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Case Study
When did you start working with Thornton & Lowe?
We have been working with Thornton & Lowe since 2017, I think, it may even be longer but one of the things I will say about our time working with them is that its flown by, which is a sign of a good relationship right?! With the work that we complete, it was important for us to find someone that has the right experience and knowledge and Dave’s background in social housing was the right fit. Being able to draw on his knowledge and experience, whilst knowing he has good contacts and continually keeps up to date with that sector, just adds to the supportive experience and professionalism that we know we are getting with Dave and his team.
What would summarise your experience with Thornton & Lowe?
When we are submitting tenders for all of our contracts, we are very aware that we are up against some of our biggest competitors, who are much bigger than us in terms of scale, turnover and locations, with some of them being national. It’s no secret to us that they have dedicated in house teams continually working on their tenders. But, since working with Thornton & Lowe we have been able to consistently submit tenders that are of the same quality or even higher than our competitors, resulting in us winning prestigious contracts such as working with Manchester Metropolitan University.
The team that make up Thornton & Lowe are great, but for us our Senior Bid Writer, Maria is just fantastic. Her efficiency, attention to detail, thoroughness, professionalism, and experience mean that we are in safe hands and we know that she will always deliver to the highest of standards. Both her and Dave are always responsive and between them, provide a great and professional service.
How have Thornton & Lowe helped you to grow your business through tendering?
Continuous innovation and improvements within our relationship have helped our work with Thornton & Lowe to evolve. Taking the time to step back, have a full debrief with us about our work, means that things are continually improved upon, which is great. There is nothing that springs to mind that I think the Thornton & Lowe team can improve upon and on the very rare occasion that something might arise that needs attention, it’s dealt with quickly and efficiently.
Over the years we have worked with Thornton & Lowe, our relationship has gone from strength to strength and this is down to the whole team, but largely Maria & Dave. They have helped us win over £10m worth of new contracts and as a result, we have no hesitation in recommending them and have done to a couple of our clients. Their knowledge, experience and professionalism are a great fit for us. They provide us with a great service that we know we can rely on as well as the flexibility we need. They are always able to fulfil our demands on time and to the highest of standards, and the end result is one of success, which has been proven time and time again as we continue to win new contracts and grow our business with the support of Maria, Dave and the team.
They have helped us win over £10m worth of new contracts and as a result, we have no hesitation in recommending them
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