Thornton & Lowe are delighted to confirm their own recent bid successes, having secured places on two highly lucrative contracts to provide training and tender support across several different industries.
Having been shortlisted for a contract delivering Bid Management and Bid Writing training to manufacturing and engineering SMEs, Thornton & Lowe then proceeded to deliver an exceptional presentation, winning the substantial contract over a range of well-respected competitors.
Showing our prowess in this field, Thornton & Lowe secured an outstanding overall bid score of 92.19%, demonstrating our knowledge of buyer requirements and acclaimed professionalism throughout the course of this submission.
Subsequently, after a further bid submission for our team, Thornton & Lowe are also pleased to announce our success on a contract providing a North of England Healthcare Trust with guidance and support on future tenders. This contract, which will be carried out over the next two years, saw our bid writers beat several major competitors within the industry and deliver an exceptional presentation to a panel of assessors.
Within this bid, our team also won a smaller contract to become the sole provider of tender support for prison healthcare bids within the trust, gaining first place scores in areas such as due diligence and bid methodology.
We are incredibly proud to share these successes which demonstrate the uniquely-honed skills of our diverse and highly-experienced bidding team. In providing support and guidance on over 400 tenders each year, we are pleased to say we enjoy a remarkable success rate of over 75% for our clients. Our services allow us to support growth and expansion across a wide variety of clients in different industries; something which we also enjoy with lucrative and prestigious bid wins such as these.
Social Value in Tenders
Bid Writing Services
Recruiting a Bid Team
Bid Writing Training
Best Practices in Tendering
Bid Management Processes
How to Win Tenders
Bidding Guides
Finding Tenders
Framework Agreements
Public Sector and Government Tenders
Private Sector Tenders
Bidding for Healthcare Contracts
Bidding for Construction & Infrastructure Contracts
Bidding for IT Contracts
Bidding for Facilities Management Contracts
Bidding for Professional Services Contracts
Bidding for People & Workforce Contracts
Pricing Strategies
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