV.UK: Crime Contract 2025 Tender - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Value: |
1800000000 |
Published: |
2024-10-23 |
Deadline: |
1800000000 |
2024-10-23 |
Homeless Patients Legal Advocacy Service (HPLAS)
United Kingdom
N E L Commissioning Support Unit
Homeless Patients Legal Advocacy Service (HPLAS)
The service primary objective is to increase access to legal advice for up to 30 homeless patients attending UHL, QEH hospitals and Ladywell unit at UHL (e.g. within outpatients, A&E departments and beyond), to address their pressing legal issues, primarily in the fields of immigration, housing and welfare benefits (which are often inter-linked).
The secondary objective is to offer workshops on legal topics chosen by hospital teams
To offer consultancy support to enable teams to progress a further 30 cases and make appropriate referrals into the provider where needed
The service is currently provided by the Southwark Law Centre who are contracted to provide specialist legal advice to adults who attend UHL, QEH and Ladywell unit and who are identified as having housing issues or homelessness that risks breakdown in discharge arrangements or follow-up engagement for medical and health care needs.
The delivered service increased access to legal advice and onward support services to patients identified to have legal issues due to homelessness or other complicating issues and improved health outcomes through earlier, more effective interventions and reduction in admissions and length of hospital stay.
Prospective Bidders are requested to review the contents of the guidance document carefully, register their organisation, and express their interest in the RfQ via the e-tendering portal Atamis system (Health Family).
RfQ documentation can be accessed following initial registration and expression of interest via the e-tendering portal:
If you have not yet registered on Atamis, please do this as soon as possible.
You can register here: https://health-family.force.com/s/Welcome
For advice or support in registering please contact the Atamis helpdesk:
Phone: 0800 9956035
E-mail: support-health@atamis.co.uk
two.2.14) Additional informationII.2.14) Additional information
Prospective Bidders are requested to review the contents of the guidance document carefully, register their organisation, and express their interest in the RfQ via the e-tendering portal Atamis system (Health Family). RfQ documentation can be accessed following initial registration and expression of interest via the e-tendering portal:
If you have not yet registered on Atamis, please do this as soon as possible.
You can register here: https://health-family.force.com/s/Welcome
For advice or support in registering please contact the Atamis helpdesk:
Phone: 0800 9956035
E-mail: support-health@atamis.co.uk
Additional information: Prospective Bidders are requested to review the contents of the guidance document carefully, register their organisation, and express their interest in the RfQ via the e-tendering portal Atamis system (Health Family). RfQ documentation can be accessed following initial registration and expression of interest via the e-tendering portal:
If you have not yet registered on Atamis, please do this as soon as possible.
You can register here: https://health-family.force.com/s/Welcome
For advice or support in registering please contact the Atamis helpdesk:
Phone: 0800 9956035
E-mail: support-health@atamis.co.uk
Value: |
406785 |
Published: |
2024-10-23 |
Deadline: |
406785 |
2024-10-23 |
Specialist Services Framework - Request for Information
Financial Services Compensation Scheme
For more information about this opportunity, please visit the Delta eSourcing portal at:
To respond to this opportunity, please click here:
GO Reference: GO-20241021-PRO-28220427
Value: |
Published: |
2024-10-21 |
Deadline: |
2024-10-21 |
Insurance and Associated Services
Crescent Purchasing Consortium Limited
Value: |
Published: |
2024-10-17 |
Deadline: |
2024-10-17 |
Exploring Challenges and Innovation Opportunities for Public Space in Urban Commercial Real Estate
United Kingdom
Connected Places Catapult
Connected Places Catapult is looking to commission research to help inform our strategies related to public space in urban CRE developments.
Introduction and Context
Public spaces are essential for creating vibrant, inclusive, and sustainable urban environments. They play a critical role in fostering social cohesion, enhancing community well-being, and supporting local economic growth, while also contributing to environmental sustainability. Despite their significance, public spaces are often deprioritised in urban CRE development due to legal and financial constraints, or overshadowed by other pressing priorities, such as the need for affordable housing or environmental measures. Simultaneously, technology advancements, growing economic uncertainty, and shifting societal dynamics are reshaping both the nature and function of public spaces.
In this context, the Catapult is looking to commission one or more research studies to explore the challenges and opportunities for innovation in public space within the urban CRE sector in the UK, and where relevant, including insights and best practices from other countries. This research would provide vital evidence and insights that will help the Catapult support innovation in how public spaces are designed, delivered, and used within CRE, for enhanced social, environmental, and economic outcomes.
If interested, please register at link below if not already registered and Express an Interest on this project and you will be able to download the tender documents - https://procontract.due-north.com/Register
Additional information:
If interested, please register at link below if not already registered and Express an Interest on this project and you will be able to download the tender documents - https://procontract.due-north.com/Register
Value: |
20000 |
Published: |
2024-10-16 |
Deadline: |
20000 |
2024-10-16 |
Brokerage, Provision and Management of Insurance Requirements for the General Lighthouse Authorities (GLA's)
Corporation of Trinity House
The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement.
To view this notice, please click here:
GO Reference: GO-20241016-PRO-28124159
Value: |
Published: |
2024-10-16 |
Deadline: |
2024-10-16 |
Brokerage, Provision and Management of Insurance Requirements for the General Lighthouse Authorities (GLA's)
British Oversea Territories
Corporation of Trinity House
The Corporation of Trinity House on behalf of itself and the other General Lighthouse Authorities (GLAs) of the United Kingdom and The Republic of Ireland invites potential tenderers to submit a proposal for the brokerage, provision and management of insurance requirements for the GLAs between 2025 - 2028, with possible extensions to 2030. This will require the successful tenderer to place, and thereafter manage, the GLAs' protection and indemnity and war risk insurance requirements, as described in the General Lighthouse Authorities' Register of Major Insurances and Trinity House Non-Marine Insurances from 20th February 2025 and the other insurances as described in the register from 1st April 2025. The General Lighthouse Authorities' Register of Major Insurances and Trinity House Non-Marine Insurances will be included as an annex to the Invitation to Tender. It is anticipated that the tender will result in a fixed price brokerage contract for three years, with an option to extend the contract for a further period of 12 months and a subsequent 12 months thereafter, at the GLAs' sole discretion.
Value: |
7900000 |
Published: |
2024-10-16 |
Deadline: |
7900000 |
2024-10-16 |
AM_357 - MEX - General Lawyers Services
British Council
The supplier will be working on the provision of services related to legal services in Mexico in accordance with the terms and conditions established in the present document, contracts annexes and the requirements contained in the Scope of Work established by the British Council. For both subsidiaries and the branch under the auspices of the British Embassy 100% of services are required
Additional information:
It is open to any vendor that may provide the services in Mexico. Please note the contract dates are approximations at this stage
If you are interested in expressing an interest and/or bidding for this project, please go to https://in-tendhost.co.uk/britishcouncil . You may then have to register your company before you can express an interest for this project and get access the documents.
Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No
Value: |
Published: |
2024-10-15 |
Deadline: |
2024-10-15 |
PQQ - Legal Tender (London Residential)
United Kingdom
The Crown Estate Commissioners
The intention is to appoint a law firm to act on non-contentious and contentious real estate legal work generated by The Crown Estate's residential portfolio in London.
Value: |
1 |
Published: |
2024-10-14 |
Deadline: |
1 |
2024-10-14 |
PQQ - Legal Tender (London Residential)
The Crown Estate Commissioners
Value: |
Published: |
2024-10-14 |
Deadline: |
2024-10-14 |
Legal Advice Services to the Trustees of the Parliamentary Contributory Pension Fund (PCPF)
The Corporate Officer of the House of Commons and The Corporate Officer of the House of Lords (acting jointly)
Value: |
Published: |
2024-10-08 |
Deadline: |
2024-10-08 |
Provision of Insurance and related services to Look Ahead Care Support and Housing
Look Ahead Care Support and Housing
The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement.
Bidders should note that for reasons of confidentiality, full Tender information will be made available only to those bidders that are selected to proceed to the ITT Stage. Sufficient detail is provided within this Notice, the SQ and via the Authority's e-procurement portal to enable the Bidder to decide whether or not to participate in this process.
At the ITT stage, all respondents will be required to detail your proposed insurance wordings and provide details of relevant experience of all account servicing, claims handling and risk management staff.
For more information about this opportunity, please visit the Delta eSourcing portal at:
To respond to this opportunity, please click here:
GO Reference: GO-2024104-PRO-27922410
Value: |
Published: |
2024-10-04 |
Deadline: |
2024-10-04 |
PS24190 - Digital Standards Landscaping
The final date and time for the submission of bids is 22/10/2024 at 11:00
DO NOT apply directly to the buyer.
All tender information MUST be submitted through the Jaggaer eSourcing Portal.
Brief Description of Requirement
The aim of this work is to develop recommendations for future standards development to enable interoperable data sharing across a data sharing infrastructure for the energy system, based on a review of priority use cases and the existing standards landscape. The aim is to identify where existing standards could be applied, where they can be modified to meet the priority use cases, and to make recommendations where new standards are required.
The purpose of this work is to assess the standards landscape, conduct a gap analysis, and recommend next steps for the development of technical standards that will enable the interoperable exchange of data across various actors within the energy system. The sharing of data within the energy system will make a direct contribution to decarbonising the power sector by 2030 and enable several other policy objectives, including in energy equity and affordability, energy security, net zero, and economic security. However, the Digital Spine feasibility study, which included engagement with over 100 stakeholders, identified that insufficient data interoperability is a key barrier to data sharing within the energy industry. This work is a gap analysis reviewing existing and emerging technical standards for meeting the use cases identified by DESNZ, in order to recommend next steps for standards development, including where existing standards can be adapted to enable interoperable data sharing between energy system stakeholders and where new standards might need to be developed.
1. Review the priority energy system use cases as specified by DESNZ to produce a set of data types that would be shared as part of a data sharing infrastructure.
2. Review existing or under development standards, including:
a. Standardised data formats for each identified data type.
b. Proposals on how to handle private data or data with specific IP sensitivity, highlighting if/how present standards are planning to treat these data while enabling key use cases and ensuring data confidentiality.
Perform a gap analysis to identify areas requiring standards development to enable interoperable data sharing across a data sharing infrastructure
Please ensure you review all attached information to ensure a full understanding of this requirement. All attachments can be found with the Supplier Attachments tab within the Jaggaer eSourcing Portal.
This contract will be awarded based on the evaluation criteria as set out in the ITQ document.
How to Apply
UK Shared Business Services Ltd (UKSBS) will be using the Jaggaer eSourcing Portal for this procurement.
To register on the Jaggaer eSourcing portal please use the link https://beisgroup.ukp.app.jaggaer.com/ and follow the instructions to register as a s
Additional information:
All submissions will be assessed in accordance with the Public Procurement Regulations that apply to this opportunity.
Responses must be received by the date and time in the tender documentation; responses received outside of the deadline or not sent via the Jaggaer eSourcing portal will not be accepted or considered by the Contracting Authority further for this opportunity, unless a system outage is experienced, to which the Contracting Authority will advise upon accordingly. Interested organisations should ensure that they allow a sufficiency of time, prior to the deadline to allow all sections to be completed in full and any attachments to be uploaded.
As a user of the Jaggaer eSourcing Portal you will have access to the Jaggaer messaging service which facilitates all messages sent to you and from you, as well as other messages and updates in relation to any specific tender event. Please note that any and all information secured outside of the messaging service, shall have no Legal Standing, merit or worth and should not be relied upon by any organisation submitting a tender response.
Please note it is your organisations responsibility to access these messages on a regular basis to ensure you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity.
The Contracting Authority expressly reserves the right:
i. not to award any contract as a result of the procurement process commenced by publication of this notice; and
ii. to make whatever changes it may see fit to the content and structure of the procurement; and under no circumstances as part of your organisations participation in this opportunity, will the Contracting Authority be liable for any costs incurred by any organisation as a result. If the Contracting Authority decides to enter into a contract with any successful organisation(s), this does not mean that there is any guarantee of subsequent contracts being awarded. Any expenditure, work or effort undertaken prior to contract award is accordingly a matter solely for the commercial judgement of your organisation in doing so.
About UK Shared Business Services
UK Shared Business Services Ltd (UKSBS) brings a commercial attitude to the public sector; helping our contracting authorities to improve efficiency, generate savings and modernise.
Where UKSBS is not named as the Contracting Authority within the documentation, UKSBS will be acting as an agent on behalf of the Contracting Authority.
Our broad range of expert services is shared by our customers. This allows our customers the freedom to focus resources on core activities; innovating and transforming their own organisations.
For full details of our partner base please review the following link: http://www.uksbs.co.uk/services/procure/contracts/Pages/default.aspx
Value: |
40000 |
Published: |
2024-10-04 |
Deadline: |
40000 |
2024-10-04 |
Legal Advice Services to the Trustees of the Parliamentary Contributory Pension Fund (PCPF)
Parliamentary Contributory Pension Fund
The Parliamentary Contributory Pension Fund (PCPF) invites applications from suitable organisations who wish to tender for a single supplier contract for the provision of Provision of Legal Advice to the Trustees of the PCPF.
The successful Tenderer will be responsible for providing consistent legal advice and services to the Trustees of the highest quality at all times to ensure the smooth operation of the Fund.
The contract will be for a period of 5 years with the option to extend for a further 5 years on the following basis 3+2. The full requirements are set out within the procurement documents which are downloadable free of charge from Atamis: https://atamis-ukparliament.my.site.com/s/Welcome
If your organisation is not already registered on the UK Parliament Atamis portal, please use the URL above and click on the 'Register here' button, registration is free. Guidance on how to register is available via a link beneath the registration button.
Once logged in, click on 'Find opportunities' and follow the on-screen instructions. Supplier guidance and support is available once logged in.
To ensure you receive email notifications from our system, please add the email domain 'notifications@atamis.co.uk' to your Safe Senders list.
The portal does not currently have the ability to generate alerts to registered suppliers when a new opportunity is published, therefore suppliers are encouraged to register as a supplier and subscribe to the notification service available in both Find a Tender and Contracts Finder to ensure they are notified immediately after publication of any new opportunities.
Value: |
1500000 |
Published: |
2024-10-04 |
Deadline: |
1500000 |
2024-10-04 |
Provision of Insurance and related services to Look Ahead Care Support and Housing
British Oversea Territories
Look Ahead Care Support and Housing
Provision of Insurance and related services to Look Ahead Care Support and Housing
Value: |
1965000 |
Published: |
2024-10-04 |
Deadline: |
1965000 |
2024-10-04 |
DESNZ & DSIT Group Commercial
All submissions will be assessed in accordance with the Public Procurement Regulations that apply to this
Responses must be received by the date and time in the tender documentation; responses received
outside of the deadline or not sent via the Jaggaer eSourcing portal will not be accepted or considered by
the Contracting Authority further for this opportunity, unless a system outage is experienced, to which the
Contracting Authority will advise upon accordingly. Interested organisations should ensure that they allow
a sufficiency of time, prior to the deadline to allow all sections to be completed in full and any
attachments to be uploaded.
As a user of the Jaggaer eSourcing Portal you will have access to the Jaggaer messaging service which
facilitates all messages sent to you and from you, as well as other messages and updates in relation to any
specific tender event. Please note that any and all information secured outside of the messaging service,
shall have no Legal Standing, merit or worth and should not be relied upon by any organisation submitting
a tender response.
Please note it is your organisations responsibility to access these messages on a regular basis to ensure
you have sight of all relevant information applicable to this opportunity.
The Contracting Authority expressly reserves the right:
i. not to award any contract as a result of the procurement process commenced by publication of this
notice; and
ii. to make whatever changes it may see fit to the content and structure of the procurement; and under no
circumstances as part of your organisations participation in this opportunity, will the Contracting
Authority be liable for any costs incurred by any organisation as a result. If the Contracting Authority
decides to enter into a contract with any successful organisation(s), this does not mean that there is any
guarantee of subsequent contracts being awarded. Any expenditure, work or effort undertaken prior to
contract award is accordingly a matter solely for the commercial judgement of your organisation in doing
The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero uses the Jaggaer eSourcing Portal as its eSourcing tool.
Jaggaer will be used for this competition. To register as a supplier, please visit
https://beisgroup.ukp.app.jaggaer.com/ and follow the instructions to register as a supplier.
Please note that, to register, you must have a valid DUNS number (as provided by Dun and Bradstreet) for
the organisation which you are registering, who will be entering into a contract if invited to do so.
Value: |
Published: |
2024-10-03 |
Deadline: |
2024-10-03 |
Supply of AC Cables and Associated Equipment and Services
Suppliers wishing to participate in this procurement process will need to be registered on Ariba and will need to be able to provide an Ariba network ID (ANID). Ariba can be accessed through this link https://support.ariba.com/item/view/174948 if you do not have existing Ariba access. You can express interest in this procurement event through this link https://forms.office.com/r/nqJHddmbKQ and access the documents through this link https://service.ariba.com/Sourcing.aw/. Suppliers must complete and submit the PQQ by the deadline stated at IV.2.2 to be eligible to be shortlisted and invited to tender.
The procurement documents that are made available on Ariba include a contract principles paper, which describes the framework agreement terms at a high level.
All equipment used on the National Grid (NG) system must be type registered by NG. A lack of type registration does not prevent a supplier from being appointed to a framework but will need to be progressed by the supplier for its equipment to be used.
All financial values stated in the notice are indicative and are calculated using current prices with no provision for inflation. All of these values are estimates only and the actual levels of spend will depend on the precise supplies required to be delivered to support NG's projects and other activities, any innovation or technological changes in respect of supplies and associated services and related activities, the means of supply and any related services and other activities, the actual relevant rates of inflation during the contract term and the approach to indexation under the framework agreements and call off contracts that are awarded.
All suppliers who pass the PQQ will be shortlisted and issued with the invitation to tender (ITT). The procurement will follow the negotiated procedure and some or all of the shortlisted bidders may be invited to negotiate during the ITT stage.
Tenders may be submitted for any lots or for equipment within a lot. NG reserves the right to sub-divide a lot, or to award part of a lot, where a supplier is not able to supply all the equipment within a lot, subject to certain conditions that will be stated in the ITT. There are no restrictions on the number of lots that may be awarded to one supplier. For each lot, the proposed number of framework appointments is not currently confirmed. However, a maximum number (or equivalent basis for determining the final number of awards) for each lot will be stated in the ITT and this will remain subject to receiving a sufficient number of compliant tenders. The number will be based on ensuring sufficient coverage for all of NG's equipment needs which is to be confirmed at ITT stage.
NG is running two other procurement events related to overhead lines and switchgear. Where a supplier participates in one or more frameworks within a category, across two categories or all categories, a volume rebate mechanism may apply to cross-category spend. Further details will be included in the ITT.
Anyone participating in this procurement process does so at its own risk and shall bear its own costs, whether or not the process proceeds as anticipated or at all.
Call off contracts under the framework agreements may be awarded by any member of the NG group for the time being (as the group is defined in the draft framework agreement to be provided with the ITT, which will include both wholly owned and partly owned subsidiaries). In the UK, these NG group companies include but are not limited to the National Grid Electricity Transmission, Distribution and Ventures legal entities and business units. The UK and/or US framework agreements may also be awarded by, or novated to, any such group member.
While the lots relating to supply for use in the US are included in this procurement process for completeness, the Utilities Contracts Regulations 2016 do not apply to those lots or to the resulting frameworks, call off contracts or other arrangements
Value: |
Published: |
2024-10-02 |
Deadline: |
2024-10-02 |
Online Legal Resources
The Service should meet the following requirements:
The SSRO is seeking web-based access to legal resources for a period of 3 years:
The SSRO requires the Essential Services and may, in its sole discretion, decide to also purchase one or more of the Additional Services.
The Essential Services and Additional Services (together, the "Services") should meet the following requirements:
resources updated promptly to reflect developments in the law;
resources available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 a year, subject to a minimum level of disruption which the bidder should specify in the tender.
customer support services by telephone and/or email. Customer support service requests should be responded to in a timely manner.
The Services must be available for a minimum of two people.
Essential Services
Up to date legislation and statutory instruments and linked case law references and commentary;
Comprehensive databases of UK and (retained) EU case law;
Encyclopaedias, commentary, journals and practice guides in the following areas:
Procurement and contracts;
Administrative and public law;
Civil procedure, including Judicial Review;
Access to information, particularly: freedom of information, data protection, GDPR and official secrets;
Employment law; and
Comprehensive precedent documents.
Additional Services
The SSRO is also seeking pricing for the following additional services (or equivalents), which it may purchase at its sole discretion -
Law of Public and Utilities Procurement, volume 1 (4th Edition), Arrowsmith;
Chitty on Contracts, volume 1 (35th Edition), Beale;
Public Procurement Law Review; and
Halsbury's Laws of England
Value: |
38000 |
Published: |
2024-10-02 |
Deadline: |
38000 |
2024-10-02 |
Christmas Lights Installation in Swanley
Swanley Town Council
To provide the following:-
Pre-season health check to electrical infrastructure on 26 lamp posts columns, electrical supply from ASDA and electrical supply for Swanley Town Centre. To provide storage for display items when not in use in a secure weathertight warehouse. To provide one or two engineers for the switch on events. To have public liability insurance of at least £10,000,000 and to provide a full risk assessment and method statement to carry out the work.
• Install 25 single column mounted decorations
• Install 1 twin column mounted decoration
• Install icicle lights to ASDA building
• Install icicle lights to NatWest building
• Install icicle lights from Savers to Ladbrokes via Swanley Square
• Service mistletoe lights
• Dress 35ft Christmas Tree
• Install 1 feature display installed
• Two engineers for Switch On event
10 Million insurance cover required. Three year contract, please show annual cost in tender document.
Event information contained within the tender document. Please send completed tenders to Adele - afarrier@swanleytowncouncil.gov.uk
Value: |
45000 |
Published: |
2024-10-02 |
Deadline: |
45000 |
2024-10-02 |
Firework Displays at Swanley Events
Swanley Town Council
'- Fireworks at Summer Annual Display in Swanley Park
- Fireworks at Bonfire Night Display in Swanley Recreation Ground
-Maroons on Remembrance Sunday in Swanley Park
- Minimum 10 Million insurance cover
- Three year contract - Price to be shown in annual cost
Event information contained within the tender document. Please send completed tenders to Adele - afarrier@swanleytowncouncil.gov.uk
Value: |
30000 |
Published: |
2024-10-02 |
Deadline: |
30000 |
2024-10-02 |
Provision of Medical Aid Insurance Broker Services for British High Commission Niamey
Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office
Africa Hub_Niamey Provision of Medical Aid Insurance Broker Services for British High Commission Niamey
Value: |
Published: |
2024-10-01 |
Deadline: |
2024-10-01 |
Information, Advice and Guidance Service
London Borough of Croydon
The London Borough of Croydon (the Council) is seeking to engage providers for the provision of Information, Advice and Guidance.
The aim of a universal IAG service in Croydon is to improve and protect people's wellbeing, prevent problems from worsening and turning into crises, and reduce residents need for other services.
The Service will do this by providing high quality, free, independent, impartial and confidential advice, open to all Croydon residents across a range of topics.
The Provider will offer services to include:
o General, accredited information and advice
o General casework
o Specialist casework
o Advocacy
o Research and campaigns work
o Financial capability work
o Digital training
o Volunteering opportunities
o Legal advice
Subject areas covered include but are not limited to:
o Welfare benefits
o Debt and money management
o Housing and Homelessness
o Employment issues
o Immigration
o Discrimination
The full scope of the contract requirements are provided in the Service Specifications, which form part of the Tender Documents.
The Contracts is for a period of 2 + 1 years (the Term).
This procurement is in line with PCR2015 the open process.
The required Services are being procured via a competitive tendering process and will run electronically via the Croydon Tenders Portal. All communication throughout the tender process will be via London Borough of Croydon E-Procurement Site - Home (in-tendhost.co.uk).
Additional information:
To register your interest in this opportunity please go to https://in-tendhost.co.uk/croydontenders/aspx/
Delivery Notes
Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : No
Value: |
Published: |
2024-09-30 |
Deadline: |
2024-09-30 |
Paradigm Trust - Provision of Legal Services
Paradigm Trust
Section II.3) – dates refer to the initial contract period and do not include the options of any extensions.
Section IV.3.5) – any dates shown are an estimate.
In the first instance, candidates should register with www.multiquote.com and express an interest in the contract, full details of the contract will be available.
The Contracting Authority shall not be under any obligation to accept any tender. The Contracting Authority reserves the right to cancel the entire or parts of the tender, without such an action conferring any right to compensation on the Tenderers.
The Contracting Authority has no liability to settle any cost incurred by the tenderer as a result of the tendering procedure.
Value: |
Published: |
2024-09-27 |
Deadline: |
2024-09-27 |
Buildings Insurance for Residential Leaseholders
Harrow Council
Value: |
Published: |
2024-09-26 |
Deadline: |
2024-09-26 |
Local Public Audit Legal Services
United Kingdom
National Audit Office
The National Audit Office is seeking to appoint an experienced advisor with a strong track record of providing local public audit legal services.
The maximum contract length is 6 years from 1 April 2025 until 31 March 2031 (4 years initial term and 2-year extension period). The estimated total contract value in this PIN is for the maximum duration of 6 years.
The advisor will be expected to possess, and be able to demonstrate, authoritative knowledge of the UK public sector; the legal issues it faces and, where appropriate, how these affect the NAO in its capacity as the United Kingdom's principal public sector audit body.
This will include the provision of advice to audit teams, central support functions, senior NAO staff and the Comptroller and Auditor General as required. We are seeking to appoint an advisor who will work closely and collaboratively with us, while providing responsive, clear, independent and authoritative advice. This will include:
• supporting and advising on matters relating to the C&AG's Code of Audit Practice and guidance to local auditors;
• providing guidance and advice on all aspects of the local public audit regime in England;
• assisting the NAO in responding to queries from audit firms and other stakeholders on the interpretation of public law, audit law and the legal framework applicable to local public bodies; and
• advising on anticipated/actual changes in relevant primary and secondary legislation and regulations.
Additional information: Further information will be provided via Delta e-sourcing portal shortly. If you are interested in obtaining more information, please email NAO.Procurement@nao.org.uk.
Value: |
540000 |
Published: |
2024-09-24 |
Deadline: |
540000 |
2024-09-24 |
Local Public Audit Legal Services
National Audit Office
Further information will be provided via Delta e-sourcing portal shortly. If you are interested in obtaining more information, please email NAO.Procurement@nao.org.uk.
Value: |
Published: |
2024-09-24 |
Deadline: |
2024-09-24 |
PQQ - Legal Real Estate (Regional)
United Kingdom
The Crown Estate Commissioners
Provision of legal advice for real estate legal work and related specialist legal work for The Crown Estate's Regional portfolio.
Value: |
1 |
Published: |
2024-09-23 |
Deadline: |
1 |
2024-09-23 |
London Borough of Ealing
Greener Ealing ("the Buyer") is seeking to procure insurance service contract borough-wide to safeguard the company against potential risk, including but not limited to motor vehicles, public and employer liability and other related insurance coverage.
The tender will allow the opportunity to review the cover that is held an address any particular issues or cover gaps, as well as to consider whether the excess requirements is optimal. Also it ensures that the limits are sufficient to meet the exposures faces.
Value for money will be achieved through competitive tender process.
The insurance cover lines needed but not limited will be:
- Employers Liability
- Public & products liability
- Officials Indemnity
- Professional Indemnity
- Fidelity Guarantee
- Motor Fleet
- PA/Travel
- Computer
Contract Title Insurance
Contract Value £7.5m
Contract Duration 3 years plus 2 x 12 months extension
Form of Contract Insurance contract/policy
Anticipated tender publication date 17.12.2024
Anticipated contract start date 01.07.2025
We are conscious that identifying the right supplier to deliver the above contract will be critical to the successful delivery of essential Greener Ealing services. As such, the Council is undertaking a pre-market engagement exercise to engage with potential suppliers and understand the supplier interest for this type of project.
We would ask that you would kindly complete the questionnaire in Annex 1 below and must be submitted via the messaging facility on the tendering portal no later than 12:00 (midday) on Monday 4th November 2024.
The response of interested parties on these questions will help us to finalise our route to market decision for this procurement.
Value: |
Published: |
2024-09-23 |
Deadline: |
2024-11-04 |
2024-09-23 |
2024-11-04 |
Perceval House
Value: |
Published: |
2024-09-23 |
Deadline: |
2024-09-23 |
PQQ - Legal Real Estate (Regional)
The Crown Estate Commissioners
Value: |
Published: |
2024-09-23 |
Deadline: |
2024-09-23 |
Provision of UK Market Research Data for DBT
British Oversea Territories
Department for International Trade
Invitation to Tender Reference Number itt_734
1. You are invited to tender for the provision of access to a data platform in accordance with the attached document. The requirement is for detailed data on a comprehensive market research report collection, covering the widest possible range of sectors and sub-sectors. This will include industry overviews/executive summaries, detail on Products & Markets; the Competitive Landscape; Operating Conditions across sectors; and key statistics. The reports must sit on a platform that is easily accessible 24/7 and provide accurate and up-to-date intelligence. The report search functionality must be flexible and interactive, and enable the download of full market research reports, and customisable report sections, ideally in word, PowerPoint and PDF.
2. The requirement and subsequent contract shall be for a period of 12 months with the option to extend by 12 months. The estimated value for the contract is £45,000.00 for the initial contract period and is exclusive of VAT. If the contract is extended, the estimated value for the extension period will be £45,000.00 and is exclusive of VAT.
3. This Procurement is being carried out in accordance with the principles of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 in the spirit of the Regulation 27 procedure. Tenderers must submit a tender as a single legal entity. Tenderers can submit a tender as part of a proposed consortium or with named sub-contractors, but the tender must be submitted by a single legal entity that will represent the consortium or group of economic operators.
4. The anticipated date for the contract award decision is 13th November 2024. Please note that this is an indicative date and may change.
5. The clarification period ends on 30th September 2024, at 17:00 GMT. You must submit your tender to arrive no later than 4th November 2024, at 17:00 GMT.
Yours faithfully,
Miriam Woods
Commercial Manager
Value: |
90000 |
Published: |
2024-09-20 |
Deadline: |
90000 |
2024-09-20 |
Loggers and Transcription Services in relation to GDC Hearings
United Kingdom
General Dental Council
The General Dental Council (GDC) intends to secure services for Court Reporters (Loggers) and Transcription Services to record and transcribe Fitness to Practise legal hearings. As part of the hearings process it is important that both dental professionals and the General Dental Council have access to written transcripts which are created from the audio recordings made of proceedings. The service provision will cover two key areas: Logger Services and Transcription of audio recording of Fitness to Practise hearings.
Value: |
1310000 |
Published: |
2024-09-19 |
Deadline: |
1310000 |
2024-09-19 |
Procurement of Criminal Legal Aid Services from 1 October 2025
United Kingdom
The Legal Aid Agency
The Legal Aid Agency (LAA) is inviting Applicants to submit a Tender for a 2025 Standard Crime Contract ("Crime Contract") to deliver publicly funded criminal legal aid services from 1 October 2025.
Applicants wishing to deliver criminal legal aid services under a Crime Contract must submit a response to the SQ for 2025 Standard Crime Contracts - Stage 1 and the 2025 Standard Crime Contract ITT - Stage 1.
This application period opens on 17 September 2024. The LAA intends that the application period will remain open until on, or around, 30 September 2034, subject to the right of early termination. The first stage of the process is for those who wish their contract to commence on 1 October 2025 and to be able to join Duty Rotas from this date also. The second stage of the process will open on 23 October 2024 and close on 30 April 2025 and is for those who wish there contract to commence on 1 October 2025 and to be able to join duty rotas that commence in January 2026. The third stage will open on 1 May 2025 and will close on, or around, 30 September 2034.
The deadline for submitting a Tender in the first stage is 23:59 on 22 October 2024.
You must read the Application Guide (AG) document for this procurement process before submitting your Tender.
The AG can be found in the 'Attachments' section of ITT 1032 - '2025 Standard Crime Contract - Stage 1 Selection Questionnaire for ' or can be downloaded from GOV.UK: Crime Contract 2025 Tender - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
We will accept questions about this AG up until 23:59 on 1 October 2024 (referred to below as 'End date for supplier clarification messages'). Questions must be submitted through the relevant eTendering message board.
Further information on how to submit a question can be found in the AG.
Value: |
1800000000 |
Published: |
2024-09-17 |
Deadline: |
1800000000 |
2024-09-17 |
Home Office Reintegration Programme - Phase 2 - FY 2025-28
Home Office
The United Kingdom Home Department (Home Office) is intending to deliver reintegration support to Returning Individuals from the UK in eleven countries:
• Albania
• Bangladesh
• Ethiopia
• Ghana
• India
• Iraq
• Jamaica
• Nigeria
• Pakistan
• Vietnam
• Zimbabwe
To support the United Kingdom Home Department (Home Office) key priorities of tackling illegal migration, removing those with no right to be here, and protecting the vulnerable, the department is seeking a provider to deliver reintegration services to support Returning Individuals from the United Kingdom (UK) to the eleven countries listed above.
The department has a budget of £15,000,000 for the funding period and therefore, invite interested bidders to provide an approximate cost of 100 Returning Individuals, per country.
Please note that this is an indicative figure only and provision of support to Returning Individuals could be more or less than this number.
Reintegration is a key component of Objective 21 of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration: 'cooperate in facilitating safe and dignified return and readmission, as well as sustainable reintegration', with the Home Office seeking to reduce the burden on receiving states and help individuals to become more self-sufficient following their return.
• Produce a pre-departure information sheet (containing country-specific information) enabling the opportunity to contact the Recipient directly.
• Produce relevant pre-departure communications for Returning Individuals, including video, audio, social media, and marketing communications.
• Airport reception provision for Returning Individuals to address immediate needs (for charters and upon request for scheduled flights).
• Cash assistance to meet immediate needs.
• Residential accommodation for up to 5 nights following arrival (with the option of an additional 5 nights subject to individual circumstances).
• Transportation to an onward destination in-country.
• Provision of care and food packs.
• Assistance with family tracing and reunification services.
• Support with in-country redocumentation requirements.
• Mental Health wellbeing and counselling (where required).
• Support with accessing the job market.
• Access to the Returnee Education and Entrepreneurship fund (REEF) for:
o support with setting up a business; or
o support with accessing vocational training or further education.
• Hosting workshops and/or mentorship programmes to upskill Returning Individuals.
• Legal migration pathways and ethical recruitment.
• Effective monitoring and evaluation of Returning Individuals reintegration outcomes.
The Home Office invites bids from non-statutory sector organisations that are charities and non-profit making organisations in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and overseas. Bids for funding are welcomed from single organisations or multi-organisation consortiums and partnerships.
Additional information: How to register
In order to bid for funding, bidders will first need to register on the Home Office (HO) Jaggaer portal via the following link:
Bidders should be approved for usage within 24 hours of registering on the system.
After clicking on the eSourcing portal link, it should take you to the home page. On the left-hand side of this page, just below the login boxes, there is an option to register.
To register as a supplier, you will need to provide information which will include:
• the full legal name of your organisation;
• your DUNS number - a unique nine-digit number provided to organisations free of charge by Dun & Bradstreet (if you are an international organisation, and do not have a DUNS number, please email HOCommercial.Reintegration@homeoffice.gov.uk ); and
• profile information describing your organisation and the size of your business.
Once registered as a supplier on the portal, please send a notification e-mail to HOCommercial.Reintegration@homeoffice.gov.uk and request access to the associated documents for the Home Office Reintegration Programme competition.
Email to include:
Email subject line "Reintegration Programme - Portal Access."
Organisation name (as registered on Jaggaer).
Organisation type.
Contact name (as registered on Jaggaer).
E-mail address.
Country Lot(s) you are bidding for.
If you have any difficulties registering on the system, then you should contact the Supplier eSourcing Helpdesk: customersupport@jaggaer.com
The HO Jaggaer eSourcing portal is independent of other eSourcing portals. Therefore, if you have registered on the Crown Commercial Service Jaggaer eSourcing portal, you will also need to register on the HO Jaggaer eSourcing portal.
Please note that bids will only be accepted via the HO eSourcing portal. Any bids received outside of this system will not be considered.
Please note that registering for access to the eSourcing portal will not make you a Home Office supplier. To be considered for the award of funding you must first respond to an opportunity.
Further information about procurement at the Home Office can be found on the gov.uk website.
Value: |
15000000 |
Published: |
2024-09-16 |
Deadline: |
15000000 |
2024-09-16 |