Thornton & Lowe and associates appeared as panelists at this event
On 10th November, Thornton & Lowe attended the much anticipated TransCityRail Northern Powerhouse Rail conference in Manchester. This conference brought together Chief Executives from some of the country’s most prominent rail businesses, as well as suppliers keen to begin work on Northern Powerhouse and firms who can advise on the best way to proceed with their bids As one of the country’s leading bid management teams, with a wealth of experience in the rail sector, the TransCityRail conference was both a great opportunity to network with suppliers and hear their concerns and understand requirements from the 650 key decision-makers responsible for procurement on this landmark project. Adam Shafar, Thornton & Lowe’s Bid Manager, attended this event alongside Rail Training associate Ian Brogan, who presented to the conference. Adam said: “What was really good about the event was the engagement from Network Rail; with a handful of procurement managers and senior officials in attendance, it was an ideal opportunity for the rail supply chain to engage not only with each other but with the people who hold the purse strings.” “It was also great to see so many innovative, energetic and passionate businesses wanting only the best for this country’s rail system. For us, seeing so many hungry companies wanting to go for business from Northern Rail was great, as this is where we can help and support them.”So, how can Thornton & Lowe help you access contracts and supply chains in the Rail sector?
Thornton & Lowe has an enviable track record guiding our clients to success with contract and framework opportunities across 125 sectors since 2009. Our highly-skilled in-house bid team provide a complete range of bid management services, supporting our clients to bid for and win public and private sector contracts. We also provide Rail-Specific Bid/Tender Training, to support in-house processes and improve success rates. For further information on the services provided by Thornton & Lowe, or to discuss your organisation’s specific requirements, please do not hesitate to contact our head office on 01204 238 046 or email the team at
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